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外文翻译--浅谈注塑模具先进制造关键技术的发展外文翻译--浅谈注塑模具先进制造关键技术的发展 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com 浅谈注塑模具先进制造关键技术的发展 1. 模具制造技术的发展方向 当前模具制造的发展方向主要表现为以下五个方面。 1.1 一般的机加工方法 发展至采用光机电相结合的数控电火花成形、数控电火花线切割以及各种特殊加工相结合~例如电铸成形、粉末冶金成形、精密铸造成形、激光加工等。从而可以加工出复杂的型腔和型芯~以及保证较高的加工精度要求。目前慢走丝线切割和电火花放电加工精度要求。目前慢走丝线切割和电火花放电加工精度可达到1(5 ...
外文翻译--浅谈注塑模具先进制造关键技术的发展 巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com 浅谈注塑模具先进制造关键技术的发展 1. 模具制造技术的发展方向 当前模具制造的发展方向主要表现为以下五个方面。 1.1 一般的机加工 发展至采用光机电相结合的数控电火花成形、数控电火花线切割以及各种特殊加工相结合~例如电铸成形、粉末冶金成形、精密铸造成形、激光加工等。从而可以加工出复杂的型腔和型芯~以及保证较高的加工精度要求。目前慢走丝线切割和电火花放电加工精度要求。目前慢走丝线切割和电火花放电加工精度可达到1(5 m~加工表面粗糙度可达到Ra0(004 m~基本上达到了精面要求。 1.2 先进的技术支持条件 模具的服务对象主要是电器、汽车厂家~产品的更新换代快~而且模具的设计已经从二维发展为三维~实现了可视化设计~不但可以立体、直观地再现尚未加工出的模具体~真正实现了CAD,CAM一体化~而且三维设计解决了二维设计难干解决的一些问题~诸如:干涉检查、模拟装配等。 1.3 模具快速制造技术 当前快速制造有三个发展方向:分别是基于并行工程的注塑模具快速制造、基于快速原型技术的注塑模具快速制造和高速切削技术。 1.3.1 基于并行工程的注塑模具快速制造生产方式 是以注塑模具的化设计为基础的~它主要体现为经营管理、模具设计为基础的~它主要体现为经营管理、模具设计和模具制造的三个体系的标准fE。为了实现标准化~需要解决三项关键技术:一是统一数据库和文件传输格式,二是充分利用和开发Internet和Intranet~实现信息的集成和数据资源的共享, 三是解决生产的组织、协调和专业分工~确定各个部门和层次的项目分解和利益分配的基准和算法。 1.3.2 基于快速原型技术的注塑模具快速制造 直接从CAD模型生产工模具被认为是一种可以减少新产品成本和开发周期的重要的方法~近些年来~这种将CAD技术、快速成型(RP)和快速工模具制造(RT)等高新技术相结合~已经对传统的注塑模具的制造产生了重大的冲击。CAD技术的应用在很大程度上代替了实物的评估和试验~减少了新产品研制过程中的迭代次数~从而加快了新产品的开发速度。 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com 1.3.3 高速切削技术(High SpeedMachining)的应用 高速切削技术制造模具~具有切削效率高~可明显缩短机动加工时间~加工精度高~表质量好~因此可大大缩短机械后加工、人后加工和取样检验辅助工时等许多优点。 在某注塑模的高速铣削中~材料硬度为56,58HRC~原来采用电火花加工(EDM)~每个零件需时90min~采用直径为l2mm球头铣刀~主轴转速l500r,min、工作台进给l500r,min进行高速加工~加工每个零件只需5min~工效提高了l 8倍。 今后~电火花成形加工应该主要针对一些尖角、窄槽、深小孔和过于复杂的型腔表面的精密加工。高速成切削加工在发达国家的模具制造业中已经处于主流地位~据统计~目前有85,左右的模具电火花形加工工序已被高速加工所取代。但是由于高速切削的一次性设备投资比较大~在国内~高速成切削与电火花加工还会在较长时间内并存。 模具的高速切削中对高速切削机床有下列技术要求:?主轴转速高~功率大,?机床的刚度好,?主轴转动和工作台直线运动都要有极高的加速度。由于高速切削时产生的切削热和刀具的磨损比普通速度切削高很多~因此~高速刀具的配置十分重要~主要表现为:?刀具材料应硬度高、强度高 耐磨性好~韧度高 抗冲击能力强~热稳定和化学稳定性好,?必须精心选择刀具结构和精度、切削刀的 几何参数~刀具与机床的连接方式广泛采用锥部与主轴端面同时接触的HSK空心刀柄~锥度为l:l0~以确保高速运转刀具的安全和轴向加工精度。?型腔的粗加工 半精加工和精加工一般采用球头铣刀~其直径应小于模具型腔曲面的最小曲率半径,而模具零件的平面的粗、精加工则可采用带转位刀片的端铣刀。 1.4 发展新的塑料模具材料及模具表面技术 主要是发展易加工、抛光性好的材料~预硬易切削钢(一般28,35HRC之间)、耐蚀钢 硬质合金钢以及时效硬化型钢、冷挤压成型钢。表面工程可以弥补模具材料的不足~降低模具材料的研发及加工的费用。近年来迅速发展起来的激光表面强化技术、物理气相沉淀技术(PVD)、化学气相沉淀技术(CVD)、热喷涂技术等新的表面技术~而传统的表面技术(如热扩散、电镀)tg有很大的完善与发展~如电镀技术已经发展到复合电镀技术。 1.5 基于信息注塑模具的制造新模式 与注塑模具制造活动有关的信息包括产品的信息和制造信息。现代制造过程可以看作是原材料或毛坯所含的信息量的增值过程~信息流驱动将成为制造业的设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com 主流。它包括两个层面:一是通过企业内部的局域网~完成模具报价、人员的安排、制品原始数据、模具加工、质量检测、试模具与交付等任务,二是通过企业外部的互联网完成企业与用户、与外协企业之间的信息交换~这种制造方式必须通过动态联盟(Virtual Organization)这种新的生产模式来实现的。动态联盟分三层:紧密层、合作关系层和松散层。 2 新兴特殊注射成型技术对模具制造的发展要求 注射成型技术作为塑料加工成型方法中最重要的方法之一~已经得到相当广泛的应用。据统计~注塑制品约占整个塑料制品的20,,30,~而在工程塑料中有80,以上的制品是采用注塑成型加工的。但随着塑料制品应用的日益广泛~不同的领域对塑料制品的精度、功能成本等方面提出了很多更高的要求~因此在传统注塑成型技术的基础上~又发展了许多特殊的新兴注塑成型技术~如低压注射成型、熔芯射击成型、装配注射成型、磁场定向注射成型、单色多模注射成型、气体辅助注射成型、薄壳注射成型技术等。因些必须改变注塑模具的设计和制造体系~才能够满足成型要求。 另外~随着微机电系统的产业生命线的进展~微细型注塑模具设计与制造技术的研究近年来得到了人们的重视~随着MEMs产业化的进程~微注塑成型技术有着巨大的潜力和发展空间。微型注塑成型通常用于医疗、电信、计算机、电气等领域~医疗和电子器械越来越小型化~因此对人们希望制件可以做得越来越小。微型注塑成型有许多优点~如工模具的成本可以更低~而且原料的成本也大大的降低~研究适合微型注塑模具和微型注塑机的成型理论和制造方法~寻找和研制适合微型塑料制件生产的塑料原料~以及开发相应的检测仪器设备~已经成为目前国内外的研究热点。 3 结语 先进制造技术对注塑模具制造产生了重大的影响~反过来~注塑成型新技术的产生与发展也对制造技术不断提出了新的要求。将信息技术与现代管理技术应用于制造全过程~未来注塑模制造将是以计算机辅助技术为主导技术~以信息流畅作为首要备件的有极强应变能力与竞争力的技术。 The Development Of Mold Manufacturing Technology 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com 1 The direction of development of mold manufacturing technology. The current direction of development of mold manufacturing mainly for the following five aspects. 1.1 General machining method Electrical and optical development of the combination of CNC EDM, CNC EDM wire cutting, as well as the combination of a variety of special processing, for example, Electroforming shape, powder forming, precision casting forming, laser processing. So that we can process the complex cavity and core, as well as to ensure a higher precision. At present, walking Wire cutting and EDM precision. At present, walking Wire cutting and EDM precision of up to 1.5 m, surface roughness can be achieved Ra0.004 m, basically met the requirements of the smart side. 1.2 Advanced technology to support the conditions Die clients are mainly electrical appliances, automobile manufacturers, product upgrading soon, and mold design has been developed into a three-dimensional from two-dimensional, the realization of a visual design, not only three-dimensional, visual processing and reproduction of the mold has not been specific, realize the CAD / CAM integration, design and three-dimensional design of a two-dimensional hard to stem some of the issues, such as: interference checking, simulation assembly. 1.3 Rapid Tooling Manufacturing Technology Rapid Manufacturing has three current direction of development: concurrent engineering, respectively, is based on the rapid manufacturing of injection molds, rapid prototyping technology based on the rapid manufacture of injection molds and high-speed cutting technology. 1.3.1 Concurrent Engineering Based on Rapid Manufacturing of injection mold production Standardization is based on the design of injection mold based mainly reflected in the operation and management, based on mold design, which is reflected in the operation and management, mold design and mold manufacturing standards for the three systems fE. In order to achieve standardization, the need to address the three key technologies: First, a unified database and file transfer format; Second, the full use and development of Internet and Intranet, the integration of information resources and data sharing; Third, production of the organization, coordination and specialization to 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com determine the various departments and levels of decomposition and the distribution of benefits the project baseline and algorithms. 1.3.2 Based on Rapid Prototyping Rapid Manufacturing of injection molds Directly from the CAD model of the production of Tool & Die is considered to be a new product can reduce the cost and development cycle of the important ways in recent years, this will be CAD technology, rapid prototyping (RP) and Rapid Tool & Die Manufacturing (RT) and other high-tech technology, has been the injection mold of traditional manufacturing has had a major impact. The application of CAD technology to a large extent replaced the kind of assessment and testing, a reduction of new product development process iterations, thereby speeding up the pace of new product development. 1.3.3 High-speed cutting technology (High SpeedMachining) Application High-speed cutting tool technology, cutting with high efficiency, can significantly shorten the motor processing time, high precision machining, sheet quality, it could significantly reduce the time after mechanical processing, sample processing and after working hours, such as test aids many advantages. Injection mold in a high-speed milling, the material hardness of 56 ~ 58HRC, the original use of electrical discharge machining (EDM), each part will take 90min, using a diameter of ball-end milling l2mm, spindle speed l500r/min, workstations into l500r/min to high-speed processing, the processing of each part only 5min, ergonomics l 8-fold increased. In future, the EDM should be targeted at a number of pointed, narrow chutes, deep holes and the cavity is too complicated precision surface processing. Into high-speed machining of mold manufacturing in developed countries has been in the mainstream, according to statistics, at present, about 85% of mold shaped EDM processes have been replaced by high-speed processing. However, due to high-speed cutting of large one-time investment in equipment, in the domestic, high-speed cutting and EDM into will coexist for a long time. High-speed cutting tool for high-speed cutting machines have the following technical requirements: ? high spindle speed, large power; ? Good machine tool stiffness; ? spindle rotation and linear motion table must have a very high acceleration. Generated as a result of high-speed cutting of the cutting tool wear and heat than ordinary cutting speed is much higher, so the configuration of the importance of high-speed cutting tools, mainly as follows: ? tool material should be 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com high hardness, high strength and good wear resistance, toughness of high anti - the impact of ability, thermal stability and chemical stability; ? structure must be carefully selected and precision cutting tool, cutting knife Geometric parameters of cutting tools and machine tool widely used in connection with the spindle taper face contact at the same time HSK hollow shank, taper for the l: l0, high-speed operation to ensure the safety and axial tool machining accuracy. ? cavity of rough semi-finishing and finishing ball-end milling generally, the diameter of mold cavity surface should be less than the minimum radius of curvature; and mold the flat parts of the rough, finishing can be used with blade end milling cutter. 1.4 The development of new materials and mold plastic mold surface technology Mainly the development of easy processing, and polishing of good material, pre-hard-free cutting steel (generally between 28 ~ 35HRC), corrosion of steel, as well as age-hardening steel hard alloy steel, cold steel squeeze into. Surface engineering can make up for the lack of mold materials, mold materials to reduce R & D and processing costs. Developed rapidly in recent years, laser surface hardening technology, physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition technique (CVD), thermal spray technology, the surface of the new technology, and the surface of traditional technologies (such as thermal diffusion, electroplating) tg are a lot of improvement and development, such as electroplating technology has developed to a composite plating technology. 1.5 A new model of based injection mold manufacture Injection mold manufacturing activities and related information including product information and manufacturing information. Modern manufacturing processes or raw materials can be seen as a rough amount of information contained in the value-added process-driven information flow will become the mainstream of the manufacturing sector. It includes two levels: first, through the enterprise's internal LAN, the completion of mold pricing, personnel arrangements, the raw data products, mold processing, quality testing, mold test tasks and delivery; second is external, through the Internet to complete business and users, and outside the Association for the exchange of information between enterprises, which must be adopted to create dynamic alliance (Virtual Organization) of this new mode of production to be achieved. Dynamic Alliance sub-three-fold: a close level, cooperation between the layers and layers of loose. 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com 2 The development requirements of new special injection molding technology to mold Injection molding plastics processing technology as a method of one of the most important ways, has been a wide range of applications. According to statistics, the entire injection molding plastic products account for about 20% ~ 30%, while in engineering plastics for more than 80% of the products are processed using injection molding. However, with the ugly plastic applications benefit a wide range of different areas at the beginning of precision plastic products, the functional aspects of the cost of a lot higher, so in the traditional injection molding technology, also developed a number of specific emerging injection molding techniques, such as low-pressure injection molding, Fusible core shooting molding, assembly injection molding, injection molding field-oriented, multi-mode single-color injection molding, gas-assisted injection molding, injection molding shell technology. Something must be changed due to injection mold design and manufacturing system, in order to meet the forming requirements. In addition, micro-electro-mechanical systems as the lifeblood of the industry's progress, fine-based injection mold design and manufacturing technology in recent years people's attention, as the process of industrialization of MEMs, micro-injection molding technology has great potential and development of space . Micro-injection molding is usually used in medical, telecommunications, computer, electrical and other fields, medical and electronic devices become increasingly smaller, and therefore it is hoped that more and more small parts can be done. Micro-injection molding has many advantages, such as the cost of Tool & Die can lower the cost of raw materials and significantly reduce research for micro and micro-injection mold injection molding machine theory and manufacturing methods to search for and development of plastic parts for the production of micro - plastic raw materials, and the development of appropriate detection equipment, has become a hot topic at home and abroad. 3 Conclusion Advanced manufacturing technology for manufacture of injection mold has a major impact on the other hand, injection molding the emergence of new technologies and development of manufacturing technology has made new demands. Information technology and modern management techniques applied to the whole process of manufacturing, injection mold the future will be based on computer-aided 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com manufacturing technology, leading technology and information flow as the primary spare parts are very strong ability of technology and competitiveness. 设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.com
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