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关于成立助学工作室策划关于成立助学工作室策划 计算机科学与技术学院 计算机科学与技术学院学生工作处 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent h...
关于成立助学工作室策划 计算机科学与技术学院 计算机科学与技术学院学生工作处 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 一、成立背景及目的 .................................................................................... 3 二、组织定位 ......................................................................................... 3 三、组织成员结构 ......................................................................................... 4 四、组织成员 ......................................................................................... 4 五、日常工作流程 ......................................................................................... 6 六、重大任务流程 ......................................................................................... 6 七、成员人事管理 ......................................................................................... 7 八、奖励与处罚机制 .................................................................................... 8 九、初期工作试行............................................................................... 8 十、注意事项 .................................................................................................... 9 十一、最后寄语............................................................................................... 9 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 一、 成立背景及目的 作为学院的行政管理机构,学生工作处的主要服务对象就是大学的根本——学生。其涉及勤工助学、素质考评以及身心健康等其它诸多事宜,与同学们的生活、学习紧密相间。由于学生工作处的工作本身就十分繁重,再加上近些年来大学生日益彰显的个性。“一手抓”的工作方式显然显得力不从心。主要负责老师虽已尽心尽力,但面对全院上千人的学生规模仍旧是是分身乏术、杯水车薪。 鉴于此,成立一个高效且精炼的辅助机构来支持开展学生工作处的各项工作无疑是个正确决策。而且新的学年刚到来,各项奖、助学金的评定工作接踵而至的形势下,助学工作室的成立更是迫在眉睫。 所以,助学工作室必定能为学生工作处的各项工作能顺利开展,更为广大计算机学院学生提供更为细致入微的服务,做出巨大贡献。也希望可以通过这个组织,可以给大家一个学习,交流的机会,塑造一个让计算机乃至整个 哈工大(威海)同学们更加美好的生存空间。 二、 组织定位分析 助学工作室是计算机科学与技术学院团委下属、计算机科学与技ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.3 术学院学生工作处直属的组织机构。旨在由学生工作处及其主要责任老师的领导下,支持开展学生工作处的各项工作事宜。 三、组织成员结构 下设:主要责任老师1名,正/副主任各1名,普通成员6名。(如图) 成员结构表 职务 人数(人) 责任老师 1 正主任 1 副主任 1 普通成员 6 共计 9 备注:所有班级生活委员为编外人员协助助学工作室开展工作。 四、组织成员职责 主要责任老师: ?:负责领导处理助学工作室的各项事宜。 ?:下达各项工作的具体通知。 ?:监督助学工作室的各项工作进展。 ?:负责维护、争取工作室的利益。 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 正主任: ?:负责沟通协调工作室与责任老师的对接工作。 ?:负责有关工作室的制度、策划的制定与修改工作。 ?:每学期(年)组织召开期(年)末的工作会议与其它例会。 ?:负责工作室的任务分配工作。 ?:负责将所有成员工作(电子版)的汇总工作。 ?:行使与普通成员作为年级专业负责人相同的工作(负责某年级的某个专业)。 ?:在进行重大任务过程中处理一些紧急事物。 副主任: ?:在正主任有特殊情况时,代理行使其所有职责。 ?:负责工作室的财务工作。 ?:行使与普通成员作为年级专业负责人相同的工作(负责某年级的某个专业)。 普通成员: ?:服从责任老师与主任的任务分配。 ?:作为年级专业负责人的工作(负责某年级的某个专业)。 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.5 五、日常工作流程 1.值班及值班表 ?:每学期初由主任负责排值班表。 ?:值班人员主要为大一与大二的成员。 ?:大一的每周可安排2—4节课,大二的每周安排2 节课左右。 ?:尽量保证每天都有人值班。 2.各年级贫困生签字的工作。 3.学院勤工助学表的工作。 4.其它具体事务。如讲座考勤等。 六、重大工作流程 主要流程:(四步) 第一步:责任老师及导员将具体通知及相关材料下发到 学生手上。 第二步:各班生活委员/班长收齐并汇总好,按要求检 查、修改格式。最后以班级为单位上交给专业负责人。 第三步:各年级专业负责人将本专业收齐并汇总好,再 次检查、修改格式。电子版以专业为单位上交给正主任,纸质 版则直接交给责任老师/辅导员。 第四步:正主任统一汇总全院所有年级的,打包给老师。 注意事项: ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 1. 电子版与纸质版的处理过程不同,详见上述第三步。 2. 共分为两级检查。班委一次,专业负责人一次。主 任仅负责汇总,不再进行格式检查、修改。所以, 专业负责人务必确保格式是正确的再上交。 3. 责任老师及导员所发通知要尽可能的详细,并提供 相关的所有材料。 4. 七、人事管理 1.纳新途径: ?:由大一辅导员发通知报名竞选。 ?:由工作室成员举荐。 ?:自荐。 2.离职: ?:无特殊原因不得离职。 ?:在未找到其他人员接任前不得擅自离职。 ?:离职前须向责任老师及主任汇报审批。 3.主任的选拔: ?:至少有一年在工作室的工作经历。 ?:须是大二或大三的学生。 ?:本人不得有通告批评、留校查看等重大违纪处分。 ?:不得同时在校级组织任部长及以上的职位。 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.7 ?:品学兼优,受其他成员拥戴,与师生关系融洽。 八、奖励与处罚机制 1.奖励 1 方案2 加个性发展 加日常行为 职务 加分 职务 加分 主任 1.5分 主任 4分 副主任 3分 副主任 1分 ?加分 成员 0.5分 成员 2分 ?:主任即辅导员助理,保留勤工助学岗位工资 ?:向学院申请经费或再申请一份勤工助学岗位工资作为 工作室的各项开支,次项经费由副主任管理。 2.处罚 由责任老师与主任共同商议后处理。 九、初期暂行方法 由于助学工作室刚筹备成立,有诸多不完善之处,故特别在此说明一下工作初期的暂时工作方法。 暂时设成员(学生)共计5人。15级两个专业负责人,14级两个专业负责人和主任一名,均为正式成员,享受所有权利及应尽义务。12级、13级各找两人任临时专业负责人(视工作量考虑是否加ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 分)。在次基础上,正常开展学生工作室的各项事务。 十、注意事项 1、为了不断完善各项制度及流程,每学期(年)末由主任组织召开一次工作报告会,讨论一学期(年)以来各项工作细节,提出建议,整合一套合理的改进方案。 2、在重大工作上,要准时、高效、灵活。必要时,提前召开例会,研究细节,保证工作的顺利开展。 3、由于每学年初,各项奖、助学金的评定工作比较繁重,可在主任的组织下对所有生活委员进行开会指导,帮助他们配合学院及工作室的工作。 十一、最后寄语 我们希望通过学生工作室这个组织给全院同学提供了一个了解其他同学生活、学习的机会,调动了组织成员以及全院学生对学生工作的关注度,为全体计算机学院的同学提供一个交流讨论的平台,使得所有同学在知识,见识上得到丰富与发展。同时我们也意识到要在今后的工作中团结一致,群策群力,开拓进取,不断地进行总结,发现问题,以奋斗的姿态和不懈的努力缔造出计算机学院生机勃勃、欣欣向荣的繁荣景象,引领学校校园文化的时尚,开创我校学生工作的ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.9 新局面。 策 划 人:段振帅 指导老师:王佳俊 2015年 10 月1日 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.
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