

2017-09-26 29页 doc 335KB 79阅读




保肝护肝药介绍保肝护肝药介绍 养肝护肝产品哪种好 肝脏是人很重要的器官,但是现在生活的压力,各种不良的生活习惯(吸烟,过度饮酒,熬夜等等),病毒等等致使我们的肝脏一直在受着威胁。选择一款正确的保肝护肝的产品非常重要。 目前经国家食品药品监督管理局批准的合法上市销售的护肝产品有一百余种。在选择护肝片时虽然可以发现这些护肝产品组方相同,但是值得注意的是体恒健牌养肝片,其作为祖国医学传统的经典保肝护肝中成药同时加入了微量元素硒这一全新发现,已荣获国家专利,上市已十余年,广受好评。 不同厂家生产的护肝产品因为投料、是否选择道地药材、企业内控...
保肝护肝药介绍 养肝护肝产品哪种好 肝脏是人很重要的器官,但是现在生活的压力,各种不良的生活习惯(吸烟,过度饮酒,熬夜等等),病毒等等致使我们的肝脏一直在受着威胁。选择一款正确的保肝护肝的产品非常重要。 目前经国家食品药品监督管理局批准的合法上市销售的护肝产品有一百余种。在选择护肝片时虽然可以发现这些护肝产品组方相同,但是值得注意的是体恒健牌养肝片,其作为祖国医学传统的经典保肝护肝中成药同时加入了微量元素硒这一全新发现,已荣获国家专利,上市已十余年,广受好评。 不同厂家生产的护肝产品因为投料、是否选择道地药材、企业内控、质量标准的不同,差别很大,也会影响服用效果和安全性,建议选择品牌厂家的产品。 体恒健牌养肝片,是济南体恒健生物有限公司开发的一款高科技产品,由【体恒健商城】官方销售,富含硒麦芽和五味子,两大护肝卫士,促进肝脏解毒排毒,修复化学性肝损伤,有效预防肝炎、酒精肝、脂肪肝、肝硬化、降低转氨酶。硒加五味子协同作用,减轻肝脏负担,减少长期服药对肝脏带来的副作用。上市至今已有十余年,累计销量近100亿片 体恒健牌养肝片产品说明 【注册商标】体恒健 【生产厂家】 济南体恒健生物工程有限公司 【产品名称】通用名: 养肝片、五味子养肝片 【汉语拼音】:YangGan Pian 【保健功能】对化学性肝损伤有辅助保护作用,有养肝、保肝、护肝作用。 【主要原料】硒麦芽粉、 五味子 【功效成分】蛋白硒(以Se计):每100g中含1.3mg 【适宜人群】有化学性肝损伤危险者、脂肪肝、酒精肝、慢性肝炎、早期肝硬化以及转氨酶偏高的人群 【食用方法及食用量】每日1次,每次6片 【规格】0.7g/片 一瓶100片 【批准文号】卫食健字(2000)第0155号 【卫生许可证号】鲁卫食证字(2004)第B 011号 【GMP批准编号】鲁卫GMP(2004)第001号 【购买渠道】体恒健商城 体恒健牌养肝片临床总结 体恒健牌养肝片上市至今十余年,被2000多家医院作为保肝基本药物广泛应用,根据article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 辽宁中医药大学附属医院、长春中医药大学附属医院、黑龙江中医药大学附属医院、北京胸科医院、河北胸科医院、沈阳胸科医院六家单位的研究结果显示,体恒健牌养肝片在酒精性脂肪肝、酒精性肝炎的治疗总有效率分别达到73.61%和83.31%,对于药物性肝炎和药物性肝损伤的治愈率更分别高达85.07%、89.55%,保肝降酶作用明确、药效稳定,安全性高。 试验结果显示,对于酒精性肝炎,体恒健牌养肝片可使受试者的相关指标在治疗后出现显著下降,ALT、AST、GGT分别下降61.38%、21.43%、23.48%。治疗的有效率、显效率和总有效率分别达到11.11%、72.20%和83.31%。体恒健牌养肝片用于酒精性脂肪肝中医疗效评价的治疗的显效率、有效率和总有效率分别达到22.22%、51.39%和73.61%。在治疗药物性肝炎的临床试验上,体恒健牌养肝片使患者治疗后的ALT和AST分别下降80.67%和70.37%,有效率和痊愈率分别达到11.94%和85.07%,降酶疗效和退黄疗效分别达到92.50%和100%。综上研究显示,体恒健牌养肝片对酒精性脂肪肝、酒精性肝炎和药物性肝炎作用明确,药效显著,可广泛用于上述疾病的治疗及辅助治疗。 体恒健牌养肝片成份介绍 硒——微量元素中的护肝卫士 1. 现代科学研究证明:肝炎、肝硬化等肝损伤时,都可表现血硒降低,而低硒又能促成酒精性肝病的发生; 2. 硒可以起到加速酒精分解代谢,解除酒后不适,进而保护肝脏,预防酒精性肝损伤; 3. 硒元素可以通过谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶完成的抗氧化作用,保护肝细胞的结构完整, 清除自由基,加快脂质过氧化物的分解,从而保护肝脏。 4.硒具有良好的解毒功能,能拮抗多种有毒重金属物质(如:汞、铅、苯、砷等)和一些有害化合物,从而减少环境中有毒物质对肝脏的伤害。 中药五味子养肝保肝卫士 1. 五味子能促进胆汁分泌,加速肝内酒精等有毒物质的排泄。 2.五味子中富含多种活性成分——木脂素,此类物质可以增强GSH-PX和SOD等酶的生物活性,具有保护肝细胞膜、抗脂质过氧化、促进蛋白质生物合成和肝糖原生成等作用,能促进损伤的肝细胞的修复,增长、抑制肝细胞病变。 3.五味子能促进肝脏的解毒过程、保护肝脏免受毒害,并能再生因滥用酒精、药物或肝炎而受损的肝脏组织。 4.五味子亦能有效地降低不断升高的转胺酶–丙胺酸转胺酶(SGPT/ALT-20天内降低75%) 5.五味子有很好的消炎作用,能很好的修复受损的肝细胞。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 体恒健牌养肝片产品功效 1:解酒护肝。体恒健养肝片的硒和五味子能够促进醒酒、解酒、加速肝脏酶合成。肝脏产生的醇脱氢酶是分解酒精的唯一途径,服用养肝片后,身体能够提高该物质合成能力,加快肝脏分解酒精,预防肝积毒,从而起到保护肝脏作用,养肝片还能再生因滥用酒精受损的肝脏组织。其还可有效缓解酒后,头晕,偏头痛,脸红,宿醉难受,胸闷等酒后症状。所以养肝片还是喝酒护肝必备良品。 2:修复因酒精肝、脂肪肝造成的肝损伤。祖国医学认为对于脂肪肝,以祛湿化痰、活血化瘀,舒肝利胆,调和脾胃为治则。体恒健牌养肝片由硒麦芽加五味子制成。五味子收敛固涩,益气生津。硒麦芽解毒抗氧化,诸药合用,具有疏肝理气、清热养肝、利湿解毒、健脾消食、降酶、祛脂的作用。目前,在重度肥胖成人中,脂肪肝发病率50%,普通成人发病率在10%左右,服用养肝片可对上述症状起到明显减缓和养护作用,达到养肝护肝的目的。因此,体恒健牌养肝片是一种价格低廉,疗效确切,值得临床推广的治疗脂肪肝的常用药物。 3:降低转氨酶。当前工作压力、熬夜、饮食等因素导致体内转氨酶上升,长期下去肝脏难免受损。中医指出伤肝则血不足,对人免疫力、身体素质造成较大影响,服用养肝片可有效降低转氨酶高的症状。 4:降低长期服药患者肝脏损伤。药物在肝脏中需经生物转化才能被清除。长期服用已知或未知的对肝有损害的化学药物,对患者来说顾此失彼。体恒健养肝片能显著改善产期服药患者的临床症状,有较强的修复损伤肝细胞,降低血清转氨酶;诱导肝药酶活性,降低药物对肝细胞损害;其中主药五味子(所含五味子乙素)对肝线粒体细胞色素P450的诱导作用,甚为关键。 5:预防乙肝。乙肝病毒(HBV)携带者占全国人口的 13%,有4%的肝炎患者会发展为硬化。肝炎大三阳, 后期大多转为肝硬化。体恒健养肝片中特含的“硒”元素能有效抑制肝细胞病变,阻断病毒的变异,且能均衡人体心、肝、脾、肺及肾作用,增强人体免疫功能,促进病体的康复。专家建议:乙肝病毒携带者要定期检查肝功能及注重日常调理,自己多注意养肝护肝。 6:预防肝纤维化。肝病的发展有“肝炎?肝硬化?肝癌”三部曲之说,肝纤维化是肝病向肝硬化、肝癌转化的过程,抑制肝纤维化,就能减少肝硬化、肝癌的发生。肝病患者体内往往缺硒,这会引起机体抗氧化能力的下降,造成“自由基”的清除受到阻碍,过多的自由基会损伤肝脏,引发肝纤维化。养肝片中特含的“硒”可提高体内“含硒酶”活性,全面提高人体抗氧化能力,及时清除有害自由基,保护肝脏,促进肝功能恢复,防止肝纤维化,预防乙肝、酒精肝、肝硬化、肝癌的发生。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 7:肝纤维化患者。已经出现肝纤维化甚至肝硬化患者,一定要及时配合改善,消除病因,服用体恒健养肝片可以将肝硬化消灭于萌芽状态,或者限制其发展,预防肝癌。 8:肝硬化患者养肝护肝。经常用药易肝硬化患者易产生耐药性,副作用也不容忽视,服用养肝片可有效缓解肝硬化患者用药带来的副作用。 9:排出体内毒素。五味子养肝片中的“五味子”和“硒”能益气强肝、增进细胞排除废物的效率。帮助肝脏排毒,并提升肝脏自身的解毒能力,同时提升肝脏抵抗毒素的能力,提升肝脏对毒素的耐受性,拮抗多种有毒重金属物质(如:汞、铅、苯、砷等)和一些有害化合物,从而减少环境中有毒物质对肝脏的伤害。睡前服用,轻松排出体内毒素,每天早上起来给你的身体焕然一新感觉。 10:增强免疫力。肝病患者免疫功能普遍低下,体内的病毒难于完全清除,造成病情反复发作。而五味子和硒是强效免疫调节剂,可刺激体液免疫和细胞免疫系统,增强机体的免疫功能,提高肝脏自身的抗病能力,从而有助于防止肝病病情的反复发作。如乙型肝炎、酒精肝患者在服用体恒健养肝片后能够在相对较短的时间内,大大改善食欲缺乏、乏力、面容晦暗等症状。 11:修复受损肝细胞。近年来药物性肝损伤、家庭中化学物、化学气体对肝脏造成的隐性危害在逐渐增加,特别是化学工厂、化肥工厂、玩具厂和一线代工企业工人,其肝问十分严峻!体恒健养肝片能有效修复化学、药物造成的肝损害,增强肝细胞抵抗力。 体恒健牌养肝片适用人群: 体恒健养肝养肝片适用人群为:长期服用药物者、肝纤维化患者、长期饮酒、熬夜、吸烟者、脂肪肝、肝硬化患者、转氨酶高患者、乙肝病毒携带者。 体恒健养肝片能长期吃么 由上述描述可见,体恒健牌养肝片的效果是显著的,但养肝片可以经常吃吗,基于这一点,有关专家做了其急性和毒性试验。最后试验表明,养肝片长期使用后对动物体重、血液学检查,血液生化学检查及脏器系数计算均无影响,病理组织学检查结果均未发现与药物相关的病理变化,证明长期服用护肝片对人体无毒。也就是说吃养肝片是对身体没有损害的。 体恒健牌养肝片安全性试验: 毒理试验 1、最大耐受量测定试验 用法用量:每只小鼠按0.4ml/10g灌服25%浓度养肝片,一日内连续灌服3次,每隔4小时1次。 结 果:小鼠一日内连续3次灌服养肝片,最大耐受量为30g/kg提取物,约相当于临article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 床或成人用量的357倍(成人每次服4片,一日3次,全天总用量为12片,即0.35g×12片=4.2g/成人)。 结 论:经小鼠最大耐受量测定证明,认为养肝片临床口服用药安全。 2、长期毒性试验 用法用量:养肝片高剂量组-大鼠按5g/kg灌服护肝片(内含提取物3.57克);养肝片低剂量组-大鼠按2g/kg灌服养肝片(内含提取物1.43克)。 结 果: 1)对一般情况的影响:试验结果表明,按上述剂量给药,连续60天,大鼠在给药期间,体重、行为活动、饮食均为正常,毛具有光泽,无稀便等。 2)对红细胞、血红蛋白的影响:按上述剂量给大鼠连续灌服60天,对雌雄大鼠的红细胞计数及血红蛋白均无影响。 3)对白细胞、淋巴细胞及嗜中性粒细胞的影响:结果证明,按上述剂量给大鼠连续灌服60天,对雌雄大鼠的白细胞计数、淋巴细胞、嗜中性粒细胞均无影响。 4)对血清总蛋白、白蛋白的影响:血清总蛋白的测定采用双缩脲法,血清白蛋白测定采用溴甲酚绿法,结果证明,按上述剂量给大鼠连续灌服60天,对雌雄大鼠的血清总蛋白、白蛋白均无影响。 5)对重要器官系数的影响:将各组大鼠处死后,分别称心、肝、脾、肺、肾及睾丸的重量,并求出每只大鼠的重要器官系数,最后经统计学处理,结果证明,养肝片按上述剂量给大鼠连续灌服60天,对雌雄大鼠的重要器官系数均无影响。 6)对重要脏器的病理检查:将上述各组大鼠取血后,处死,分别取出各重要脏器,取材,进行常规固定、切片、HE染色,在显微镜下观察心、肝、脾、肺、肾、睾丸及卵巢组织是否有病理改变,结果如下: 心脏:心肌细胞、心内膜、心肌内结缔组织和毛细血管均无异常改变。 肝脏:肝细胞、肝小叶及小叶间结构无异常改变。 脾脏:红髓、白髓内细胞和组织结构均无异常改变。 肺脏:各级支气管组织和上皮组织均未见异常,肺泡、肺泡囊、肺泡壁亦未见形态学改变。 肾脏:肾小球、肾小管及各种小管上皮均未见异常改变。 睾丸:细精管内各级精母细胞可见,成熟精子细胞及精子大量存在。 卵巢:组织结构和各种卵泡未见异常改变。 上述结果证明,养肝片连续给大鼠口服,对重要脏器无病理改变。 结 论: 上述长期毒性实验结果表明,养肝片按5g/kg(内含提取物3.57克),2g/kg(内含提取物1.43克)给大鼠连续灌服60天,对大鼠体重、红细胞、血红蛋白、白细胞、白细胞分类均无影响;对血清谷丙转氨酶、尿素氮、总蛋白、白蛋白、重要器官系数均无明显改变;对重要脏器心、肝、脾、肺、肾、睾丸、卵巢经镜下观察无病理改变。根据上述实验结果,认为该药口服用药无毒性反应。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健牌养肝片是否有副作用: 根据临床上使用体恒健牌养肝片的患者来看,尚未发现体恒健牌养肝片副作用,所以网友们可放心的的使用。不过保肝护肝除了可以通过吃药,还有一个比较重要的途径就是通过饮食来达到保肝护肝的目的,饮食方面以高蛋白质、高维生素、高纤维素的食物为主,同时以清淡容易消化的食物为主,这样不仅不会给肝脏带来负担,对受损肝细胞有修复也有很大的帮助。 服用体恒健牌养肝片注意事项 服用体恒健牌养肝片本身没有注意事项。但是患者服用养肝片的最初和最终目的是保肝、护肝,调理相应的治疗药物性等其他因素造成的肝损伤,因此服用时要注意:1)不能服用辛辣食物;2)严禁饮酒;3)忌食冷饮;4)少吃油炸及油腻食品;5)食物要新鲜;6)避免着凉;7)注意休息;8)保持大便通畅:大便通畅有利于毒素的代谢排出;9)合理的营养膳食。 体恒健牌养肝片与其他护肝保健品优劣对比 体恒健养肝片与其他护肝保健品优劣对比 对比内容 体恒健养肝片 其他护肝产品 中药五味子+微量元素硒科学配比纯 产品 品种繁多,成分含量不统一,具体药效不能保证 天然生物提取,上品之药 《药物性肝损伤100例临床病理》传统护肝片的柴胡 安全 无任何副作用、养肝护肝,预防肝病 是临床上常见可致肝损伤的药物,长期服用可出现肝损伤 国家食品药品监督管理总局审批无副长期服用传统护肝片保健品会引起药物性肝损伤,对降低 副作用 作用,无任何不适人群、可修复肝脏 转氨酶出现停药反复情况 1:传统护肝片所含柴胡长期服用造成肝损伤;2:长期服隐患 无 用造成转氨酶升高,出现皮疹、体重变化异常;3:对肾脏article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 造成损伤 体恒健牌养肝片独有五大独有优势: 养肝片优势之一:原产地天然药材,品质精选。苛选经国家GAP认证的道地原生药材,运用中药指纹图谱技术,剔除年份、药性存在瑕疵植株,确保原药材品质精纯。 养肝片优势之二:100万级纯净化车间,GMP认证生产。投资1.5亿的100万级空气净化生产车间,实现零污染、零细 菌处理,确保百分之百纯正品质。 养肝片优势之三:传奇组方筛选,国家专利成果。选自古代名医调治肝脾的传世名方,结合中医定性、 西医定量的方法进行科学配伍,组方搭配无与伦比。 养肝片优势之四:三级萃取,60倍天然活性成分。采用先进的精细提前设备,通过水提、醇提浓缩药力后, 在进行第三级精确萃取,活化药物精华,使成分活性提高60倍。 养肝片优势之五:60项检测指标,3重严检。药厂化验质镨检测、国家药监局检测中心检测以及山东微量元素研究会3重检验,经过安全性、微生物检测、功效成份定量、药 效纯度等60多项指标严格检测。 体恒健牌养肝片价格 体恒健养肝片市场价为169.0元一瓶 体恒健牌养肝片有几个周期,周期不一样,价格也不一样。 体恒健牌养肝片一周期为5瓶,原价为845元,体恒健官方商城优惠价为760元,购买一周期可以享受买五赠一和包邮服务。 体恒健牌养肝片二周期为10瓶,原价为1690元,体恒健官方商城优惠价格为1487元,购买二周期可享受买10赠2和包邮服务。 注:登陆【体恒健商城】注册会员,还可享受会员专属优惠,质量不变让利更多。 体恒健牌养肝片哪里卖: 方式:体恒健商城 【体恒健商城】是济南体恒健生物工程有限公司指定的官方商城,主要销售的产品有,article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健牌养肝片,体恒健牌钙之缘片,体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片,体恒健牌铁之缘片,体恒健牌硒维康,新稀宝牌锌硒宝片,体恒健牌玛咖,体恒健牌灵芝孢子粉,体恒健牌蜂胶等体恒健全系列营养保健品。可以百度搜索:体恒健商城,体恒健,tihengjian等关键词查找登陆商城。 体恒健商城介绍 【体恒健商城】隶属于济南体恒健生物工程有限公司旗下,于2009年开始创办,并于2015年进行全面升级,打破原有的网购局限性,扩大产品品类,加强运营管理,成为网上销售体恒健牌各类保健营养食品的指定官方商城。 商城简介 【体恒健商城】,在主打微量元素产品的基础上,扩大产品品类,满足更多的用户需求。目前该商城网罗了体恒健牌产品有:玛咖、蜂胶软胶囊、灵芝孢子粉、DHA、B族维生素、补钙产品钙之缘、乳酸钙、补铁产品铁之缘、补硒龙头产品硒维康、男性备孕必备育之缘、护肝产品养肝片、及补锌行业领导产品新稀宝锌硒宝片,加拿大进口产品海豹油软胶囊,另外,公司还在积极开发其他营养保健产品及美妆产品用以满足越来越多的用户健康需求,在保证正品低价的同时,具备完善的售后及赔付服务,会员专属服务,多种支付方式,一个新型的体恒健购物平台【体恒健商城】正式成立多年来,强大的品牌效益,低价正品,优质的服务,得到了广大客户的信赖和好评。 购物保障体系 全场正品 假一赔三 如果您对所购买商品是否为正品有质疑,登录【体恒健商城】,联系客服来投诉处理。如商品为非正品,将“假一赔三”。 官方认证 优质商家 【体恒健商城】与支付宝等建立了亲密的合作关系,成为支付宝的认证商家,并签订正式的合作,。【体恒健商城】检查组为客户严格把关商品质量,保障客户的权益。 3大权威平台认证、信誉保障 【体恒健商城】为CCTV合作伙伴、360及百度安全认证商家,保障信誉。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 资质证书展示 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 体恒健:专注营养保健品20年 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect
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