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徐州大学生酸奶养乐多市场专题研究徐州大学生酸奶养乐多市场专题研究 徐州酸奶养乐多市场专题研究 组长:王艳 组员:石婷婷 季玲 朱燕 摘要:乳制品作为我们生活的必需品,成为我们实现温饱,生活质量提高的重要标志,而酸奶更以其迷人的口感吸引了很多人,尤其是学生。大学生是广大消费者群体中重要的一类特定群体,他们对酸奶的销量是市场商品流动的重要方面之一。我们正对这一现状,针对大学生消费行为习惯和消费倾向,选择了酸奶品牌养乐多以调查问卷的方式对其进行了调研。 关键词:大学生 酸奶 养乐多 消费 市场分析 1 研究内容概述 1.1 调查目的 运用调查问卷的方...
徐州大学生酸奶养乐多市场专题研究 徐州酸奶养乐多市场专题研究 组长:王艳 组员:石婷婷 季玲 朱燕 摘要:乳制品作为我们生活的必需品,成为我们实现温饱,生活质量提高的重要标志,而酸奶更以其迷人的口感吸引了很多人,尤其是学生。大学生是广大消费者群体中重要的一类特定群体,他们对酸奶的销量是市场商品流动的重要方面之一。我们正对这一现状,针对大学生消费行为习惯和消费倾向,选择了酸奶品牌养乐多以调查问卷的方式对其进行了调研。 关键词:大学生 酸奶 养乐多 消费 市场分析 1 研究内容概述 1.1 调查目的 运用调查问卷的方法,模拟企业市场分析的过程,学会特定目标人群特定产业的市场分析方法,探究管理者怎样应对酸奶持续变化的市场。 1.2 虚拟目标 针对大学生这一特定消费群体,从消费人群的分布,消费量,消费心理,消费方式,和对价格以及新产品的反应上来分析,酸奶产业在大学生市场上的开发潜力。 1.3 研究背景 近几年来,我国乳品行业呈现快速、强劲拉升态势,乳品消费总End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 量和人均消费量均以超过15,的增幅递增,成为食品工业中发展最快、成长性最好的朝阳产业。中国乳品消费市场已成为全球乳品消费中成长最快、潜力最大的市场。 作为世界最大的生产和销售发酵型活性乳酸菌乳饮料的制造商,养乐多公司的中国历程起步未久。养乐多目前的有效市场局限于以一线城市为主的沿海市场,并且在现有城市市场范围内的市场潜力也远待开发。 在这样的背景下,我们如何抓住大学生这一特定的消费人群,如何开拓这一特定的消费市场,这些问题的解决都将会对我们酸牛奶的产业的发展带来至关重要的帮助。 1.4 调查问题的设置和分析 根据市场细分的需要我们将大学生这一消费群体分为了具有不通属性的群体,如男生女生以及,所在年级差异。针对品牌结构对比,我们选择了市场上的几种主要的酸奶品牌。为研究消费者对消费对象的包装的,我们设置了包装材质的几种选项。同时我们设置了关于价格的选项,用以研究消费群体对不同介个区间产品的反应情况。对于新产品,我们设置了:了解途径,是否会尝试购买的问题,用以研究新产品开发的可行性。对于产品的促销方式,我们设置了,包括计量不加价,赠送优惠等选项,为市场运营有很好的指导意义。 从结构看,我们的问卷基本上囊括了市场运行过程中的关键问题,可以为开发大学生这一特定市场提供必要的信息支持。 2 调查结果及分析 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 2.1 参与调查的大学生男女比例情况 从消费人群的性别比例来看,是女生略多于男生,但是,这种差异并不显著,酸奶在大学生中的消费者基本平衡。所以正在市场细分是我们应该注重:两个性别的消费者各自的特点同等重要。在产品和包装过程中,要注重两方面的平衡,构建各自不同的产品体系,旗帜鲜明地将这两个消费群体分开。对女生消费品,在包装上应该设计些比较温馨的图案,而在男生消费品上,应该注重引入运动元素。从而充分利用两个消费群体的消费资源,提高消费量。 2.2参与调查的大学生年级分布情况 从参与调查的学生的结构我们可以看出,其中大二和大三学生偏多,其他的年级的同学占得比例很小。但是,大家同属于学生,基本属性都相差无几,所以,这种结构不会对调查结果有太大的影响。 2.3大学生酸奶消费频率情况 从我们调查的结果看,大学生对牛奶消费的还是比较大的。其中一般的消费群体是酸牛奶的忠实铁杆粉丝,他们的消费频率基本上是一周几次,但养乐多的固定消费不多,都是一月几次那种,这些用户正等待着我们新的营销计划的带动,他们也会将成为我们销售业绩的主要载体。 2.4大学生酸奶品牌消费情况 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 从消费品牌上看,我们面对的消费群体主要把消费对象定位在像伊利、蒙牛、三元这样的大企业上,而选择养乐多的消费者较少,其中伊利占主导地位。 2.5大学生选择酸奶的影响因素调查 图1:大学生选择酸奶的影响因素分布图 从大学生选择酸奶产品的因素中我们清晰地看到,口味和健康是这一消费群体选择酸奶的主要因素,占到50%左右,剩余的品牌价格也占到一定的比例,包装广告和促销,但其实在他们选择酸奶时并不起主导作用。这就提示我们在养乐多销售的时候可以研发不同的口味,同时,延伸到健康安全等问题,至于广告方面,虽然,数据显示的结果并不占主导地位。我们想可能是现在的广告做的不够吸引消费者的眼球,没能起到宣传产品的作用,所以在我们的销售环节应该总结别人的经验教训,对现有的广告宣传做一研究分析,找出它们的不足之处,指导我们自己的广告。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 2.6酸奶包装对消费人群的影响情况 图2:酸奶对消费人群的影响情况图 针对酸奶包装的调查我们可以看到大学生这一消费群体对不同包装的产品的喜好程度,其中,塑料包装的占得比例最大,达36%,接下来的是袋装和纸质包装,分别为30和27%,玻璃瓶装的占到10%,我们想这个比例分布比较正常,毕竟塑料包装所代表的健康水平绝对没有纸质包装和玻璃瓶包装成本高。因此养乐多可以选择多种包装方式供消费者选择。另外,环保是当今他一大社会主题,而大学生作为现代社会的文化产物,必须对我们的环境有一定的责任心。在我们的营销过程中我们应该积极的引导大学生这一消费群体,付出自己的社会责任,使他们摒弃扭曲不环保的思想,为我们的社会和谐做努力。 所以,宣传过程中我们就有必要在其中增加环保的元素,展示我们的亮点。 2.7大学生对酸奶产品的选择情况 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 原味酸奶很受大学生的亲睐,特别是原味凝固型酸奶,接下来的是水果果粒型酸奶、老酸奶、酸奶酪。 从这种产品结构我们可以看到,大学生的消费对象集中在原味型酸奶上,着正式养乐多的优势。 2.8大学生对于酸奶可接受的单价情况 我们所面对的消费群体的消费价格区间主要集中在2-5元的中档价格区域内,大部分消费者反映养乐多价格偏高,如此我们建议商家可以选择降低价格来吸引更多的消费者。 2.9大学生购买酸奶地点情况 从大学生的购买地点的选择我们可以看出比较多的人都选择了超市去购买,少部分消费者选择了小卖部等,这种分布结构给我们的启示是,在销售环节上我们应用以超市销售为主,兼顾小卖部地这种形式,积极组织各方面的联系,保证各方面的供给平衡。 2.10大学生理解酸奶新产品的途径情况 根据大学生了解酸奶新产品的途径我们可以看出,厂家促销在新产品推广中的巨大作用。有大部分的被调查者选择了厂家超市促销,剩下还有小部分的消费群体选择了同学介绍或是电视和网络及其他方式,从这个分布结构我们可以看出电视网络还有很大的潜力。养乐End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 多可以加大电视网络广告的投入。 2.11吸引大学生购买酸奶的促销方式情况 图3:吸引大学生购买酸奶的促销方式情况图 在促销方式方面,降价是一个主要因素,占到40%左右,其次是多包优惠的策略,占到30%左右。剩余的加量不加价和小礼品策略分别占到20%和10%。这一结果说明调查对象对价格都反映比较明显。这项结果有助于我们了解到宣传方式的选择上有很大的指导意义。 3 总结 酸奶作为我们生活中的重要食品,在消费者的生活中位于至关重要地位。面对大学生这一特定的消费群体,面对他们的需求的特点,养乐多如何谋求大学生市场的全线进军,通过这份调查我们总结到以下几点: 从市场环境来看,三鹿事件的影响仍在持续。中国乳业并非技术上不可以做得完善,三鹿事件所揭示的是企业道德底线问题。公众对End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 中国乳业的质疑不是产品层面,而是道德、信誉层面。因此,尽管国产乳品的销量逐渐恢复,但因此而失去的消费者信任则并非朝夕可以重塑。在这样的前提下,国外品牌具有乘虚而入的难得时机;而值得注意的另一信息是,在此次乳业风波中,酸奶由于技术上的特殊性反而保留了原有口碑。这也是国产品牌君乐宝浴火重生,势头倍增。养乐多兼具了国际品牌和乳酸菌乳品两大优势。 养乐多的品牌战略将是其中国市场成败的关键。尽管养乐多的品牌在国际范围内是成熟的,但对中国消费者来说未尝不是一个新事物。养乐多要向中国消费者传播什么、提供什么,将以何种形象打动中国消费者,对养乐多来说也未必不是一个新问题。 从战略角度看,养乐多的销售目标将是什么呢,养乐多的销售目标应该从销售量考核上暂时转移开,而侧重于销售基地的开发、建设和稳固。主雅客来勤,花香蝶自来。 针对以上结论,我们可以对酸奶的销售提出几条建议; (1) 品牌定位:营养健康的饮品。 (2) 目标市场:可进入不同的细分市场,开发多种口味的酸奶。 (3) 产品卖点;浓度高、携带方便。 (4) 销售渠道:超市、便利店。 (5) 价格定位:低价位。 (6) 广告与促销:广告以海报、招贴、传单为主;促销以不间End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 断地在各大卖场开展各种 形式的促销活动为重点。 养乐多的中国市场策略,是以养乐多品牌塑造为核心,以现有市场为基础,逐渐向内地一级城市市场延伸,利用三年时间最大程度完成中国市场的全线布局。养乐多以促进全人类的健康和美好生活为己任,希望这样的企业走得稳健些。 3、附录 关于酸奶的问卷调查 您好: 感谢您阅读这份调查问卷。我们是江苏师范大学科文学院的学生,我们研究的对象是酸奶。我们进行问卷这次调查,是为了了解广大消费群体对酸奶的认识及对酸奶消费情况。根据随机抽样,您正好选为我们的调查对象,很抱歉占用您五分钟时间~在此,我们对您给予这一调查工作的帮助表示诚挚的感谢~ 1.您喝过酸奶吗,( ) A.喝过(继续调查) B.没有(结束调查) 2.您是否喜欢喝酸奶,( ) A.喜欢 B.一般 C.不喜欢 3.您比较喜欢喝哪种品牌的酸奶( ) A.蒙牛(消健, 冠益乳) B.光明 (健能,畅优) C.三元 D.养乐多 E.伊利 F.其他( ) End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 4.您够买此品牌的酸奶的原因是( ) A.大品牌 B.口味好 C.价格合理 D.容量大小 E.营养价值 F.包装 G.其他( ) 5.您多久选购一次酸奶( ) A.一天一次 B.一周一次 C.一周两次 D.不定期 6.您一般在哪选购酸奶( ) A.大型超市 B.便利店 C.酸奶专卖店 D.每日订购 7.您比较喜欢喝什么口味的酸奶,( ) A.原味 B.水果类 C.蔬菜类 D.奶酪 E.其它( ) 8.您偏好哪种状态的酸奶,( ) A.固型酸奶(固态) B.搅拌型酸奶(液态) C.都能接受 9.您了解酸奶的功效(酸奶对人有哪些好处)吗,( ) A.很了解 B.了解一点 C.不太了解 10.如果超市有酸奶促销活动,您会选择购买吗,( ) A(会 B.不会 C.看情况而定 11.您比较能接受的酸奶的价格(每盒)( ) A.1.5-2.5 B.2.5-4元 C.4-6 元 D只要好喝都能接受 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 12.您常购买的酸奶容量(每盒)是,( ) A.100ml - 200ml B.200ml -300ml C.300-500ml D.500m 13.您喜欢什么类型的包装( ) A. 玻璃瓶装 B.塑料瓶装 C.塑料杯装 D.纸盒装 E.袋装 14.您一般时候喝酸奶( ) A.早上 B.中午 C.下午 D.晚 上 15.您对目前市场上所售的酸奶安全的态度,( ) A.非常放心 B.比较放心 C. 基本放心 D.比较担心 E.非常 担心 16.您的性别( ) A.男 B.女 17.您的年龄( ) A.1-20 B.21-30 C.31-40 D.41以上 我们承诺绝不会泄露您的隐私~再次感谢您的配合~ End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,
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