

2017-12-08 43页 doc 398KB 47阅读




胶印印刷机原理及其它胶印印刷机原理及其它 一、印刷机种类 一般而言,承印物不同,采取的印刷方式也不同,承印物材料有下列几类: 1、纸张:这是最常见的印刷,新纪元印务就是在纸张或和纸张相类的材质上印刷。 2、塑料印刷:多见于包装袋的印刷。 3、特种材料:指在玻璃、金属、木材等材料上的印刷。 印刷机种类有: 1、胶印印刷机:一般采用平版印刷,多用于四色纸张印刷。胶印印刷还用于铁皮等薄板材质上的印刷,这种机器称为印铁机。 2、凹版印刷:指用凹版(一般指钢版)印刷,多用于塑料印刷。 3、柔性版印刷:指用柔性材料版(一般指树脂版等)印刷,...
胶印印刷机原理及其它 一、印刷机种类 一般而言,承印物不同,采取的印刷方式也不同,承印物材料有下列几类: 1、纸张:这是最常见的印刷,新纪元印务就是在纸张或和纸张相类的材质上印刷。 2、塑料印刷:多见于包装袋的印刷。 3、特种材料:指在玻璃、金属、木材等材料上的印刷。 印刷机种类有: 1、胶印印刷机:一般采用平版印刷,多用于四色纸张印刷。胶印印刷还用于铁皮等薄板材质上的印刷,这种机器称为印铁机。 2、凹版印刷:指用凹版(一般指钢版)印刷,多用于塑料印刷。 3、柔性版印刷:指用柔性材料版(一般指树脂版等)印刷,这实际上是凸版印刷,多用于大批量不干胶商标印刷。 4、丝网印刷:可以在各种材料上(尤其是非平面材质上)印刷,多用于礼品、容器等印刷。 二、单张纸胶印机结构及原理 如此众多印刷机,除了胶印机外,其它机器本人也只是泛泛了解。胶印机又分单张纸胶印机和轮转机。 单张纸胶印机是指印刷纸张是一张张、平铺进入机器印刷的。 轮转机是指纸张是用卷筒纸进行印刷的一种大型印刷机械,多用于大批量书刊、报纸的印刷。 这两种印刷机都是胶印机,其原理是一样的,只是输纸、传递、收纸方式不同罢了。所以,下面我以单张纸四色胶印机为例,讲讲胶印机的结构及原理。 下图(图一)是海德堡GTO四色胶印机侧剖面图。印刷机型号不同,机器结构不同,但基本构造大同小异,原理是一样的。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 1、传动部分 所谓传动,就是把印刷机原动机的运动,通过皮带、齿轮、链条等传输到印刷机各工作部分,使各个工作机件能按照工作要求,作周期性的、紧密协调的、准确的机械运动,以完成印刷动作的机构。它相当于我们人的骨骼和关节。 在上图中,我们看不到印刷机的传动部分。印刷机的传动部分在印刷机底部、下部和印刷机侧面机墙内。 印刷机的原动机就是电动机,传动方式一般有带传动、齿轮传动、链传动三种方式。其中带传动(用皮带传动)精度最低,一般印刷机的原动机(马达)和下一个从动轮之间,采用带传动;齿轮传动精度最高,在印刷机侧面机墙内,使纸张传递、墨辊组、水辊组、滚筒运行的,一般采用齿轮传动;链传动(链条传动)用于精度要求较高,但又不方便使用齿轮传动的部分,一般用于输纸部分和收纸部分。 我们知道,印刷精度要求极高,我们要求印刷品上图文误差在几丝(1丝,0.01毫米),而决定印刷the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 品误差的,就是印刷机的传动部分的精度,而传动部分的精度,取决于机械加工精度和金属材质。仅仅加工精度高还不行,许多印刷机,新机器时还差强人意,但使用一段时间就不行了,那是因为金属材质的缘故。在当今世界,印刷机制造业是一个国家机械制造业水平的标尺。我们国家到目前为止,进口著名品牌印刷机仍然是免税的,但即使免税,价格依然很昂贵,就是因为我们国家机械制造业水平问题,这常使业内人士痛心疾首。2、输纸、传递及收纸部分 下图(图二)上的红线是纸张在印刷机内通过的路 线。 待印纸张放在印刷机前端纸台上(俗称输纸台,图二中注1),印刷机自动将纸张分离成单张,逐张将它输送到规矩部件处(图二中注5),这部分叫输纸部分(海德堡称之为飞达);纸张到规矩部件处被定位,纸张在这里要“停顿”一下(这是在瞬间完成,新纪元印务所使用的海德堡印刷机,印刷速度达15200张/小时,相当于4.22张/秒),然后由叼牙抓住纸张前端纸边,送入印刷机内部,经过结构相同(油墨不同)的四个色组印刷,这过程叫纸张传递过程。纸张传递过程实际上是由相互配合的一个个滚筒上的一排排叼牙相互转接的过程。最后,已经印刷过的纸张被整齐地平放在收纸台上,这部分叫收纸部分。 所谓叼牙,就是在印刷机滚筒或链条上横放的一排排周期性张开、闭合的钢牙,当然它的张开和闭合是需要非常准确的。 海德堡印刷机,纸张从被分离成单张开始,一直到最后印刷完成放到收纸台上,除被压印外,整个过程中是“飘浮”着的(靠吹气等机构),不会和机器内部其它机构产生摩擦,这样来避免印刷品蹭脏,这是一般印刷机不能做到的。 3、规矩部分 ——规矩、出血、咬口、前规、侧规(靠身、靠外), the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 版芯尺寸、大套、自翻、大滚翻 即使没有从事过印刷,但搞过印刷品设计的人,都 知道印刷品设计时要考虑规矩线。 规矩线形式如图(图三),一个完整规矩线,有内规矩线和外规矩线。我们以内规矩线裁切(见图四 井字线),得到的印刷品成品上就没有规矩线了,我们就得到一张干净的印刷品。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 但是,我们设计的印刷文件上的图文不能只作到内规矩线,因为我们印刷后的裁切是有误差的(这里包含裁切时刀的误差,和纸张因为印刷而抽涨产生的误差),我们难以保证一刀切下去,正好在图文边上,如果一刀切在图文外,就会留下一条白线,损害了印刷品的美观。所以我们要把图文(一般只是图)做到与外规矩线相齐,超出内规矩线的部分叫出血。习惯上,出血是3mm,所以内规矩线和外规矩线之间相距一般也是3mm。 规矩线的作用不仅仅是为了裁切,主要作用还是印刷时的对版。在彩印中,蓝(C)、红(M)、黄(Y)、黑(K)四块版上都有规矩线,我们要让这四个色的规矩线完全重合在一起,这样的印刷品才会是鲜亮、合格的,这就是印刷的“套准”。前面我们讲到,一张纸,被飞达送入机器,是经过很多次转接,被印刷上四色图文,所以这种转接的精度要求就很高。许多印刷设备本身误差较大,它们的校正也很麻烦,如果印刷人员缺乏责任心的话,误差更大。用户拿到的印刷品是成品,看不到规矩线,另外,由于人的裸眼视觉辨别精度有限,你不会觉得图文没有套准。但是,套合不准的印刷品,会给人一种虚的、雾蒙蒙的感觉,当然,一些印刷品把单眼皮的人印刷成双眼皮了,那就不是虚的、雾蒙蒙的感觉了,对于新纪元印务来说,那就是废品,不过,对于我们的印刷机而言,即使挂版后的第一张样张,也不会有这样的情况。 纸张被飞达送到规矩部件处,将被定位,纸张在这里要“停顿”一下,然后由叼牙抓住纸张前端纸边,送入印刷机内部。纸张为什么要在这里定位呢,这是为了使纸张以同一状态进入机器被印刷,使前后印刷出来的印张,图文是在纸张的一个固定位置上。试想,即使印刷机传递纸张很准确,我们得到了一张张清晰的印刷品,但前后印张上图文不在一个位置,我们裁切是一沓沓裁切的,这样参差不齐的印刷品,切出来岂不乱套, 规矩机构由一个前规、左右两个侧规组成。机器运行时,前规和一个侧规动作,另一个侧规得关闭。前规是在第一排叼牙前的一排扇动的金属挡片,纸张到达前规,被挡住,这时开启的一个侧规动作,将纸张向左(或向右)拉动纸张,使纸张到达一个固定的位置,至此纸张定位完成。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 我们站在印刷机进纸正前方,面对机器,就发现,机器的常用操作按钮和操作手柄,大部分在机器左侧,操作人员一般在机器的左侧活动,所以左边叫靠身,左边规矩叫靠身规矩,反之,另一边叫靠外、靠外规矩。纸张被前规挡住、将被叼牙叼的边叫咬口。(靠身规矩、靠外规矩常让一些朋友犯晕,我们将纸张正放,咬口在上,左边为靠身,右边为靠外。) 一张单面印刷品印刷时,我们随便选用靠身规矩还是靠外规矩都可以,只要印后,裁切人员把印张按咬口和侧规整齐后再裁切,我们就能得到满意的印刷品了。但要双面印刷时,就得在印刷第二面时,变换侧规。这是因为我们在印刷前,把原纸裁切成我们要的印刷用开面(俗称下料)时,会有误差。 譬如,我们要印刷一张商店用横挂的挂旗,成品尺寸是420×570mm,这是一个大4开,大4K原纸尺寸是440×592mm,印刷品成品尺寸应该比原纸尺寸小。因为我们前面已经讲到,印刷机需要咬口和规矩线,印刷后需要光边,海德堡咬口一般需要9mm,末梢光边需要3mm,所以上下应该留9mm+3mm=12mm;左右规矩线各6mm,所以左右也应该留下6mm×2,12mm。所以,当你在“纸张常用开法一览”(陕西新纪元印务有限公司提供印刷好的“纸张常用开法一览表”,欢迎前来索取)中查到纸张开数尺寸后,你设计的印刷品拼版后内规矩线内的尺寸(俗称版芯尺寸)应该比原纸尺寸左右、上下各小12mm以上。 这样一张4K挂旗,我们用天作咬口(印刷品正放,上边叫“天”,下边叫“地”),印刷正面时,假如我们以靠身(左)为规矩,那么,不管我们下料误差多大,我们得到的所有印张,正面图文离咬口边和纸左边缘的距离始终是一致的,印刷背面时,我们将纸张左右翻身,依然用天作为咬口,原来正面的左边就到了背面的右边了,为了让正背规矩线对准,我们就得用背面的右边(靠外)作为规矩。 一件印刷品,要印刷双面,我们用两套版来分别印刷正背面,这叫做大套。印刷品成品只有一个,要印刷正背,大套很容易理解,当有多个成品,拼在一个版上印刷,就要考虑好各印刷品正背对应关系(如图五所示),尤其不要出现印刷出来的成品正背图文颠倒。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 有的印刷品,版面较小,我们可以在一个印张版面上拼下它的正背面,只要我们拼版符合要求,我们 可以用一套版来印刷正背面,这叫自翻版(见图六)。当我们印刷了第一遍后,将纸张左右翻身,改变侧规, 我们再印刷一遍,印后中间裁开,我们就得到了两张成品。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 如果是多个印刷品拼在一套版上自翻印刷,也要注意各印刷品正背对应关系(如图八所示)。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 还有一种情况是印刷品成品是窄长形的,我们不能做成左右自翻,那么我们拼成前后自翻(如图九)。 这时侧规不变,我们印刷了第一遍后,将纸张前后翻身,变换咬口,印刷第二遍(见图十)。这叫做 大滚翻(俗称驴打滚),大滚翻是自翻的一种形式,也有肩并肩、尾对尾、头对头几种形式。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 我们前面讲到,海德堡咬口需要9mm,由于纸张前后两次都要作为咬口,所以大滚翻版芯尺寸上下要比印刷纸张小18mm以上,考虑到裁切,一般要超过20mm。 4、输水部分 ——什么叫水大、油墨乳化、脏版、水杠, 我们在前一讲讲到,平版印刷是利用PS版的亲水、亲油和水油相斥原理,下图(图十一)是印刷机的一个色组,我用灰色圆表示水辊组,红色表示墨辊组。PS版滚筒是如图运转的,可以看出,水是被半浸在水槽里的辊子(叫给水辊)带出,一直传递到压在印版滚筒上的辊子上(这根辊子称为水辊靠版辊),水辊靠版辊首先在PS版上铺上一层水,然后印版滚筒再到达墨辊组,铺the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 上油墨„„ 这里需要说明的有: 第一:这里的水,不是一般意义的水,它是洁净的水添加了润版液的水,所谓润版液,是一种特制的化学溶液,根据原水水质,添加合适的量,用以调节水的PH值、电导率、硬度等等。一般印刷企业不使用润版液(因为润版液昂贵),更不会去检测PH值、电导率、硬度,而是使用立德粉或比较便宜的润版液。陕西新纪元印务采用海德堡公司指定润版液。 第二:水辊组之所以要有这么多辊子,并且质地不同,不仅仅是为了传递水,中间需要这些水辊来研磨水(中间一部分辊子在左右窜动),使到达靠版辊的水颗粒极小。 第三:海德堡印刷机的水,被泵抽到一个箱柜里进行循环,然后打回水槽。这箱柜里有压缩机和过滤装置,主要有两个作用:冷却和过滤。印刷机高速运转,水辊和水辊间、墨辊和墨辊间、水辊墨辊和印版滚筒上的PS版间,依靠摩擦、研磨来工作,所以必然产生大量热量,这热量,相当一部分靠冷却水来带走。 第四:了解印刷机的人都知道,一般印刷机的水辊靠版辊是一个橡胶辊上套一个水胶绒套,为的是吸附水和到达PS版的水较为均匀。海德堡现在销售的印刷机不用水胶绒套,而是一根特殊质地橡胶制成的胶辊,the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 称为免水胶绒润版。没有水胶绒,有两大好处:一、更加准确给水;二、印刷版面更干净。用水胶绒布,尤其是刚换的新水绒套,会掉毛,尤其印刷实地时,我们常会看到实地上有一丝丝白线,这就是水胶绒掉下的绒毛沾到PS版上引起的。 以上可以看出,胶印用水、输水系统是极其讲究的,让水的PH值、电导率、硬度保持在最佳范围内,水颗粒极小,保持合适温度,都是为了让到达PS版的水尽可能地少,又达到上墨后版面洁净的目的(水墨平衡)。我们在许多印刷厂,看到正在运行的印刷机上的PS版泛亮、反光,说明水大了,水大印刷的印刷品图文会让人感到是虚的,雾蒙蒙的。水大,还会引起纸张过份抽涨甚至变形。由于水大,多余的水会被PS版带到墨辊上,我们知道印刷机是高速运转的,这部分水会和油墨交溶,这就是油墨的乳化,如果水温控制不好(许多印刷机没有水循环系统,有的设备循环系统很简易),油墨更易乳化。油墨乳化后,印刷出来的东西也是虚的、雾蒙蒙的感觉。如果印刷一般的书刊、黑白活,水略大无妨,但印刷精美活件是万万不能的。 也许你会说,既然水大,那就关小一点么。这就要看印刷机的品质了。许多印刷机,水一开就水大,关小一点点水就太小,水墨难以平衡。水小,PS版空白处就会沾染油墨,有图文的地方网点会被放大,这叫做脏版。 在印刷实地和平网时,我们常会发现,在离咬口一定距离的地方,有一道横杠,这道横杠比上下版面的颜色略浅,这就是水杠。水杠是由于印刷机的水辊和印版滚筒是一周一周、周期性运转的,PS版在印版滚筒上并不是360度完整包裹的(见图十一),还有一部分缺口,所以产生的水杠会在印张的一个固定位置,并且四个色都在同一位置。印刷一个单色样张时,水杠也许并不明显,但当四个色叠加到一起时,水杠就比较明显。当印刷多色叠加的实地或平网时,水杠在所难免,但海德堡印刷机的水杠是很轻微的。印刷中三色叠加情况常会遇到,但很少有四色叠加的实地和平网(因为四色叠加常常没有意义,设计中也应该避免,用其它较少色的相近色相来代替,小块实地和平网对于海德堡即使四色也无妨),两色叠加,对于海德堡印刷机来讲不是问题,但对于大部分印刷机来讲,即使单色实地或平网都是麻烦。 5、输墨部分 ——什么叫糊版、窜色、鬼影、墨杠,为什么偏色, 从图十一我们看到,油墨从墨槽中被第一根辊子给出(这根辊子叫给墨辊),经过传递、研磨,最后到达墨辊靠版辊,由墨辊靠版辊将油墨铺到PS版上。印刷机的墨辊靠版辊一般有1,4根,海德堡印刷机是4根。墨辊和墨辊靠版辊数量多,为的是油墨被很好研磨,同时储墨量也大,保证印刷需要大量油墨的实地时,有足够油墨,使得印刷品色泽饱和。 印刷中的一大要务是使得给墨辊给出的墨量和印刷纸张带走的墨量相等,产生平衡。所以给墨控制至关重要。海德堡印刷机的给墨辊下有一套输墨控制装置,它是自动化的,在控制中心控制。如果你到过印刷厂,你常会看到一些印刷厂的印刷人员在机器上爬上爬下调整墨量,那是因为他们的印刷机的给墨控制是手动的,靠经验来调节。给墨量过小,印刷品会虚,叫着墨不足(引起着墨不足的原因还有PS版质量、制版质量等)。给墨量过大,网点会扩大,甚至空白处也会带墨,这叫糊版。 有的印刷机,第一色组的油墨,会由纸张带到第二色组,第二色组油墨会带到第三色组„„从而使后面色组混有前面色组颜色,这叫窜色。窜色会使印刷品色彩失真。窜色和油墨质量、纸张质量也有关系。 当印刷下图(图十二)一样的印刷品时,你会发现在许多印刷厂印出来的东西会有图十三的情况,就是印刷品中间的图的下面会有一个和图对应的影子,这叫做鬼影。产生鬼影的原因是,原来设计的印刷品中间有一个淡颜色的“窗口”,版面其它部分又是用墨量很大的实地,靠版辊在压过“窗口”时,会有油墨被剩余,这样被剩余的油墨就在这“窗口”下面留下了一个影子。海德堡印刷机有消除鬼影机构(选购件),新纪元印务配备了这机构。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 在印刷实地和平网时,我们常会发现,在离咬口一定距离的地方,有一道横杠,这道横杠比上下版面的颜色略深,这就是墨杠。墨杠的产生和水杠相仿,也是由于印刷机的墨辊和印版滚筒是一周一周、周期性运转的,PS版在印版滚筒上并不是360度完整包裹的,还有一部分缺口,所以产生的墨杠会在印张的一个固定位置,并且四个色都在同一位置(但一般和水杠位置有一定距离)。印刷一个单色样张时,墨杠也并不明显(海德堡印刷机看不到),但当四个色叠加到一起时,墨杠就比较明显。当印刷多色叠加的实地或平网时,墨杠在所难免,但海德堡印刷机的墨杠也是很轻微的。 当我们看到一张印刷品的颜色失真,如果不是当初图片校色的疏忽,那就是偏色了。譬如照片上的人像,脸色过份泛红„„ 偏色的原因是: 第一,给墨不准确。一般印刷机的给墨是手动的,全凭经验和手感,输墨装置也很简单,所以很难把握。 第二,拼版印刷引起的。印刷机的输墨装置,实际上是把给墨辊分成许多区域(海德堡SM74分23个区域),再根据PS版上对应区域的图文情况确定给墨量,如果我们在一套版上拼版印刷下图(图十四)一样的印张,由于在6,12墨区上部红、黄色比较重,所以红、黄两色组在这个区域墨量较大,而下面的照片也在同一墨区,所以照片的红、黄难免要偏大。由于在油墨传递的过程中,还被窜墨辊左右研磨,所以5、4、3墨区和13、14、15墨区的红、黄也会受到影响。示意图中,右下角的人物图片是正常色,6,12墨区的人物图片偏色最严重,12,17墨区的人物图片略有偏色。当然,这张示意图是我特意制作的,为了说明问题有意夸大了偏色现象,实际印刷时是不会有这么大偏色的(其它印刷厂我不敢断言)。这版面就是我们公司宣传册上的版面,我们公司的宣传册的印刷效果即是明证。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 因此,如果印刷品色彩要求很高,拼版时就得注意。如果是画册,一般内页的色彩、格调会比较接近,但封面、 封底往往会运用大面积实地,有时,由于P数等原因,为了节省印刷费用,客户会要求把封面和几个内页拼在 一套版上印刷,这时,这些内页就会受到封面、封底颜色的影响。6、滚筒部分 ——为什么叫胶印, 从下图(图十五)我们看到,水、墨首先到达PS版上,这固定PS版的 滚筒叫印版滚筒;印版滚筒下面的叫橡皮滚筒,橡皮滚筒是在滚筒上包裹一块胶皮而得名的;橡皮滚筒下面的 叫压印滚筒。纸张是通过橡皮滚筒和压印滚筒之间被印刷的。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 也就是说,PS版首先将图文印在橡皮滚筒的胶皮上,胶皮再依靠它和压印滚筒之间的压力,把图文印刷在通过他们之间的纸张上。这里胶皮起了转移图文的作用。因为是由胶皮来转移印刷的,所以叫胶印,也叫转移印刷。我们知道,在PS版上图文是正的,印到胶皮上就是反的,胶皮印刷到纸张上又变成正的。 为什么要用胶皮来转移呢,这里利用了胶皮的弹性。大概在上个世纪上半叶,那时的平板印刷机是没有橡皮滚筒,印版直接和纸张接触,把图文印刷在纸张上的。美国的一位工程师,为了让图文印刷得清楚些,便在压印滚筒上绑了块胶皮作为衬垫,他在印刷时,机器空走了一圈(没有进纸),但后面一张纸又过去了,他发现压在纸张背面的图文比正面更清楚,于是,他发明了胶印机。 当然,现在的胶印机的滚筒是极其精密的,不可能让印刷人员随便绑块胶皮。象新纪元印务,即使是橡皮滚筒上的胶皮的选用也是极其讲究的。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 一般胶印机,其胶皮底下还需垫呢子(和呢子大衣的呢子相似,但有区别,印刷用呢子厚薄比较均匀),这叫软包衬。软包衬的缺点是印刷网点会变形(因为相对较软,弹性大),作用是能够弥补印刷机精度不高的缺陷。海德堡印刷机的胶皮是直接包在橡皮滚筒上的,没有衬垫,这叫硬包衬。 7、控制中心 控制中心,是计算机飞速发展,和机械制造完美结合的机电一体化成果。如果说前面所说的是印刷机的躯体的话,控制中心就是印刷机的大脑。一般印刷机没有控制中心,也就没有大脑——它的大脑是操作人员。 陕西新纪元印务有限公司拥有的海德堡SM74,4印刷机的控制中心是CP2000智能化印刷控制系统(见图十六、十七)。在控制中心,就能控制印刷机的输墨、输水系统,PS版的调整、对准,规矩调整和对准,以及印刷活件的存储、保存„„ the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 三、印刷人员工作流程 当制版车间将一套晒制完成,并打好孔的PS版交给印刷车间后,印刷车间将做以下工作: 第一步,机长操作:将PS版放到控制中心台上的固定位置,控制中心根据PS版上图文,确定各色组上各墨区的给墨量。这一步一般印刷厂没有,而是在PS版挂到机器上后,由机长手动在墨槽调节墨量。 第二步,挂版:助手将PS版分别插到对应色组的版槽上,海德堡印刷机自动将PS版挂到印版滚筒上,并前后夹紧。这一步,一般印刷厂由助手用扳子打开版夹,手工将PS版挂上、夹紧。一个助手挂版同时,另一个助手在印刷机输纸端将纸张放到输纸台上,俗称上纸。 第三步,印刷出样张。 第四步,将样张放到控制台上,根据样张,微调规矩和输墨、输水。一般印刷厂,如果规矩不准,需要用扳子将PS版取下,重新挂版;输墨、输水调整,须爬上机器。 第五步,重复第三、第四步,如果客户跟机看样,则作出判断,告诉机长,机长作出回答或调整,直到印出满意样张。 第六步,正式印刷 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy
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