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江苏农村商业银行江苏农村商业银行 江苏农村商业银行(即信用社)招聘考试题 一、填空题(每空0.5分,共15分) 1、一般来讲,凡是农户较大额度的生产和经营贷款,生产有保障、产品有市场、风险可控制的,都可采取( )的贷款方式,这种贷款可以( )、周转使用,也可以采取( )的办法。 2、农村信用社发放贷款,社员享有( )和( )。 3、在工商行政管理部门登记注册的具有( )的企业,经营业绩良好的,按期足额归还银行贷款的,最近( )年连续盈利的,年终分配后,净资产达到全部资产的( )的,可以向农村合作银行投资入股,但投资的累计金额加企业其他投...
江苏农村商业银行 江苏农村商业银行(即信用社)招聘考试题 一、填空题(每空0.5分,共15分) 1、一般来讲,凡是农户较大额度的生产和经营贷款,生产有保障、产品有市场、风险可控制的,都可采取( )的贷款方式,这种贷款可以( )、周转使用,也可以采取( )的办法。 2、农村信用社发放贷款,社员享有( )和( )。 3、在工商行政管理部门登记注册的具有( )的企业,经营业绩良好的,按期足额归还银行贷款的,最近( )年连续盈利的,年终分配后,净资产达到全部资产的( )的,可以向农村合作银行投资入股,但投资的累计金额加企业其他投资的累计金额不得超过本企业净资产的( )。 4、农村信用社是由辖内( )、( )和( )入股组成的( )地方金融机构,是我国金融体系的重要组成部分。 5、专项票据正常兑付期限为( )年,但在特定条件下可以提前或推迟兑付。专项票据到期时,资本充足率和不良贷款比例未达到相应的兑付条件时,人民银行可推迟兑付期( ),但在该期限内( )。农村信用社认购专项票据后,其资本充足率和不良比例指标连续( )经考核达到专项票据条件的,人民银行可选择提前赎回。 6、股份制的特点是“( )”,适合于市场经济发达、商业化程度高的地方,是一种( )联合。 7、农村合作银行单个自然人股东持股比例不得超过农村合作银行股本总额的( ),本行职工的持股总额不得超过股本总额的( ),职工之外的自然人股东持股总额不得低于股本总额的( )。 8、农村信用社应本着( )\( )的原则,结合当地实际,根据工作需要选择确定农村信用社省级管理机构。具体形式可选择( )、( )、( )。 9、违反( )规则、资本充足率低于( )、存在风险隐患的农村信用社,应当责令其限期改正。 10、申请专项票据时,资本充足率=( )。 二、不定项选择题(下列每题的备选答案中,有一个或一个以上是正确的,请选出来,并将序号填在答题表内。每题3分,共30分。多选、少选、错选均不得分。) 1、股金证应在明显位置以入股须知的形式对社员(股东)应了解的事项加以说明,下面表述正确的有( )。 A、根据盈利情况,按规定向社员(股东)分配红利,并对入股股金支付利息。 B、社员(股东)入股前应详细阅读农村信用社或农村合作银行章程,知晓社员(股东)的权利、义务。 C、社员(股东)退股应符合章程中规定的条件。 D、社员(股东)以其所持股金为限承担农村信用社或农村合作银行风险,但不负民事责任。 2、除传统的存款、贷款、汇兑结算等服务外,农村信用社还可以向客户提供( )等业务。 A、信息咨询 B、代客理财 C、代收代付 D、代理保险 E、证券及其他银行业务 3、下列是农户小额信用贷款的用途有( )。 A、种植业、养殖业等农业生产费用贷款; B、农机具贷款; C、小型农田水利设施贷款; D、围绕农业生产的产前、产中、产后服务等贷款; E、加工、手工、运输、商业等个体工商户贷款以及其他贷款。 4、下列组建农村商业银行的条件正确表述的为( )。 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once A、注册资本金不低于5000万元人民币,资本充足率达到4%; B、设立前辖内农村信用社总资产10亿元以上,不良贷款比例15%以下; C、发起人不少于1000人,有具备任职所需的专业知识和业务工作经验的高级管理人员; D、有健全的组织机构、#管理#和中国银行业监督管理委员会规定的其他条件。 5、农村信用社可以实行以县(市)为单位统一法人的表述正确的有( )。 A、全辖农村信用社统算,账面资金能抵债; B、基层农村信用社自愿; C、县(市)联社有较强的管理能力; D、统一法人后股本金达到1000万元以上,并使核心资本充足率在任何时点不低于4%。 6、国家对农村信用社的扶持主要有( )。 A、财政补贴 B、资金扶持 C、税收优惠 D、利率政策 7、农村信用社增资扩股包含的内容有( )。 A、2003年年末基本情况; B、制定计划前股本金及不良贷款变动情况; C、需进一步增扩股金及降低不良贷款数额的测算情况; D、增资扩股和降低不良贷款的进度安排及措施等内容。 8、向农村信用社和农村合作银行入股的条件有( ) A、向农村信用社和农村合作银行入股可以以货币资金或实物资产、债权、有价证券等形式作价入股; B、农村信用社和农村合作银行不得与工商企业以换股形式相互入股; C、农村信用社和农村合作银行社员(股东)可以以自有资金入股,也可以向金融机构贷款入股; D、各级人民政府也可以用财政资金入股农村信用社和农村合作银行。 9、关于贷款展期的正确描述是( ) A、每笔贷款只能展期一次; B、每笔贷款最多只能展期两次; C、展期期间利率为原贷款利率; D、短期贷款展期可超过原贷款期限; E、中长期贷款展期期限不超过原贷款期限的一半且不超过3年( 10、《贷款操作流程》从信贷管理的角度,信用社将客户分为( )。 A、个人类客户; B、自然人客户; C、农业经济组织客户; D、企业类客户。 三、判断题(请将判断结果填在题前括号内,正确的打“?”,错误的打“×”,如错误,请将错误的地方修改在下方的横线上,每题1.5分,错误的判断正确得0.5分,修改正确的得1分,共15分。) 题例:2002年6月,国务院印发了《深化农村信用社改革试点件》,并选择了浙江、吉林、江西、山东、四川、陕西、贵州、江苏等8个省开展了深化农村信用社改革试点工作。 ( × ) various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 2002年6月——2003年6月 四川——重庆 1、在农村信用社风险处置过程中,银监会具体组织协调有关部门处置农村信用社发生的突发性支付风险。 ( ) 2、改革后,农村信用社监督管理体制将形成“国家宏观调控、加强监管,省级人民政府依法管理、落实责任,信用社自我约束、自担风险”的总体框架。 ( ) 3、农村信用社党的关系可实行省委领导下的系统管理,也可以实行属地管理,地方党委要加强对农村信用社党的领导,做好农村信用社干部职工的思想政治工作。 ( ) 4、省级联社的高级管理人员由省级人民政府按照有关规定,组织有关部门推荐,并经人民银行核准任职资格后,按规定程序产生,领导班子的日常管理和考核也由省政府负责。 ( ) 5、一个县有20个信用社,其中12个信用社资不抵债,资不抵债数额为100万元,8个信用社资能抵债数额为40万元,该县应获得的扶持资金数额为100万元,两个资能抵债社同样享受资金扶持政策。 ( ) 6、在中央银行资金扶持方式上,改革试点县(市)可实行“一县两制”,即可选择专项借款方式,也可以选择专项票据方式。 ( ) 7、实行统一法人体制的农村信用社资本充足率达到4%便可申请中央银行专项票据。 ( ) 8、当年盈利的农村信用社农村合作银行,在未全部弥补历年亏损挂账或资本充足率未达到规定要求前,分配现金红利应严格限制分红比例。 ( ) 9、投资股退股原则上应在当年年底财务决算后办理,在年底财务决算前办理退股的,不支付当年股金红利。 ( ) 10、农户联保贷款的期限根据借款人生产经营活动的实际周期确定,一般不超过五年。 ( ) 四、简答题(每题3分,共15分) 1、农村信用社实行以县(市)为单位统一法人的意义是什么, 2、简单来说国家给农村信用社政策扶持的目的是什么, 3、深化农村信用社改革重点需要解决哪两个问题, 4、哪些人可以向农村信用社申请贷款, various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 5、如何深化农村信用社产权制度改革, 五、论述题(第一题12分,第二题13分,共25分) 1、请具体论述专项票据和专项借款的共同点和不同点。 2、深化农村信用社改革试点的指导思想和原则是什么,谈谈你本人如何立足岗位支持和推动如皋信用社的改革与发展, 竞赛试题 一、单选题(本题共20小题,答对1题得1.5分) 1、 ,国务院在京召开试点省(市)政府负责人座谈会,8省(市)深化农村信用社改革试点工作正式启动。 A(2003年8月18日 B(2004年8月30日 C(2003年6月27日 D(2003年8月30日 2、在深化农村信用社改革试点启动后成立的第一家省级联社是 。 A.浙江省联社 B.重庆市联社 C.江苏省联社 D.贵州省联社 3、深化农村信用社改革试点启动后,成立的第一家农村合作银行是 。 A(浙江鄞州农合行 B.贵州花溪农合行 C.山东广饶农合行 D.浙江萧山农合行 4、2004年8月13日,江苏吴江农村商业银行成立,这是深化农信社改革试点启动后成立的第一家农村商业银行,也是全国第 家农村商业银行。 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 5、深化农村信用社改革试点工作由 会同有关部门组织实施。 A(人民银行 B(银监会 C(财政部 D(国家税务总局 6、《深化农村信用社改革试点工作方案》明确将农村信用社的管理和风险处置责任交由 负责。 A.国务院 B.银监会 C.省级人民政府 D.人民银行 7、2004年8月30日至31日,国务院在京召开深化农村信用社改革试点工作会议,确定在原有8省(市)的基础上,将北京等 省(区、市)列为第二批改革试点单位。 A(20 B.21 C.22 D.23 8、按照《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》有关规定,对违反审慎经营原则,资本充足率低于 存在风险隐患的农村信用社,银监会应当责令其限期整改。 A(0 B.2% C.4% D.8% 9、农村商业银行是指 A.布局在农村的商业银行 B.由辖内农民、农村工商户、企业法人和其他经济组织共同入股组成的股份制的地方性金融机构。 C.股份制银行 D.由农民入股组成的国有商业银行 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 10、股份制的特点是“大股控权、一股一票、商业经营”,适合于市场经济发达、商业化程度高的地区,是一种 的联合。 A.劳动 B.组织 C.资本 D.市场 11、农村商业银行本行职工持股总额不得超过总股本的 A.20% B.25% C.30% D.35% 12、农村合作银行职工之外的自然人股东持股总额不得低于股本总额的 A.25% B.30% C.35% D.40% 13、统一法人农信社单个自然人投资最高不超过股本总额的 A.千分之五 B.5% C.20% D.25% 14、首批中央银行专项票据发行,共向8省(市)272家联社发行中央银行专项票据 A.115亿元 B.118亿元 C.119亿元 D.120亿元 15、中央银行扶持资金数额是按照 年年末农村信用社实际资不抵债数额的50%来核定的。 A.2000年 B.2001年 C.2002年 D.2003年 16、专项票据置换的不良贷款由 负责管理。 A.人民银行 B.农村信用社 C.银监会 D.地方政府 17、中央银行提供的专项借款最长期限为 年。 A.5 B.6 C.8 D.10 18、实行统一法人体制的农村信用社资本充足率应达到 ,才能达到中央银行专项票据的发行条件。 A(0 B.2% C.4% D.8% 19、国家在财政补贴方面,对农村信用社 期间开办保值储蓄多支付保值贴补息而造成的亏损,给予适当补贴。 A(1990,1992年 B.1992~1996年 C.1994~1996年 D.1994~1997年 20、从2003年1月1日起,对深化改革试点地区所有农信社的营业税按 的税率征收。 A(0 B.3% C.17% D.33% 二、复选题(本题共20小题,每题至少有两个以上答案,答对1题得2.5分,多选少选不得分) 21、农村信用社是由辖区内 入股组成的社区性地方金融机构。 A(农户 B.个体工商户 C.中小企业 D.党政机关 E. 22、2003年以来,中央明确提出,农村信用社改革的总体要求是 A.明晰产权关系 B.强化约束机制 C.增强服务功能 D.国家适当扶持 E.地方政府负责 23、深化农村信用社改革试点必须坚持 原则。 A. 为“三农”服务的原则 B(因地制宜,分类指导的原则 C(按市场经济的发展取向进行改革 D(政企分开的原则 E.先易后难的原则 24、深化农村信用社改革的主要内容是 A(改革信用社管理体制 B(改革信用社产权制度 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once C(改善法人治理结构 D(国家给予适当政策扶持 E(转换经营机制,增强服务功能 25、改革后,农村信用社监督管理体制的总体框架是 A(国家宏观管理、加强监管 B(省级政府依法管理、落实责任 C(省级联社行业自律、加强管理 D(地方政府协助管理、提供支持 E(信用社自我约束、自担风险 26、省级联社履行的主要职能有 A(指导员工教育 B(指导防范和处置农村信用社的金融风险 C(对县级联社的信贷业务进行审查 D(无偿调动农村信用社的资金 E(指导电子化建设 27、按照 原则,建立健全农村信用社激励和约束机制,切实加强内部管理,防范和控制新 的风险。 A(自主经营 B(自我约束 C(自主改革 D(自我发展 E(自担风险 28、首批实施深化农村信用社改革试点的省市有 A(重庆 B(安徽 C(北京 D(山东 E(山西 29、以下属于省级人民政府在农村信用社监督管理中的职责有 ,属于银监会的职责有 , 属于人民银行的职责有 。 A(对农村信用社省级管理机构领导班子的日常管理和考核 B(对省级管理机构主要负责人的违法违纪行为作出处理 C(对省级管理机构的高级管理人员进行培训 D(对农村信用社银行间债券市场管理规定进行监督检查 E(指导农村信用社健全法人治理结构,完善内控制度 30、农村信用社产权制度改革的主要组织形式有 A(农村商业银行 B(农村合作基金会 C(农村合作银行 D(县联社统一法人 E(信用社 和县联社各为法人 31、在股权设置上,农村商业银行的股本划分为 A.等额股份 B.同股同权 C.差额股份 D.同股同利 E.同股异利 32、设立农村商业银行应具备下列条件 A(发起人不少于500人 B. 发起人不少于1000人 C(注册资本金不低于5000万元人民币,资本充足率达到8% D. 注册资本金不低于8000万元人民币,资本充足率达到10% E(有健全的组织机构和管理制度 33、这次改革试点,中央银行资金扶持有 可供选择 A(专项票据 B(支农再贷款 C(专项借款 D(专项债券 E(降低存款准备金 34、农村合作银行向人民银行申请兑付专项票据须满足 A(资本充足率达到4% various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once B(资本充足率达到8% C(不良贷款比例较2002年12月末降幅不低于50% D(不良贷款比例较2002年12月末降幅不低于25% E(盈亏相抵后实现账面盈余 35、 符合向金融机构入股条件的,均可申请向其户口所在地或注册地的农信社、农村合作银行和农村商业银行入股,成为社员(股东)。 A(学校 B(自然人 C(其他经济组织 D(医院 E(企业法人 36、农信社法人股社员股金证的主要项目有 A(法人名称 B(营业执照号码 C(入股时间 D(入股金额 E(法人代表名称 37、农村信用社社员贷款有 的优惠 A(同等条件下优先获得贷款 B(放宽贷款条件 C(利率适当优惠 D(简化贷款手续 E(放宽贷款额度 38、农村商业银行股东大会可以行使 职权 A(制定农商行的基本管理制度 B(选举和更换董事 C(审议、批准农商行的发展规划 D(制定农商行增加或减少注册资本的方案 E(拟订农商行的合并、分立和解散方案 39、对农村信用社实施监督管理总的原则是 A(政企分开,自主经营 B(职责清晰,分工明确 C(加强协调,密切配合 D(审慎监管,稳健运行 E(各负其责,运转有序 40、国家对扩大试点范围地区农村信用社给予的扶持政策有 A(从2004年1月1日至2008年底,对参与试点的中西部地区农信社一律免征企业所得税 B(从2004年1月1日至2006年底,对参与试点的中西部地区农信社一律免征企业所得税 C(对1994年,1996年期间亏损的农村信用社保值贴补息给予补贴 D(从2004年1月1日起,对试点地区农信社的营业税按3%税率征收 E(从2004年1月1日起,对试点地区农信社免征营业税 三、判断题(本题共10小题,答对1题得2分) 41、农村信用社省级管理机构可以选择省级联社、管理局、协会等多种形式。( ) 42、受国务院委托,省级人民政府对管理农村信用社的工作情况进行总体评价,报告国务院。( ) 43、省级人民政府全面承担对农村信用社的管理和风险处置责任。( ) 44、农村合作银行的股本划分为等额股份,同股同权、同股同利。( ) 45、农村合作银行设立前辖内农信社总资产须达到10亿元以上,不良贷款比例须15%以下。( ) 46、专项票据置换的不良贷款,在票据期限内清收的,不减扣专项票据额度。( ) 47、农信社在吸收股金时,可以适当承诺股金分红或对股金支付利息。( ) 48、改革农信社获得第一批50%额度的中央银行专项借款不需任何条件。( ) 49、农信社交由省级政府管理后,政府财政资金可直接入股农村合作银行。( ) 50、2004年,国务院决定北京、海南等21省区市为进一步深化农村信用社改革various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 试点地区。( ) various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once
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