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广州气候特点及分析广州气候特点及分析 教育科学学院 吴佩文 082 2081611152 主要摘要:广州是中国南方最大的海滨城市,属于南亚热带季风气候区,地表接受太阳辐射量较多,同时受季风的影响,夏季海洋暖气流形成高温,多雨的气候。广州是一个降水量较多的城市,广州降水量多是受许多因素的影响,例如气候、地形等因素。除此之外,由于广州是一个工业区,所以到一定的月份的话,灰霾天气严重。 关键词:广州 降水量 气候 1、 广州的概况 广州是广东省的省会,广州市现包括10个区,2个 县级市,位于东经112.8——114.2,北纬22.3——24...
广州气候特点及分析 教育科学学院 吴佩文 082 2081611152 主要摘要:广州是中国南方最大的海滨城市,属于南亚热带季风气候区,地表接受太阳辐射量较多,同时受季风的影响,夏季海洋暖气流形成高温,多雨的气候。广州是一个降水量较多的城市,广州降水量多是受许多因素的影响,例如气候、地形等因素。除此之外,由于广州是一个工业区,所以到一定的月份的话,灰霾天气严重。 关键词:广州 降水量 气候 1、 广州的概况 广州是广东省的省会,广州市现包括10个区,2个 县级市,位于东经112.8——114.2,北纬22.3——24.1 之间,地处广东省中部、珠江三角洲北缘,南面是广阔 平坦、肥沃富饶的珠江三角洲冲积平原,东面是黄埔港, 港阔水深。平原和丘陵、山地、台地是广州的主要地貌 特征。地势上基本上自东北向西南倾斜。平原主要分布 在西部、南部。广州属于南亚热带季风海洋气候,温暖、 多雨,夏长冬短。,夏季长达半年之久。四季气候可概 括为夏少酷热,东无冰雪,纯常阴雨,秋高气爽。 1.1 气温 广州站的累年各月平均气温以7月份28.6?最大,次lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to 大的是8月份的28.4?;1月的13.6?最小,次小的是2月的14.6?;累年逐月的平均气温变化规律见图1。由于一年中,太阳在夏至日这一天到达北回归线(23?27′N)上的天顶,也就是垂直照射最北的位置,在冬至日这一天到达南回归线(23?27′S)上的天顶,也就是垂直照射最南的位置,太阳辐射量与大气环流、地理环境等其他因子相互作用形成 【】1了广州夏长冬短、夏无酷热、冬天冰雪的气候特征。 1.2日照 广州站累年各月平均日照时数201.9小时最大,次大的是10月的181.8小时,3月的62.4小时,次小的是4月的65.4小时;日照时数不仅与太阳辐射有关,而且与一日中的云量多少有关,但总体而言,以下半年居多,这与上半年常出现连阴雨及锋面降水以致长时间无日照不无关系。 1.3雾日数 全年以3、4月份发生雾现象最多,各站中,番禺平均年发生雾日数为15.3天居全市之冠。雾是贴地层空气中悬浮的大量水滴或冰晶微粒的集合体。雾和云的主要区别是雾接地而云悬浮于半空中。雾发生时存在于人们周围,直接影响人们的生活和工作,特别可能对交通造成损害。 1.4天气现象 诸多天气现象中,雷雨大风、龙卷风、冰雹、飑线以及强降水等又称为强对流天气灾害。其中,龙卷风因为其小尺lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to 度系统的特性,极难为气象观测站观测到。 2、广州的降水量分析 在这里我们来重点来谈谈广州的降水量吧,首先我们先了解一下这前几年广州市的降水案例: 据信息时报报道 (记者 周秋敏 通讯员 卢照珲) 六月天,孩子面,说变就变。昨日是夏至,下午3点过后,天气变得异常闷热。下午4时左右,羊城天空风云突变,乌云压顶,不久便电闪雷鸣,下起滂沱大雨。路上的行人都来不及找地方避雨,瞬间被淋成落汤鸡。据悉,此次降雨持续约2个小时,市区的雨量以城区北部郊区为最大,市区46个雨量站中超过30毫米雨量的有20个,其中最大耙齿沥水库降雨量达到97毫米。市、区排水部门多支专业抢险队,共出动专业排水抢险人员671人,抽水泵等抢险设备350台进行重点布防,同时对重要交通地段加强防御措施,及时调度泄洪站闸,并通知有关物 [2]管公司和小区做好防汛工作。 其实广州连续降雨也不是一件很稀奇的事,尤其在六七月分的时候,广州连续下雨尤其严重的,有时甚至出现连续的大暴雨,例如在从化,从化普遍降大暴雨,导致流溪河流水库水位迅速上涨,最高水位超过防洪限制水位2.72米,这样的情况随时也会出现险情。 那么为什么广州总是在六七八月的那个时候出现强降水呢,其实存在很多因素来影响的。 首先,从地势来看,广州位于东经113.7,北纬23.8,lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to 地处中国大陆南部。广州地处低纬度,属于南热带季风气候区,地表接受太阳辐射量较多,同时受季风的影响,夏季受海洋暖流形成高温,多雨的气候。 广州属于南亚热带海洋气候,其地势东北高,西南低,北部和东北部是山区,中部是丘陵、台地,南部是珠江三角洲冲积平原,由于地处低纬度地区及濒临南海,一年内东夏季风,交替影响,具有光能充裕,暖热少寒,雨量充沛气候特征。 其次从气温来分析,由于广州终年气温相对较高,平均高度有23度,气温变化为单峰型的,最高出现在7、8月,最低在1月。一年中大部分时间雨量充沛,雨季明显在4—9月多雨季节,半年的降水量一般占全年的百分之80。其中最多为5—6月,平均雨量达到280-300mm,常有大暴雨出现。 3(广州灰霾天气 广州作为珠江三角洲城市群的中心城市,改革开放以来城市化、工业化发展迅猛,机动车拥有量、建筑工地扬尘量和工业耗煤量、工业废气排放量都在不断增加,使广州成为我国四个明显的灰霾区之一。在1996年,广州市大气中的悬浮颗粒物为世界卫生组织标准的3~4倍,曾列为世界上10 [3] 个污染严重的城市之一。 灰霾是指大量极细微小的干性尘粒、烟粒、盐粒等均匀地悬浮在空中,使水平能见度小于10.0km、空气普遍出现lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to [6]浑浊的天气现象。灰霾天不仅使公路、水路和机场的能见度降低,增加交通事故的次数,而且还能诱发鼻炎、支气管炎、小儿佝偻病等多种疾病,危害人体的健康。 3.1灰霾气候特征及成因 据,广州灰霾日数最多为12月,平均达5.9天,其次是一月份,平均灰霾天为5.0天,灰霾天数最少的为6月,只有0.7天。从上面可以看出,表现出秋冬季出现多,春夏季少的分布特征。这主要是由于是秋冬季节冷空气活动频繁,广州市多位于变性高压脊内,空气干燥,气压稳定,风力微弱,地面附近的灰尘、汽车尾气难以扩散或稀释,从而导致灰霾天气的出现。而春夏季广州雨水充沛,雨水对空气 [4]的灰尘等污染物起冲涮作用,不利于灰霾天气的形成。 除此之外,灰霾天气的产生与城市化、工业化的发展密切相关。广州、花都、从化是三个相邻的城市,广州城市化、工业化的发展最快,花都次之,从化最慢。年灰霾天气 [5] 也表现广州最多,从化最少,花都居中。 根据以上气温、降水的变化和主导天气系统的变化情况,我们可以知道发生在广州的地面过程主要有,冬半年主要为冷空气、低温阴雨过程,夏半年主要为锋面暴雨和热带气旋过程,对农业生产有影响的过程还包括倒春寒、秋季低温(寒露风、霜降风)等。另外,若天气发生异常变化,极端天气就可能出现,发生的气象灾害可有干旱害、暴雨洪涝lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to 害、热带气旋害、雷暴灾害、高温热害及其它强对流天气灾害(大风、飑线、龙卷、冰雹、强降水)、雾害等。九十年代以来,寒害对广州经济建设的影响愈加明显,灾害损失巨大,是一个需要引起高度重视的新问。 参考文献: [1]黄嘉佑,气象统计分析与预报方法[M] 北京气象出版社2004 [2]广州日报 2007年六月7号第三期 第四版 [3]何惠明.广东城市大气污染状况及防治对策.广东行政学院学报,2000-12-1 [4]中央气象局.地面气象观测.北京.气象出版社 1979-22 [5]吴兑,邓雪娇 环境气象学和特种气象预报 北京气象出版社 [6]中央气象局.地面气象观测规范.北京气象出版社 lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to
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