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神烦警探第一季第一集I台词剧本神烦警探第一季第一集I台词剧本 神烦警探 第一集(1) JP(Jake Peralta):This job is eating me alive. I can't breathe anymore. 这份工作在蚕食我的生命。 让我无法呼吸。 I spent all these years trying to be the good guy. The man in the white hat. 这些年,我尽力做个好人。 两袖新风 I'm not becoming like them.I am them. 这不是理想...
神烦警探第一季第一集I台词剧本 神烦警探 第一集(1) JP(Jake Peralta):This job is eating me alive. I can't breathe anymore. 这份工作在蚕食我的生命。 让我无法呼吸。 I spent all these years trying to be the good guy. The man in the white hat. 这些年,我尽力做个好人。 两袖新风 I'm not becoming like them.I am them. 这不是理想。 我就是~ Santiago :Hey!What are you doing,weirdo? 嘿~你在干啥呢,奇葩, JP :I'm doing the best speech from.Oractually,ten of me are doing 我正在演《忠奸人》的经典台词事实上,是十个我正在表演《忠奸 the best speech from .What's up? 人》的经典台词。怎么了, Santiago :Get it together,man.Okay?So the store was hit about two hours ago.They took 干点正事儿,好吗,伙计~ 所以,两小时前,商店被洗劫。 他们几乎洗 劫了 mostlytablets,laptops,and cameras. 所有的平板电脑,笔记本及照相机。 JP :Sorry. 不好意思 Santiago : I'd like a list of all your employees,whoever had access to the store. 我想要一份雇员的名单,谁可以随意进出商店。 And I'd also like 同时,我要替我的 to apologize for my partner.His parents didn't give him enough attention. 搭档道歉。 他父母对他关心不够。 JP :Uh,Detective...I already solved the case. 呃,探长...我已经破案了。 We're looking for three white males,one of whom has sleeve tats on both arms. 嫌犯是三名白人男子, 其中一个,双臂都有纹身。 Santiago : And how do you know that? 你怎么知道, JP :I had an informant on the inside. 我有一个内线。 He's been here for years.Watching,leaing,Waiting. 他潜伏在这里多年。监视,调查,等待。 His code name?Fuzzy Cuddle bear. 他的代号就是,毛毛熊。 He's a nanny cam. 其实他是针孔摄像机啦。 Santiago : You got lucky. 算你走运。 JP :No,I got here five minutes before you and figured that in this gigantic electronics 不是,我比你早到五分钟,我寻思这么大的电器商店 store,there had to be at least one working camera.oh! 至少有一个能用的摄像头吧。 Hi,badguys!You did it,fuzzy. 你们好啊~坏蛋们~干的不错,毛 You busted'em.It's time to come home. 你抓住他们了。是时候回家啦。 I'm not sure if I can.I've been undercover so 我不确定还能回去。 我潜伏的太久了, long.I've forgotten who I am.I have seen terrible things. 我已经忘了我是谁。 惨不忍睹之事,我见过太多了~ I haven't known the touch of a woman in many moons. 我已经很久没有碰过 Detective Santiago~ Don't walk away from me! 妹子了~ 不要弃我而去~ 01:35 累死了~打字看幕就用了半个小时,才1分钟多点~?(???)?。 JP :Yes,I did crack the case.So,Santiago,would you do the honors? 没错,是我破了这件案子。所以,Santiago,您先请吧, Santiago : I hate this! 我恨这样~ JP :Oh,yeah!And you're just gonna add one.I'mwinning.It's a good feeling. 欧耶~~ 帮我加一就行了。 我赢了。 感觉太棒了。 Santiago : Enjoy it while it lasts. 好好享受这短暂幸福吧。 JP :I will! 没问题~ Terry Jeffords :JP,update on the Morgenthau murder? JP,汇报一下摩根索谋杀案的进展, JP :Yeah!Good news for all you murder fans.Earlier this morning...Someone decided to 好的~有一个好消息给各位谋杀粉们。 今晨早些时候。。。 有人决 定要射杀 shoot and kill luxury food importer Henry Morgenthau.Body was found by the 奢侈食品进口商亨利 ? 摩根索。 清洁女工发现了他的尸体 cleaning lady. During her interview,Ideduced,using expert Detective work,that she 给她做笔录的时候, 我用自己无敌专业的侦查技巧推测, had something super gross on her chin. 她下巴有块超级恶心的东西。 Charles Boyle :I think it was flan. 我觉得是果馅饼。 JP :Charles thinks it was flan.I think it was butterscotch pudding. 查理认为是果馅饼。 我推测是奶油糖果布丁。 Rosa Diaz :Maybe it was just old person gunk. 说不定只是一块老年人的鼻涕。 You know how old people always have that gunk on them. 你知道的,老年人身上经常有些鼻涕。 JP :Oldie gunk.Couldbe,yeah JP :Oldie gunk.Couldbe,yeah 也有可能是鼻涕。 Anyone else? 谁还有意见, Terry Jeffords :How about we focus on the murder 让我们关注谋杀案吧。 And not the old person gunk? 别再讨论老年人的鼻涕了~ Santiago :Crime techs are at the scene now. 罪证科的人现在在现场。 We’re heading back when they’re done. 取证结束后我们就重返犯罪现场。 Terry Jeffords :Okay, I want you on this. 好的,我要你跟进这个案子。 It’s gonna be priority one for the new C.O 这将会是新警监的重点案件。 Rosa Diaz :Wait,tell us about the new Captain. 等等,和我们说一下新警监吧。 Terry Jeffords :Captain Holt will be here soon. 霍尔特警监很快就到。 He’ wanna introduce himself. Dismissed. Charles Boyle :Hey,Gina. 嗨,吉娜 You know any scalpers? 你有没有认识的黄牛, I wanna ask Rosa to go to the Rihanna concert with me,but it’s sold out. 我想约罗莎一起去看蕾哈娜的演唱会,但是票卖完了~ Gina:Okay,two points to make here. 好吧,我要说两点。 First,Rihanna…you…And then Rihanna. 首先,蕾哈娜…你(屌丝)…然后蕾哈娜。 Charles Boyle :Yeah,What’s your second point? 好吧,那第二点是什么, Gina:She’s got a type. 她喜欢的类型。 Which is really anyone but you. 就是除了你的每一型 Charles Boyle :Yeah,thatwa my ex- wife’stype too,’ 好吧我前妻和她品味一致。 Gina:Look, a Rihanna concert’s a pretty big swing,man. 听着,蕾哈娜的演唱会是大招啊,伙计。 I don’t know.She’s into watching old movies. 我不推荐。她喜欢看老电影。 Charles Boyle :Cool.Wher would I find a place that shows old movies? 太好啦~放老电影的地方在哪, Gina:Oh,yeah,just go on the Internet and search for the phrase “I want to buy two 很简单,先上网,百度”我要买两张电影票和不喜欢我的妹子一起去看” Movie tickets for a girl who doesn’t like me” Charles Boyle :Great,Thank you. 太棒了~谢谢你~ Gina : Good 不客气。 7/5 Santiago :Hey,you heard anything about the new Captain? 嘿~你通过有关新警监的事情么, JP :Uh,no,and I don’t care.I just wish Captain McGintley never left,he was the best. 没有,我没兴趣。我真希望麦金莱警监没有走,他才是最棒的~ Santiago :He was terrible.You just liked him’cause he let you do anything you wanted. 他烂到家了~你喜欢他是因为他让你为所欲为。 JP :On your marks,get set…go 各就各位,准备~开始 McGintley:What the hell’s going on around here? 这里什么情况, JP :Fire extinguisher roller chair derby? 灭火器座椅大赛, McGintley:Okay 好吧 Gina:And go! 那么开始~ JP :What’s your point? 你想说啥, Santiago : If I’m ever gonna make Captain,I need a good mentor. 想要当上警监,我需要良师~ I need my rabbi 我需要师傅。 JP :Sorry dude… 不好意思,妹子 But this new guy’s gonna be another washed-up pencil pusher who’s only 但这新来的肯定又是个老掉牙的,板无趣的警监 Concerned with…Following every rule in the patrol guide 踏踏实实的遵循每条巡逻指导规定。 Meepmorpzeep .Robot Captain Engage. 哔啵~ 我是机器人警监。 Ray Holt:Is that’what you think? 这就是你的想法, JP :He-hey! 嗨~ New Captain alert. 新警监来了~ You must be the new C.O 你一定是新警监了吧~ I’m Detective Jake Peralta. 我是探长杰克?佩拉尔塔 Great to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Ray Holt :Now don’t let me interrupt. 别让我打断你。 You were describing what kind of person I’m gonna be. 继续描述我是哪种人吧。 I’d like you to finish. 请你说完。 JP :That’s not necessary 我想没必要吧。 Or I could recap very quickly ,sure. 或者我能简单的重述一下。 Um,let’s see. 我想想。 I think I said some joke about being a washed-up pencil pusher. 我应该说了一些笑话,有关死板无趣的警监。 Ray Holt :Now do the robot voice. 再模仿下机器人的声音。 The robot voice you were doing when you implied I’m a rule-following robot. 你刚刚模仿的机器人声音,就是暗示我是个遵循规矩的机器人。 I wanna hear it again. 我想再听一遍。 That’ a terrible robot voice. 模仿的真烂。 The next time I see you ,I’d like you to be wearing a necktie. 下次我见你的时候,记得把你的领带穿上。 JP :oh,actually,the last Captain didn’t care if we wore ties. 呃~其实,上一任警监不在意我们是否打领带。 Ray Holt :Well,your new Captain does. 好吧,可本尊介意。 And more importantly,he cares that you follow his direct orders. 更重要的是,本尊要你以服从为天职。 Everyone,I’m your new commanding officer,Captain Ray Holt. 大家注意了,本尊现在是你们新的指挥官,雷?霍尔特警监。 Santiago :speech 发言 Ray Holt :That was my speech. 我已经说完了 Santiago :Short and sweet. 简短精悍 Ray Holt :Sergeant Jeffords, a word 杰弗德警长,借一步说话。 05:32】美剧神烦警探台词剧本英语学习 7/12 Santiago :I love that guy. 我喜欢他 JP :Same! 我也是~ Gina:He’s so suave. 他好温文尔雅啊~ Does anyone get a little bit of a gay vibe? 你们没人发现他有点基么? NO?Okay. 没有,好吧 Ray Holt :Sergeant, you were in the 1-8 with me… 警长,你曾跟我在凶案组共事过… Terry Jeffords :Though you were significantly…Fatter,sir 但你当时更…胖,长官。 They called me “Terry Titties” 他们原来叫我“大咪咪泰瑞” Because I had large, uh… 因为我的咪咪… Ray Holt :Titties, yes.I remember. 比较给力,是的,我记得。 I never liked that nickname. 我从来不喜欢绰号什么的。 Though to be fair, it was accurate. 不过这个却很形象。 What’s this I hear about you being on administrative leave? 我怎么听说你在行政休假, Terry Jeffords :A year ago, my wife and I had twin baby girls. 一年前,我们夫妻有了双胞胎女儿。 Cagney and Lacey. 卡格尼和蕾西。 Ray Holt :They have sdorable chubby cheeks 她们的小脸蛋真可爱。 Terry Jeffords :Ever since,Ikinda got scared of getting hurt. 从此以后,我就开始害怕自己受伤。 Lost my edge. 身手也不怎么灵活了。 There was an incident in a department store. 在百货店的任务出现过意外。 JP :Hey,man,youokay?You look a little jumpy. 嘿,伙计,你还好么,你看起来很紧张。 Terry Jeffords :I’m fine.I’m fine. 我很好,我很好。 JP :I think he’s dead. 我觉得他死了~ Terry Jeffords :And I’m still not right. 我打破现在还没有释怀。 Ray Holt :Tell me about your Detective squad. 跟我讲讲你们小组的队员吧。 Terry Jeffords :Well,Scully,Hitchcock,and Daniels. 好吧,斯库利,希契科克和丹尼尔。 They’re pretty much worthless,but they make good coffee. 他们基本都是打酱油的,但是,他们煮的咖啡不错。 Ray Holt :Copy that. 知道了。 Terry Jeffords :Now the good ones. 下面说说能干的。 Rosa Diaz,tough,smart,hard to read,and really scary. 坚强,聪明,难以琢磨,而且非常恐怖。 Rosa Diaz :Tell me who has me for secret santa, 告诉我,我的神秘圣诞老人是谁, Hitchcock:No!That takes all the fun out of it. 不要~说了就没意思了。 It’s Scully.He got you a scarf, 是斯库利,他给你准备了一条围巾。 I’ll make him return it. 我会让他换一个的。 Rosa Diaz :Yes, you will. 去吧,孩子~ Terry Jeffords :Charles Boyle.He’s a grinder. 查理?伯耶尔,他是个“磨王”。 Not the most brilliant Detective,but he works harder than anyone else. 虽然不是最游戏的刑警,但是比任何人都努力。 He’s not physically gifted. 他生来有点笨手笨脚。 Charles Boyle :Oh,man!My muffin. 我勒个去~~我的松饼。 Oh,myhead!Mymuffin,my head! 我去~我的头~我的松饼~我的头~ Terry Jeffords :Amy Santiago, 艾米,桑蒂亚戈 She’s got seven brothers,so she’s always trying to prove she’s tough 她有7个兄弟,所以她总想证明自己很强。 Hitchcock:Careful.That stuff’s pretty hot. 小心点,那个相当辣。 Terry Jeffords :She and Peralta have some big bet over who gets more arrests this year. 她和佩拉尔塔打了个赌,看今年谁捉住的犯人更多。 Ever since the bet,their numbers have gone way up. 自从打了赌,他们的破案率一路飙升。 Ray Holt :Tell me about Peralta. 谈谈佩拉尔塔。 Terry Jeffords :Jacob Peralta is my best Detective. 杰克布,佩拉尔塔,是我这里最好的探员。 He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. 他善于惩奸除恶,解决谜案。 The only puzzle hasn’tsolved,ishow to grow up. 他唯一没有解出的疑案,是如何长大。 Ray Holt :That was very well put. 说的真好啊。 Terry Jeffords :I’ve talked a lot about Jake in my departmentally mandated therapy sessions. 我在部门要求的心理咨询中谈过杰克很多次了。 Ray Holt :Look, you know my history. 听着,你知道我的经历。 You know how important this is to me. 你知道这对我多重要。 This precinct is doing fine,but I wanna make it the best one in Brooklyn. 目前管辖区做的不错,但是我希望把它变成布鲁克林首屈一指的。 And I need you help. 我需要你的帮助。 Terry Jeffords :Absolutely,sir. 全力以赴,长官。 Where do we start? 我们从哪开始, Ray Holt :We start with him. 就从他开始。 08:28】 未完待续… 等待第二部分吧~
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