首页 > 如何快速疏通经络


2017-09-30 24页 doc 180KB 31阅读




如何快速疏通经络如何快速疏通经络 如何快速疏通经络,健体强身 1、升温是疏通经络最有效的方法。 身体内寒湿重时,就如面对一块因冷而冻住的土地,你用按摩和针刺的方法是解决不了根本问题的。只有“大地”回暖,河流化冰,土地解冻,河流才会通畅,土地才会松软、透气。我们的身体也是一样,只要身体内寒湿重,身体内所有的管道就会因冷而收缩,身体内的肌肉、组织也会遇冷而板结。这时针灸、推拿、按摩等治疗方法对治疗各种疾病效果甚微,而且只能暂时缓解,复发率非常高。 遇到这类情况时,就要同时学会为身体升温、排寒湿的技巧,才能让身体内全面化冻,各种管道自然畅通。...
如何快速疏通经络 如何快速疏通经络,健体强身 1、升温是疏通经络最有效的。 身体内寒湿重时,就如面对一块因冷而冻住的土地,你用按摩和针刺的方法是解决不了根本问的。只有“大地”回暖,河流化冰,土地解冻,河流才会通畅,土地才会松软、透气。我们的身体也是一样,只要身体内寒湿重,身体内所有的管道就会因冷而收缩,身体内的肌肉、组织也会遇冷而板结。这时针灸、推拿、按摩等治疗方法对治疗各种疾病效果甚微,而且只能暂时缓解,复发率非常高。 遇到这类情况时,就要同时学会为身体升温、排寒湿的技巧,才能让身体内全面化冻,各种管道自然畅通。 2、学会看经络图 身体内的经络有两套系统,一个是小周天,一个是大周天。 小周天就是任督二脉的循环,大周天就是十二条经络的循环。 而大周天的十二条经络其实只是三条长长的经络的循环,都是从小腹内的丹田出发,上行至胸,由 胸再行走到手臂内侧?手?手臂外侧?头?躯干?下肢外侧?脚?下肢内侧?再进入小腹。 这是一次循环,每次循环走四条经络,这四条经络其实就是一条经络,只是人为地将它们分开,起了不同的名字,但这条经络的精气是相连的、是没有断的。 还要提醒大家一下:经络的经就是主干道,就是大小周天。但络,其实是网络,有四通八达的意思,就是身体的经络除了主干道外,各种的侧枝是非常发达的,遍布全身的上上下下、左左右右、里里外外,就会出现按摩哪里,身体都会有反应的情况出现,所以才会出现各种的全息理论。 人体的经络至今没有将全图画出来,就是经络不是简简单单的一条马路,是网络,而大小周天的这些主干道上,也不是一根管道,而是一组管道。所以不要太拘泥与找穴位、找经络,只要有淤堵、疼痛、不通、长出多余肉的地方都进行梳理,都会对身体产生作用的。 中医的经络图看似复杂难懂,其实只要记住关键的 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 几条经络就行了。下面是学经络图的技巧。 任脉、督脉(如图),走在人体的正中线,是身体 最重要的经络,任督二脉畅通,百病不生。 任脉的疏通:坚持揉腹、擦胸就可以了,也可以刮痧、拔罐。 督脉的疏通:经常用后背撞击树干、撞击墙面都可以。1-2个月做一次后背正中线的走罐,也是疏通督脉最好的方法。 学习十二条经络的技巧 十二条经络,其实只是三条长长的经络。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 第一条:肺经?大肠经?胃经?脾经。 肺经:由胸走手,行走在上肢内侧前,止于大指的 少商穴。 行至手腕时,分出一个侧枝,走到了食指的商阳穴,目的是与食指的大肠经相连。 肺经上的常用穴位有:云门、尺泽、太渊、鱼际、少商。 大肠经:肺经的精气继续行走,就走到了食指的外侧商阳穴,这里就是大肠经的起点了,从手指往上走,行走在上肢的外侧前?颈部?下齿?鼻旁的迎香穴为止。 另有一个侧枝上行到眼睛的下缘,叫承泣穴的地 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 方,目的是与下一条经络胃经相连。 大肠经常用穴位有:商阳、合谷、曲池。 胃经:大肠经的精气继续行走就走到了胃经的起点承泣穴,承泣穴往下行走?面周围?胸前第二侧线?下肢外侧前?脚面?中趾的历兑穴止。 从脚背走脚趾时,又分了两个侧枝,一个走到了次趾,一个走到了大脚趾上,目的是要与脾经相连。 胃经常用的穴位有:肚脐旁的天枢穴,大腿上的梁丘,小腿上的足三里、上巨虚、下巨虚、丰隆,脚上的解溪、冲阳。 脾经:胃经的精气继续前行,就走到了大脚趾外侧 隐白穴了,这里是脾经的起始点,往上行至大趾内 ?下肢内侧?胸腹第三侧线?大包穴止。 体是在大包穴为止了,但体内有一支?入腹?食 道旁?散舌下。走到这里,这一条长长的经络就走 完了。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 这一条从肺经出发到脾经结束的经络,中间都是连接的,没有断掉,只是人为地将它们分为了四条经络,其实就是一条长长的经络,这条经络主要是管理人体内的消化系统、呼吸系统。 肺、大肠、胃、脾生病的时候,就要梳理这一条长长的经络,不是肺生病只梳理肺经,而是肺生病,整个四条经络都要慢慢地梳理。只是脾经是经络的终点,精气会很弱,不适合重度梳理,一般选择按揉的方法为佳。其他三条经络可以按揉、可以刮痧、拍痧、走罐。 这四条经络上的任何一个部位淤堵,都会造成整条经络运行的不顺畅,疏通局部很重要,整条经络梳理更重要,只有整条经络都通畅了,肺、大肠、胃、脾才会健康。 常见的疏通技巧就是针灸、推拿、按摩、拍痧、刮痧、走罐。 这么长的一条经络,堵在哪里怎样知道,只要是局部有疼痛、肿胀,皮肤上冒斑、冒癣、长痘痘、长痣、溃烂等,长在那条经络上,就代表这条经络有淤堵了,不但要梳理局部,慢慢地要将整条的经络都梳理通。 梳理经络时,没有充足的能量在里面冲刷,脏东西是排不掉的,所以梳理经络的时候,食疗一定要跟上。 例如胃不舒服时,就先找到胃经这条经络,可以沿着胃经找酸胀、疼痛的部位进行按揉、刮痧、拍痧, regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 也可以找胃经的源头肺经、大肠经进行按揉,也可以找胃经的下游脾经进行按揉,都能缓解胃部的不适。但记住只是缓解,因为食疗没有跟上,继续吃错误的食物,胃还是会生病的,不注意对胃进行保护,胃还是会不舒服的,只有去除了病因,同时再梳理胃经及胃经的上下,胃病才会彻底治愈。 再具体一些,胃不舒服时,先想一下吃了什么不该吃的食物,停掉,同时按揉胃经最常用的穴位足三里,再将手上大肠经的合谷穴按揉一会,一般胃部不适就消失了,严重的胃病还要配合姜枣水冲鸡蛋等食疗的方法,坚持下去很多慢性病就会治愈了。 具体每条经上都有哪些重要的穴位,大家可以买针灸书去学习,搞不懂穴位了,就沿着经络摸,哪里不适就按揉哪里,也一样有效。 再搞不清楚,就将手臂内侧拍打拍打,小腿外侧拍打拍打,也能将整个三条经络的源头及终点都梳理了一下,身体内的脏器都会感觉舒服一些的。 第二条:心经?小肠经?膀胱经?肾经。 心经:由胸口出发,走到腋下,走上肢内侧后,走手,止于小指内侧的少冲穴,同时与小肠经相连了。 心经常用的穴位有:极泉、少海、神门、少冲。 小肠经:心经的精气走到了小指内侧的少冲穴,继续行走,就走到了小肠经的起点,小指外侧的少泽穴,然后继续沿着手臂的外侧后上行至肩胛、颈部,然后分支,一支上行至耳前的听宫穴,另一支上行 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 至眼睛内侧的睛明穴止,在这里与下一条经络膀胱经汇合。 小肠经常用穴位有:后溪、小海、天宗。 膀胱经:小肠经走到眼睛内侧的睛明穴后就将精气交给了膀胱经,膀胱经就开始了继续往上行走,走到头顶外侧一些,再下行至颈椎的旁边,再一直下行至腰、下肢外侧后,再下行至脚的外侧,最后走到了小脚趾的外侧至阴穴,在这里又和下一条经络肾经汇合了。 膀胱经常用的穴位有:睛明、攒竹、风门、肺俞、 心俞、膈俞、肝俞、胆俞、脾俞、胃俞、肾俞、委中、承山、跗阳、昆仑、至阴。 肾经:膀胱经的精气在至阴穴处就交给了肾经,肾经将精气传到了脚底的涌泉穴,继续前行至脚内侧,开始向上,行走在下肢的内侧后,然后进入腹部,体内运行的一条是进入到肾、膀胱,再走肺、咽喉、舌;体外运行的一条就沿着任脉的两边向上行走,到咽喉下偏外的俞府穴为止。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 这一条长长的经络,主要是管理着人体的生长、发育,管理着西医认为的神经系统、泌尿系统、生殖系统。 孩子的发育不足、成人的早衰、脑子的发育与疾病、女士的妇科病、男士的男科病、颈肩腰腿痛、关节的疼痛等等,都与这一条长长的经络精气不足,经脉不太通畅有关。 与这条经络有关的疾病,治疗上除了做好食疗外,就要学会慢慢疏理这条经络,疏理的方法与上面介 绍第一条经络的疏理方法是一样的。 例如肾脏有病时,可以在肾经的上下找痛点,找瘀堵的部位进行搓与揉,也可以找肾经的源头心经、小肠经按揉、拍痧、刮痧,也可以在膀胱经上按揉、刮痧、走罐、拍痧。 这一条长长的经络最适合疏理的就是膀胱经,只要是后背僵硬的,都是这条经络的精气不足了,也就是肾气衰弱了,阳气不足了,在食疗补足能量的前提下,经常疏理膀胱经是非常好的。背部的撞墙就是疏理膀胱经,后背的走罐也是疏理膀胱经,只是后背撞墙可以天天做,每天不要超过半小时,后背的走罐就不能天天做了,可以一、二个月进行一次。 第三条:心包经?三焦经?胆经?肝经。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 心包经:这条经的精气是从由胸开始出发,走到了乳房外侧,往上行走后进入手臂内侧中间,再走到手掌,分出一支走到了中指的中冲穴,还有一支就走到了无名指,将精气转交给了三焦经。 心包经的常用穴位有: 曲泽、内关、劳宫穴。 三焦经:心包经的精气传递给了三焦经后,从无名指的关冲穴出发,上行与上肢外侧中?肩后?侧颈?耳?眉梢、目外眦?与胆经汇合。 三焦经的常用穴位有:外关 胆经:三焦经的精气在眼睛外侧的瞳子髎穴处转交给了胆经,胆经的精气绕着耳朵走了一圈后就上头,再下行至侧颈、侧腰、肋、下肢外侧中,走到脚背分两支,一支走到了第四脚趾的足窍阴穴止,一支走到了大脚趾,目的是将精气转交给肝经。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 胆经常用穴位有:凤池、肩井、环跳、阳陵泉、光明、悬钟、丘墟穴 肝经:胆经的精气在大脚趾处交给了肝经,从大脚趾内侧的大敦穴出发,沿脚背上行至下肢内侧前、中,进入生殖器上行入腹部,一支止于乳头下方的期门穴,一支继续在体内上行,上头、上额,与督 脉会于巅,还有一支在体内循环?胃、肝、胆?循喉咙后?目?下颊?环唇?肺。 肝经常用的穴位有:太冲、蠡沟、章门 这一条长长的经络,除了有肝胆这两个脏器以外,还多了两个没有与脏器直接相连的经络:心包经和三焦经。其实这两条经络是代表着身体内部大的通道,也可以理解成内脏之间的主干道,这两条经络不通,身体内部的大交通就出现了塞车现象,真个身体内部都会出现淤堵的情况。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 梳理这一条长长的经络,就是为身体这个炉子通炉底,能让身体内部的能源充分燃烧利用起来。 只要是身体内部出现淤堵症状时,这一条长长的经络都要慢慢地疏通,在食疗跟上的情况下,最好的疏通方法就是拍打、走罐。 三条长经络在四肢巡行的位置。 手臂的内侧 拇指一侧:手太阴肺经(简称肺经) 中指相通:手厥阴心包经(简称心包经) 小指一侧:手少阴心经(简称心经) 手臂的外侧 拇指一侧:手阳明大肠经(简称大肠经) 中指相通:手少阳三焦经(简称三焦经) 小指一侧:手太阳小肠经(简称小肠经) regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 腿的内侧 靠外:足太阴脾经(简称脾经,小腿以下则居中间) 中间:足厥阴肝经(简称肝经,小腿以下则靠外) 靠里:足少阴肾经(简称肾经) 腿的外侧 靠上:足阳明胃经(简称胃经) 中间:足少阳胆经(简称胆经) 后面:足太阳膀胱经(简称膀胱经) 按摩时还需注意的事项: 1、按摩后疗效不好或病症总是反复的人,一定是 身体内的整体温度低,一定是身体内气血两亏。这 时就要将重点转移,以食疗补足气血,然后运用各 种方法祛除身体内的寒湿,再配合经络的疏通,疗 效才能巩固、不易复发。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid 2、身体内还有很多部位与经络图无关,但按揉后也能起到疏通体内各种管道的作用。如脚底反射区的按摩,便是最近一二十年来比较普及的一种保健、治病方法,简单易学,只要身体哪里不舒服,就到脚上去找相应的反射区,按摩后往往也能收到比较明显的效果。 3、还有手部反射区的按摩,第二掌骨全息按摩,耳部的全息按摩,只要对照图去进行按揉,就有明显的缓解病痛的效果。
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