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BEC高级写作BEC高级写作 BEC Higher Writing 叶廖莎 Sarah Cambridge Business English Certificate 三大职场证书比较 •BEC:剑桥商务英语 •TOEIC:托业 •BULATS:博思 BEC:剑桥商务英语 •BEC剑桥商务英语证书是在职业英语领域最早进入中国的证书考试,它是1993年中国教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办的考试,在知名高校的大学生中最具影响力。BEC在外企有较高的认可度,被称为商务求职的通行证。同时BEC剑桥商务英语证书被世界各地...
BEC高级写作 BEC Higher Writing 叶廖莎 Sarah Cambridge Business English Certificate 三大职场证书比较 •BEC:剑桥商务英语 •TOEIC:托业 •BULATS:博思 BEC:剑桥商务英语 •BEC剑桥商务英语证书是在职业英语领域最早进入中国的证书考试,它是1993年中国教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办的考试,在知名高校的大学生中最具影响力。BEC在外企有较高的认可度,被称为商务求职的通行证。同时BEC剑桥商务英语证书被世界各地的众多大学、高等教育机构MBA项目所认可,并将其作为入学考试的英语语言水平要求。 TOEIC:托业 •TOEIC即托业,是美国教育考试服务中心为大型跨国企业和政府机构开发设计的,托业诞生之初,是为日本度身打造的英语考试,发展到今天,托业主要用于测试母语非英语人员在国际工作环境中英语交流的能力,2002年12月在北京、上海举行了首次考试。“托业”考试最突出的特点是在日本、韩国推广非常成功,目前国内的日、韩企业比较认可该证书。 BULATS:博思 •BULATS也就是“博思”,同样为剑桥大学外语考试部研发,是特别为企业和政府机构设立。测试实际工作环境下的语言运用能力,能够快速、经济而可靠地对职员、实习雇员、应聘者和外语学习者的听、说、读、写四种语言能力进行考核。其测试结果与欧洲语言测试协会(ALTE)的五个等级相链接,得到包括意大利、法国等100多个非英语国家和地区的公司、政府机构的认可。 考试内容 •BEC :阅读、写作、听力、口试 •TOEIC :听力、阅读 •BULATS :Standard Test(纸笔考试)、CB Test(计算机化考试)、口语考试、写作考试 认可范围 •BEC :欧美企业、大型国企和国外高校 •TOEIC :日韩企业 •BULATS :企业和中国政府 有效期限 •BEC :终身有效 •TOEIC :两年有效期 •BULATS :两年有效期 Cambridge Business English Certificate 认可BEC的外企 写作试构成 写作试题构成 成绩换算 BEC高级写作课程安排 ,第一课 ,第二课 ,第三课 ,第四课 ,第五课 ,第六课 Answer sheet •Part 1 •Part 2(写清自己选择的题目) •钢笔答题 •字迹整洁清晰 评分(P9) •Band 5: Full realization of the task set •Band 4: Good realization of the task set •Band 3: Reasonable achievement of the task set •Band 2: Inadequate attempt at the task set •Band 1: Poor attempt at the task set •Band 0: Achieves nothing 评分标准(P8) •内容 •组织 •语域 •格式 •对目标读者的影响 6C原则 •完整 Completeness •具体 Concreteness •清楚 Clarity •正确 Correctness •简洁 Conciseness •礼貌 Courtesy 如何提高写作 •保持一定的阅读量 ,www.bartleby.com 百科全书 ,www.bloomberg.com 彭博社 ,托福老考题 •总结好词好句(写作本) •多写多练 •背诵好文章 Part one 小作文 图表题 图表种类 •Table 细目表 •Pie charts 饼状图(剑2 T4;剑3 T4) •Line charts 线形图(剑2 T1) •Bar charts 柱状图(剑2 T2/3;剑3 T1/2/3/4) Table 细目表 Pie charts 饼状图 Pie charts 饼状图 •(单个)反映整体结构状况 •(多个)反映事物变化趋势 •读图关键: ,最大比例份额 ,最小比例份额 剑2 P82 Test4 Line charts 线形图 Line charts 线形图 •反映事物随时间的变化趋势 •横坐标-时间;纵坐标-数据 •读图关键: ,最低点 ,最高点 剑2 P28 Test1 Bar charts 柱状图 Bar charts 柱状图 •比较各事物大小多少 •反映事物随时间变化 •整体各成分相对关系 •读图关键: ,最大值点 ,最小值点 剑3 P28 Test1(变化型) 剑3 P46 Test2(比较型) 柱状图分类 ?.变化型柱状图 ? 有年度,连接顶点所得曲线有意义 ? 反映事物随时间的变化趋势 ? 可以转化为线形图 ?.比较型柱状图 ? 无年度,连接顶点所得曲线无意义 ? 反映事物之间大小比较 ? 可以转化为饼状图 关联 考察技能 •Describing trends 趋势描述 ,大趋势描述(忽略细节) ,具体关键数据(最值点、起始点终止点、拐点) Describing trends 趋势描述 Describing trends 趋势描述 •章法 •句群(衔接) •v. adv. n. 句型 v. (Increase): •increase, increased, increasing •grow, grew, growing •rise, rose, rising •surge, surged, surging •soar, soared, soaring •boost, boosted, boosting v. (Decrease): •fall, fell, falling •drop, dropped, dropping •decline, declined, declining •slump, slumped, slumping •plunge, plunged, plunging •plummet, plummeted, plummeting v. (Stability/fluctuation): •remain stable/steady/constant/unchanged •fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuating a. (ad.) Degree 基本句型 •The turnover for the supermarkets increased dramatically from about 65 in 2000 to 80 in 2002. ,NP for NP VP from纵in横to纵in横. 12 •The turnover for the supermarkets increased dramatically from about 65 to 80 between 2000 and 2002. ,NP for NP VP from纵to纵between横and横. 12 基本句型 •The turnover for the supermarkets increased by 15 between 2000 and 2002. , NP for NP VP by纵-纵 between横and横. 1212 •The turnover for the supermarkets increased by 15 from 2000 to 2002. , NP for NP VP by纵-纵 from横to横. 1212 基本句型 •There was an increase (trend) in the turnover for the supermarkets between 2000 and 2002. ,There be… •We saw/witnessed an increase (trend) in the turnover for the supermarkets from 2000 to 2002. ,We see/witness… 基本句型 ,NP for NP VP from纵in横to纵in横. 12 ,NP for NP VP from纵to纵between横and横. 12 ,NP for NP VP by纵-纵 between横and横. 1212 ,There be… ,We see/witness… Marking comparisons 对照对比 •比较级、最高级 •Compared with A, B is… •…3 times more than/as much as… •not less than ... •of all the…, the ...est •rank next to none •outnumber, outweigh, surpass, eclipse, dwarf 章法布局 Organization Report •(开头段) Introduction 陈述主要信息 15-20 •(主体段) Findings 趋势、对比 80-100 •(结尾段) Conclusion 结论 10-20 章法布局 Organization •Introduction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX •Findings XXXX… XXXX… •Conclusion XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Introduction •This report summarizes (outlines) the changes in the turnover between 2000 and 2002. ,NP VPin NP between T and T. 1 212 NP VPin NP from T to T.1 212 , Introduction •This report summarizes (outlines)… •The bar chart shows… •The purpose of this report is to outline… •The aim of this report is to outline… •时态:一般现在时 剑3 P28 Test1 •Bar chart •The graph below shows the turnover for three kinds of retail outlet, all owned by the same company, during a three-year period. •Using the information from the graph, write a short report comparing the changes in the turnover in the company’s three types of outlet. •Write 120-140 words. 剑3 P28 Test1 Introduction 写作思路 Cohesive devices 衔接手段 •代词 conjunction •重复上一句某个单词 •用同义词反义词或改变上一句某单词的词性 •直接使用过渡词语 •分词短语 过渡词语 过渡词语 conclusion结论 •结论必须与分析相一致 •如无把握无须分析过深 •特点为主切勿分析原因 •客观中立,无感情色彩 conclusion结论 •In conclusion,… •In brief,… •In short,… •To sum up,… 剑2 P64 Test3 剑2 P64 Test3 •Bar chart •The chart below shows the percentages of a company’s turnover which were contributed by its main product areas in three successive years. •Using the information in the chart, write a short report comparing the contributions of the three products to turnover in the three years. That's all for this class~ 叶廖莎 Sarah Part one 小作文 图表题 叶廖莎Sarah 剑3 P64 Test3 •Bar charts •The three charts below show a company’s operating profit (in $ million), turnover (in $ million) and unit sales (i.e. number of products sold) in the three years 2001-2003. •Using the information from the charts, write a short report describing the company’s performance in the three years. •Write 120-140 words. 剑3 P64 Test3 •Bar charts •趋势描述 •对照对比 Introduction(复习) •This report summarizes (outlines)… •The bar chart shows… •The purpose of this report is to outline… •The aim of this report is to outline… 剑3 P64 Test3 •Bar chart •The three charts below show a company’s operating profit (in million), turnover (in $ million) and unit sales (i.e. number of products sold) in the three years 2001-2003. •Using the information from the charts, write a short report describing the company’s performance in the three years. •Write 120-140 words. Introduction时间表达 …between T and T12. • to T…from T12. • -T…in the three years T12. • 考察技能 •Describing trends 趋势描述 ,大趋势描述(忽略细节) ,具体关键数据(最值点、起始点终止点、拐点) 剑3 P64 Test3 •Bar charts •The three charts below show a company’s operating profit (in $ million), turnover (in $ million) and unit sales (i.e. number of products sold) in the three years 2001-2003. •Using the information from the charts, write a short report describing the company’s performance in the three years. •Write 120-140 words. conclusion结论(复习) •In conclusion,… •In brief,… •In short,… •To sum up,… conclusion结论(复习) •结论必须与分析相一致 •如无把握无须分析过深 •特点为主切勿分析原因 •客观中立,无感情色彩 conclusion结论(补充) •In conclusion,… •In brief,… •In short,… •To sum up,… •Clearly,…/Consequently,…/Accordingly,…/Naturally,…/Logically,…/Therefore… 句法结构的复杂 •15-20 Words per sentence •从句(状语从句、定语从句、宾语从句) •强调句 •倒装句 分词短语 •现在分词短语 VingP NP+VP,VingP… 12 •过去分词短语 VedP VedP,NP+VP… 12 图表种类 •Table 细目表 •Pie charts 饼状图(剑2 T4;剑3 T4 ) •Line charts 线形图(剑2 T1) •Bar charts 柱状图(剑2 T2/3;剑3 T1/2/3/4) 剑2 P46 Test2 剑3 P46 Test2 剑3 P46 Test2 •Bar chart(横版) •The chart below shows the distribution of positive and negative responses given in a market survey about service provision at a leisure centre. •Using the information from the chart, write a short report about the results of the market survey, describing customer reactions to the services provided. •Write 120-140 words. 读图顺序 •图的标题 •横坐标 •纵坐标 •其他注释 柱状图分类 ?.变化型柱状图 ?有年度,连接顶点所得曲线有意义 ?反映事物随时间的变化趋势 ?可以转化为线形图 ?.比较型柱状图 ?无年度,连接顶点所得曲线无意义 ?反映事物之间大小比较 ?可以转化为饼状图 剑3 P82 Test4 •Bar chart(与Pie chart结合) •The bar chart below shows the profits made by each of a company’s three factories for each quarter of the year 2003. The pie chart shows the number of workers in each of the factories during that year. •Using the information from the charts, write a short report describing the trends in profits and the number of employees in each factory. •Write 120-140 words. 剑3 P82 Test4 剑2 P82 Test4 •Pie chart •An international survey has recently been conducted, asking whether companies plan to alter their spending on information technology next year. The pie charts below compare planned expenditure on IT by European and south-east Asian companies in the coming year. •Using the information from the pie charts, write a short report describing the differences between European and south-east Asian. •Write 120-140 words. 剑2 P82 Test4 剑2 P28 Test1 That?s all for today~ 叶廖莎Sarah BEC Higher Writing 叶廖莎 Sarah 写作试题构成回忆 图表种类 •Table 细目表 •Pie charts 饼状图(剑2 T4;剑3 T4) •Line charts 线形图(剑2 T1) •Bar charts 柱状图(剑2 T2/3;剑3 T1/2/3/4) 图表种类 •Table 细目表 •Pie charts 饼状图(剑2 T4;剑3 T4 ) •Line charts 线形图(剑2 T1) •Bar charts 柱状图(剑2 T2/3;剑3 T1/2/3/4) 考察技能 •Describing trends 趋势描述 章法布局 Organization •Introduction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX •Findings XXXX… XXXX… •Conclusion XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 关联 写作试题构成回忆 PART 2 Letter商务信函 •指就有关商务事宜写给公司以外某个人(如,顾客或供应商) •形式可以是信件、传真或电子邮件 •解释、道歉、消除疑虑、投诉 Report商务报告 •报告将包括引文、正文和结论 •报告可以通过备忘录或电子邮件的方式 (简短商务报告) •描述、总结 Proposal商务建议 •格式与报告相似,但又不同于报告,建议更倾向于对未来的关注,主要重点在于建议讨论的内容 •形式可以是备忘录或电子邮件 (简短商务报告) •描述、总结、推荐、劝说 Part Two 大作文 Report/Proposal/Letter Report 商务报告 剑2 P29 Test1 Question 2 •The Managing Director of your company or organization has announced that reports on performance are to be produced by all departments. Your Head of Department has asked you to produce the report about your department for the Managing Director. •Write the report for the Managing Director, explaining: ,what aspects of your department function most effectively ,which aspect is most in need of improvement ,how this improvement could be achieved. •MD=CEO ,MD=Managing Director ,CEO=Chief Executive Officer ,CFO=Chief Financial Officer 语言技能 •利弊分析 •原因群分析 •解决&可行性分析 利弊分析(SW) •对给定商业行为或商业活动进行利弊分析 ,视角angle ,深度insight ,表达“利弊”的词、句 GE: General Electric通用电气 Thomas Alva Edison 爱迪生通用电气公司 Merger with 汤姆森-休斯顿 电气公司 通用电气公司(GE) GE: General Electric通用电气 原因群分析(R) •对给定商业现象或者商业动机形成原因进行描述与分析 ,视角angle ,深度insight ,点出“原因”的句型 解决方案&可行性分析 •提出商务和商业问题的解决方案,或者分析评估给定解决方案的可行性 ,SW和R语言技能的综合 评分标准 •内容完整 •章法布局 •衔接手段 •句法变化 •词汇丰富 商务报告写作步骤 •明确写作目的 •按照逻辑顺序和重要性安排信息条目 •按照商务报告结构撰写商务报告 •检查多种错误 剑2 P29 Test1 Question 2 •The Managing Director of your company or organization has announced that reports on performance are to be produced by all departments. Your Head of Department has asked you to produce the report about your department for the Managing Director. •Write the report for the Managing Director, explaining: ,what aspects of your department function most effectively ,which aspect is most in need of improvement ,how this improvement could be achieved. 商务报告结构 •简述商务报告背景(introduction) •列出事实依据或调查结果(findings) •根据事实进行推理分析,得出结论(conclusions) •依据推理得出的结论提出建议(recommendations),其中包括实现的目标以及达到目标的具 体办法 •Introduction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX •Findings (1)XXXX… (2)XXXX… •Conclusion(s) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX •Recommendation(s) (1)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (2)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Introduction(小作文) •This report summarizes (outlines)… •The bar chart shows… •The purpose of this report is to outline… •The aim of this report is to outline… •This report attempts to outline… 常用表达:Introduction Introduction 简介或事由 •This report aims/sets out to… •This report is based on… •The aim of this report is to... •The purpose of this report is to… 剑2 P29 Test1 Question 2 •The Managing Director of your company or organization has announced that reports on performance are to be produced by all departments. Your Head of Department has asked you to produce the report about your department for the Managing Director. •Write the report for the Managing Director, explaining: ,what aspects of your department function most effectively ,which aspect is most in need of improvement ,how this improvement could be achieved. Introduction 写作思路 HSBC •汇丰集团是全球规模最大的银行及金融机构之一,总部设于英国的伦敦。 •汇丰集团在全世界76个国家和地区拥有约9,500间附属机构,广泛地提供银行及金融业务。 •2008年度全球企业500强第20位,收入1465亿美元,净利润191.33亿美元。 “具体化” •构思出具体的公司、部门、职务 Findings 写作思路 常用表达:Findings Findings 调查结果或比较结果 •It was found that… •The following points summarize our key findings. •The key findings are outlined below. •This disparity clearly showed… Conclusion(s) Conclusion(s) 结论或推论 •It was decided/agreed/felt that… •It is clear that… •No conclusions were reached regarding… Recommendation(s) Recommendation(s) 建议或推介 •It is suggested/proposed/recommended that… •We (strongly) recommended that… •It is essential to… •It would be advised to… Signaling 示意或点出缘由 •The following areas of concern have been highlighted. •There are a number of reasons for… •There are several factors that affect… •A further factor is… •This raises a number of issues. •As might have been expected, … •Contrary to expectations, … Report 商务报告 剑2 P65 Test3 Question 2 •The Sales Manager in your company is looking for a venue where he can hold a three-day conference for sales staff. You have recently attended a conference at the Marston Conference Centre and the Sales Manager has asked you to prepare a report on the suitability of the Centre for his conference. •Write your report for the Sales Manager: ,describing your experience of the venue when you attended the conference there ,assessing the positive and negative aspects of the venue ,making a recommendation as to its suitability for your company’s conference. 商务报告写作步骤 剑2 P65 Test3 Question 2 •The Sales Manager in your company is looking for a venue where he can hold a three-day conference for sales staff. You have recently attended a conference at the Marston Conference Centre and the Sales Manager has asked you to prepare a report on the suitability of the Centre for his conference. 目的:给Sales Manager 写一份report,分析在MCC开会的可行性 •Write your report for the Sales Manager: ,describing your experience of the venue when you attended the conference there ,assessing the positive and negative aspects of the venue ,making a recommendation as to its suitability for your company’s conference. •Introduction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX •Findings (1)XXXX… (2)XXXX… •Conclusion(s) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX •Recommendation(s) (1)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (2)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 会议地点选择(Brain Storming) 会议地点选择 •资源状况 •会议的程序 •预计与会人数 •与会人员的背景 •会议的目的与目标 •与会者的偏好 •预算 会议地点选择(提纲) „ 会议地点选择 常用表达:Introduction(补充) •Based on the…,this report… •On the strength of…,this report… •On the ground (basis) of…,this report… •根据…这篇报告… 剑2 P65 Test3 Question 2 •The Sales Manager in your company is looking for a venue where he can hold a three-day conference for sales staff. You have recently attended a conference at the Marston Conference Centre and the Sales Manager has asked you to prepare a report on the suitability of the Centre for his conference. •Write your report for the Sales Manager: ,describing your experience of the venue when you attended the conference there ,assessing the positive and negative aspects of the venue ,making a recommendation as to its suitability for your company’s conference. 剑3 P29 Test1 Question 2 •Your company would like to break into a new overseas market with your new range of sports goods. You have been asked by the Marketing Director to investigate ways of doing this. •Write a report for the Marketing Director, including the following information: ,how you carried out your research into the market ,the existing competition ,your target customers ,ways of promoting the products in the new market 市场调研 剑3 P29 Test1 Question 2 •Your company would like to break into a new overseas market with your new range of sports goods. You have been asked by the Market Director to investigate ways of doing this. •Write a report for the Marketing Director, including the following information: ,how you carried out your research into the market ,the existing competition ,your target customers ,ways of promoting the products in the new market 剑3 P47 Text2(承办活动) Question 2 •Your company recently sponsored a national event for the first time and your manager has asked you to write a report on this. •Write your report for your manager, including the following information: ,a brief description of the event ,which aspects of the event were particularly successful and why ,the benefits to the company of sponsoring the event ,what needs to be done before considering further sponsorship. 剑2 P47 Text2(培训) Question 2 •You have recently attended the following one-day courses: Developing Your Potential Trends in Electronic Commerce Managing People Reducing Costs Your company’s Training Manager has asked you to write a short report about the training. •Write the report for the Training Manager: ,Describing the two courses which you found most useful ,Explaining how you benefited front them ,Outlining the specific training courses you would like to attend next year ,Giving reasons why these courses would be useful to you 剑3 P65 Text3(地点选择) Question 2 •You work for a supermarket chain and have been asked by the board of directors to write a report on a site where the company is considering building a new supermarket. •Write your report for the board, including the following information: ,a description of the site, including its location ,the advantages and disadvantages of the site ,your opinion as to whether the site is suitable 剑2 P83 Text4(进程报告) Question 2 •Your company opened a new branch a year ago and the Managing Director at the Head Office has asked you to prepare a report on its progress. •Write your report for the Managing Director, including the following information: ,the reasons for opening the branch ,its successes ,problems experienced ,plans for the coming year 剑3 P83 Text4(广告) Question 2 •This year, your company has used an advertising agency to promote your products or services. Your boss has asked you to write a report about the advertising campaign which the agency arranged. •Write the report for your boss: ,Outlining what the advertising campaign consisted of ,Indicating what you feel the strength and weakness of the campaign were ,Explaining how successful you feel the advertising has been ,Suggesting ideas for future advertising. Proposal商务建议 •格式与报告相似,但又不同于报告,建议更倾向于对未来的关注,主要重点在于建议讨论的 内容 •形式可以是备忘录或电子邮件 •描述、总结、推荐、劝说 Letter商务信函 •指就有关商务事宜写给公司以外某个人(如,顾客或供应商) •形式可以是信件、传真或电子邮件 •解释、道歉、消除疑虑、投诉 Proposal的结构 •Introduction •Findings •Conclusion •Recommendations •Feasibility / Evaluation Proposal写作要求 •目标明确合乎实际 •实事求是摆明优劣 •办法措施具体明确 •规定计划完成时间 •措施须于目标一致 剑2 P29 Test1 Question 4 •Your Managing Director has decided that the company’s website should be improved and has asked you to consider ways of going about this. •Write a proposal for the Managing Director: ,summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of the current website ,suggesting new services and information to be provided through the website ,explaining the benefits the improvements would bring. •The aim of this report is to summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the current website, and recommend new services and information to be provided through the website. •Strengths •Our website can streamline business processes to improve operating efficiencies. Based on information provided by current website, we can analyze past customer behavior to anticipate customer’s needs, thus allowing suppliers and customers controlled access to the date they need. •We now have greater ability to offer goods and services to the customer over the Web. We can present goods more effectively, take orders and invoice on-line. This means improving margins for the business and a faster, more responsive service for customers. We have built, through website, our reputation on personal service and high quality products. •Weaknesses •We have to take on more expenses, because we need to provide 24-hour website service/back-up. We also need to keep up-to-date with technical advances to tackle the potential systems failure (viruses). •The customers need to have reliable Internet access. At present, many e-commerce customers lack of confidence in system security. It’s hard for customers to trust e-commerce when they can’t see the practices behind the promises. •Recommendation •I wish to recommend a portfolio of On-Line service, merging online files with data collected about individuals’ off-line purchase to better target promotions, thus remarking our website into a popular Web departing from its once-serious image. With new offering, the content makeover should lure enough users into portal and keep them there long enough for the company to raise advertising and e-commerce sales to larger revenue. Introduction •The aim of this report is to summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the current website, and recommend new services and information to be provided through the website. Proposal写作步骤 评分标准 Recommendations 建议 剑2 P47 Test2 Question 4 •The Sales Director of your company wants to improve customer service and believes that this can be achieved by extending the opening hours of the Sales Department. He has asked you too write a proposal concerning improvements in customer service. •Write a proposal for the Sales Director: ,Summarizing current problems concerning customer service ,Evaluating the Sales Director’s suggestion ,Presenting one or two other measures which could be taken ,Giving reasons for your preferred course of action. Introduction Findings •The Status Quo •Reasons •Evaluations Recommendations •Introduction •The Sales Director discovered that the customer services need improvements and suggested that the opening hours be extended. This proposal provides facts and figures to analyze the problems and radical reasons. On the basis of these, two alternative approaches have been put forward. 建议切入点 钱 人 剑3 P65 Test3 Question 4 •Your company has recently experienced a drop in sales, and your Managing Director has asked you to write a short proposal about improving the advertising of your company’s products or services. •Write your proposal for the Managing Director: ,commenting on the effectiveness of the advertising you are currently using ,recommending one or two changes to your advertising ,explaining how these changes would affect sales. 商务信函 叶廖莎Sarah Letter商务信函 •指就有关商务事宜写给公司以外某个人(如,顾客或供应商) •形式可以是信件、传真或电子邮件 •解释、道歉、消除疑虑、投诉 商务信函种类 •邀请函 (剑2 Test2) •道歉信 (剑2 Test1) •申请函 (剑3 Test4) •投诉信 (其余全部) 剑2 P47 Test2 (邀请函) Question 3 •Your manager has asked you to contact a local business school, inviting their students to apply for a three-month work placement in your company. •Write a letter to the Principal of the business school: ,introducing your company and the idea of the placement ,describing what work the placement would involve ,explaining what skills and qualities the successful applicant should have ,saying how the placement would benefit the applicant Useful Sentence Patterns •We would like to invite you to attend/join… •我们希望请您出席我们的颁奖典礼。 •We would like to invite you to attend our award ceremony. •We would/should be very pleased/glad/delighted/happy if you could… •如若光临,我们将非常高兴。 •We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence. Useful Sentence Patterns •Would you please… •请参加我们的聚会好吗, •Would you please do me a favor by joining our party? •We (sincerely) hope… •我们期待您的光临。 •We sincerely hope you can attend . Useful Sentence Patterns •Please let me know/confirm… •如果能来的话,请早日告知,何时为宜。 •Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so. •是否参加,请早日告知。 •Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 剑2 P29 Test1 (道歉信) Question 3 •You work for an employment agency. The following is part of a letter you have received from a customer: Useful Sentence Patterns •Please accept my apology for… •造成诸多不便,在此致歉。 •Please accept my apology for any inconvenience this matter has cause you. •I own you an apology for… •我就实际装运与不符一事向您道歉。 •I own you an apology for discrepancies between the shipping contracts and the actual shipment. Useful Sentence Patterns •I very regret that… •本公司非常抱歉未能接受更换要求。 •We very regret that we cannot agree to your request for a replacement pair. •I offer my sincere apologies for… •对此次延误,谨表歉意。 •We offer our sincere apologies for the delay. Useful Sentence Patterns •Here is my deepest apology for… •由于联络上的差错增添了麻烦,深感抱歉。 •Here is my deepest apology for the inconvenience caused by the lapse in communication. 剑3 P83 Test4 (申请函) •You have seen the following advertisement and you want to enter your organisation for the award. •Write your letter to the competition secretary, Michael James: ,introducing your organisation and saying what it dose ,describing improvements your organisation has made in the last year which have affected staff and customers ,saying how you would spend the prize money to benefit staff. Useful Sentence Patterns •…your advertisement in… •今天的报纸刊登了一则你们想招聘打字员的广告。 •According to your advertisement in today?s paper, you require a typist. Useful Sentence Patterns •I learn/understand from…that… •我从中介所得知,您的公关部主任即将退休,很快会有空位。 •I learn from agency that your current director of public relations is on the verge of retirement, and that position may be open shortly. Useful Sentence Patterns •As you will see from the enclosed… •正如您从本人所附履历表上得知,我在《人民日报》工作已有四年了。 •As you will see from the enclosed C.V., I have had 4 years? experience with China Daily. Useful Sentence Patterns •I shall be glad/obliged… •如果能给予我面试的机会,我将不胜感激。 •I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for interview. 剑3 P47 Test2 (投诉信) Question 3 •Your company has recently been taken over by another company, and your department has been restructured. This has resulted in a number of problems which you want to make the new owners aware of. •Write a letter to the Managing Director of the new owners: ,outlining what the situation in your apartment was before the takeover ,explaining what problems have arisen and why ,suggesting how these problems could be resolved ,warning what might happen if these problems are not resolved. •Takeover/Merger/Acquisition A Merged with B= A+B A acquired B = only A no B any more 商务信函格式 •右上角:日期 例:July 20, 2009 &. 1st April, 2008 注:? January,February,March, April,May, June,July,August,September, October,November,December ? 1st, 2th, 3th, 4th… 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th… 商务信函格式 •开头:称呼 例:Dear Sir or Madam &. Dear Mr. James 注:? Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss ? Dr. 商务信函格式 •右下角:署名 例:Yours sincerely, Jessica Lee 注:? Sincerely yours, Yours faithfully, Yours truly ? Dear Sir or Madam?Yours faithfully, Yours truly Dear Mr. James? Yours sincerely, Yours truly June 28, 2010 Dear Mr. James: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Yours sincerely, Jessica Lee 剑3 P47 Test2 (投诉信) Question 3 •Your company has recently been taken over by another company, and your department has been restructured. This has resulted in a number of problems which you want to make the new owners aware of. •Write a letter to the Managing Director of the new owners: ,outlining what the situation in your apartment was before the takeover ,explaining what problems have arisen and why ,suggesting how these problems could be resolved ,warning what might happen if these problems are not resolved. 商务信函常用语:开头 •With reference to your letter of… •Thank you for your letter of… • I am writing to advise/ confirm/ apply for… •As requested by the manager, I am writing to outline… 商务信函常用语:结尾 •Should you have any further questions, please contact me on the above number. •In the mean time, if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. 商务信函常用语:结尾 •I look forward to hearing from you/ seeing you/ meeting you as soon as possible. •I hope to hear from you soon. 剑3 P65 Test3 (投诉信) Question 3 •A company you already do business with has recently created a new product line. Your department placed an order for the new product, but found that the product did not fulfill your requirements and that the after sales service was poor. Your head of department has asked you to write a letter to the company informing them of your dissatisfaction. •Write your letter, including the following information: ,what the order was for and when it was placed ,why you are dissatisfied with both the product and the after sales service ,a reminder of business done with them in the past ,what you expect in response to your complaint. Useful Sentence Patterns Describe the problem •经检验,我们发现所有的货物都已受潮。 On examination, we found all the goods were wetted. •我们检查了部分产品,发现它们已严重受损。 We checked some of the items and found they were in damaged condition. •这批货物与我们订购的货物不符。 It contained articles different from what we have ordered. Describe the problem •我们6月6日订购的货物至今仍未到达。 The goods we ordered from you on June 6 haven?t arrived yet. •这批货物的质量远远低于标准,我们无法使用。 The quality of this lot of goods is so far below the standard that we cannot use them for our purpose. •我们遗憾的发现所运货物与样品不符。 We are disappointed to find that the items delivered don?t match the samples. Describe the problem •你们的错误给我们带来了巨大的麻烦。 Your incorrect delivery has caused a great deal of trouble to us. •3月3日订购的货物的交付时间现已逾期甚久。 Delivery of the goods ordered on March 3 is now considerably overdue. •货物没有达到标准。 The goods are not up to the standard. Describe the problem •我方非常抱歉地通知您,迄今为止我们只收到了20台货物,而我们订购的是25台。 We regret that only 20 sets have been received to date whereas our order indicates 25. Specific actions •您能今天就派人来修理吗, Would you please send someone to repair it today? •请于6月20日之前将替换品送来。 Please send us the replacement no later than June 20. •我们希望现在有人来进行修理。 We would like someone to come and fix it now. Specific actions •请立即对此事进行调查,尽早通知我们延迟的原因。 Please look into this matter at once and let use know the reasons for the delay. •希望货物即刻发送。 We hope that the goods will be sent immediately. Courteous demand for action •希望贵方能对我方造成的损失作出补偿。 We shall be glad to learn from you that you are preparing to make some allowance for the damage. •诚望此事友好解决。 We would be much pleased that the case be settled on an amicable basis. •鉴于我们之间友好的业务关系,我方相信此事定会得到妥善解决。 In view of our friendly business relations, we are sure that the matter will be settled appropriately. Courteous demand for action •我方期待此事有一个令人满意的结局。 We are looking forward to a satisfactory conclusion of the matter. •请尽快发运,我方不胜感激。 Your quick dispatch will be most appreciated. Strong demand for action •如果在10日内不能送达货物,我们不得不付诸法律。 If you can not deliver the goods within ten days, we?ll reluctantly turn this matter to our attorney. •除非你们的货物在????前到达,我们将取消订单。 Unless your assignment reaches use no latter than…, we will cancel our order. Strong demand for action •如果在3日内不能提供合格产品,我们将要求退还货款。 If you cannot provide qualified goods within 3 days, we?ll ask for a refundment. •你们要赔偿我们的全部损失。 You?ll have to make compensation for all our costs. •特此通知贵方,我公司将正式投诉贵公司。 I hereby inform you that I am lodging a formal complaint with your company. 叶廖莎Sarah 写作试题构成 写作前 •读懂命题?小:题目+图表; 大:背景+提纲 •准备素材?具体化 •列出提纲?小:趋势+对比; 大:SW+R+解决方案 •统筹布局?结构与格式 写作中 •内容完整 •章法布局 •衔接手段 •句法变化 •词汇丰富 写作后 •Agreement of Subject and Verb •Verb Tenses •The Articles “The” and “A” •Grammatical and Sentence Constructions •Word Order •Complete Sentences •Punctuation
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