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跨境贸易人民币结算_英文跨境贸易人民币结算_英文 Cross-border RMB Business ——New Choices for Corporation ?Answers to relevant questions on the pilot program of renminbi settlement of cross-border transactions 1. What kinds of cross-border transaction settled in renminbi are included in the pilot p...
跨境贸易人民币结算_英文 Cross-border RMB Business ——New Choices for Corporation ?Answers to relevant questions on the pilot program of renminbi settlement of cross-border transactions 1. What kinds of cross-border transaction settled in renminbi are included in the pilot program? Overseas enterprises can settle transactions in renminbi with Chinese enterprises for cross-border goods trade, service trade and other current account transactions. Enterprises in the pilot areas can settle transactions in renminbi for oversea direct investment. 2. What are the designated pilot areas in China? Currently, there are 20 designated provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under central government) as pilot areas for the program of renminbi settlement of cross-border transactions including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Inner Mengol Autonomous Region, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilon gjiang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 3. Overseas enterprises from which countries or regions can settle cross-border transactions in renminbi with Chinese enterprises? There is no limitation on overseas regions. Enterprises from any country or region (including Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan) can settle transactions in renminbi with Chinese mainland enterprises in accordance with local laws and regulations. 4. Which banks can provide renminbi settlement services for cross-border transactions? Banks in Mainland China capable of conducting international settlement business can provide renminbi clearing and settling services for cross-border transactions as domestic settlement banks. 5. What are the channels for an overseas enterprise to acquire renminbi fund for trade payment? An overseas enterprise has several channels to acquire renminbi fund for trade payment, as accommodated by its local law. First, the overseas enterprise can apply for renminbi trade finance from domestic settlement banks, with the borrowing amount not exceeding the value specified in the trade contract between the overseas enterprise and the domestic counterparty. Second, the overseas enterprise can issue renminbi bond at Hong Kong. Third, the overseas enterprise can purchase or borrow reinminbi from overseas participating banks. 6. What are the channels for an overseas enterprise to use the renminbi proceeds received under transactions? According to the law and market factors, it can be used for renminbi settlement of its import trade with Mainland China, renminbi bond 1 purchase at Hong Kong, investment at inter-bank bond market in Mainland China via an overseas participating bank, saving, etc., depending on its local laws and regulations. 7. Can an overseas enterprise open a renminbi settlement account at a domestic commercial bank? As accommodated by its local law, an overseas enterprise can open a renminbi settlement account, known as non-resident account, at a commercial bank in Mainland China for cross-border renminbi settlement. The overseas institution’s renminbi settlement accounts are current deposit accounts. The interest rate is set by the current deposit interest rate issued by the PBC. Currently domestic commercial banks cannot transfer the fund of the accounts to fixed deposit accounts. ?、What is the operational flow for renminbi settlement 1、 the operational flow for renminbi settlement of cross-border transactions through domestic agent banks 2 trade Overseas Overseas Overseas financingParticipatingtrade financial supervisionRMB accountbankspartnersregulatory authorities non-residents’ accountstrade finance/ buyer’credit loan RMBaccount payments Inter-bank financing for nostro /purchasing imports RMB RMB or selling accountreceipts RMB for exports The People’information RMB s Bank of Domestic Domestic Domestic reportaccountChinaenterprises in settlement agent pilot areasbanksbanksex post settlement fund monitoringand fund servicetransfer 2、the operational flow for renminbi Settlement of cross-border transactions by renminbi clearing banks in Hong Kong and Macau trade financeOverseas Overseas Hong Kong trade participating Monetary Authoritysupervisionpartnersbanks/Monetary RMB accountAuthority of Macau account trade finance/buyer credit loan’ RMB financing /purchasing accountsupervisionnon-residents’ accountsor selling RMBChina RMBRMB lending/ ForeignBank of China payments borrowing Exchange(Hong Kong/ for TradeMacau)information report RMB imports Systemreceipts bilateral settlementfund for agreementtransfer/exportshigh value payment system RMB accountDomestic Domestic Theinformation enterprises in settlement People’s reportsettlement and pilot areasBank of Chinabanks fund service ?、The principle regulations on the pilot program of renminbi settlement of cross-border trade transactions 1、The Administrative Rules on Pilot Program of Renminbi Settlement of Cross-border Trade Transactions, issued by the People’s Bank of China 3 (PBC) and relevant agencies , July 2009 2、Regulations for Implementing the Administrative Rules on Pilot Program of Renminbi Settlement of Cross-border Trade Transactions, issued by PBC, July 2009 3、Notice on Expansion of the Pilot Project of RMB Settlement in Cross-border Trades , Issued by People’s Bank of China, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, State Administration of Taxation, China Banking Regulatory Commission , 17 June 2010 4、Circulation of the Peoples’ Bank of China on Trial operation of three types of Institutions such as Overseas RMB Settlement Bank to make RMB investment in OTC bond market, issued by PBC, Aug 2010 5、Notice of the PBOC on issuing the measures for the Administration of RMB Bank Settlement Account for Overseas Institutes,issued by PBC, August 31th 2010, 6、Administrative Measures on RMB Settlement In Outbound Direct Investment on a Trial Basis,issued by PBC, Jan 6th 2011 • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • 【唯美句子】 走累的时候,我就到升国旗哪里的一角台阶坐下,双手抚膝,再闭眼,让心灵受到阳光的洗涤。懒洋洋的幸福。 顶 3 收藏 2 • 【唯美句子】 一个人踮着脚尖,在窄窄的跑道白线上走,走到很远的地方又走回来。阳光很好,温暖,柔和。漫天的安静。 顶 7 收藏 7 • 【唯美句子】 清风飘然,秋水缓淌。一丝云起,一片叶落,剔透生命的空灵。轻轻用手触摸,就点碎了河面的脸。落叶舞步婀娜不肯去,是眷恋,是装点,瞬间回眸,点亮了生命精彩。 顶 11 收藏 9 • 【唯美句子】 几只从南方归来的燕子,轻盈的飞来飞去,“几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥,”其乐融融的山林气息,与世无争的世外桃源,让人心旷神怡。 顶 0 收藏 2 • 【唯美句子】 流年清浅,岁月轮转,或许是冬天太过漫长,当一夜春风吹开万里柳时,心情也似乎开朗了许多,在一个风轻云淡的早晨,踏着初春的阳光,漫步在碧柳垂青的小河边,看小河的流水因为解开了冰冻而欢快的流淌, 清澈见底的的河水,可以数得清河底的鹅软石,偶尔掠过水面的水鸟,让小河荡起一层层的涟漪。河岸换上绿色的新装,刚刚睡醒的各种各样的花花草草,悄悄的露出了嫩芽,这儿一丛,那儿一簇,好像是交头接耳的议论着些什么,又好象是在偷偷地说着悄悄话。 顶 3 收藏 4 • 【唯美句子】 喜欢海子写的面朝大海春暖花开,不仅仅是因为我喜欢看海,还喜欢诗人笔下的意境,每当夜深人静时,放一曲纯音乐,品一盏茶,在脑海中搜寻诗中的恬淡闲适。在春暖花开时,身着一身素衣,站在清风拂柳,蝶舞翩跹的百花丛中,轻吹一叶竖笛,放眼碧波万里,海鸥,沙滩,还有扬帆在落日下的古船,在心旷神怡中,做一帘红尘的幽梦。 顶 0 收藏 2 • 【唯美句子】 繁华如三千东流水,你只在乎闲云野鹤般的采菊东篱、身心自由,置身置灵魂于旷野,高声吟唱着属于自己的歌,悠悠然永远地成为一个真真正正的淡泊名利、鄙弃功名利禄的隐者。 顶 1 收藏 3 • 【唯美句子】 世俗名利和青山绿水之间,你选择了淡泊明志,持竿垂钓碧泉绿潭;权力富贵和草舍茅庐之间,你选择了宁静致远,晓梦翩跹姹紫嫣红。 顶 2 收藏 3 • 【唯美句子】 那是一株清香的无名花,我看到了它在春风夏雨中风姿绰约的模样,可突如其来的秋雨,无情的打落了它美丽的花瓣,看着它在空谷中独自凋零,我莫名其妙的心痛,像针椎一样的痛。秋雨,你为何如此残忍,为何不懂得怜香惜玉,我伸出颤抖的双 5 手,将散落在泥土里的花瓣捧在手心。 顶 4 收藏 5 • 【唯美句子】 滴答滴答,疏疏落落的秋雨,赶着时间的脚步,哗啦啦的下起来。听着雨水轻轻地敲击着微薄的玻璃窗,不知不觉,我像是被催眠了一样,渐渐的进入了梦乡。 顶 3 收藏 5 • 【唯美句子】 在这极致的悲伤里,我看到了世间最美的爱,可谁又能明白,此刻的我是悲伤还是欢喜,也许只有那拨动我心弦的秋季,才知道潜藏在我心中的眼泪。 顶 4 收藏 3 • 【唯美句子】 看着此情此景,我细细地聆听。像是听到了落叶的呢喃,秋风的柔软,在这极短的瞬间,他们一起诉说着最美的爱恋,演绎着永恒的痴缠。当落叶安详的躺在大地,露出幸福的模样,你看,它多像一个进入梦乡的孩子。突然发现,秋风并非是想象中的刽子手,原来它只是在叶子生命的最后一刻,让它体会到爱的缠绵,飞翔的滋味。 顶 1 收藏 1 • 【唯美句子】 很感谢那些耐心回答我的人,公交上那个姐姐,还有那位大叔,我不知道他们是不是本地人,但我们遇到的一个交警协管,一位头发花白的大姐,她是上海本地人,很和善,并不像有些人说的上海人很排外。事实上,什么都不是绝对的。 顶 2 收藏 0 • 【唯美句子】 我嗅到浓郁的香奈尔,却也被那种陌生呛了一鼻。也许,我却不知道,那时的感受了。那里没有那么美好,没有安全感,归属感。我想要的自由呢,不完全地体验到了。 顶 2 收藏 1 • 【唯美句子】 那些繁华的都市,车水马龙,灯红酒绿,流光溢彩,却充斥着一种悲哀,浮夸。我看到各种奢华,却也看到各种卑微,我看到友善亲和,也看到暴躁粗鲁,我看到金光熠 • 【优美语句】 踏过一片海,用博识的学问激起片片微澜;采过一丛花,正在聪慧的碰碰外送来缕缕清喷鼻;无过一个梦,决定从那里启程。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 人生如一本,应该多一些精彩的细节,少一些乏味的字眼;人生如一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的旋律,少一些忧伤的音符;人生如一幅画,应该多一些亮丽的色彩,少一些灰暗的色调。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 母爱是一滴甘露,亲吻干涸的泥土,它用细雨的温情,用钻石的坚毅,期待着闪着碎光的泥土的肥沃;母爱不是人生中的一个凝固点,而是一条流动的河,这条河造就了我们生命中美丽的情感之景。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 生活如海,宽容作舟,泛舟于海,方知海之宽阔;生活如山,宽容为径,循径登山,方知山之高大;生活如歌,宽容是曲,和曲而歌,方知歌之动听。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 母爱就是一幅山水画,洗去铅华雕饰,留下清新自然;母爱就象一首深情的歌,婉转悠扬,轻吟浅唱;母爱就是一阵和煦的风,吹去朔雪纷飞,带来春光无限。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 努力奋斗,天空依旧美丽,梦想仍然纯真,放飞自我,勇敢地飞翔于梦想的天空,相信自己一定做得更好。 顶 0 收藏 0 6 • 【优美语句】 品味生活,完善人性。存在就是机会,思考才能提高。人需要不断打碎自己,更应该重新组装自己。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘依然纯洁明净。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 母爱是温暖心灵的太阳;母爱是滋润心灵的雨露;母爱是灌溉心灵的沃土;母爱是美化心灵的彩虹。 顶 0 收藏 0 • 【优美语句】 一轮金色的光圈印在海面,夕阳将最后的辉煌撒向了大海,海平面波光潋滟,金光闪闪,夕阳下的海水让最后一丝蓝也带着感动。温和的海水轻轻地拍打着我的脚踝,我张开双臂拥抱最温馨的时刻„„我爱大海宽广的胸怀,无论多大的风浪,她都可以揽入怀中;无论多少风雨,都无法将她击垮;无论多少河流,她都可以容纳;我愿做一只填海的燕,填平她的波涛翻滚,填平她的汹涌愤怒,只留下平静、柔和的海面。 7
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