

2018-02-03 30页 doc 81KB 45阅读




罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明村镇”创建规划罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明村镇”创建规划 罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明示范村” ,2009—2012年, 罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明示范村”建设领导小组 二00九年八月 implementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated manageme...
罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明村镇”创建规划 罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明示范村” ,2009—2012年, 罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明示范村”建设领导小组 二00九年八月 implementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospital-wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic hospital adapted healthcare future 罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“文明示范村”建设规划 ,2009—2012年, 根据贵州省新阶段文明工作的总体部署和省、州、县关于建设文明示范村的要求~结合板庚实际~经上级部门认真考察、调研、选点~拟将板庚乡板庚村作为“文明示范村”进行综合整治、建设~特制定本规划。 一、指导思想 以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~深入贯彻落实科学发展观~按照“打牢基础~发展经济~促进文明~激发活力”的要求~扎实推进区域文明进步事业和社会主义新农村建设~集中力量打造一个产业特色明显、基础设施完善、环境整洁优美、社会文明进步、人民生活富裕、管理科学民主、民族风情浓郁、民族关系和睦的文明示范村。 二、基本概况 罗甸县板庚乡板庚村位于罗甸县城北部~距县城23公里~距逢亭镇22公里~距边阳镇19公里~距贵阳143公里~交通便利。总面 2积5.6km~海拔479米~气候温和。区位优势明显~地处乡政府所在地~是全乡的政治、经济、文化中心。 全村辖10个组479户2082人~其中布依族人口占85%。土地面积7.89平方公里~有耕地面积978亩。有灌木林1296亩~经济林550亩~荒山荒坡地3200亩~森林覆盖率达51%。是一个以石山为主、人多地少的民族村寨。板庚村人文资源丰富~有世界绝无仅有的两亿多年前形成的三叠纪大贵州滩〃地质公园~由板庚滩、葫芦寨、金钟 al adapted healthcare futurehospitnagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of i2 山、观音洞、马灵桥古驿道等大大小小10个景点组成。历史上曾是贵阳通往广西百色等地的交通要道之一。元末至民国初年~为土司亭目所辖~是封建土司时代板庚亭的所在地。有传统的布依族手工土布制作和浸染、扎染工艺~当地布依族妇女手工纺织的纯棉土花布冬暖夏凉~做工精细~图案新颖~花色素雅~品种繁多~具有浓郁的民族特色。有三月十三、牛魂节,俗称洗牛脚杆,、七月半、尝新节,重阳节前后,等民族节日。民族民间文化艺术丰富多彩~主要有民间故事、布依歌、汉山歌、打花包、踢毽、芦笙舞、花灯舞、腰鼓舞、秧歌舞、花竿,钱竿,舞、铙钹舞等~都是当地历史流传、群众自编自演的原生态节目。 自国家实施“八七”扶贫攻坚以来~板庚村社会、经济、文化等方面取得长足进步~各项基础设施得到改善~全村农民人均纯收入3210元~70%的农户修通了水泥串户路~80%的农户修建了水泥平房~100%的农户实现了水、电、路三通~村级集体经济为25000元~几乎家家有固定电话、移动手机~40%的农户开始走向第三产业~并初步形成以农家休闲旅游服务区雏形。 三、总体构想 板庚村文明示范村建设按照十六届五中全会提出的“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的建设社会主义新农村的总体要求及省创建文明示范村的标准~结合《贵州省罗甸县旅游开发总体规划》、《板庚乡规划》~从板庚村地理位臵、地质地貌和本身具有的特色出发~把开发地域资源、民族文化资源和民族小康建设有机结合起来~按照“规划牵动、基础带动、投资拉动、结构互动、重点推动、整体联动”的六动战略开展创建工作~利用3--5年时间~对板庚村的村容村貌、人文景观、民族文化、基础设施、功能设臵等 -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achmestic hospital adapted healthcare futureness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to doYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busiwide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend 3 因素进行规划、布局、改造、完善~建设成为基础设施功能齐全、经济快速稳步发展、文化功能完善、民族风情凸显、社会秩序稳定、人民安居乐业、民族团结和谐的社会主义新农村和文明示范窗口。 四、创建目标 通过创建~至2015年末示范村实现以下目标。 1、村级经济快速发展~建成具有地方特色的支柱产业~人均国民生产总值和农民人均纯收入处于全县领先水平~助民增收成效明显~村民年人均现金收入7000元以上。 2、民族民间文化得到系统的挖掘、保护、传承和弘扬~自然风光、人文景观、民族风情开发利用步入正轨。 3、基础设施功能完善~生态环境优美~群众居住条件明显改善~人与自然和谐。 4、基层组织有力~民族关系融洽~精神风貌饱满。少数民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰自由得到尊重~宗教管理机制健全~各民族团结和谐~合法权益得到维护~热点难点问题得到有效解决~共同发展、繁荣、进步。 5、对周边村乃至全乡、全县村寨示范带动作用明显~社会、经济、生态效益突出~争取通过省级检查验收~获省级示范村命名。 五、创建具体内容 依托县直各工作部门、各类工作载体和配套政策措施~将示范村创建优先列入~优先提供政策支持~通过各级配套资金投入~各级各部门捆绑作业~部门资源有效整合~社会力量广泛参与~各司其职~各负其责~共同推进。 ,一,民族特色文化建设 1、修复改造布依族民居。按照保留传统风格、完善使用功能、 nagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of ial adapted healthcare futurehospit4 显现民族特色的原则要求~整合农村危房改造资金、异地移民资金、少数民族建房补助资金项目~依次对葫芦寨、街上、纳劳、纳卡、下寨、董茅、移民点等布依族自然村寨民居建筑进行修复改造~打造一批集布依族民居特色、现代使用功能于一体~具有观赏性、实用性的布依族民居建筑群。 2、添臵布依族园林文化建筑设施。在惠罗路137公里处、古驿道与惠罗路交接口分别建造布依族仿古建筑牌楼一座~牌楼总高10m以上~门框空间高度5m以上~总宽16m~中间门框跨宽7.5米。在金钟山莲花井西南侧步行桥边建布依族对歌亭一座~占地16?。在古驿道、古牌附近建休闲游廊一座供游人歇息。在观音洞入口处建20m长、3m宽文化长廊一座~两端主柱各嵌刻对联一幅~内壁绘花鸟图案~并抄录吟颂板庚滩的诗词。在下寨沿河分别建灌溉水车3座、葫芦寨观光水车1座。 3、建设大贵州滩民族纺织工艺加工展演作坊。充分利用板庚村布依族家家有织布机~中青年妇女人人会纺织土布的优势~在移民定居点附近选址建一个占地420?~集开发、研究、生产、展演为一体的多功能、多品位的民族纺织工艺品加工作坊~作坊布局按布依族土布的生产流程为:纺花、导纱、浣纱、浆纱、布线、织布、染布、扎染、服饰制作等。 4、搭建民族歌舞表演场所和体育运动场所。在乡政府办公楼西侧分别建造一个占地300?的民族歌舞表演场和一个标准面积篮球场。 5、组建民族歌舞表演队。充分挖掘和展示布依族丰富多彩的民族民间文化~从当地群众中挑选出能歌善舞者~组建一支松散型的民族歌舞表演队伍。从民族文化标识、民族个人形象、节目编排、表演 mestic hospital adapted healthcare futureness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to doYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busiwide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach5 形式等方面着手~将具本土民族特色的山歌、芦笙舞、花灯舞、腰鼓舞、秧歌舞、花竿舞等单纯性表演艺术与发展经济有机结合起来~打造出一台具有观赏性和代表性的民族原生态节目。表演时间为即兴演出40分钟~晚会演出120分钟。同时抓好民间艺术接班人的选拔、培训和培养~一方面获得经济效益和社会效益~一方面促进民族文化的保护、发展和繁荣。 6、成立板庚滩诗词楹联书画学会。依托县诗联学会~组织发动乡机关、学校、农村的诗词楹联书画爱好者组建学会~开展诗词楹联书画培训、研究、创作~营造浓厚的文化氛围。 7、抓好宗教场所整治。按程序办理申报审批手续~对观音殿及观音洞陈旧的宗教场所进行修复~按布依村寨风俗搭建一个300?的平台~作为村民“议榔”的场所。 8、建造宣传牌坊。在文化表演场侧建高2m、长15m木质宣传牌坊一道~宣传内容为民族政策法规知识、板庚村景点分布示意图、历史沿革、民族风情简介、大贵州滩地质公园简介、人文景观图片。在古驿道入口旁、观音洞口、莲花井、板庚关关隘等处分别设臵一道景点简介牌坊。 ,二,基础设施建设 板庚村为乡人民政府驻地~规划范围:北至巴叶坨~南至下寨~ 2西抵葫芦寨~东至八醒。规划面积0.98km,详见《乡政府驻地建设规划图》,。 1、道路设施:根据现状适当调整拓宽~并增设纵向与横向的联系通道~建成村南环公路~道路按16m、14m、12m、6.5m四种红线控制。对乡政府430m过境公路进行油路改造。打通板庚滩景区金钟山、美女山、马脑山、斧头山、鳄鱼山五座山峰的旅游步道,按2.5设计,。 al adapted healthcare futurehospitnagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of i6 2乡政府驻地附近选址新建1000 m停车场一个~解决泊车问题。规划 22广场用地5.56hm~11.12m。 2、绿化设施:改造河道~河道两侧建宽6米的河滨绿化带。同时搞好板庚村乡政府驻地内道路两侧行道树的种植工作~充分利用机关、学校、仓库等空地绿化环境,对驻地周围的荒坡、陡坡进行绿化~ 22丰富景观~提高绿化率。规划绿化,公共绿地,2.56hm~人均5.3m。 3、供水设施:新建板庚水厂~水源为葫芦寨莲花井地下水~完善村自来水设施~饮用水经卫生消毒处理~保证户户吃上清洁卫生的自来水。 4、教育设施:根据实际情况在规划的8号路段新建幼儿园1所, 2对板庚中学原地扩建,板庚小学选址新建,规划用地3.58 hm。 5、医疗设施:进一步完善乡卫生院服务功能~建成卫生院污水处理系统~配备有相应的常见疾病治疗药品及基本设施~能够全面开展初级卫生保健各项业务。村卫生员经培训均达到或相当于大专水平~能掌握农村常见病、多发病及预防保健的技术。 6、文化设施:建成一个集村级文化室、青少年之家、娱乐室为 2一体的文体科技中心。规划用地1.06 hm。 7、电信设施:现状程控电话装机容量600左右门~实际安装500左右门~规划期间实现装机容量100%~电话普及率有所提高。新建道路时电信缆与其它管线同步建设。 8、环保设施:建立垃圾及污水处理系统~建1个转运能力为1.5T/日的垃圾转运站~同时设臵适当数量的垃圾池、果皮箱~设臵水冲式公厕1座。 9、消防设施:未经规划部门许可严禁建设各种永久性和临时性的构筑物和建筑物~消火栓设在使用方便、易于寻找的街道口。 mestic hospital adapted healthcare futureness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to doYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busiwide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach7 ,三,民族团结和谐建设 坚持以科学发展观为指导~切实加强对文明工作的领导~维护人民群众合法权益~进一步巩固和发展平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义人民关系~加速推进示范村经济、政治、文化、社会全面协调发展。 1、加强党的基层组织建设。以“三级联创”为载体~以创建“五好”乡,镇,党委和村党组织为契机~把思想、组织、作风、建设结合起来~推进村党支部领导班子建设~充分发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用。 2、加强民族政策和法律法规宣传。充分发挥群众创建文明示范村的主体作用~大力宣传民族政策和《民族区域自治法》等法律法规~尊重群众意愿~集中群众智慧~凝聚群众力量~增强各部门做好文明工作的责任感~激发群众支持文明工作的自觉性~营造部门协作配合~群众广泛参与创建氛围。 3、加强党员干部及群众教育培训。加强党员干部的政治思想教育和入党积极分子的培养~抓好民间艺人、农家致富能手、宣传接待能手、技艺表演能手和种养植业技术能手挖掘培训~激发全村各民族群众自我教育、自我管理、自我服务、自我发展的活力。 4、加强社会治安综合治理。牢固树立稳定压倒一切的思想~严格落实工作~建立一个防范网络严密、防范队伍健全、防控能力提高的社会治安防控体系~及时排查调处社会矛盾纠纷~加大信访工作处理力度~依法加强对宗教事务的管理~严厉打击破坏民族团结、社会和谐的各类犯罪行为~确保社会团结稳定~集中精力搞发展。健全完善村规民约~提高村民自治能力~建设民主法制示范村。 5、加强精神文明建设。结合文明团结月、双拥工作、“五五”普 al adapted healthcare futurehospitnagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of i8 法、整脏治乱等活动~深入开展以创建文明村、文明家庭为载体的群众性精神文明建设活动~不断提高群众的素质。 6、开展军民共建活动。充分发挥军民共建单位的载体作用~成建制组织民兵预备役人员参与串户,村、组,公路、农田水利、生态环境建设~3年内支持完成村寨道路1500m~植树600株。建立“青年民兵之家”~在退伍军人、民兵预备役人员中普及科技致富知识~树立示范户典型~在民兵训练期间开展科技进农家、进农田培训~3年内每户到少有2人参加培训。抓好“精神文明、示范标兵户”创建活动~在群众中普及国防教育知识~3年内国防教育知识普及率达80%以上。 7、开展布依族传统节日活动。每年春节开展一次为期3-5天的民族运动会~组织本村村民表演丢花包、拔河、斗鸡、挑水、背新媳妇、陀螺、篮球比赛。举办文艺晚会~表演山歌对唱、花灯舞、铙钹舞等节目。挖掘民族节日文化~在每年秋收后的农闲时间~举办为期1天的布依族“尝新节”庆丰收活动~充分挖掘利用当地布依族在重阳节打粑粑的传统习惯~组织打粑粑表演和文艺演出~推出布依族婚俗中的“揭鸡头”仪式~供来客参与、娱乐、体味~搭建宣传平台~促进民族团结和谐。 ,四,助民增收项目建设 1、抓好村民创业技能培训 针对板庚村村民的文化素质和思想意识状况~一方面抓好惠民政策、民族政策以及文化、科技、卫生、计生等方面的政策法律宣传教育~促进观念转变,另一方面抓好务工、经商、农村实用技术、旅游产品开发、餐饮服务培训。从2009年起每年培训1-3期~每期100人以上~通过培训提高村民的整体素质~增强发展致富的能力。 ness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to doYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busiwide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achmestic hospital adapted healthcare future9 2、抓好生态环境建设和特色种植业发展 从巴叶佗经乡政府至八醒公路两侧可视范围内的石山地带~在作好封山育林~保护好原有乔木、灌木的基础上~实施人工促进、补植补造车桑子、红枫、三角梅、黄花槐等树种。在规划区坡耕地和荒坡地带种植板栗、核桃等经果林1000亩~脐橙500亩~油桃、水蜜桃等精品水果500亩~形成观光农业园。 引导农户调整产业结构~发展秋冬季农业~在冬闲田种植秋冬菜、早春菜~常年蔬菜种植1000亩~其中秋菜200亩、冬果菜300亩~早春菜500亩。 3、发展规模养殖业 采取政策扶持措施~发动有条件的农户发展生猪、家禽养殖~培植养殖大户20户~每户均生猪50头以上~家禽100羽以上,培植野猪养殖户5户。向外出售畜禽产品的同时~为景区农家乐饭馆提供肉食品~发挥示范效应~带动群众养殖增收。 4、组织民族纺织品、手工艺品加工和营销 建立布依族纺织扎染产品、民族手工艺品营销载体。采取政府引导、公司运作的方式~组织移民点20-30户布依族家庭妇女~集中到作坊纺织土布~制作手工艺品。在葫芦寨和移民定居点分别开设一间30平方米以上的店面~精心设计制作各种包装盒~将布依族纺织、扎染产品等民族手工艺品进行分类包装~陈列销售。组织营销人员到周边县、省城乃至广州、深圳等地联系客户~扩大产品销售量。 5、培植农家乐餐饮服务业 抓好农家餐饮厨艺和服务礼仪培训~培植10-20户农家乐饭馆~推出袍汤饭、狗汤锅等套餐和黄豆鸡、开汤鸡、野菜火锅、渣豆腐、花糯米饭等特色菜肴。打造“农家乐”餐饮服务院落。抓好农家饭厨 al adapted healthcare futurehospitnagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of i10 艺、休闲娱乐服务的培训和指导~引导农户开设10-20户“农家乐”餐馆~为来客提供服务。 六、项目概算及实施年度规划 ,一,项目资金概算及筹集 项目总投资1712万元~其中:申请少数民族发展资金135万元~其他部门资金1562万元~群众投劳投资折款15万元。 1、由县政协办、县民宗局协助村民募集社会资金50万元~用于改善宗教文化设施。 2、由县民宗局申请安排少数民族发展资金135万元,创建期间每年不少于40万元,~用于宣传牌坊、景点标牌、简介牌、景点游廊、亭阁、水车等园林文化设施和民族歌舞演出队伍组建、节目编排、民族文化进校园活动、民俗节目活动、诗词书画楹联学会筹建等。 3、向县农办申请资金、物资4万元~用于民族歌表演场、篮球场建设。 4、向县经贸局申请资金10万元~用于民族纺织工艺品营销载体建设,策划、引导、培训、包装设计,。 25、向县移民局申请45万元~建土布加工厂厂房420 m~修垃圾 2池2个~配果皮箱40个~建公共厕所1个60m。 6、向县移民局申请15万元~用于休闲文化广场建设。 7、向县扶贫办、建设局申请120万元~用于改造布依族民居60户。 8、向县市政中心申请30万元~用于路灯建设。 9、向县环保局申请50万元~用于垃圾填埋场及污水处理系统建设。 10、向县移民局、财政局、公路管理所申请70万元~对430米 mestic hospital adapted healthcare futureness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to doYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busiwide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach11 过境公路进行油路改造。 11、向县水利局申请220万元~用于建设村自来水厂~修拦河坝、河堤及河道清淤。 12、向县林业局申请200万元~用于巴叶佗至八醒公路两侧可视范围内石山封山育林、补植补造、生态绿化。 13、向县交通局申请40万元~用于客车站建设。 14、向县财政局申请“一事一议”资金115万元~用于环葫芦寨及景区5座山峰人行步道建设。 15、向县发改局申请40万元~用于集贸市场建设。 16、向县卫生局申请50万元~用于乡卫生院污水处理系统建设。 17、向县发改局、教育局申请资金500万元~用于板庚小学选址新建。 18、由乡政府协调资金3万元~每年开展1-2期农家乐餐饮服务和接待礼仪培训。 19、乡政府、村委会、村民自行筹集资金15万元~用于每年春节文体活动、民族节日活动。 ,二,分年度实施项目 1、2009年度 1开展板庚首届新春民族运动会~时间3天~投资2万元。 ? 2完成20户布依民居修复改造~总投资40万元。 ? 3完成板庚关与古驿道接口仿古寨门20万元~布依歌亭7万元~? 文化长廊10万元。投资共37万元。 4完成民族歌舞表演场和篮球场工程~投资4万元。 ? 5开展板庚中学首期民族文化进校园活动~投资5万元。 ? 6组建民族歌舞表演队伍,服装、道具、音响、培训,~投资5? nagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of ial adapted healthcare futurehospit12 万元。 7完成民族政策和人文地质、历史文化简介宣传牌坊建设~投? 资6万元。 28完成集贸市场建设~面积0.58hm~投资40万元。 ? 9乡政府驻地430m过境道路油路改造~投资70万元。 ? 10完成转运能力1.5T/日垃圾运转站建设~投资15万元。 ? 211完成日处理300m污水处理站~投资35万元。 ? 12完成果皮箱、垃圾池、公厕建设~投资10万元。 ? 13完成土布加工作坊建设~投资35万元。 ? 14完成2公里环葫芦寨人行步道~投资15万元。 ? 15完成示范种植精品水果2亩~投资1万元。 ? 16完成特色种、养殖业技术培训一期~200人~完成农家乐厨? 艺和接待礼仪培训一期~30人~投资1万元。 17举办首届布依尝新节活动~投资3万元。 ? 18启动巴叶佗至八醒公路两侧可视范围石山封山育林、人工促? 进补植补造生态建设工程~投资200万元。 2、2010年度 1举办村第二届新春民族运动会~投资3万元。 ? 2开展板庚中学第二期民族文化进校园活动~投资5万元。 ? 3建成古驿道休闲游廊~投资10万元。 ? 4组建板庚滩诗歌楹联书画学会~投资2万元。 ? 5完成观音洞口宗教场所整治~投资5万元。 ? 6完成景点标牌~投资10万元。 ? 7完成“议榔”场所建设~投资7万元。 ? 8完成土布加工厂展示场地布臵和民间工艺品销售点引导扶? mestic hospital adapted healthcare futureness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to doYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busiwide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main ach13 持~投资10万元。 9完成民居修复40户~投资80万元。 ? 10完成板庚河董茅段农家灌溉水车3座~葫芦寨观光水车1座~? 投资8万元。 11完成经果林、优质精品水果种植区域规划、种植干果1000? 亩~水果500亩。 12建成板庚村自来水厂~解决3500人安全饮水问题~总投资? 100元。 13完成乡卫生院污水处理系统~投资50万元。 ? 14完成种养殖业及农家乐培训1-2期~投资1万元。 ? 15举办第二届板庚滩布依族尝新节~投资3万元。 ? 16启动惠罗137公里处仿古寨门牌楼工程~投资26万元 ? 3、2011年度 1举办村第三届新春民族运动会~投资3万元。 ? 2开展板庚中学第三期民族文化进校园活动~投资5万元。 ? 3完成5座山峰人行步道~投资100万元。 ? 4完成观音殿建设~投资50万元。 ? 5完成板庚河河道治理(清淤、河坝、河堤)~投资120万元。 ? 6完成客车站建设~投资40万元。 ? 7培植畜禽养殖大户10户。 ? 8完成种养殖业及农家乐培训1-2期~投资1万元。 ? 9完成移民点至葫寨纳卡寨路灯~投资30万元。 ? 210完成休闲文化广场硬化1000m~投资15万元。 ? 11举办第三届板庚滩布依族尝新节活动~投资3万元。 ? 12完成板庚关古驿道口仿古寨门~投资26万元。 ? al adapted healthcare futurehospitnagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of i14 13建成金钟山休闲凉亭1座~投资10万元。 ? 14完成板庚小学新校址规划场地平整~投资100万元。 ? 15民族团结示范村验收。 ? 七、组织领导 ,一,切实加强对示范工作的领导~搞好创建活动的安排部署和 督促落实~成立罗甸县板庚乡板庚村“民族团结进步示范村”创建工 作领导小组。 顾 问:彭贤伦 县政府县长 陈邦禄 县政协主席 组 长:罗金逸 县委常委 县政府副县长 副组长:余贤臣 县委常委 宣传部部长 叶良华 县人武部政委 陈光辉 县人大常委会副主任 刘明辉 县政府副县长 曾仕超 县政协副主席 杨 明 县政协副主席 成 员:刘 峰 县委办公室副主任 王文报 县政府办公室副主任 罗伯忠 县纪委副书记 监察局局长 罗福忠 县委组织部副部长 韦应章 县委统战部副部长 台办主任 陈 平 县委统战部副部长 民宗局局长 覃信前 县政法委副书记 综治办主任 杨敦智 县委宣传部副部长 文明办主任 廖书香 县农办副主任 Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busiwide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achmestic hospital adapted healthcare futureness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to do15 王世来 县建设局局长 黎 牛 县发改局局长 谢 波 县交通局局长 安作林 县旅游局局长 卢 云 县文体广电局党组书记 何桂春 县经贸局局长 王兴田 县移民局局长 罗德新 县水利局局长 刘海峰 县教育局局长 宿文科 县民政局局长 周尔春 县国土局局长 罗玉忠 县卫生局局长 罗承俊 县审计局局长 汪发勇 县扶贫办主任 石 峰 县农业局局长 金吉祥 县畜牧水产局局长 冷安辉 县林业局局长 黄 胜 县工商局局长 韩 松 县环保局局长 黄光林 县电信公司总经理 曾 恒 县电力公司经理 杨庆良 县计生局局长 邵贵平 县公路管理段段长 陈新军 县财政局副局长 舒 英 县民宗局副局长 hospitnagement mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to domestic ns control center. Construction target with hospital trend Yu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern business mawide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operatio-etwork systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalagement control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project of computer nem manelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization management systystem, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcasting systems, inttrol scomplex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring and conor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integration. Medical ed floture reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical integratntegrated function, main achieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable of, strucimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of ial adapted healthcare future16 杜正尧 县诗联学会会长 马素芬 板庚乡党委书记 吴显华 板庚乡乡长 领导小组下设办公室~办公室设在乡党政办~马素芬同志兼任办公室主任~吴显华、赵荣军、李正书同志兼任办公室副主任~领导小组办公室根据创建内容分设工作组。 统筹安排~共同参与~分步实施。示范村是一项社会系统工程~需要上下各级齐抓共管~形成合力。县乡两级党政组织的领导重视和参与是规划实施的组织保证,财政、发改和各业务部门参与~为规划实施提供政策、资金、技术保障,乡政府、村委会是创建规划实施的具体组织者,农户参与~是创建的核心。各级各部门及示范村要根据实际内容~制定出相应的工作。 ,二,项目实施监管及验收 1、建立健全财务~按各渠道资金项目管理使用要求~设立专帐~实行报帐制管理~定期向各级资金管理部门提供准确、可靠资金使用数据和工程进度情况。 2、充分发挥各行业主管部门的职能作用~各行业要负责本行业技术问题审查~监督与技术方案的制订和项目实施~严把质量关~确保技术指标的完成。 3、项目建成一个验收一个~严格执行涉农资金管理“三项”制度~接受有关部门及社会监督。 4、完善创建档案工作~明确专人负责~专人管理。 wide medical information management system (HIS,PACS,LIS) operations control center. Construction target with hospital trend -puter network systems, voice communications systems Center and hospitalof comnt system management control center. Medical information integrated floor room as this weak electricity construction project ms, intelligent building control system, information guides and release system, weak electricity intellectualization managemesyste and control system, access control system, parking management systems, fire alarm and fire protection and public broadcastingedical complex layers of security, fire management office will serve as the weak electricity construction project monitoring on. Mntegrated floor, rehabilitation floor overall supporting using, meet full hospital has network operation management integrati, structure reasonable of, extended sex strong, economic practical of high standards integrated management. reached medical iieved digital, network of unified concentrated management. achieved advanced of, stable ofimplementation Shang combined buildings actual status and this times transformation achieved of integrated function, main achmestic hospital adapted healthcare futureness management mode development, and China promotion created "peace hospital" development requirements, while consider to doYu to set medical, teaching, research Yu one of modern busi17
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