
新概念第三册Lesson 33 A day to remember

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新概念第三册Lesson 33 A day to remember新概念第三册Lesson 33  A day to remember What incident began the series of traffic accidents? Two cars collided and the drivers began to argue. Why was There a second angry argument ? Because the lorry driver blamed the owner of the cake for his accident What might have...
新概念第三册Lesson 33  A day to remember
新概念第三册Lesson 33  A day to remember What incident began the series of traffic accidents? Two cars collided and the drivers began to argue. Why was There a second angry argument ? Because the lorry driver blamed the owner of the cake for his accident What might have prevented a chain reaction following the initial collision? Had there been a more experienced driver behind the two cars. 1, What is the topic sentence for the first paragraph and for the whole text? “We have all experienced days when everything 2, What is the topic sentence for the second paragraph? “Things can go wrong on a big scale, as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney.” 3, What is the structure of the text? “P1 first tells us the topic – ‘we have all experienced days when everything goes wrong.’ Then the writer supposes a day when things go wrong on a small scale – at home; P2 tells us a day when things go wrong on a big scale – on the road. The two examples together prove the topic sentence.” 4, Why does the writer use the present tenses in describing the first day, but the past tenses in describing the second day? “Because the first day is a supposed case, while the second day is a real case discovered by a number of  people recently in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney.” 1、prelude n.序幕,前奏If an event is a prelude to a more important event, it happens just before it and makes people expect it. be a prelude to sth. 是…的序幕/前奏/开端 麻烦事的前奏  a prelude to serious trouble Introduction n.导论,绪论(连to) Introduction to the book Preface n.序,前言(连to) Foreword n.序(连to) 相关: …的开端 the beginning of …的结束 the end of …的转折点 the turning point of …的里程碑 the milestone of 2、unforeseen adj.意料之外的unforeseen result 意想不到的结果 a foreseen danger Foresee v.预见,预知(=see before hand/see in advance) -I can foresee a bright future for you. Foreseeable adj.可预见的 Foreseeing adj.意料之中的 Unforeseeing adj.意料之外的 Foretell v.(普通用词)预言(主语可用人或物) Predict v.预言,预示(语气比foretell强,主语是人) -He predicts that it would happen in ten years. Forecast v.预测,预报 -瑞雪兆丰年。 -Timely snow forecasts bumper harvest. 3、series n.系列(单复同行) A series of days/books/pictures/TV series -We've got a series of good harvest. Chain n.连串,连锁 A chain of  一系列proof/ A chain of reaction= a series of reaction 连锁反应 Chain store 连锁店 Chain smoker 吸烟很严重的人 Succession 侧重指时间的顺序,强调时间的连续而没有间隔开。 A succession of failure  一系列的失败 -We've got a succession of success. String 连续不断相似的事件 A string of cars 一连串的汽车 Train 一个接一个的发生 A train of thoughts/ideas  一个个的想法 4、catastrophe    n.大祸,灾难 (这个词强调严重,波及范围广的灾难) worldwide catastrophe    世界范围的灾难 national catastrophe    波及全国的灾难 disaster  n. 灾难,不幸 (比catastrophe 弱的多,说明灾难、不幸的程度是可以忽略的) 5、crockery n.陶器,瓦器 一次性餐具 disposable crockery 6、suburb n.郊区 Suburban  adj.郊区的n.郊区居民 Urban resident  城市居民(=city resident) Urban adj.城市的 Urban traffic 城市交通 Urban development  城市发展 Rural adj. 农村的,乡下的 Rural area  农村地区 Rural population  农村人口 County n.县 County town 县城 Autonomous town  自治县 7、collide v.猛撞 Collide with 碰撞,抵触 -他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。 -His bicycle collided with a lorry. Collision n.碰撞,冲突 Collision accident  碰撞事故 In collision 相撞,在冲突中 -他们正往机场赶路的时候,其货车和一辆小汽车相撞了。 -They were on their way to the airport when their van was involved in a collision with a car. 8、learner n.初学者,学习者 Active learner  主动学习者 Quick learner  学习能力强的人 Slow learner    学习迟缓者 9、panic  n. 惊慌,恐慌 ( uncontrollable quickly spreading fear or terror) get into a panic 陷入惊慌之中 -He suddenly got into a panic and stopped his car. be seized/struck with panic 惊慌失措 -He was seized with panic. -他突然地感到惊慌失措。 V.惊恐    Don’t panic. [词组]panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人惊慌做出某事 10、windscreen n.(汽车的)挡风玻璃 Screen n. 屏,幕 Computer screen    电脑屏幕 Silver screen    银幕,电影 Touch screen    触屏(触摸式屏幕) On screen        在屏幕上,在银屏上 11、alongside  prep.在...旁边,与...并排 -他曾与马克并肩工作过,他们已经成为朋友了。 -He had worked alongside Mark and they had become friends. 12、slide v. (slide,slid, slid)  滑Lantern slide  幻灯片playground slide 儿童滑梯Slide show  幻灯片放映Slide down a hill  从山上滑下来 Slide on the ice/street    在冰上打滑/滑倒在大街上 slide into bad habits  不知不觉地沾染上坏习惯 slide into the room 同义辨析 slide ,slip slip v打滑,(因地面光滑而失去平衡,不一定摔倒) slide 指某个平面上的直线运动,不能表示失去平衡,当表示"滑落,溜进,溜出"的意思时,两个词可以互换 13、stray  a. 迷失的 = lost Stray animals  迷失的动物 -A stray dog came up to him. Stray Birds    飞鸟集(泰戈尔的著名诗集) vi. 迷失(通常与介词form 连用) The dog strayed from home. 14、confusion    n. ( condition out of order )混乱 in confusion 乱七八糟 -The room was in confusion after the birthday party.(=in a mess) fall into confusion 陷入混乱状态 be covered with confusion 局促不安 throw sb. into confusion  使某人惊慌失措 out of order  混乱 in order  秩序井然 15、devour    v. 有三种意思: 1. eat like an animal    狼吞虎咽 The dog devours the cake. 2. destroy    吞灭,席卷 -The flame devours the whole building. 3. take in eagerly with eyes, ears, or mind  贪婪地看、听 -His eyes devoured the scene. -他两眼贪婪的看着这美丽的风景。 固定搭配 be devoured by/with 心中充满(好奇) I am devoured with anxiety. 近义表达:swallow v.一口吞下 She swallowed some milk. wolf down 狼吞虎咽 反义表达 : take a sip of sth 小口呷 take a bit of sth. 尝一小口 Text: 1.We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong . 【谚语】Every dog has its day.每个人都有飞黄腾达的日子。 2.A day may begin well enough, but suddenly  everything seems to get out of control. 词组:get out of control = uncontrollable = beyond control 3.What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment. Vary    Variable    Variably /invariably (always)        4.It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of  reactions.(L5)unimportant event 不重要的小事 相关: Minor matter/ trifle 小事 小题大做 make a fuss over 大惊小怪 make a storm in a teacup Set up a chain of reaction 引起连锁反应 同: Bring about/ result in a series of reaction Give birth to ripple effect Give rise to domino effect 5.Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. (L6)keep an eye on 照看=Look after= take care of Please keep an eye on my house while I am out. “eye” Keep one’s eye open 睁大眼睛 Have an eye to=keep an eye on Eye to eye with sb.与某人看法完全一致 -For my study, my father eyes to eye to my mother. Eye for eye 以牙还牙 Have eyes only for 只对…有兴趣 -I have eyes only for you. 视而不见 turn a blind eye to…(a deaf ear to…) Look sb. in the eyes 两眼直视某人 -It really embarrassing when you look me in the eye. Make eyes at sb. 含情脉脉看着 -He is making eyes at his girlfriend. 6.You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby, crockery, etc. ①hang up = put on the receiver    挂断电话 ②attend to 1)to deal with business or personal matters 处理,料理 Excuse me, I have something urgent to attend to. 2)to help a customer in a shop or a restaurant to  buy or order sth.  照顾,接待(顾客)  7.As if this were not enough to reduce you to tears, your husband arrives, unexpectedly bringing three  guests to dinner. reduce you to tears    迫使你流下眼泪 His comforting words almost reduced his wife to tears Reduce to silence/despair -The cold atmosphere reduced him to silence. Reduce to ruins -The big bomb reduced the castle to ruins. 8.Things can go wrong on a big scale as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney. 【词组】on a big scale  大规模地 (L12)as引导的定语从句 引导非限定从,可代替句子或一件事,作主语 、宾语或表语,意为“正如,就像’ 常见结构:as we can see , as can be seen , as we know , as is well known, as often happens , as was mentioned above , as is often the case -Things can go wrong on a big scale, as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta. (As 在从句中作discover的宾语,先行词是前面整个句子。) -As is well known , great changes have taken place in China. -Great changes, as is well known, have taken place in China. (As在定从中作主语) 注: 1) which引导非限定从,和as有一样的功能,可代替整个句子,但which只能用在主句之后。 2) as 引导的非限定从,如果是被动,be 可省,但which不可省。 -She married him, which was unexpected.= -She married him as (was) expected. As we expected, John was admitted to the university. 被动词可以省略。 She married him as unexpected. (was省略) The material is elastic as shown in the picture. (is省略) l as we can see , as can be seen , l as we know , as is well known, l as often happens , l as was mentioned above , l as is often the case 9.The woman immediately behind the two cars happened  to be a learner. = it happened that the woman behind the two cars was a learner. happen to  恰巧 sb. happen to =it happen that I happened to hear the news . It happened that I heard about it. 10、(L17)pull up 停车 Pull in 进站停车;船靠岸 Pull sth.down 摧毁 pull the city down Pull sb. through渡过难关 -My parents always try to pull me through. Pull together 齐心协力 -我们要齐心协力渡过难关。 -We will pull together to weather the hardship. 11、Meanwhile, the traffic piled up behind. meanwhile = at the same time  = at the same moment  = in the meantime 12.It took the police nearly an hour to get the traffic on the move again. (L20)on the move =move from place to place 在移动 类: On the rise/ on the increase/ on the decrease On the run 正在逃跑 on the fly 在飞行中on the go 正在忙碌中 On the boil 正在沸腾 on the watch 正在监视中 On the turn 在转变中 词汇辨析  1.pass与past (1)动词 pass的过去式为 passed,过去分词为 passed或past。当它作及物动词用时,可以表示“经过”、“通过(考试)”或“超过”等,作不及物动词用时可以表示“(时间等)消逝”: You passed me without even noticing me! 你从我身边经过时居然没注意到我! Your sister passed me in her new car, driving at great speed. 你姐姐/妹妹开着她的新车从我身旁驶过,开得非常快。 I've passed/ past my French test. 我法语考试通过了。 A month has passed/ past since I left home. 我离开家已一个月了。 (2)past可以作形容词、介词、名词等。作形容词时表示“以前的”、“过去的”等: Many things happened in the post week. 过去的这一周内发生了许多事。 Frank is proud of his past experiences. 弗兰克为自己以往的经历感到自豪。 作介词时它表示“经过”或“超出(范围等)”: He has just walked past me. 他刚从我身边走过去。 His words are past my understanding. 我不懂他的话。 作名词时它表示“过去”、“昔时”或“往事”等: Can you tell me something about your past? 您能给我讲讲您过去的一些事吗? In the past, we used to gather under the Town Hall clock to welcome the New Year. 我们过去常聚集在市政厅的大钟下面迎新年。 2.next与other next表示时间顺序上“紧接的”、“下一个”。如果以现在为基准,则next前一般不加the; 如果以过去或将来的某一时间为基准,则 next前面要加the或其他修饰词: See you next Friday. 下个星期五再见。 Mary phoned the next day to tell us that she couldn't come to the party. 第2天玛丽打来电话告诉我们她不能来参加晚会了。 the other day指时间时可以有a few days ago的意思: Mary phoned the other day to tell us that she had arrived in London. 前几天玛丽来电话告诉我们她已到达伦敦。
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