

2017-10-06 50页 doc 256KB 242阅读




五年级下册1-8课科学科学教案五年级下册1-8课科学科学教案 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 第5课 凸透镜 教学目标 掌握凸透镜放大、聚光、使物体成像的特点,并会使用凸透镜。 教学重点 掌握凸透镜的特点,会使用凸透镜。 教学难点 教学方法以小组为单位,在合作交流的基础上掌握本科目标 与手段 教学准备 放大镜、蜡烛、火柴、纸屏、支架 一、用放大镜导入课题并板书课题《凸透镜》。 二、我们观察放大镜。 1、以小组为单位,观察放大镜。 2、指名说出放大镜各部分的名称。 3、小结:放大镜分镜片、镜框、镜柄三部分。 三、凸透镜的作用。 ...
五年级1-8课科学科学教案 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 第5课 凸透镜 教学目标 掌握凸透镜放大、聚光、使物体成像的特点,并会使用凸透镜。 教学重点 掌握凸透镜的特点,会使用凸透镜。 教学难点 教学方法以小组为单位,在合作交流的基础上掌握本科目标 与手段 教学准备 放大镜、蜡烛、火柴、纸屏、支架 一、用放大镜导入课题并板课题《凸透镜》。 二、我们观察放大镜。 1、以小组为单位,观察放大镜。 2、指名说出放大镜各部分的名称。 3、小结:放大镜分镜片、镜框、镜柄三部分。 三、凸透镜的作用。 1、各小组玩放大镜。并交流发现。 教 学 (注意:不要用激光灯照射眼睛;不要用凸透镜看太阳,否则会灼过 伤眼睛) 程 2、在阳光下研究聚光性。 设 3、让学生用放大镜看书上的字,指名说出发现了什么, 计 (放大性) 4、指导学生做凸透镜成像试验,各小组交流其发现。 5、全班交流凸透镜的作用。 小结:凸透镜具有聚光、放大、使物体成像的作用。 四、拓展延伸。 生活中有许多地方用到了放大镜,找一找。 练习 设计 板书 凸透镜 设计 镜片、镜框、镜柄 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 第6课 照相机和眼睛 掌握照相机成像的特点,认识眼睛各部分的构造,知道眼睛是怎教学目标 样看清楚物体的。 教学重点 认识眼睛各部分的构造,知道眼睛是怎样看清楚物体的。 教学难点 以小组为单位,利用各种材料能动手操作并动手试验掌握眼睛的教学方法构造。 与手段 教学准备 凸透镜片、纸盒、半透明纸、剪刀、胶水。 一、谈话导入新课。 板书课题《照相机和眼睛》 二、做个照相机,玩一玩。 1、各小组用材料做一个照相机。 2、玩一玩,指名说出物体的像是怎样通过凸透镜在半透明纸上成像教 学 的, 过 三、眼睛是怎样看见物体的。 程 1、阅读课本资料卡讨论眼睛的构造。 设 2、交流照相机和眼睛有什么相同的地方。 计 3、交流视网膜、晶状体的作用。 4、全班交流。 5、教师小结。 四、拓展延伸。 查阅资料,了解动物的眼睛构造。 练习 设计 板书 照相机和眼睛 设计 视网膜——纸屏 晶状体——凸透镜 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 第7课 保护眼睛 课 题 通过调查了解本班学生眼睛近视情况;了解眼睛常患的疾病。以及怎教学目标 样预防眼睛的疾病。 教学重点 教学重难点:认识眼睛常见病并会预防。 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 视力表 一、谈话导入新课。板书课题《保护眼睛》 二、眼睛常患哪些疾病。 1、各小组交流。 2、全班汇总:近视、沙眼、白内障、散光等。 3、交流这些眼病是怎样造成的, 三、怎样保护我们的眼睛。 1、各小组交流。 教 2、全班交流。 学 3、教师小结:常做眼保健操;看书、写字要做到三个一;不要在强光、过 弱光下看书等。 程 四、拓展延伸。 设 五、查阅资料: 计 1、生活在草原地区的人为什么视力特别好, 2、角膜移植是怎么会事,我国每年有多少人需要进行角膜移植,有多 少人自愿捐献角膜, 六、板书设计: 保护眼睛 练 习 设 计 板 书 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教 学 反 思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学重点:光的传播,光的反射和折射,光的色散,视觉的形成和近教学目标 视的原因。 教学重点 光的传播,光的反射和折射,光的色散,视觉的形成和近视的原因。 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 一、引入 直接导入:同学们,这节课我们一起来复习一下这一单元的。 二、复习过程 学生先快速浏览课本第一单元内容。 1、教师引导回顾课本内容。 (1)复习光的传播 同学们,第一单元我们都学了哪几课内容 (学生回答各课题目) 这几课内容都与什么有关,用一个字总结(板书:光) 对,都是与光有关的知识,同学们回顾一下我们在学习这一单元的时 候首先了解了光的什么 ,(生回答,师板书:传播) 学习了光的传播这部分,你都学到了哪些知识 (光是沿着直线传播的, 向着四面八方传播的。师板书:直线,四面八方) 教 (2)复习光的反射 学 光在没有任何物体挡住的情况下会一直沿直线继续传播下去,当遇到过 障碍物时,就会发生反射和折射现象。(板书:反射,折射) 程 在学习光的反射时我们认识了平面镜和潜望镜。(板书:平面镜)说一设 说,学习了光的反射后你知到了哪些有关反射的知识 计 教师引导学生生回答: ?什么是反射 反射的特点 不同物体反射光的颜色不同。 ?平面镜及其平面镜的成像特点。(板书:左右相反) ?潜望镜的原理及作用等知识。 (3)复习光的折射 在学习光的折射后你都知道了哪些有关于折射的知识, 教师引导学生叙述: ?什么是折射 ?凸透镜,及其成像特点,规律,作用和应用。(师重点板书:凸透镜,倒立) ?照相机的成像原理,各部分相当于实验中的什么 ?眼球的结构,各部分的作用相当于照相机的什么部分 是怎样看见 物体的 近视的成因和怎样预防近视等。 (4)学生小组合作巩固复习的内容。 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) (5)巩固练习:(师出示练习题,指名回答) 2、单元巩固练习 (1)出示练习题,指名回答。(由学生带领练习) (2)进行小测验,同桌交换批阅,由学生带领集体订正。 三、课堂小结 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 计 练习 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 计 练习 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 授课 月 日 序号 备课教师 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 练习 设计 板书 设计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 授课序号 备课教师 月 日 时间 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 与手段 教学准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 练习 设计 板书 设计 教学 反思 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1)
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