

2017-11-15 26页 doc 266KB 20阅读




阿胶红枣鸡蛋汤—附带图片做法阿胶红枣鸡蛋汤—附带图片做法 制作步骤 1. 所有材料准备好; 2. 红枣洗净,把红枣核取出; 3. 不锈钢锅内倒入约一碗的清水,放入阿胶和红枣,中火煮开,转小火煮至阿胶融化; 4. 放入冰糖,继续煮至冰糖融化; 5. 打入鸡蛋,继续煮1分钟; article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the sys...
阿胶红枣鸡蛋汤—附带图片做法 制作步骤 1. 所有材料准备好; 2. 红枣洗净,把红枣核取出; 3. 不锈钢锅内倒入约一碗的清水,放入阿胶和红枣,中火煮开,转小火煮至阿胶融化; 4. 放入冰糖,继续煮至冰糖融化; 5. 打入鸡蛋,继续煮1分钟; article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 6. 煮至蛋花沸腾即可食用。 7. 盛碗 8. 成品图 阿胶红枣鸡蛋汤做法小贴士 1、阿胶甘平质润,性粘收敛,一次不可多服,每人每次3-5克即可; 2、女性行经期间慎用; 3、感冒病人不宜服用; article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 4、服用阿胶产品的同时要注意忌食油腻食物,以免影响消化。 中医认为,黄婉秋老师的这个养颜方当中,选择的净是一些补气补血的药材。 看过韩国电视连续剧《大长今》的朋友也许还记得,其中有一集说到皇后小产,身体非常的虚弱,太医来了之后,开出了一个方子“佛手散”,使皇后恢复了健康。其实,“佛手散”就是中医妇科当中,一个非常著名的古方,由当归和川芎组成。黄芪和党参的配伍,也可以说是一个经典组合了,它出自《脾胃论》当中的补中益气汤,党参具有益气生血的作用,而黄芪具有补气固表的作用,这两味药有一个共同的功效就是补气。 74580次阅读 ? 25 个评论 共有 32 喜欢 , 收藏到: , 想做 , 做过 , 常做 共 410 人收藏 , 其它菜品口味 , 煮主要工艺 , 半小时所需时间 , 简单制作难度 , 煮锅所用厨具 食材明细 , 川芎10克 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect , 党参10克 , 黄芪10克 , 当归10克 , 阿胶三分之一块(约10克) , 鸡蛋1个 菜谱精灵:不在电脑前也能看菜谱,免费下载>>制作步骤 1. 准备材料:川芎、党参、黄芪、当归各抽取10克(因广州容易热气,我加了熟地10克)。 2. 川芎、党参、黄芪、当归、熟地、生鸡蛋(我多煮了一个给宝宝吃),依次放进不锈钢锅内(最好是砂锅),加入二碗清水。 3. 加盖定时10分钟,中火煮。 4. 10分钟后,锅停煮,将熟鸡蛋剥去皮。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 5. 将去皮的鸡蛋再放进锅内;加入阿胶。中火继续煮5分钟-10分钟左右。 6. 滤出药渣,喝药汤,还有就是把那个蛋吃掉。 7. 一周服用两次,睡前或清晨起床后服用,效果更好。 养颜汤做法小贴士 如果有的人不喜欢吃鸡蛋,可以用瘦肉代替,把 100克瘦猪肉用盐、酱油、料酒拌好,做成饼状放在一个盘子里面,再分别把当归、川芎、阿胶、党参和黄芪分别放在肉饼的上下面,用中火蒸15分钟左右,取肉饼食用,同样可以起到养颜美容的效果。 这个配方不仅仅可以养颜,对于那些有经痛的姑娘们应该也是有帮助的~ 固元膏补气养血,适合所有人士,尤其是爱美的女士,身体比较虚弱的人群,给孩子吃时,只要减少黄酒的用量即可。秋冬季节是最好的进补时节,在这寒冷的冬季,给家人一份更多的健康和关爱。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻„„ 566549次阅读 ? 160 个评论 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 共有 36 喜欢 , 收藏到: , 想做 , 做过 , 常做 共 1351 人收藏 , 甜味菜品口味 , 蒸主要工艺 , 数小时所需时间 , 普通制作难度 , 蒸锅所用厨具 食材明细 , 大枣750克 , 黑芝麻500克 , 核桃500克 , 阿胶500克 , 枸杞250克 , 冰糖250克 , 黄酒1000克 菜谱精灵:不在电脑前也能看菜谱,免费下载>>制作步骤 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 1. 开始拌料:把所有的粉粉倒入盆中拌匀。(一定要选择大一些的盆子,我就换了两次 ) 2. 粉粉拌匀后,把黄酒倒入拌匀,然后浸泡1,2小时后搅拌,由于有阿胶在里面,好粘好粘(?o?)哦~ 3. 准备蒸制了:把拌好的粉粉分别装到两个盆里,覆盖上保鲜膜,一定要封严实一些,保鲜膜靠近盆底最好(我用了两层)大火蒸15分钟后,改用小火蒸90分钟。 4. 蒸好后,取出晾凉 5. 装罐密封,放到冰箱里保存~ 固元膏做法小贴士 1、开始拌料:把所有的粉粉倒入盆中拌匀(一定要选择大一些的盆子,我就换了两次 ); article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 2、准备蒸制了:把拌好的粉粉分别装到两个盆里,覆盖上保鲜膜,一定要封严实一些,保鲜膜靠近盆底最好(我用了两层),防止蒸制时进水; 3、建议大家在蒸制时,一定要选一个比你蒸笼小一些的盆,以免蒸馏水被阻碍,流不下去; 4、早晚各一勺,这个配方是1份的配方,通常自己做时,用半份就可以,太多蒸起来很麻烦的,我选择的是半份(所有用料都减一半),是自己吃~就追加了半份阿胶(一共用了500克)。 5、每次取固元膏的小勺一定要擦干净,不能带水,取完后立即封好,放回冰箱保存~ 制作步骤 1. 材料:阿胶250克 核桃仁500克 红枣500 黑芝麻500克 冰糖350克 花雕酒2瓶。 2. 洗黑芝麻:黑芝麻放在一个大盆里,放满水,大部分都分浮上水上面。 3. 用面粉筛捞起来,剩下的一些我们像小时候淘米里面的沙一样淘干净芝麻里的沙。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 4. 洗干净后,放在一个大筛里晾干后炒熟。 5. 最后放入豆浆机里,加适量的花雕酒粉碎待用。 6. 红枣提前洗干净并且晾干,去核。 7. 并放入搅拌机里加适量花雕酒把他粉碎待用。 8. 核桃仁放袋子里,用擀面杖锤碎待用。 9. 核桃碎。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 10. 阿胶,冰糖都粉碎(直接在卖的地方就可以帮你打好)。 11. 把所有粉碎的东西全部放在一起,并且倒入剩下的花雕酒。 12. 彻底拌匀。 13. 这个量做出来整整一电饭锅。 14. 找一个大的煲,放入适量的水,不可以太多,以免溢出。放2根筷子在水里. article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 15. 直接把电饭锅胆放在筷子上。 16. 再在上面盖上一个大的碟子,以免水蒸气滴进去了。 17. 大火蒸20分钟,小火蒸2个小时。 18. 蒸好了。 19. 整整2大合,可以吃一段时间哈,吃的时候一定要用干净无油无水的勺子挖来吃。可以保存一年。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 菜谱物语——阿胶羹 我属于贫血的体质,GG特意买来阿胶给我养养身。呵呵,在此谢谢GG。 阿胶是补血佳 品,大家可以尝试下。 9143次阅读 ? 6 个评论 共有 0 喜欢 , 收藏到: , 想做 , 做过 , 常做 共 27 人收藏 , 未知菜品口味 , 蒸主要工艺 , 数天所需时间 , 简单制作难度 食材明细 , 阿胶125g , 核桃仁125g , 黑芝麻125g , 水125ml , 冰糖100g , 黄酒125ml article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 菜谱精灵:不在电脑前也能看菜谱,免费下载>>制作步骤 1. 阿胶放入带盖的容器内用黄酒泡2天,至泡软。我用的是古越龙山的黄酒(在浙江蛮有名的牌子),拍照的时候忘记拍了。 2. 冰糖水倒入泡好的阿胶内,搅匀,加盖,上蒸锅隔水蒸一小时。注意:不要用塑料盖,因蒸的时间比较久,蒸汽温度盖,有把塑料盖子融化的危险。蒸锅内的水一定要足够多。我家的碗原配的塑料盖,在蒸的时候,被我用盘子代替了盖子。 3. 在蒸阿胶的同时,把备好的黑芝麻粉核桃粉炒香。炒锅加热后,不必放油,调至中火,放入核桃粉芝麻粉,不停翻炒,至炒出香味,约炒3-5分钟即可。注意不要炒糊哦,且要翻炒均匀。图片上是各250g的量,实际只用一半即可。 4. 一小时后,阿胶蒸至完全溶化。放入炒香的核桃黑芝麻粉。搅拌均匀。上蒸锅隔水继续蒸一小时。记得加盖,蒸锅内有足够的水哦。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 5. 一小时后,关火,取出成品阿胶羹,放冷,冰箱存放。 注意:阿胶羹要用密闭的容器盛放,记得及时吃完。每天早晚各一勺,温开水冲服即可。 也可配牛奶哦。 阿胶羹做法小贴士 阿胶陈年的效果更好,越陈年越脆。新阿胶水分比较多,不容易敲碎。阿胶泡的天数,可以 根据天气的冷热做调整。天气越冷,须泡越久。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect
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