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昆明新思考教育云大附中昆明小升初数学试卷模拟昆明新思考教育云大附中昆明小升初数学试卷模拟 昆明新思考教育云大附中昆明小升初数学试卷模拟 的玻璃破损,需重配一块 ( )平方厘米的玻璃;这个鱼缸最多能注( )升的水 一、填空。(每空1分,共22分) x千克,那么西瓜( )千克,当x,259.西瓜比苹果的2倍还多12千克,如果苹果有 1.三角形的底是2.8厘米,高是厘米,它的面积是( ) 平方厘米。 时,西瓜有( )千克,苹果和西瓜一共有( )千克。 x 2.一块橡皮的体积约是8( ); 汽车的油箱大约能盛汽油50( ) 二、判断。(对的打“?”,错的打“×”。每题1分,...
昆明新思考教育云大附中昆明小升初数学试卷模拟 昆明新思考教育云大附中昆明小升初数学试卷模拟 的玻璃破损,需重配一块 ( )平方厘米的玻璃;这个鱼缸最多能注( )升的水 一、填空。(每空1分,共22分) x千克,那么西瓜( )千克,当x,259.西瓜比苹果的2倍还多12千克,如果苹果有 1.三角形的底是2.8厘米,高是厘米,它的面积是( ) 平方厘米。 时,西瓜有( )千克,苹果和西瓜一共有( )千克。 x 2.一块橡皮的体积约是8( ); 汽车的油箱大约能盛汽油50( ) 二、判断。(对的打“?”,错的打“×”。每1分,共5分) 7360立方分米=( )立方米 分=( )秒 1.棱长是6厘米的正方体,表面积与体积相等。 „„„„„„„„( ) 12 4.07立方米=( )立方米( )立方分米 2.4a表示4个a相乘。„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) 3.把3个棱长是4厘米的正方体木块粘合成一个长方体, 713. 1米的 和7米的 一样长。„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) 99 这个长方体的体积是( )立方厘米, 4.棱长是6厘米的正方体表面积和体积相等。„„„„„„„„„„( ) 表面积比原来的3个小正方体表面积的和减少( )平方厘米。 75.一个不为0的数乘积小于这个数。„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) 84.不计算,在 里填上“,”.“,”或“=”。 52231311411三、选择。(每题1分,共5分)。 × ? × 6 ? 433565939 1.小明今年x岁,妹妹x,3岁,再过5年,他们相差( )岁 535.吨的大豆可以榨油吨,平均每吨大豆可榨油( )吨,榨1吨油需 94A. x-3 B.3 C.5 D.2 要大豆( )吨。 2.盛满沙子的沙坑,( )的体积就是沙坑的容积。 16.小明的书架上放着一些书,书的本数在100?150本之间,其中是故事书,5A(沙子 B.沙坑Ww W.x k B 1.c Om 1是科技书,书架上最多放( )本书。 713.一堆煤2吨,每天用去它的,3天一共用去( )。 257.用一根长36厘米的铁丝正好做成一个正方体,这个正方体的体积是( )2323A. B. C. D. 252532立方厘米。 114.两根同样长的绳子,甲用去它的,乙用去它的米,剩下的相比较( )。 668.有一个长方体玻璃鱼缸,长50厘米,宽35厘米,高24厘米。这个鱼缸前面 A.甲剩下的长 B. 乙剩下的长 C.一样长 D.无法比较 学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 „„„„„„„„„„„„密„„„„„„„„„封„„„„„„„„线„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1155.4X,X=30 8X,= 2.6X=840 5. 从一个体积是30立方厘米的长方体木块中,挖掉一小块后(如右图) ,它的表面积639( ) 。 A(和原来同样大 B(比原来小 C(比原来大 D(无法判断 四、 注意审题,细心计算。(40分) 1.直接写出得数。(8分) 4.右图中每个小方格的边长表示1厘米。先在图中画一个周长是18厘米.宽4厘米的长方 35547?10= ×= 1?= 8×= 形。再把这个长方形内的方格分别涂上黑色和蓝色,使黑色方格的面积是蓝色方格面积的3789816 12341111,= ?= ×?= 1?6×= 倍。8分(先计算,再操作) 53147446 2.计算下面各题。(15分) 5345737 ×21× ?5× ?? 710968412 8514??24 ×?8 5983 3.解方程。(9分) 五、运用知识,方程解答。(每小题6分,共30分 1.甲.乙两人共同加工110个零件,经过5小时完成,甲每小时加工12个,乙每小时加工of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 昆明新思考教育小升初资料 多少个,(用方程解) 472.跳绳比赛中,刘红跳了160下,李明跳的下数是刘红的,张华跳的下数是李明的,(2)如果在游泳池的四壁和底部抹水泥,抹水泥部分的面积是多少平方米,(4分) 58 张华跳了多少下? (6分) 335.一根电话线,第一次用去米,第二次用去余下的,两次共用去6米。这个电话线多 44 43.一卷彩带2米,做一个花环要用米,10卷这样的彩带可以做多少个花环,(6分) 少米,(6分) 5 4.建一个长50米.宽40米.深2米的游泳池。 (1)这个游泳池最多能装水多少立方米,(2分) of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1- 3 - 参考: 1.B 一.填空。(每空1分,共22分) 2.A 1.1.4X (区分体积和容积单位意义的理解) (考查三角形面积公式) 3.B 7 122、立方分米 升 0.36 35 4 70 4.D (考查对体积单位意义的理解) (3.4主要考查分率意义的理解) 3. 192 128 5.A 4. 〉 = 〈 四.注意审题,细心计算。(40分) 152718753115. 1. 14 2715652385366.140 (考查分数乘法计算过程中对基本运算方法的掌握能力) 92312. 2 (主要考查学生对分数乘除法计算的掌握程度,其中6考查灵活运用计算能力) 2272548 13.X=105 X=36 X= 7.27188.1200 4.2 (考查方程理解和计算能力) (考查对立体图形特征的理解和相关计算能力的考查) 4.略 9.. 2X+12 62 87 五.运用知识,方程解答。(每小题6分,共30分 二.判断。(对的打“?”,错的打“×”。每题1分,共5分) 1.解:设乙每小时加工x个。 5x+12×1. × 2. × 3. ? 4. × 5. × 5=110 (对知识体系结构可能出现的错误进行有针对性的测验) x=1 三.选择。(每题1分,共5分)。 答:乙每小时加工10个. of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1 昆明新思考教育小升初资料 472.160××=112(下) 58 答:张华跳了112下. 43.2×10?=25(个) 5 答:10卷这样的彩带可以做25个花环. 4.(1)50×40×2=4000(立方米) 答:这个游泳池最多能装水4000立方米. (2)(50×2+40×2)×2+50×40=2360(平方米) 答:抹水泥部分的面积是2360平方米. 333375.(6-)?+=(米) 4444 37答:这个电话线米。 4 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the project's research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways; Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1- 5 -
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