

2017-09-27 19页 doc 49KB 23阅读




花卉学-水生花卉花卉学-水生花卉 第六章:水生花卉 *第一节:水生花卉的概述 第二节:常见水生花卉:重点掌握荷花 *第一节:水生花卉的概述 水生花卉:生长在水中或沼泽地的观赏植物。 多数种类地下部分肥大呈根茎状。 *一、水生花卉的分类与种类 (一)分类:按生活习性与形态分为 *1、挺水植物(挺水花卉) *2、浮叶植物(浮叶花卉、浮水花卉) *3、漂浮植物(漂浮花卉) 4、沉水植物(观赏水草) 另:岸边植物(岸边园林树木):如水蒲桃等。 *1、挺水植物(挺水花卉) 有明显的茎、叶之分,茎直立挺拔,仅下部或基部沉于水...
花卉学-水生花卉 第六章:水生花卉 *第一节:水生花卉的概述 第二节:常见水生花卉:重点掌握荷花 *第一节:水生花卉的概述 水生花卉:生长在水中或沼泽地的观赏植物。 多数种类地下部分肥大呈根茎状。 *一、水生花卉的分类与种类 (一)分类:按生活习性与形态分为 *1、挺水植物(挺水花卉) *2、浮叶植物(浮叶花卉、浮水花卉) *3、漂浮植物(漂浮花卉) 4、沉水植物(观赏水草) 另:岸边植物(岸边园林树木):如水蒲桃等。 *1、挺水植物(挺水花卉) 有明显的茎、叶之分,茎直立挺拔,仅下部或基部沉于水中,根扎入泥土中生长,上面大部分植株挺出水面。生长于靠近岸边的浅水中。 常用于水景园、水池、岸边浅水处、沼泽地、湿地。 *2、浮叶植物(浮叶花卉、浮水花卉) 茎细弱不能直立,根状茎发达,叶片或植株平稳地漂浮于水面上,根或根状茎生于水底泥中。 多用于水面景观布置。 *3、漂浮植物(漂浮花卉) 植物的根不生于泥中,植物漂浮于水面上,随水飘泊。 用于水面景观布置。 4、沉水植物(观赏水草) 生长于水体较中心的地带,整株植物沉没于水中,无根或根系不发达,通气组织特别发达。弱光下也能生长。 种类:水苋、金鱼藻、网草等。 岸边植物(岸边园林树木) 水蒲桃、水杉等。 二、园林应用特点 1、是园林水体周围及水中植物造景的重要花卉。 湖、塘可采用多种或仅取一种水生花卉,与亭、堂、馆等园林建筑物构成具有独特情趣的景区、景点。 湖边、沼泽地可栽沼生植物;中、小型池塘宜栽中、小体形品种的莲或睡莲、水葫芦等。 凡堆山叠石的池塘,宜在塘角池畔配植香蒲、石菖蒲;而假山、瀑布的岩缝或溪边石隙间,则宜栽种水生鸢尾、灯心草等。 布置水景用的水生花卉数量不宜过多,要求疏密有致,水秀花繁,勿使植物全部覆盖水面。 2、栽植湖岸、或在规则式水池中常作主景 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 栽植于湖岸、各种水体中作为主景或配景。 在规则式水池中常常作主景。 主要采用的水生植物:孤尾藻、水生美人蕉、水罂粟等。 注意:在开放式河流中应采用防护,以防植物流失。 3、家居水景园 4、是花卉专类园----水生园的主要材料 三、水生花卉的繁殖及栽培要点 (一)水生花卉的繁殖 1、分生繁殖:分株或将根茎切段栽植。 分栽时期:春、秋。 2、播种繁殖:水中播种,将种子播于有培养土的盆中,复土,然后将盆浸入水中。 耐寒性种类3个月-1年发芽 不耐寒种类10天左右发芽。 (二)栽培要点 1、土壤和养分管理:粘质土壤为佳,栽植前施足基肥(塘泥和有机肥)。 2、水分:土壤潮湿或水栽,保护水体清洁。 挺水和浮水类花卉以水深60-100cm为限,沼生、湿生种类以水深20-30cm。 3、设建种植池或拦网 有地下根茎的水生花卉在池塘中需建种植池,以保证不四处蔓延。 漂浮类需固定防随风而动,加拦网。 4、越冬管理:耐寒种类直接栽植在池中或水边,冬季不需要特殊保护,休眠期对水深浅要 求不严。 不耐寒种类要盆栽,冬季移入温室过冬。 第二节:常见水生花卉 一、挺水花卉(包括湿生、沼生) *(一)荷花 别名:莲、芙蓉。 科:睡莲科 荷花的应用 缸栽组合摆放、室内盆栽、插花上应用、园林上的应用、荷花繁殖基地 1、形态特征 根:须根。 茎:根状茎生于泥中,称藕。 叶:挺出水面,叶片巨大(立叶) 。 花:单生、两性,花期,-,月。 果:俗称“莲子”坚果。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 种子:剥去果皮(莲壳),里面的“莲肉”即为种子。 2、类型及品种 根据栽培目的和用途分类 藕用型(藕莲)、籽用型(子莲)、*观赏型(花莲) 小型品种:凡植于口径26cm以内盆中能开花,花径不超过12cm,立叶直径不超过12cm, 株高不超过33cm。 千瓣莲、并蒂莲为珍品 *3、习性 ,)温度:喜热。 生长期,5 ?C以上,最适温度,0-,, ?C, 0 ?C以下种藕易受冻 。 ,)光照:喜阳光充足。 强光下生长快、开花早、枯萎早。 弱光下生长缓慢、开花晚、枯萎晚。 ,)湿度 喜湿怕干,水深不可淹没立叶。 水深以0.3-1.2米为宜(静水为好) ,)土壤(营养):粘壤土,需,、,肥多,,肥不宜过多。 微酸性(pH为6.5),对酚、氰等污染物敏感。 5)生育周期 春季萌芽生长。 4-5月为营养生长期。 夏季(6-9月)开花、结实。 秋季(10-11月)花后生新藕。 秋末地上茎叶开始枯黄。 冬季休眠。 整个生育期160-190天,从萌芽至开花需2-3个月。 三水荷花世界选育冬荷品种(抗寒育种) 冬荷品种花期9个半月(3月中旬-12月末)盛花期8个月(4月中-12月中) 普通品种盛花期为3个月(6月初-8月末),普通品种叶黄期和休眠期达120天。 4、繁殖 1)分栽种藕繁殖 分栽时期:春季 :池水放干、翻耕。 种藕切割:,-,节切一段。 种藕栽种:平放或略斜放。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 株行距:80*150 cm。 覆土:10cm。 放水:先浅后深。 2)播种繁殖 播种时期:春播、秋播。 种子处理:浸种催芽或刻伤浸种。 播种方法:每盆一粒或多粒,覆土为种子2-3倍,放水5 cm ,温度管理25-30?C. 图:播在泥土中(也可直接用水催芽播种) 图:播种方法2:水播出苗 图:水播分苗移栽(每盆一株,可移在泥水中) 图:土播分苗移栽(每盆一株) 播种至开花:三、四年 5、栽培技术 1)选择栽培场所:向阳的池塘水面绿化。 2)整地、施基肥:塘池水抽干,翻耕25 cm ,施基肥,再少量灌水。 3)种藕栽植 4)肥水管理 水分管理 初期:10-20cm。 夏季:60-80cm。 夏末、秋初:1m左右。 秋末、冬初:20-30cm。 施肥:基肥为主,多不施追肥。 5)病虫害防治 虫害:蚜虫:氧化乐果1500倍液。黄刺蛾:辛硫磷1000-2000倍。 水蛆:石灰驱杀。 病害:腐烂病:保持水质清洁。 6)更新:观赏栽培:2-3年重栽1次。 生产良藕:每年冬季或春季挖出。 (二)石菖蒲 别名:山菖蒲、药菖蒲 天南星科 株高:30cm 花色:淡黄绿 花期:4-5月 栽培水深:5-10cm field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 喜阴湿、温暖环境, 分株繁殖。 (三)水生鸢尾类:鸢尾科 该类水生植物叶呈剑形或线形,花蝶形,有蓝紫、黄、白等花色,花期春夏季。分株繁殖。种 植在水边湿地或浅水区。 3)-1黄菖蒲(黄花鸢尾) 3)-2花菖蒲(别名:玉婵花) 水池中的黄菖蒲和池边的马蹄莲 3)-3西伯利亚鸢尾 别名:燕子花 分株繁殖 鸢尾类的繁殖(播种或分株) 栽培:池边湿地或浅水中,株行距20*25cm 中性土壤,保持水深4-5cm。 应用:叶色翠绿花色丰富,观叶赏花兼备。湖边、河边、池边、专类园、盆栽。 (四)千屈菜 别名:水柳、水枝柳、对叶莲 千屈菜科 株高:30-100cm 花色:紫红 花期:6-9月 栽培水深:5-10cm 喜阳光充足,生长于沼泽地、水旁湿地,耐寒性强。 繁殖:播种、分株、扦插繁殖。 栽培:湿地丛植,株行距25*30cm,保持水深5-10cm。 应用:适于水边丛植、水池栽植、在浅水中生长最佳,也可盆栽、露栽。 (五)慈姑 别名:燕尾草、剪刀草 泽泻科 株高1米,茎直立,叶形变化大,总状花序顶生,花期6-10月。 光照充足,喜温,适温为18-25?C,冬季地上部枯死,浅水中生长。 播种、球茎繁殖。 应用:适于水面、岸边、盆栽。 以观叶为主,叶形奇特、叶色亮丽。 (六)狐尾藻(大聚藻,可沉水) 小二仙草科 多年生草本,株高10-20cm,茎半蔓性,能匍匐湿地生长。 应用:叶羽状,柔美可爱,适合水池边缘点缀。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 大聚藻水景应用 (七)雨久花 别名:雨韭、水白菜 雨久花科 植株高30-90cm,花蓝色,花期7-10月。 种子繁殖,喜光也耐半阴,喜水湿环境,适温为15-30?C。 应用:水边或盆栽. 布置在池塘边浅水处的雨久花和杉叶藻。 (八)伞草 别名:旱伞草、水竹、白纹伞、伞莎草、风车草 莎草科 繁殖:播种、分株。 栽培:耐湿、耐阴、浅水、沼泽地、山石旁,生长适温15-30?C。 应用:山石旁、湿地、岸边浅水,盆栽。 在这个自然式的小溪中,一丛丛伞草是主角,与溪力的卵石及蜘蛛兰等植物构成引人入胜 的景致。 (九)水竹芋 别名:水莲蕉、再力花 竹芋科 繁殖:分株。 栽培:阳光充足、适温20-30?C。夏秋开花。 应用:水池、水盆、湿地。 二、浮水花卉种类 (一)睡莲 别名:子午莲、水芹花 科:睡莲科 地下具块状根茎。 花期:夏、秋 喜光、粘质土、土壤P中性。 H 繁殖:分株、播种繁殖 栽培:最适水深20-30cm,不得超过80cm。 图:池中利用缸和网栅限制睡莲生长。 应用:美化平静的水面,盆栽、切花。 园林应用:睡莲和狐尾藻造景 园林应用:美化水面 有净化水质功能:根能吸收水中的铅、汞、苯酚等有毒物质。 (二)王莲 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 睡莲科 观赏部位:叶--叶大而圆,叶缘形成高约10cm的直立周缘。 花色:初开时白色、翌日淡红至深红。 花期:夏、秋。 喜高温高湿、光照充足、富含有机质的粘土。 水温28-35?C,低于20?C生长不良,水面清洁。 种子繁殖:种子需在30-35?C水池中贮藏催芽,失水种子丧失发芽力。 2栽培:叶片生长至20-30cm时定植,水深80-100cm。单株水面宜在30m以上。 池内需设种植槽、暖气管、排水管等(北方高温温室栽培)。 应用:创造典型的热带景观,美化水面。 (三)芡实 别名:芡、鸡头米、鸡头莲。 睡莲科。 全株多刺,花期7-8月。 种子繁殖,喜温、喜光。 在1-3米的深水、浅水均可生长。 芡实叶片较大,花茎多刺,全株入药。 三、漂浮花卉种类 (三)凤眼莲 别名:水葫芦、水浮莲、凤眼兰等 雨久花科 花期7-9月,喜温湿、喜光,分株繁殖。 繁殖能力强,在池塘、水沟、低洼的积水中均可生长。 栽培:将种苗放到静水水面,水深60-100cm. 水面需设围框放养。 应用:水面绿化。植株可清除废水中的重金属、放射性污染物等。对砷敏感。 (二)大叶莲 别名:水莲、芙蓉莲、水浮莲、大漂。 天南星科。 无直立茎,叶无柄,聚生于极度缩短、不明显的茎上,生成莲座状。 花期:夏、秋。 喜高温高湿、喜光、水质清洁。适温为20-35?C,低于14?C停止生长。 分株繁殖:将放出新叶的种苗投放到池中向阳的一侧任其漂流生长。 露栽:流动水域可用竹竿扎成方框,将种苗放养于围框内。 沉水盆栽:将种苗栽入装有塘泥的盆中,再沉入水中培养。 应用:适于绿化池塘,净化水体。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between
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