
骨科常用化验项目及其临床意义(Common laboratory test items and their clinical significance in Department of orthopedics)

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骨科常用化验项目及其临床意义(Common laboratory test items and their clinical significance in Department of orthopedics)骨科常用化验项目及其临床意义(Common laboratory test items and their clinical significance in Department of orthopedics) 骨科常用化验项目及其临床意义(Common laboratory test items and their clinical significance in Department of orthopedics) Routine blood test (common manifestation and cause)...
骨科常用化验项目及其临床意义(Common laboratory test items and their clinical significance in Department of orthopedics)
骨科常用化验项目及其临床意义(Common laboratory test items and their clinical significance in Department of orthopedics) 骨科常用化验项目及其临床意义(Common laboratory test items and their clinical significance in Department of orthopedics) Routine blood test (common manifestation and cause) AP 1. eosinophil cell count eosinophil cell count normal: (00.05-00.3) *109/L increased: bronchial asthma, urticaria, eczema, parasitic diseases, Hodgkin's disease, chronic myelogenous leukemia, Addison's disease, Simon's disease, Sheehans disease. Reduce: the use of corticosteroids, comprehensive Cushing syndrome, aplastic anemia, neutropenia. AP 2. reticulocyte reticulocyte count: normal (00.5-1.5)% increased: hemolytic anemia, bleeding, anemia, pernicious anemia. Application of vitamin B12 reduced the hematopoietic function of bone marrow is low, aplastic anemia, leukemia. Which was 3. of normal red blood cells (4-5): male: *1012/L; female: (3.5-4.5) *1012/L increased: polycythemia vera, severe dehydration, pulmonary heart disease, congenital heart disease, mountain area residents, severe burns, shock reducing anemia, bleeding. AP 4. normal hemoglobin: male: (120-150) g/L; female: (105-135) g/L increased: polycythemia vera, severe dehydration, pulmonary heart disease, congenital heart disease, mountain area residents, severe burns, shock: anemia, blood reduced. Which was 5. of normal white blood cells: (4-10) *109/L increased: various cell infection, inflammation, severe burns should be increased. Except for leukemia. Lower: leukopenia, hypersplenism, hematopoietic dysfunction, radiation, drugs, chemical toxins caused by bone marrow suppression, malaria, typhoid, viral infection, Paratyphoid fever. AP: normal neutrophil (50-70)% increased bacterial infection, viral infection: reduce inflammation; Which was 6. eosinophils in normal condition: (00.5-3) 69 patients allergic reaction, bronchial asthma, urticaria, parasitic infection; reduce: typhoid, paratyphoid fever. Glucocorticoid medication after long-term or large. AP 7. basophils in normal condition: (0-00.75) 69 patients in chronic myeloid leukemia and chronic hemolytic anemia. Which was 8. (20-30): normal lymphocytes% increased: pertussis, infectious mononucleosis, virus infection, acute infectious lymphocytosis, lymphocytic leukemia; reduced immunodeficiency. Which was 9. of normal mononuclear cells: (3-8)%: tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria increased, monocytic leukemia. AP: 10. normal platelet (100-300)% increase: essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, chronic leukemia, bone marrow fibrosis, symptoms of thrombocytosis, infection, inflammation, malignant tumor, iron deficiency anemia, surgery, trauma, hemorrhage, splenic vein thrombosis after resection of the spleen formation. After exercise. Reduce: idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, systemic lupus erythematosus, drug allergy thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, increased platelet destruction, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, bone marrow hematopoietic dysfunction, drug induced bone marrow suppression, hypersplenism. Which was 11. normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (0-15): male: mm/h; female: (0-20) mm/h faster: acute inflammation of connective tissue disease, Severe anemia, malignant tumors, tuberculosis, slowing down: polycythemia, dehydration. AP 12., the clotting time of blood coagulation time, bleeding time is normal 2-6 minutes, blood coagulation time was 8-12 minutes: the following three conditions: AP (1), bleeding time and clotting time of normal aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia purpura. AP (2), hemorrhage, blood coagulation time: vitamin C deficiency, hyperbilirubinemia. AP (3), blood coagulation time, bleeding time is basically normal, hemophilia, factor XII deficiency. AP 13. prothrombin and thrombin test: normal prothrombin time (11-15): the second extension of the coagulation factor I, II, VII, or V deficiency AP 14.: normal thrombin time (9-11) seconds: fibrinogen abnormalities, reduce the use of heparin: Fibrinogen AP 15. normal partial thromboplastin time (40-100): the second extension: factor I, II, V, VII, IX, X, XI, XII deficiency, plasmin activity increased AP 16. prothrombin consumption test normal: more than 20-25 seconds shortened: coagulation factor VIII, IX, X, XI, XII decreased, thrombocytopenia AP 17. TGT: normal (4 - 6) minutes: the coagulation factor VII, IX, XI, XII deficiency, thrombasthenia Which was the 18. factor factor II: normal (80 - 120)% decrease: Congenital Low prothrombin disease, liver dysfunction, chronic enteritis. Which was the 19. factor V: normal (75120%): increased thrombosis: congenital reduction factor V deficiency DIC, severe liver injury, poisoning, thrombocytosis. Which was the 20. factor VII: normal (80115%): increased blood coagulation hyperfunction; reduce congenital factor VII deficiency, severe liver dysfunction, chronic enteritis etc. Which was the 21. factor VIII: normal (80 - 120)%: Hemophilia A, von Willebrand disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation, fibrinolytic hyperfunction melting. Which was the 22. factor IX: normal (80-120% lower): Hemophilia B, liver function damage, vitamin K deficiency, chronic enteritis. Which was the 23. factor X: normal (80115%): increased blood coagulation hyperfunction; reduce congenital factor X deficiency, disseminated intravascular coagulation, severe liver injury Which was the 24. factor XI: normal (80-120)% increased: reduce blood coagulation hyperthyroidism: congenital factor XI deficiency, disseminated intravascular coagulation, severe liver injury Which was the 25. factor XII: normal (70140% lower): congenital factor XII deficiency, liver dysfunction, disseminated intravascular coagulation Blood biochemical examination Which was 1. of total bilirubin (5.1-17.1): normal umol/L levels: acute and chronic hepatitis, jaundice, hemochromatosis, liver cancer, gallstones, cholangitis, cirrhosis, hemolytic disease. Which was 2. (1.7-13.: normal indirect bilirubin 7) increased umol/L: hemolytic disease, deficiency of glucuronic acid transferase AP 3.: normal direct bilirubin (0-3.4) increased ummol/L hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver damage, liver cancer, intrahepatic calculi, biliary obstruction. AP 4.: normal blood urea nitrogen (1.79-7.14) increased mmol/L: high protein diet, oliguria, renal insufficiency, hypertension, gout, multiple myeloma, diuretics, hemorrhage of digestive tract. Reduce pregnancy, low protein diet. Liver dysfunction. Which was 5. (normal serum creatinine): male: (44.2-133) ummol/L; female: (70.7-106.1) ummol/L increased renal dysfunction, congestive heart failure, acromegaly and gigantism. Lower: muscular dystrophy, diabetes insipidus. AP 6. normal creatine: male: (12.96-38.1) ummol/L; female: (26.7-70.9) ummol/L increased: muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, hyperthyroidism, fever, pregnancy, hunger, taking the adrenal cortical hormone. Reduced thyroid function reduced, the use of nandrolone and other drugs. AP 7. normal uric acid: male: (150-420) umol/L; female: (90-357) umol/L increased: gout, renal insufficiency, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy period, eclampsia and severe hepatitis, multiple myeloma, chronic disease of the blood. AP 8. serum electrolytes and trace elements AP sodium (Na): normal (134-143) increased mmol/L: vomiting and diarrhea caused by water shortage, polyuria, adrenal cortex hyperfunction, acromegaly. Reduction: renal dysfunction, uremia, Application of furosemide diuretics, Addison disease, 21 hydroxylase deficiency, heart dysfunction, decompensated cirrhosis. The brand of potassium (K): normal (3.3-5) increased mmol/L: oliguria, Addison disease, carcinoid syndrome, hunger, fever, chronic wasting disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, taking spironolactone, diuretic triamterene etc.. Lower potassium intake, vomiting, diarrhea, potassium deficiency, kidney dysfunction, aldosteronism, Cushing syndrome. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, taking diuretics, glucocorticoids and so on. AP chloride (Cl): normal (95-105) increased mmol/L: oliguria, respiratory alkalosis, reduce renal dysfunction, uremia, application of furosemide diuretics, Addison disease, 21 hydroxylase deficiency, heart dysfunction, decompensated cirrhosis. The brand of calcium (Ca): normal (2.25-2.75) increased mmol/L: hyperparathyroidism, bone tumor, the application of excessive vitamin D. Reduce: tetany, parathyroid insufficiency, vitamin D deficiency, osteomalacia, rickets, chronic diarrhea, obstructive jaundice, kidney disease, acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. AP P (P): normal (00.97-1.6) increased mmol/L: renal insufficiency, hypoparathyroidism, acromegaly, bone metastasis, vitamin D poisoning, disuse atrophy of bone. Reduce: hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D dependent rickets, malabsorption syndrome, renal insufficiency, Vankoni syndrome. The brand of iron (Fe): normal (9-27) increased umol/L: aplastic anemia, grain young red blood cell anemia. Lower: iron deficiency anemia, polycythemia vera, chronic infection, malignancy, renal anemia The brand of magnesium (Mg): normal (00.7-1.15) increased mmol/L: glomerulonephritis, oliguria, myasthenia gravis. Reduction: uremia, primary aldosteronism, use of diuretics, pregnancy. The brand of copper (Cu): normal (11-22) increased umol/L: aplastic anemia, biliary tract infection, acute leukemia, hepatitis, anemia, malignant tumor. Lower liver cirrhosis, hepatolenticular degeneration, and renal dysfunction. The brand of zinc (Zn): normal (7.65-22.95) increased umol/L: hemolytic anemia, polycythemia, eosinophilia, hyperthyroidism, hypertension after radiotherapy. Reduce: acral dermatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer and other malignant tumors, pernicious anemia, aplastic anemia, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. Serum enzyme examination AP 1. alanineaminotransferase SGPT: normal (15-40) increased u/ml: hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, hemolytic disease, myocardial infarction, muscle lesions. AP 2.5- nucleotidase (5-NT): normal (2-17) increased u/ml: obstructive jaundice, hepatocellular carcinoma AP: normal 3.LDH (225-540) u/dl elevated myocardial infarction, blood disease, myopathy, kidney disease, cancer, liver disease Which was 4. LDH1 normal condition: (24-34)% increase: myocardial infarction, hemolytic anemia, hypothyroidism, muscular dystrophy, cirrhosis, kidney tumor. AP: 5.LDH2 normal (35-44)% increased: leukemia, malignant tumor, interstitial pneumonia AP: 6.LDH3 normal (15-27)% increased: leukemia, malignant tumor, interstitial pneumonia AP: 7.LDH4 normal (0-5)% increased: hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cirrhosis, polymyositis AP: 8.LDH5 normal (0-2)%: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer increased, polymyositis AP 9.r glutamyl transpeptidase (r-GT): 50IU/ml: lower than normal increased intrahepatic and extrahepatic obstructive jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcohol or drug induced liver injury. AP 10. leucine aminopeptidase (LAP): normal (27-50) increased u/dl: biliary obstruction, liver cancer, acute / chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, pregnancy, hyperparathyroidism. Which was 11. CPK normal creatine kinase: male: (8-60) u/L; female: (14.5-40) u/L elevated myocardial infarction, muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, periodic limb paralysis, frostbite, muscle atrophy, reduced head injury. Thyroid hyperfunction of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dry syndrome, taking corticosteroids. AP 12. aldolase (5-27): normal u/100ml elevated myocardial infarction, acute hepatitis, muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, jaundice, malignant tumor. AP 13. monoamine oxidase (MAO): normal (8-31) increased u/ml: chronic active hepatitis, Cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, metastasis, reduction: systemic lupus erythematosus, malignancy, and corticosteroids AP 14: normal serum amylase (8-32) increased U: acute and chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, hepatitis, biliary tract and gallbladder disease, peptic ulcer perforation, abdominal trauma, mumps. AP 15 normal creatine kinase (8-60): male: u/L; female: (14.5-40) u/L elevated myocardial infarction, muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, periodic limb paralysis, pulp injury, muscle atrophy, head injury. Lower levels of hyperthyroidism, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, and corticosteroids. AP 16 acid phosphatase (ACP): normal (0-5) unit: Kim increased prostate cancer, bone metastasis or liver metastasis of malignant tumor, bone tumor, Paget's disease, multiple myeloma, blood system diseases, kidney infection. Which was 1 - 17 alpha antitrypsin protein in normal condition: (220-370) mg/dl increased: infectious disease, collagen disease, malignant tumor, taking the pill. Lower: congenital deficiency, emphysema, cirrhosis of the liver, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, severe hepatitis, malnutrition, kidney disease. AP 18. alkaline phosphatase (AKP) in normal adults:: (3-13) Kim Units; children: (5-28) Kim units increased: obstructive jaundice, hepatitis, liver cancer, abnormal osteitis, rickets, osteomalacia, bone metastasis, the fracture healing period Which was 19. Aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT): normal (8-28): mmol/L increased in acute phase of myocardial infarction, myocarditis, hepatitis, nephritis, pleurisy, pneumonia, myositis. AP AP five, blood lipid, blood glucose, protein AP: 1. normal cholesterol (2.8-6) increased mmol/L: obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, nephropathy, reduce the abnormal lipid metabolism: hyperthyroidism, Addison's disease, cirrhosis, chronic malnutrition. Which was 2. glycerin three greases (serum): normal (00.56-1.7) increased mmol/L: hyperlipidemia, obesity, arteriosclerosis, gout, hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy. Lower levels of hyperthyroidism, chronic adrenal insufficiency, hypopituitarism, cirrhosis. AP 3. lipoprotein electrophoresis: normal chylomicrons (- a); lipoprotein (HDL 20% - 40%, pre beta lipoprotein (VLDL) 13% - 25%, 50% - 60% beta lipoprotein (LDL) abnormal chylomicron positive, with glycerin three fat increased type I hyperlipidemia; protein and fat increased cholesterol beta type Iia hyperlipidemia; beta lipoprotein, cholesterol, glycerin three greases thrown into a panic are as high as Ii B; pre beta and beta connected together, with glycerin three fat and cholesterol in type III hyperlipidemia; pre beta lipoprotein increased with glycerin three fat increased. Cholesterol normal or increased IV hyperlipidemia; chylomicron positive pre beta lipoprotein, cholesterol and glycerin three greases were increased for V type hyperlipidemia. Which was 4. Beta lipoprotein quantitative normal: <5.0g/L under 40 years of age, <6.1g/L. greater than 40 years of age increased: type II hyperlipidemia. AP: 5. normal blood glucose (3.5-5.5) increased mmol/L: diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, adrenal function of 6. in pregnancy. Reduce: islet cell tumor, pancreatic cancer, cirrhosis, hepatitis, malnutrition, transient hypoglycemia, dumping syndrome, excessive insulin, such as insulin, thyroxine deficiency. Which was 7. glucose tolerance test: a certain amount of normal oral glucose, blood glucose depth increased rapidly, at 0.5-1 hours to reach the peak, the peak is not more than 8.9mmol/L, from 2 to 2.5 hours to restore the fasting level. Higher: hypothyroidism, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex, hypofunction of the anterior pituitary. Reduce: diabetes, liver disease, hyperthyroidism, anterior pituitary and adrenal cortex hyperfunction. Glucose tolerance test: after taking fasting blood, oral glucose 100g was taken. Blood sugar was collected and blood sugar was measured at 1/2, 1, 2, and 3 hours after that. A total of 8. serum protein which was normal: (60-80) g/L increased total protein increased, dehydration. Reduce blood dilution, hunger, malnutrition, digestive malabsorption syndrome, severe hyperthyroidism, severe burns, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, protein absorption dysfunction, bleeding. AP 9.: normal serum albumin (35-50) increased g/L: dehydration reduced: inadequate intake of nutrients, liver cirrhosis, burns, hypoproteinemia, nephrotic syndrome. Which was 10. Normal serum globulin: (20-30) increased g/L: infectious diseases, multiple myeloma, connective tissue disease, cirrhosis, malaria, filariasis, etc.. Reduce: adrenal gland hyperfunction, malnutrition. AP: normal albumin (55-70) 69 patients dehydration reduces kidney disease, bleeding hyperthyroidism, malnutrition, cirrhosis, chronic nephritis protein losing enteropathy. AP 11. alpha 1 globulin in normal condition: (2-5)% increased: tuberculosis, malignant tumor, inflammation reduction: malnutrition, severe liver damage. AP 12. alpha 2 - globulin: normal (4-9)% increased: tuberculosis, malignant tumor, inflammation AP 13. beta globulin (7-12): normal 69 patients of multiple myeloma, nephropathy, acute inflammation, hypothyroidism. Lower: malnutrition, severe liver damage AP: normal 14.r- globulin (12-20) 69 patients of viral hepatitis, chronic infection, liver cirrhosis, multiple myeloma: reduce nephropathy Which was 15. - 2 beta globulin: normal blood beta 2M in 20 - 39 years old - 49 years old of less than 2mg/L, 40 lower than 2.5mg/L, 60 - 79 less than 3mg/L. less than 0.3mg/L. 2M in urine increased blood beta 2 prompted increased glomerular function; urinary 2M increased in interstitial nephritis, multiple sclerosis myeloma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, etc.. AP 16 alpha 2 - macroglobulin: normal (1.5-3.5) increased g/L: chronic liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, estrogen use, diabetes. Lower skin elasticity, over syndrome, estrogen deficiency, systemic lupus erythematosus. AP 17: normal mucin (7.1-8.7) increased g/L: acute inflammation, malignant tumor, rheumatic fever and connective tissue disease. Reducing hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pituitary and adrenal insufficiency, thyroid dysfunction.
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