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美式英语口语美式英语口语 美式英语口语 听说过吗,躺在床上能和外教一对一练英语口语~~~~超牛~~ 免费体验史上最牛英语口语学习,太平洋英语www.pacificenglish.cn 美式当你收到命令说句:roger that 美式我挺你:i 'll back you up 美式帮我个忙:can you do me a favor? 美式别客气:be my guest 美式大家有份:up for grabs 美式男性朋友用词:dude homie bro buddy pal dawg (好朋 友意思近音dog) home...
美式英语口语 美式英语口语 听说过吗,躺在床上能和外教一对一练英语口语~~~~超牛~~ 免费体验史上最牛英语口语学习,太平洋英语www.pacificenglish.cn 美式当你收到命令说句:roger that 美式我挺你:i 'll back you up 美式帮我个忙:can you do me a favor? 美式别客气:be my guest 美式大家有份:up for grabs 美式男性朋友用词:dude homie bro buddy pal dawg (好朋 友意思近音dog) homeboy 美式女性用词:chick hottie homegirl seetums sweetheart dear honey darling baby 美式粗鲁称呼女性用词:bimbo whore sheila slut 美式粗鲁称呼男性用词:b.o boy 美式如何骂人傻瓜:knucklehead 美式再说一遍:can you run that by me agian? 美式代非常生气:giwminy christmas 美式表代纸巾:kleenex 美式叫人一起去吃饭:would you like grab a bite to eat? 美式叫人一起去喝酒:would you like go out to cocktail? 美式叫人不要浪费我时间:don't hog my time 美式英语口语 美式叫人一起吃饭(用于女性)what are you in the mood for? 美式当你非常想做一件事情的时候 例句:would you like go to club ? I'm down 美式叫男性和女性不要再做无聊的事做一些有趣的事情: get a life 美式进行吧:ROCK &ROLL 当别人叫你去喝酒或者其他 事就说句 ROCK&ROLL 美式再见:peace out adios so long farewell toodless) 美式当你听明白的时候就说句:copy that 美式说我很好:i'm doing good hunky-dory(多少用于老人 说的,但增添乐趣却是最好的一句) 道谢与道歉时必备的英语口语 1. It's very kind of you. 您真客气。 2. Thank you for your advice (information, help). 感谢您的 忠告(信息、帮助)。 3. You are welcome. 不用谢。 4. Not at all. 不用谢。 5. Don't mention it. 不用谢。 6. It's my pleasure. / With pleasure. / My pleasure. 非常高兴 为您服务。 美式英语口语 7. Thank you for staying in our hotel. 感谢您在我们酒店下 榻。 8. I am at your service. 乐意为您效劳。 9. I'm sorry. 很抱歉。 10. Excuse me. 对不起。 11. I'm sorry about this. 对此表示抱歉。 12. Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 13. Sorry to interrupt you. 对不起,打扰您了。 14. I'm sorry. It's my fault. 很抱歉。那是我的过错。 美语脱口秀经典10句 1. Just a spur of the moment. 一时兴起. 例如别人问你, 为什么买这件衣服啊, 你说 Just a spur of the moment, 意思就是说, 我是一时兴起, 可能本来没有要买的, 可是刚好看到蛮不 错的, 就买了! 还有一句 It's just on a whim 跟 Just a spur of the moment 差不多, 都是说你突然想到什么事就去做了. 好比说有一次我同学突然说他想开车出去兜风, 我问他你为什么要去兜风 他就回答 It's just on a whim. 就是心血来潮, 也没什么别的理由. 2. So that's what it boils down to. 原来是这样啊! Boil down to 可以当成一句片语来看, 指的就是煮汤时一直煮煮到水乾了, 就可以看到底下的东西是什么. 有点中文中水落石出的味 美式英语口语 道. 例如你们二人在讨论功课, 讨论讨论, 好不容易终于把这个问题给弄懂了, 这时你就可以松一口气道, So that's what it boils down to. 或者有时候二个人在讨论问题, 讲了半天最后你要下结论了, 你就可以说, So that's what it boils down to ...(后面接你的结 论) 有点像是, My point is ... (我的重点是) 这样的用法. 3.Did you believe in the tooth fairy when you were a kid? 你小时候相不相信牙仙子? 老美有一个信仰, 小孩子换牙时, 父母会告诉他把牙齿用信封装好, 放在枕头下, 早上起来时牙仙子会用钱跟他换牙齿, 这钱当然是父母给的, 用来鼓励小孩子 拔牙, 相不相信, tooth fairy 在美国真的是人尽皆知喔! 我在读者文摘上读过一个笑话, 大意是这样的, 有一个小孩去拔牙, 牙医师好奇地问他, How much did you get from the tooth fairy this time? 结果那个小孩子答说, One dollar and a token! (token 就是我们所说的代币, 像是地铁或是游乐场都会 发行 token) 这当是父母忙中有错, 误把 token 当成钱了. 4. I will take a rain check. 这次不去, 下次再去. 相不相信, 你这样跟老美讲, 老美一定会觉得你的英文很好! 这个典故出自 Sears 在大拍卖时, 若是该项商品已经售完, 他们就会给你一张rain check, 让你下次再来时可以以同样价钱购买该样商品. 同样的情况也常见于球赛, 若因雨无法比赛, 则他们会给 美式英语口语 你一张 rain check,把你的票保留到下一场. 所以 rain check 是真有其物, 但也有其它引申出来的意思. 一般在曰常对话中若有人提到 I will take a rain check, 他实际上指的是, "这次不想去, 下次再去" . 记得有一次我问老美, "How do you celebrate your Valentine's Day with your wife?", 他就回答: "I will take a rain check!" 意思就是他这次没什么活 动, 以后再说吧! 5. He's so anal. 他是个吹毛求疵过度的人. Anal 这个字原指直肠, 所以这算是一句骂人的话. 英文形容吹毛求 是用 picky 这个字, 但 picky 只限于自己, 不会去影响到别人, 而 anal 就不是了, 它是 picky 过度, 到了会影响他人的程度. 如洁癖就是 anal 的一种, 因为他自己太爱乾脆, 却造成别人生活的不便, 这种人就可以用 anal 来形容. 不过这句话好像不是什么好话, 没事不要乱用. 通常老美都是拿这句话来骂教授 的.. 6. I am in seventh heaven. 我快乐的不得了. 这是一句所谓的 cliche, 就是老美都知道, 平常也常用到的一些成语, 不妨把它记下来, 下次很高兴时就可以拿出来用. 第一次听老美用是有一次去乡下人家作客, 他们家的狗看到我很高兴在那里跳啊跳的, 那个主人就说, Oh, She is in seventh heaven! 又例如你得了一个大奖, 人家问你得奖的感言, 你就可以说, I am so happy. I am in seventh heaven now. 美式英语口语 7. Go check if other people have done that already so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. 去查查看别人做过没有, 这样你就不会作白功了. 相信每个做研究生的这句话都很熟吧, 你的指导教授说不定也跟你说过这句话呢? 注意后面的 reinvent the wheel 是固定用法, 不能用其他的词来代替. 8. Just in case someone steals it! 以防万一有人偷走它. Just in case 意思为以防万一. 像有人怕自己的脚踏车被偷, 走的时候就把轮子顺便给拆走, 你问他 Why bother? 他就可能回答说 , Just in case someone steals it! 又例如说晴天带把伞出门, 你就可以说 just in case. 预防万一下雨了. 9. Over my dead body. 你让我死了算了. 这句话用在别人叫你去做一件事, 而你认为绝无可能. 例如, 别人叫你去追某只恐龙, 你说可以说 Over my dead body. 我宁死也不去追她. 同样的, Over my dead body 也就等于 never. 10. That's a rip-off. I want my money back. 真是坑人, 我要把我的钱要回来. Rip-off 就是说你去买东西买贵了, 有点被骗的感觉. 另外, 这句也可以说成, I am ripped-off. 就是说, 我被 坑了. Hello my dear, 美式英语口语 I strongly believe that this mail must get at you by God's grace,as i do not know you in person and not quite sure of your current tel/fax number for me to be sure, but i know how i manage to get this mail address which i used to communicate you. However,i am Mrs. Williams and i am working with the nations apex bank; accounting unit/telex department central bank of Nigeria. My aim of writing is not to know you as i have no interest of knowing you and would not like to know you unless if needs be.But i am telling you this based on my believe as person who does not like evil or cheating and would not like to be called for explanation as a result of this information i am giving to you below. As a straight forward person,i believe that any man/woman is my brother/sister according to my believe irrespective of where you come from, we are same human beings. This information is as regards to your payment in Nigeria.As i am contacting you now, payments are going on to those that are 美式英语口语 aware of this information because this information was not gazette to the public awareness. These exercises have started for sometime now but there are a lot of pranks some corrupt officials in the central bank that diverted your funds to a bank in Switzerland.From the information,the secretary of probe panel and verification on contract and next of kin matters and the chairman of the committee and some other officials summed up with to divert your funds.This information as a result of my recent departmental research,i had to call them to question but they tried to bribe me, but i refused because i am not a cheat.I have to inform you that your! Funds interest at a tune of usd$14.1 million was transferred into a Swiss account provided by a fake lawyer portrayed himself to be your lawyer. I must inform you that the officers involved are always in communication with you,so you should stop talking with them and do not tell them that you are waiting for the transfer.Since we have an evidence at hand, you are hereby advised to contact the authorized (C.B.N) security and finance company in Abuja who is in control of your payment and the approved lawyer attached to 美式英语口语 the security and finance company in the name of Mr.Richard Orbed and explain everything to him as your file was sent to him on the 5th of October, 2009 and when contacting the lawyer quote your file reference number CBN/PTF/XX/009 he is the straw that breaks the camels back. My advice to you based on this information is that you should boldly call Mr.Richard Orbed,the lawyer at the security and finance company on his direct email/ telephone number.he is the person in charge of all the legal clearances for this on-going payment exercise and ask him that he should help you in making sure your fund is paid to you immediately and do the changes to move your funds to your original account and follow his directives.He might want to know how come you got his direct email, you can tell him anything (please, don't quote me) but insist that he should help you in making sure your payment is done, and for more clarification or to ensure him that you really know what you are saying,quote the following code no: FGN/PED/CBN-X342XPTF2009 under category 'C' i.e.your code (please this information is classified). 美式英语口语 I believe that at the end of the day,he will ask you to forward your payment information and bank co-ordinates to him for his processes as he will direct you properly on how to follow up for your fund to be made to you without further stress.So go ahead and call him now and don't be afraid of him or anybody,any person apart from him is definitely a fraud.Contact him on: Contact person- Mr.Richard Orbed Phone- 34 70 290 51 019 Email- Yours sincerely, "花褪残红青杏小。燕子飞时,绿水人家绕。枝上柳绵吹 又少,天涯何处无芳草~墙里秋千墙外道。墙外行人,墙里佳 人笑。笑渐不闻声渐悄,多情却被无情恼。" 苏轼的这首《蝶恋花》讲到了对"佳人"的自作多情,从词 义的表面上看,似乎作者只是对"佳人"的自作多情,但仔细品 味,其中有蕴藏着深意。其实,自作多情不只是对"佳人"。 九大事项保全你的美满婚姻 美式英语口语 生活中不仅事业需要经营,爱情婚姻也是同样需要经营。 来看看这些优秀的“经营者”们有些什么成功之道吧。 Research on what makes a marriage work shows that people in a good marriage have completed these psychological "tasks": 关于“是什么使婚姻美满”的研究表明,那些拥有幸福婚 姻的人们往往已经完成了这些心理“任务”。 1. Separate emotionally from the family you grew up in; not to the point of estrangement, but enough so that your identity is separate from that of your parents and siblings. 在感情上与你成长的家庭分开;不要到产生隔阂的地步, 但要足以使你的身份独立于你的父母和兄弟姐妹。 2. Build togetherness based on a shared intimacy and identity, while at the same time set boundaries to protect each partner's autonomy. 在相互的亲昵和一致的基础上建立归属感,但同时也要设 定一些界限来保障每一个成员的自主权。 3. Establish a rich and pleasurable sexual relationship and protect it from the intrusions of the workplace and family obligations. 建立一种丰富而又愉快的性关系,并保护其免受繁杂工作 和家庭义务的干扰。 美式英语口语 4. For couples with children, embrace the daunting roles of parenthood and absorb the impact of a baby's entrance into the marriage. Learn to continue the work of protecting the privacy of you and your spouse as a couple. 对于有孩子的夫妻,坦然地接受父母这样的严峻角色,消 化掉因宝宝的出现而对婚姻生活造成的影响。夫妻双方还要学 会继续保护自己和配偶的隐私。 5. Confront and master the inevitable crises of life. 共同面对和掌控生活中不可避免的危机。 6. Maintain the strength of the marital bond in the face of adversity. The marriage should be a safe haven in which partners are able to express their differences, anger and conflict. 在面对逆境时保持婚姻关系的稳定。婚姻应当是一个安全 的港湾,在这里夫妻之间可以表达他们的不同观点、忿怒和冲 突。 7. Use humor and laughter to keep things in perspective and to avoid boredom and isolation. 通过幽默和笑声来对待事情,避免厌倦和孤立。 8. Nurture and comfort each other, satisfying each partnerís needs for dependency and offering continuing encouragement and support. 美式英语口语 扶持和安慰彼此,满足彼此依恋的需求,并提供持续性的 鼓励和支持。 9. Keep alive the early romantic, idealized images of falling in love, while facing the sober realities of the changes wrought by time. 随着时间的流逝,即使面对理性的现实,也要保持年轻时 候一颗浪漫的心和坠入爱河时美好的憧憬。
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