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广州协佳泌尿科医院院庆专家大全广州协佳泌尿科医院院庆专家大全 2009为了庆祝此次建院六周年,广州协佳泌尿科医院8月15—9月15日院庆同时,启动专家会诊月。特邀请首都泌尿科专家于8月15日、16日、17日聚首协佳,与广州专家共同会诊,把脉羊城泌尿疑难杂症。 广州协佳泌尿科医院知名专家:何 恢 绪 科室:泌尿外科 职位:广州协佳泌尿科医院特聘主任医师导师 职称:主任医师、(教授、博士生导师) 简介: 中央保健局会诊专家、享受政府特殊津贴、《现代泌尿外科杂志》编委、曾任广州军区广州总医院泌尿外科主任、全军泌尿外科专业委员会常委、广东省副主任委...
广州协佳泌尿科医院院庆专家大全 2009为了庆祝此次建院六周年,广州协佳泌尿科医院8月15—9月15日院庆同时,启动专家会诊月。特邀请首都泌尿科专家于8月15日、16日、17日聚首协佳,与广州专家共同会诊,把脉羊城泌尿疑难杂症。 广州协佳泌尿科医院知名专家:何 恢 绪 科室:泌尿外科 职位:广州协佳泌尿科医院特聘主任医师导师 职称:主任医师、(教授、博士生导师) 简介: 中央保健局会诊专家、享受政府特殊津贴、《现代泌尿外科杂志》编委、曾任广州军区广州总医院泌尿外科主任、全军泌尿外科专业委员会常委、广东省副主任委员。在下尿路疾病(尿道畸形、尿道狭窄、尿道瘘、尿失禁)、性分化异常、小儿泌尿外科疾病的临床研究与诊治方面有较深的造诣,并取得突出成绩。采用独创的一期矫治手术技术,成功治疗了近千余例先天性后尿道下裂病儿,达到国内领先水平。 广州协佳泌尿科医院特邀知名专家:卓 育 敏 科室:泌尿外科 职称:主任医师 中华医学会泌尿外科分会会员、中德医学会会员,主研泌尿系结石、肿瘤及先天性畸形、腔内泌尿外科。学术论著:SCI录用一篇,核心期刊6篇,统计源for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 期刊6篇,参加写作10多篇,参加专著编写3本《腔内泌尿外科》、《尿流改道手术学》、《简明外科诊疗手册》。 广州协佳泌尿科医院特邀知名专家:王 一 峰 科室:泌尿外科 职称:副主任医师 中山大学附属二院泌尿外科教授,长期以来从事泌尿外科、男科临床、教学及科研工作,具有丰富临床经验,在诊治泌尿、男科疾病方面如尿石症、泌尿系肿瘤、前列腺增生、急慢性肾功能不全、各类男性性功能障碍及男性不育等方面成果显著。 广州协佳泌尿科医院特邀知名专家:吴 显 钊 科室:泌尿外科 职称:主任医师 简介:曾任广州市红十字会医院泌尿外科主任导师、科主任、学科带头人。从事外科临床工作40余年,在处理泌尿外科的疑难问题及复杂技术方面具有丰富的临床经验。在经尿道前列腺电切除术、输尿管镜下碎石术、膀胱肿瘤电切除术等方面,技术熟练、疗效好。 广州协佳泌尿科医院知名专家:徐 谊 朝 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 科室:泌尿外科 职称:副主任医师 毕业于暨南大学医学院,现任暨南大学第一附属医院泌尿外科副教授,副主任医师,从医20余年,一直从事泌尿外科临床医疗教学工作,擅长复杂性尿路狭窄及生殖器畸形的手术,处理临床经验丰富。 广州协佳泌尿科医院特邀知名专家:曹 文 锋 科室:泌尿外科 职称:主任医师 历任广州医学院附属第二人民医院外科主任、肾移植科主任、外科教研室主任、教授、硕士导师,对泌尿外科有丰富的临床经验,擅长肾脏移植及泌尿生殖系肿瘤、结石、男性不育、性功能障碍、前列腺增生等疾病的诊断和治疗。 广州协佳泌尿科医院知名专家:詹 飞 鸣 擅长:前列腺电切,经皮肾镜取石,输尿管镜手术 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 科室:广州协佳泌尿科医院泌尿外科 职务:广州协佳泌尿科医院业务副院长 职称:副主任医师 1983年毕业于中山医科大学,现任中华医学会泌尿外科分会会员、广州军区泌尿外科专业委员会常务委员、广东省老教授协会医学专家委员会泌尿外科研究会秘书。在三甲医院工作多年,对泌尿系外伤、感染、先天性畸形、肿瘤、结石、前列腺疾病、器官移植等有丰富的临床经验。尤其擅长腔内微创泌尿外科手术。发医学论文20余篇,多次获全军科技成果奖,深受患者及医学界同行好评。 广州协佳泌尿科医院特邀专家:李日庆 职称:主任医师(教授、博士生导师) 简介: 曾去日本、法国、韩国、捷克、香港等国家和地区讲学,受到欢迎。并多次组织和主持全国性学术会议,推动和促进泌尿男科领域的学术发展,受到了学术界好评。长期从事泌尿外科、男性科的临床、教学和科研工作,能熟练应用中西医两法诊治前列腺疾病、男性不育症、性功能障碍、性传播疾病、泌尿系肿瘤、泌尿系结石等,积累了丰富的经验。 广州协佳泌尿科医院特邀北京知名专家:马晓年 职称:主任医师(教授、博士生导师) 简介: 1970年毕业于北京医科大学医学系。1981年毕业于中国协和医科大学,获医学硕士学位。他于1982-1983年在英国进修,重点研究男性学和性医学问题。是我国第一位获美国性学委员会颁发的性治疗学家资格证书的医生。写作和主编for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 30余种科普书籍。曾参与主持七五攻关项目“准弹性激光光散射精子测量仪的研制”,评为国家级科技成果并获1990年全国发明展览会金牌奖;完成部委级科研项目“精子运动特性自动检测系统的临床应用”;完成性教育电脑咨询专家系统(计算机软件)的开发并由国家计生委向全系统推荐。 广州协佳泌尿科医院特邀北京知名专家:曾祥福 职称:主任医师(教授、博士生导师) 简介: 毕业于解放军高等医学专科学校。在解放军总医院泌尿外科工作20年。对泌尿外科疾病的诊断与治疗具有丰富的经验。特长:1.有500余例的肾移植经验,成功率98,。2.外伤性尿道狭窄的治疗已有1500例以上的治疗经验,在国内首先开展外伤性尿道狭窄支架的应用,并发表论文5篇。3.老年性前列腺肥大的外科治疗 如:前列腺电切、前列腺电气化切除、前列腺激光切除、前列腺开放手术等治疗。共发表论文40余篇,参加著书三部。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet
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