

2017-10-18 11页 doc 44KB 17阅读




0-6岁儿童家长必读健康教育宣传材料0-6岁儿童家长必读健康教育宣传材料 0-6岁儿童家长必读 山潘社区卫生服务中心自编自印健康教育资料 孩子出生后应尽早开始母乳喂养,6个月合理添加辅食。 孩子出生后1小时内就应开始母乳喂养。母乳是婴儿最理想的天然食品,含有婴儿所需的全部营养,有助于婴儿发育,含有大量的抗体,增强婴儿的免疫能力,预防感染。同时母乳喂养能增进母子间的情感,促进母亲的健康恢复。应坚持母乳喂养至2岁或2岁以上。 婴儿6个月以后,母乳不能完全满足孩子营养需要,坚持母乳喂养的同时应适时、适量添加辅食。 添加辅食的原则是由一种到多种,由少到多,由细...
0-6岁儿童家长必读健康教育宣传材料 0-6岁儿童家长必读 山潘社区卫生服务中心自编自印健康教育 孩子出生后应尽早开始母乳喂养,6个月合理添加辅食。 孩子出生后1小时内就应开始母乳喂养。母乳是婴儿最理想的天然食品,含有婴儿所需的全部营养,有助于婴儿发育,含有大量的抗体,增强婴儿的免疫能力,预防感染。同时母乳喂养能增进母子间的情感,促进母亲的健康恢复。应坚持母乳喂养至2岁或2岁以上。 婴儿6个月以后,母乳不能完全满足孩子营养需要,坚持母乳喂养的同时应适时、适量添加辅食。 添加辅食的原则是由一种到多种,由少到多,由细到粗。先添加一种,一般是蛋黄或米粉,婴儿习惯后再添加第二种。从少量开始,逐渐增加。开始添加的辅食形态应为泥糊状,逐步过渡到固体食物。要观察婴儿大便是否正常,婴儿生病期间不应添加新的食物。添加的食物品种应多样化,预防偏食和厌食。 小儿贫血可以多吃哪些食物, 动物肝脏:肝脏富含各种营养素,是预防缺铁性贫血的首选食品。肝脏可加工成各种形式的儿童食品,如肝泥就便于婴儿食用。 各种瘦肉:虽然瘦肉里含铁量不太高,但铁的利用率却与猪肝差不多,而且购买、加工容易,小孩也喜欢吃。 鸡蛋黄:每100克鸡蛋黄含铁7毫克,尽管铁吸收率只有3%,但鸡蛋原料易得,食用保存方便,而且还富含其他营养素,所以不失为一种较好 的补铁食品。 动物血液:猪血、鸡血、鸭血等动物血液里铁的利用 率为12%,对于预防儿童缺铁性贫血,倒是一种价廉方便 的食品。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 黄豆及其制品:每100克的黄豆及黄豆粉中含铁11毫克,人体吸收率为7%,远较米、面中的铁吸收率高。 芝麻酱:芝麻酱富含各种营养素,是一种极好的婴幼儿营养食品。每100克芝麻酱含铁58毫克,同时还含有丰富的钙、磷、蛋白质和脂肪。 绿叶蔬菜:虽然植物性食品中铁的吸收率不高,但蔬菜也是补充铁的一个来源。 木耳和蘑菇:铁的含量很高,尤其是木耳,自古以来,人们就把它作为补血佳品,此外海带、紫菜等水产品也是较好的预防和治疗儿童缺铁性贫血的食品。 儿童伤害的预防 生活用品:4岁以前小儿的床应有床栏,床栏要安装插销。热水瓶、火柴、剪刀、药品、消毒用品等应放在儿童够不着的地方。电插座边不能放儿童床。取暖器与取暖管道要加罩,电风扇应安装在儿童够不着的地方。 玩具:儿童玩具要根据年龄特点,符合安全、卫生的要求。不给小儿玩体积小、锐利、带毒性物质的物品,如珠子、扣子、棋子、别针、图钉、硬币、小刀、剪子等。易燃、易爆物品不宜给小儿玩。 儿童意外伤害急救的基本原则 儿童意外伤害一旦发生,如当事者具有救护、自救的知识,能冷静、沉着、迅速地采取急救措施,往往能在很大程度上争取时间,减少事故造成的损失,减少儿童伤残和死亡。 骨折 1.骨折发生后,不应随便搬动,应当迅速使用夹板固定患处。如果不固定,让骨折部位乱动,有可能触及神经血管,造成麻痹。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 2.固定方法可以用木板附在患肢一侧,在木板和肢体之间垫上松软物品,再用带子绑好。木板要长出骨折部位上下两个关节。如果家中没有木板可用树枝、擀面杖、雨伞、报纸卷等物品代替。 3.出血严重者,可用干净消毒纱布压迫止血。 溺水 迅速将溺水者搬离水面; 主要是解决窒息。立即清除口鼻中的分泌物、污物和水;首先将孩子倒提拍背排空水,再进行吹气人工呼吸。大孩子可俯卧在成人大腿上,压背排水,然后作人工呼吸。 触电 迅速切断电源,拉开电闸,拔下电源插头,用木棍挑开电线。 如心跳呼吸停止立即送医院抢救。 气管异物 气管异物是较常见的儿童意外急症,也是引起5岁以下幼儿死亡的常见原因之一。 当异物落入气管后,最突出的症状是剧烈的刺激性呛咳,由于气管或支气管被异物部分阻塞或全部阻塞,出现气急憋气。较大的异物(如大枣)可把大气管阻塞,短时间内即可发生憋喘死亡。 当幼儿出现异物呛入气管的情况时,家长千万别惊慌失措,不要试图用手把异物挖出来,可采用以下两种方法尽快清除异物: 倒立拍背法 :对于婴幼儿,立即倒提其两腿,头向下垂,同时轻拍其背部。这样可以通过异物的自身重力和呛咳时胸腔内气体的冲力,迫使异物向外咳出。 烫伤 1.烫伤后应立即去除覆盖在烫伤部位的衣物,把烫伤部位浸入洁净的冷水中。烫伤后愈早用冷水浸泡,效果愈佳;水温越低效果越好,但不能低于-6?。用冷水浸泡时间一般应持续半个小时以上。这样经及时散热可减轻疼痛或烫伤程度。 2.重度烫伤病人最好是去医院处理为佳 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 接种疫苗是预防一些传染病最有效、最经济的措施。 疫苗指为预防、控制传染病的发生、流行,用于人体预防接种的预防性生物制品。相对于患病后的治疗和护理,接种疫苗所花费的钱是很少的。接种疫苗是预防传染病最有效、最经济的手段。 疫苗分为两类。一类疫苗,指政府免费向公民提供,公民应当依照规定受种的疫苗;二类疫苗,指由公民自费并且自愿受种的疫苗。 预防接种效果与接种起始时间、接种间隔、接种途径、接种剂量等均有密切关系,需要按照一定的免疫程序进行,因故错过接种的要尽快补种。 预防接种是每个儿童的基本卫生权利。为了保护儿童健康,根据疾病的流行特征和疫苗的免疫效果,我国制订了国家免疫规划和国家免疫规划疫苗的免疫程序,对计划接种疫苗的种类、接种起始时间、接种间隔、接种途径、接种剂量等作了明确规定。 我国规定,免费为儿童提供国家免疫规划疫苗。包括口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗,卡介苗,百日咳、白喉、破伤风联合疫苗,麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎联合疫苗,乙肝疫苗,甲肝疫苗,乙脑疫苗,流脑疫苗8种。预防12种传染病。 孩子出生后必须严格按照国家免疫规划疫苗的免疫程序进行预防接种。每个家长都应该按照国家免疫规划疫苗的免疫程序按时带孩子接种疫苗。 手足口病知识 一、正确认识手足口病 手足口病是由肠道病毒感染所引起一种常见的法定丙类传染病,每年的五、六月份为发病高峰。人群对引起手足口病的肠道病毒普遍易感,患者主要为学龄前儿童,尤以3岁以下年龄组发病率最高。手足口病以发热和手、足、口腔等部位的皮疹或疱疹为主要特征,大部分病例症状较轻,预后良好。少数重症病例可出现脑膜炎、脑炎、脑脊髓炎、肺水肿、循环障碍等,病情凶险,可致死亡或留后遗症。本病主要通过消化道、呼吸道和密切接触等途径传播,病人的粪便、疱疹液和呼吸道分泌物及其污染的手、毛巾、玩具、食具、奶具、床construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 上用品、内衣等均可造成本病的传播。病人和隐性感染者均为传染源,少年和成人感染后多不发病,但能传播病毒。 二、手足口病的家庭预防 1.饭前便后、进家后要用肥皂或洗手液给孩子洗手,避免接触患病儿童; 家长在接触儿童前、更换尿布以及处理粪便后都要认真洗手,并妥善处理污物; 2. 3.婴幼儿的奶瓶、奶嘴在使用前后都要充分清洗; 4.本病流行期间不宜带儿童到人群聚集、空气流通差的公共场所,同时注意保持家庭环境卫生,要经常开窗通风,勤晒衣物、被褥; 5.注意婴幼儿的营养、休息,防止因过度疲劳导致机体抵抗力降低; 6.儿童出现相关症状要及时到医疗机构就诊; 7.轻症患儿一般不必住院,宜在家治疗、休息,以减少交叉感染。在家治疗的儿童,不要接触其他儿童,父母要及时对患儿的衣物进行晾晒或消毒,对患儿的粪便及时进行消毒处理。 三、托幼机构及学校的防控措施 1.每日进行晨检,发现可疑患儿时,要采取立即送诊、居家观察等措施;对患儿所用的物品要立即进行消毒处理; 2、教育、指导儿童养成正确洗手等良好的卫生习惯;老师要保持良好的个人卫生状况; 3、教室和宿舍等场所要保持良好通风;定期对玩具、儿童个人卫生用具(水杯、毛巾等)、餐具等物品进行清洗消毒; 4、定期对活动室、寝室、教室、门把手、楼梯扶手、桌面等物体面进行擦拭消毒; 5、托幼机构及学校应每日对厕所进行清扫、消毒,工作人员应戴手套,工作结束后应立即洗手; 6、短期出现较多的病例,经疾控部门风险评估后及时采取停课措施; 7、托幼机构及学校应配合卫生部门采取手足口病防控措施。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on
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