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现代大学英语精读6课后习题答案Unit1 1. An imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of republics 贫富不均乃共和政体最致命的宿疾 2. Their poverty is a temporary misfortune, if they are poor and meek, they eventually will inherit the earth 他们的贫穷只是一种暂时性的不幸,如果他们贫穷但却温顺,他们最终将成为世界的...
Unit1 1. An imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of republics 贫富不均乃共和政体最致命的宿疾 2. Their poverty is a temporary misfortune, if they are poor and meek, they eventually will inherit the earth 他们的贫穷只是一种暂时性的不幸,如果他们贫穷但却温顺,他们最终将成为世界的主人 3.Couples in love should repair to R H Macy’s not their bedroom 热恋的夫妇应该在梅西百货商店过夜,而不是他们的新房 4.The American beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it.and so is in economic life. It’s merely the working out of the a law of the nature and a law of god 美国这朵玫瑰花以其华贵与芳香让观众倾倒,赞不绝口,而她之所以能被培植就是因为在早期其周围的花蕾被插掉了,在经济生活中情况亦是如此。这是自然规律和上帝的意志在起作用 5. (It has become) an economically not unrewarding enterprise. (它已成为)经济上收入不菲的行业 6.There is…no form of oppression that is quiet so great, no constriction on thought and effort quiet so comprehensive, as that which come from having no money at all 没有哪种压迫比身无分文更厉害,也没有哪种对思想和行为的束缚比一无所有来得更全面彻底 7. Freedom we rightly cherish, cherishing it, we should not use it as a cover for denying freedom to those in need. 我们珍惜自由式对的。正因为珍惜自由,我们就不能以此为借口,不给最需要自由的人自由 8. Whether they be in Ethiopia, the south Bronx, or even in such an Elysium as Los Angeles, we resolve to keep them off our minds 不管他们生活在埃塞俄比亚,还是在纽约的南部布朗克斯区,甚至是洛杉矶这样的天堂,人们都决心不去为这些人操心 9. He is enjoying, as indicated, unparalleled popularity in high Washington circles. 如上述所说,他在华盛顿高层当中有无比的威望 10. Compassion, along with the association public effort is the least comfortable. the least convenient course of behavior and action in our time同情心,加上与之相关的社会努力是人们这个年代,最令人不快的行为何行动方针 Unit2 Sentence 1. It was an idyllic life ,and we lived close to our family and to the comforts and safety a small town could afford 这是一种田园式的生活,我们和亲戚住的很近,享受着小镇生活所能给予我们的舒服和安全 2. But papa was a man of enterprise; he realized that the untouched Ten Thousand Islands off the southwest coast of the sate were rich in soil for crops and in game for food 但父亲是一个很有上进心的人,他知道佛罗里达州西南海岸的万岛群岛还没有被开发,那儿土壤肥沃,适于耕种,而且猎物充足,不必担心食物来源 3. This third day out, and the days to come, found us in the unsettled wilds of Florida 出发后的第三天以及以后的日子里,我们都在佛罗里达无人居住的荒野中穿行 4. Its underwater grasses looked like green ribbons, constantly unrolling, and the trees held thick sprays of wild orchids 水里的水草就像绿色的丝带不断地伸展开来,野兰花一簇一簇地挂满了枝头5. The burly arms of oaks were huge with ferns and blooming bromeliads. Redbirds, tanagers and painted buntings flew back and forth across the trail, leaving a child with the impression that the woods were tossing with jewels 以前这里经常发水的河滩岸边一丛丛地长满了乔叶栎,那些地面上铺着一层绿色的蕨类植物,乔叶栎粗壮的枝干上也覆盖着蕨类植物,俯生的凤梨科植物正在盛开。红雀,唐那雀和色彩斑斓的鸠鸟沿着小路飞来飞去,在孩子们看来就像是宝石在树林里跳动 6.The native whites feared him as you would a rattlesnake, but the Indians and black people were susceptible to his manipulations 本地的白人像惧怕响尾蛇一样怕他,而印第安人和黑人则不得不受他的控制和剥削 7.Our new home was more than safe, it was a joy我们的新家不仅安全稳定,它还给我们带了了无尽的乐趣 8.Today I can see in my grandsons and great-grandsons some of those qualities of courage and caring that my father had in such abundance今天在我的子孙身上,我仍然能看到我父亲所拥有的无尽的勇气和爱心 Unit3 1. We have been tampering with this powerful force, unaware, like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, of the potentially disastrous consequences of our actions 我们一直在滥用这股强大的力量,就像传说中的魔术师的师弟一样,并没有意识到我们的这种行为很可能会导致灾难性的后果 2. Even if the global warming catastrophe never materializes, and the ozone hole remains an esoteric, polar phenomenon, already human activity has profoundly altered global conditions in ways that may not register on the camera 即使全球变暖这种灾害永不发生,即使臭氧层空洞仍然只是一种深奥的极地现象,人类的活动已经极大地的改变了全球的条件,这些也许是用照相机拍不出来的 3. The technosphere, in contrast, is dominated by linear processes 与生态圈相反,技术圈是由线性流程决定 The energy sources that now power the technosphere are mostly fossil fuels, stores that, once depleted, will never be renewed 现在技术圈运作的能源主要是矿物燃料,一旦用完,永不再生 4. Nylon~~is not biodegradable—that is, there is no enzyme in any know living organism that can break it down 尼龙不能进行生物分解—也就是说,现存的有机物中还没有发现哪种酶可以分解尼龙 5. ~~living things have created a limited but self-consistent array of substances and reactions that are essential to life 6.~~有生命的东西创造了一系列对生命至关重要的有限但独立的物质和反应 7. A free lunch is really a debt, in the technosphere, a debt is an acknowledged but unmet cost 免费的午餐实际上是一种负债,在技术圈中,债务是指已承认但尚未归还的欠款8.~~when the debts represented by environmental pollution are created by the technosphere and transferred to the ecosphere, they are never canceled, damage is unavoidable. 当债务以技术圈制造的环境污染的形式出现,然后又转嫁到生态圈,这种债务将无法消除,造成破坏是不可避免的。 Unit 4 Sentence 1. Each of the trees on the place had an attitude and a presence—the elm looked serene and the oak threatening, the maples friendly, the hawthorn old and crabby. 这 里的每一棵树都现出某种神态。比如,榆树看上去宁静安详,橡树则咄咄逼人,枫树亲切友好,而山楂树则老气横秋、脾气暴躁。 2.There was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion.当他喊我的名字时,我会紧张万分,全身蹭地就像过了电似的,一种狂热的忠诚感油然而生。 3.One morning, of course, the job was all finished, the well capped, the pump reinstated, the freshwater marveled at.一天早晨,工作全部完成,这是意料中的事。井上了盖子,水泵重新安装好了,大家对清新的井水赞叹不已。 4.In my kitchen or in hers, once a week or so, distracted by our children and sometimes reeling for lack of sleep, we stoked ourselves up on strong coffee and cigarettes and launched out on a rampage of talk—about our marriages, our fights, our personal deficiencies, our interesting and discreditable motives, our forgone ambitions.我们大约每周都要在我家或她家厨房小聚一次。孩子们总是不断打扰我们,有时我们还会因为缺觉而感到头晕目眩,于是我们就用大量的浓咖啡和香烟给自己提神,开始天南地北地聊天,所谈的话题无所不包:我们的婚姻、奋斗、个人的不足、既有趣又有些丢脸的动机,以及我们曾有过的理想抱负。 5.Sunny had given him fresh sheets rather than unmaking and making up again the bed he had left for me.塞妮给了他干净的床单,免得在他留给我的床上重新叠被、铺床。 6.My sleep was shallow, my dreams monotonously lustful, with irritating and unpleasant subplots.我睡地很浅,没完没了地做着充满情欲的梦,中间还穿插着令人不快的小情节。 7.The bushes right at the edge of the grass looked impenetrable, but lose up there were little openings, the narrow paths that animals or people looking for golf balls had made.紧挨着草地边上的灌木丛看上去似乎无法穿过,但走近了可以看到一些小缺口和窄窄的小径,这是被动物或找高尔夫球的人们踩出来的。 8.It looked as if a large portion of the sky had detached itself and was bearing down, bustling and resolute, taking a not quite recognizable but animate shape.看上去,天空的一大部分似乎脱离了主体,喧闹着、果断地压向地面,那形状虽然说不出具体像什么,但像是一种活物的样子。 9.This was more of a ritual ,a recognition of survival rather than of our bodies’inclinations.我们拥抱并不是出于身体的渴望,而是庆祝劫后余生的一种表示。 Unit5 1. The American experience was unique in a number of ways 美国的经验在许多方面都是独特的 2. The country was blessed by notable advantages—above all, by the fact that population was scare in relation to available resources 这个国家有着得天独厚的优势—只要是人口相对稀少而资源十分丰富 3. It rose originally from a philosophical rather than an economic commitment 它源于对思想原则的信仰,而不是出于对经济利益的追求 4. We have found no better way than democracy to fulfill man’s talents and release his energies 我们发现民主是使人的才智得到充分施展,人的能量得以充分发挥的最好方式5.In the record of his conflict, ideology has attracted some of the strongest intelligences mankind has produced 在意识形态体系与经验主义斗争的历史上,意识形态体系曾吸引了人类历史上一些聪明绝顶的人物 6.In its finest hours, the US has, so to speak, risen above ideology 在她处于最佳时期时,美国可以说超越了所有的意识形态体系 7. ~~that government was best which governed least~ 政府管得越少越好 8. Indeed,the whol e ideological enterprise contradicted Jefferson’s temper, which was basically flexible and experimental 说实在的,杰弗逊一生在意识形态体系上所做的努力与他的性格是相矛盾的,他的性格特征基本上是灵活的,从经验出发的 9. Indeed, I would suggest that we might well banish some overloaded words from intellectual discourse~~ (These words)are sources of heat, not of light 我甚至建议在思想界和学术界的讨论中摒弃某些用滥了的词语~~这些词语只能使头脑发热,而不会给人以智慧的光芒 10. Free men know many truths, but they doubt whether any mortal man knows the Truth 自由人掌握许多具体的真理,但他们认为没有一个凡人能够掌握绝对真理 Unit6 1.He stood his ground, sucking slightly at the residue of oil; a few drops leaked out of his lips while his wicked eyes, shaded by their coy little lashes, turned on me in disgus t and hatred. 他站在那儿,轻轻地吸吮着剩下的油,有几滴从嘴唇边漏了出来。他看着我,害羞得短睫毛下那原本淘气的眼睛里充满了厌恶和憎恨。 2.We had been having an unseasonable spell of weather- hot, close days, with the fog shutting in every night, scaling for a few hours in midday, then creeping back again at dark, drifting in first over the trees on the point, then suddenly blowing across the fiel ds, blotting out the world and taking possession of houses, men, and animals. 我们正经历一段非常反常的天气,闷热且雾气沉沉。浓雾每晚笼罩着村庄。中午的几个小时雾会渐渐散去,但傍晚时又悄悄地潜回,先是覆盖树梢,接着一下子飘过田地,挡住了外面的世界,将整个村庄的房屋、人和动物都裹在其中。3.With very small, timid pigs, weanlings, this ruse is often quite successful and will e ncourage them to eat; but with a large, sick pig the ruse is senseless and the sound I made must have made him feel, if anything, more miserable. 对于羞涩的、刚断奶的小猪,这一招常常很有效,能诱使他们吃东西;但对于一头生病的大猪,这个做法却丝毫没有意义,我发出的声音肯定只会让他觉得更难受。 4. From the lustiness of a healthy pig a man derives a feeling of personal lustiness; the stuff that goes into the trough and is received with such enthusiasm is an earnest of so me later feast of his own, and when this suddenly comes to an end and the food lies st ale and untouched, souring in the sun, the pig's imbalance becomes the man's, vicario usly, and life seems insecure, displaced, transitory. 看到一头健康的猪精力充沛,人们常常感到自己也是精力充沛。看到它狼吞虎咽地吃掉食槽中的食物,人们就像是预订了今后的大餐。而当这一切突然结束,槽中的食物丝毫未动,任其在阳光下发馊时,猪的不适也就让人觉得自己也不舒服,生活变得失去了安全感、失去了平衡、变得转瞬即逝。 5.The pig's lot and mine were inextricably bound now, as though the rubber tube were the silver cord. From then until the time of his death I held the pig steadily in the bow l of my mind; the task of trying to deliver him from his misery became a strong obsess ion. His suffering soon became the embodiment of all earthly wretchedness. 现在这头猪的命运和我的命运紧紧地联系在一起,似乎冲洗直肠的橡皮管就是连接我们情感的纽带。从他生病到死去,我无时无刻不想着他。如何想办法使他脱离苦海成了我心里想的唯一的事情。他的苦难很快就变成世间所有悲惨经历的写照。,
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