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新概念青少版入门级A上学期教案新概念青少版入门级A上学期教案 Unit1 Hello! 一、教学目标: 1、会听,说,认读单词:ball, cat, dog, fish. 了解不定冠词a 的用法。 2、能掌握字母在单词中的发音。 3、能运用以下常用表达:Hello! Hi! Good dog! Oh, no! 4、了解人名:Flora, Robert, Kim, Dan. 5、能听,说,认读单词apple, egg,能听,说,认读人名Max. Pop. 6、了解不定冠词an. 7、理解Part A对话,能模仿表演。 8、会说Part D ch...
新概念青少版入门级A上学期 Unit1 Hello! 一、教学目标: 1、会听,说,认读单词:ball, cat, dog, fish. 了解不定冠词a 的用法。 2、能掌握字母在单词中的发音。 3、能运用以下常用表达:Hello! Hi! Good dog! Oh, no! 4、了解人名:Flora, Robert, Kim, Dan. 5、能听,说,认读单词apple, egg,能听,说,认读人名Max. Pop. 6、了解不定冠词an. 7、理解Part A对话,能模仿表演。 8、会说Part D chant. 9、能理解运用Look! 10、掌握字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff的正确书写方式及字母的名称音。 11、通过Part B的游戏培养学生的观察力,用Good!鼓励评价。 二、教学重难点: 1、能认读单词并掌握字母在单词中的发音。 2、能根据图片提示进行场景表演。 3、模仿对话表演。 4、掌握单词apple, egg并学会用不定冠词an,初步感知元音因素。 5、正确掌握Aa—Ff的书写。 三、教学时间:三课时 四、教学过程 Lesson 1 教学目标: 1、会听,说,认读单词:ball, cat, dog, fish. 了解不定冠词a的用法。 2、能掌握字母在单词中的发音。 3、能运用以下常用表达:Hello! Hi! Good dog! Oh, no! 4、了解人名:Flora, Robert, Kim, Dan. 教具准备:卡片,录音机 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting: T: Hello, Sue! Hi, Lee! Learn to use “hello” or “hi” to greet. 2. Ss say “hello” to each other. Presentation: 1. Learn words: ball, cat, dog, fish. (1) Put a ball in the desk. Have a S touch and feel it. Guess: What is it? (2) Take it out. Learn: a ball.(学生能读出字母在单词中的 发音) /b/- /?:/- /l/ ----ball /?/- /b?:l/---- a ball (3) Ss read the word. (4) Mime actions, Ss guess the animals: cat, dog, fish /k/- /æ /- /t/ ----cat /? /- /kæt/ ---- a cat /d/ -/?/ -/g/ ----dog /?/ -/d?g/ ---- a dog /f/ - /i/ -/?/ ---- fish /?/ -/fi?/ ---- a fish 2. Introduce the children in part A to Ss (1) Show Ss the pictures of children: Flora. Robert. Kim and Dan. (2) Have Ss say: Hello, Flora! Hi! Robert! (3) Game: T says a name, Ss point to the picture on part A. 3. Learn part A. (1) Listen to the story 2 times, Ss repeat with the tape. (2) Help Ss understand the meaning of these sentences: Good dog! Oh, no! No cat! No ball! 在学习单词时,先感受No dog. (3) Role play act Part A. <结合What’s missing?的游戏,练习No .很直观、形象。> 4. (1) Listen and say of part B. (2) Listen and act of part C. <对话的学习有些干巴巴的,缺乏情境。> 5. Guessing game: S1 faces to Bd, T chooses a card, S1 guess the card: A dog? The others say: Yes! Or No! Homework: 1. Workbook. P1 2. Listen and read lesson 1. Bd – design: Unit 1 Hello! Lesson 1 Hello! Hi! A ball/ cat/ dog/ fish. Lesson 2 教学目标: 1、能听,说,认读单词apple, egg,能听,说,认读人名Max. Pop. 2、了解不定冠词an. 3、理解Part A对话,能模仿表演。 4、会说Part D chant. 5、能理解运用Look! 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting: Hello! Hi! 2. Review words of lesson 1: T mimes actions and Ss guess what animals it is. Then show Ss the words, Ss mime actions and say them out. Presentation: 1. Learn: Look! (Look! 用于让他人注意正在发生的事情或说话者看到的人或事物。) (1) T draws a ball on Bd. T: Look! A ball. Then draws a fish on Bd. T: Look! A fish! (2) T points to S1. T: Look! Peter. (强调在人名前不加冠词。) (3) Ss read and act. 2. Learn: an apple, an egg. 注意区分/æ/, /e/的发音。? (1) Draw an apple on Bd. T: Look! An apple. (2) /æ/- /p/- /l/---- apple. /æn/- /ˊæpl/--- an apple. (3) Show Ss an egg. T: Look! An egg. /e/- /g/---- egg. (4) Show Ss the words, read them. 读出字母在单词中的发音。 3. Introduce Max, Pop to Ss. (1) Point to the monkey: This is a monkey. His name is Max. Have Ss to say “hello” to Max. Ss: Hello, Max. (2) Introduce Pop in the same way. 4. Learn Part A. B. (1) Open the books to page 4. Listen and learn part A. (2) Ss read part A in roles. (3) T orders and Ss point to the pictures on page 4. (4) Listen to the tape and Ss repeat Part B. Practice: 1. (1) Listen and chant: Listen to the tape and try to repeat and mime actions. (2) Look at part D, Ss read by themselves. (3) Act in groups. 2. Part E: Listen, point and say. (冠词a, an 学生能正确运 用在已学单词的前面,但对于元音a, e, I, o, u还不是很熟悉,在以后的学习中还要多渗透。) 3. (1) Show Ss an egg. T: An apple? Ss: No. (2) Practice with other cards. (3) Read Part C, Ss practice in pairs, then practice in the whole class. Homework: 1. Listen and read lesson 2 three times. 2. Workbook P2. Bd- design: Unit 1 Hello! Lesson 2 Look! an apple/ egg Max 挂图 Pop Lesson 3 教学目标: 1、掌握字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff的正确书写方式及字母的名称音。 2、复习1. 2课中已学的词汇和常用表达。 3、复习不定冠词a, an. 4、通过Part B的游戏培养学生的观察力,用Good!鼓励评价。 教具准备:Word cards. 教学过程 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Review the words of lesson 1, 2: ball. Cat. Fish. Dog. Egg. Apple. (1) Show Ss the cards one by one. T: Look! A ball! (2) Have Ss stand in a line, read words one by one. Presentation: 1. Stick the cards on Bd. Change the order from Aa to Ff. Write letters before words. 2. Learn: Aa—Ff. (1) T: A (= /ei/), a, Aa for apple. (2) Ss write with fingers. (3) Learn the other letters in the same way. (4) Read together: Aa for apple. Bb for ball. Cc for cat. Dd for dog. Ee for egg. Ff for fish. (5) Part A. Listen and say. 3. Part B. Play the game. (1) T says letters. Ss write them with fingers. (2) Check some Ss, have them write letter on Bd. (3) Play the game of part B. Circle the letters. 4. Do part E. F on page 7. Check the answer in pairs. Ss count how many times the letters be circled. 5. (1) Ss clap hands and say part A again. (2) Play the game of part C: Show Ss the cards, T reads them as an example: /k/---- cat Then Ss try to read them out. 区分字母名称音和在单词中的发音。 6. Part D. Match and say. Practice: Workbook: Lesson3. Write the letters in class. 作 Homework: Copy letters 4 times. Remember 业 how to write them correctly. 设 计 Bd- design: 板 Unit 1 Hello! Lesson 3 书 (能正确书写字母,在以后教学中在每次课时多复设 习,多听写。) Aa apple 计 Bb ball Cc cat { a/ an Dd dog Ee egg Ff fish 反 思 Unit 2 一、教学目标: 1、能听,说,认读单词girl, hat, insect, jelly and kite,并能说出字母在 单词中的发音。 2、能运用常用表达:Yummy! Yuk! Oh! Help! 表达自己的情感和喜好。 3、能理解并运用形容词性物主代词my. 4、能正确书写字母Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk. 5、能听,说,认读单词green, red并会正确运用颜色形容词,如:a blue ball, my red kite. 6、会用常用表达look at…. 7、能认读Part A的小故事并能角色扮演。 8、会说Part D chant. 二、教学重难点: 1、能听说认读所学新单词并掌握字母在单词中的发音。 2、会读并能表演Part A的小故事。 3、能听,说,认读本课颜色形容词并正确运用在名词前面。 4、能准确运用Look!和Look at„ 三、教学时间:两课时 四、教学过程 Lesson 1 教学目标: 1、能听,说,认读单词girl, hat, insect, jelly and kite,并能说出字母在 单词中的发音。 2、能运用常用表达:Yummy! Yuk! Oh! Help! 表达自己的情感和喜好。 3、能理解并运用形容词性物主代词my. 4、能正确书写字母Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk. 教具准备:词卡,录音机 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Say the chant. Aa for apple, Bb for ball… Ff for fish. 3. Show Ss the picture cards of unit 1. (1) Ss: An apple 确保学生能正确使用 a/ an. (2) Read all these together. Presentation: 1. Learn words: girl, hat, insect, jelly, kite. (1) Have a boy and a girl come to the front of class. Learn: girl. /g/- / ?:/- /l/ / ?/- /g?:l/---- a girl Show Ss the word and read it. (2) Take out the other cards and learn them in the same way. /h/- / æ/- /t/ ---- hat /?/- /hæt/---- a hat /i/- /n/- /s/- /e/- /k/- /t/---- insect / æn/- /ˊinsekt/---- an insect /d ?/- /e/- /l/- /i/---- jelly / ?/- /jeli/---- a jelly /k/- / ai/- /t/---- kite / ?/- /kait/---- a kite (3) Read the words together. 2. Learn the pronunciation and writing of Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk. (1) Gg for girl. / d ? i:/ / g ?: l/ Ss write the letters Gg with fingers in air. (2) Learn the other letters in the same way. 3. Open the books to page 12. Listen and say the chant of part A. 4. A game. S1 shows 5cards. S2: /i/---- insect Then exchange. 5. Learn: Yummy! Yuk! (Yummy形容食物看起来或吃起来很不错,Yuk形容食物不好吃,或者某些东西看起来让人很不舒服) (1) Show Ss the picture of jelly/ apple. T: Look! Jelly! Yummy! Apple! Yummy! I don’t like tea. Tea! Yuk! (2) Help Ss to understand the meaning of Yummy and Yuk. (3) Ss talk about words we’ve learned with Yummy and Yuk. (4) Listen to the tape of part C on page 9. 6. Learn Part A of lesson 1. (1) Hung the story picture on Bd. Point to the children and animals to review their names. (2) T says one name, Ss point. (3) Listen and repeat with the tape twice. (4) Learn: Oh! Help! 模仿picture 2的场景,帮助Ss感受Oh表示惊讶或恼怒。 Help表示恐慌,害怕,需要帮助。 (5) Learn: Stop. ? T mimes the actions, Ss say the word: stop. ? Do and read together. (6) Learn: my. ? T takes a book from S1. T: My book? S1: No. T: Your book? S1: Yes. ? Ss learn: my& your. (7) Read Part A again together. (8) Ss try to act the story. Practice: 1. Listen and say part B. 2. Listen and tick part D, then check answers and say. 3. Listen to part E, then ask and answer. 4. Turn to page 12. Do part C circle. Count the letters, then check. 5. Do part E. Match. 6. Workbook: lesson 3 on page 6 Write the letters in class. Homework: 1. Workbook. Lesson 1 on page 4. 2. Listen to the tape and read unit 2 lesson 1 twice. 3. Read the chant on page 12. Bd – design: Unit 2 Lesson 1 Yummy! Gg girl my??your ? Hh hat ? Ii insect Yuk! Jj jelly Oh! Help! Kk kite (学生能对比my和your,能熟练读出关于颜色色和身体部位的单词,对感叹词Yummy! Yuk! 上口很快。) Unit2 Lesson 2 教学目标: 1. 能听,说,认读单词green, red并会正确运用颜色形容词,如:a blue ball, my red kite. 2. 会用常用表达look at…. 3. 能认读Part A的小故事并能角色扮演。 4. 会说Part D chant. 教具准备:词卡,红色和绿色的彩笔 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Say the chant about letters from from Aa to Kk. Presentation: 1. Learn: green, red. (1) Guessing game: Have Ss come to the front, touch, feel and guess: what is it? (2) Show Ss a red jelly and a green jelly. T: Look! A red jelly. My red jelly. Look at my red jelly. (3) Ss read: red ---- /r/- /e/- /d/--/red/ green---- /g/- /r/- /i:/- /n/--/gri:n/ (4) Ss find some red thing and green thing around us. e.g.: Look! A green pen. It’s green. (5) Ss raise up their crayons according to T’s order. 2. Learn: Look at…! (1) Stick all the word cards on Bd. Ss read them. Then draw one thing on the paper. Colour it red or green. (2) Show the picture to the others. T: Look at my red apple. Ss: Look at my red kite. Look at my green ball. … (3) Read: Look at…!通常用于让他人注意 正在发生的 事情或者说话者看到的人或物。 (4) T chooses S1: Look at S1. S1: Look at my green dog. Look at S1. S2: Look at my…. 3. Learn Part A. (1) Listen to the tape. Q: Why they say “help”? Ss try to answer. (2) Open the books to page 10. Ss read part A with the tape. (3) Read and act in pairs. Practice: 2. (1) Listen to the tape. Do part C. (2) Ss say the phases together. 2. Listen and chant. Part D. Homework: 作 1. Listen and read unit 2 lesson 2 .15m’s. 业 2. Workbook page 5. 设 计 Bd- design: Unit 2 Lesson 2 板 ?a ?red „ 书 Look at?my?green?{kite„ 设 计 反 思 Unit 3 一、教学目标: 1、Ss can master how to write letters Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp. 2、Ss master the pronunciation of the letters both single and in a word. 3、Ss can listen, speak and read words: leg, mouth, nose, orange, pig. Can read and know the words of colours: blue, yellow 4、Ss can use and say: Oops! Bad dog! Ha! Ha! 5、Learn a new word: Peg. 6、Ss can use “a” and “an” correctly. 7、Ss can sing the song of part D. 二、教学重难点: 1、The pronunciation of letter. 2、Write letters. 3、能熟练运用已学颜色和身体部位单词。 4、能在情境中正确使用语气词:Oops! Yuk! 三、教学时间:三课时 四、教学过程 Lesson3 & Lesson 1 教学目标: 1、Ss can master how to write letters Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp. 2、Ss master the pronunciation of the letters both single and in a word. 3、Ss can listen, speak and read words: leg, mouth, nose, orange, pig. 教具准备:词卡,录音机 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Say the chant of unit 2 lesson 3. 3. Mime the big letters with fingers. Presentation: 1. Learn : Ll, leg. (1) Use fingers to mime Ll. (2) Ss read and mime. (3) Write the letter Ll with T. (4) Read letter Ll and try to know the pronunciation in the word: leg. (5) Read: leg. Touch your leg. Game: Simon says. 2. Learn : mouth, nose (1) T orders: Touch your leg. Touch your nose. (2) Read the words: mouth----/m/- /au/- /θ/ nose----/n/- /?u/- /z/ (3) T orders: Touch your … Ss do and say: Touch my … 3. Learn: Mm, Nn (1) Have Ss say the first letters of each word. (2) Read them and mime them with fingers. (3) Write the letters. 4. Learn: Oo orange. Pp pig. (1) Write the letter Oo, read it. (2) Ss say the word beginning with Oo. (3) Learn: orange /?/- /r/- /i/- /?/- /?/. An orange (4) Learn Pp and pig in the same way. 5. (1) Open the books and say part A with the tape. (2) Say together. (3) Say the letters from Aa to Pp. Practice: 1. Do part B. Circle. 2. Workbook: page 9. Homework: 1. Student book: part D, part E on P19. 2. Listen and read page 18. Bd – design: Unit 3 Lesson 3 Ll leg Mm mouth Nn nose ※ Oo orange Pp pig Unit 3 Lesson 1 教学目标: 1. 能听,说,认读单词blue, yellow 2. 复习已学单词leg, mouth, nose. 3. 能熟练运用形容词性物主代词your,并能区分your和my。 4. 理解 Part A故事的内容,并能进行角色扮演。 5. 会使用常用表达: Oops! Bad dog! Ha! Ha! 教具准备:彩色笔, 颜色标签 教学过程 二次备课 Warming- up: 1. Greeting. 2. Mime letters from Aa to Pp with fingers. 3. Chant letters and words. Presentation: a) Learn: blue, yellow. (1) Take out the red crayon and green crayon. Review: red, green. (2) blue+ yellow= green (3) Read: /b/- /l/- /u:/---- blue a blue ball /g/- /r/- /i:/- /n/---- green a green kite (4) Practice the four colours. T says one colour, Ss raise up the right crayon. (5) Talk about the colourful things in our classroom. 2. Open the books, turn to page 14. Listen to the tape of part B and part C. 3. Learn the story. (1) Look at the four pictures. T says and Ss point. e.g.: Flora/ green/ blue leg… (2) Ss read the story by themselves. Q: Are the dogs good or bad? (3) Listen to the tape and repeat. (4) Learn:Oops! 模拟撞到桌子的场景读出这个词。 (5) Ss act the story. Practice: 1. Do part D. Listen and act. 2. Game: Ss stick the colour sticks on their body. (1) T: Look at your red mouth. Ss who has got red mouth stand up and repeat: Look at my red mouth. (2) Have one S to be a little teacher. (3) Play it in groups. Homework: 1. listen and read lesson 1 15m’s. 2. Workbook: page 7. Bd- design: Unit 3 lesson 1 (继续区别my和your,学生对单词上口还比较快,但说句子时有些不够熟练, look at your…/ look at my…做了较多的对比练习,课文分角色读后开始要求学生背课文。) blue leg ? my yellow mouth. Look at ? your red nose green blue + yellow = green Unit3 Lesson 2 教学目标: 1、Learn a new word: Peg. 2、Review the words we’ve learned in lesson 3: an orange, a pig. 3、Review phrases in unit 3: Yummy. Bad dog. Stop. Ha! Ha! Yuk! Oops! 4、Ss can use “a” and “an” correctly. 5、Ss can sing the song of part D. 教具准备:tape & recorder. word cards 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. T: Hello to you! Hi to Jimmy! (S1) 2. Ss act the story of unit 3 lesson 1. Presentation: 1. Learn: Peg ? a pig. (1) Show Ss the picture 1. Introduce the pig and the orange. (2) Ss talk about the orange: Yummy! An orange! Yuk! An orange! (3) T: Do you know the pig’s name? Look at picture 2. Ss say the name: Peg. (4) Hello to Peg. 2. Learn Part A. (1) Listen to the tape. Q: Is Peg good or bad? (2) Listen and repeat. (3) Learn: Stop! Do action and read it. (4) Ss act the story. Practice: 1. Listen to the tape (Part B). 2. Part C: Listen and tick. Then say. Introduce:a, e, i, o, u Review: a/ an. 3. Part D: Listen and sing. 4. Part E: Listen, read and match. (1) T does actions, Ss say the words. e.g. T drops her pencil. Ss: Oops! T eats an orange. Ss: Yummy! / Yuk! (2) T says the phrases, Ss mime actions as they like. (3) Read the six phrases in part E. (4) Listen and match. Homework: 作 1. Listen and read lesson 2, 15m’s. 业 2. Workbook: Page 8. 设 计 Bd- design: 板 书 Unit 3 Lesson 2 an orange 设 a pig 计 Yummy! Bad dog! Stop! Yuk! Good dog (可替换)! Oops! Unit 4 Thank you, Mum! Lesson1. Lesson3. 一、教学目标: 1、学生能听、说,认真读新单词boy, sun, table, umbrella,并 等说出每个字母在单词中的发音。 2、学生能掌握字母Ss,Tt,Uu的读音和写法。 3、了解and的用法并能灵活运用。 4、初步了解定冠词the的用法。 5、能听懂,会读Part1的故事并进行角色扮演。 6、学生能听说认读单词:king,queen并能说出每个字母在单词中的发音。能正确读,写字母Qq,Rr. 7、能理解Part A故事的意义并展开对话,会用Hurray~表达高兴的情绪。情绪。 8、学会运用Thank you,对他人的帮助表达谢意。 9、会说Part D的chant. 二、教学重难点: 1、掌握字母写法并能听、说、认、读新词。 2、能灵活运用and。 3、理解Part A的故事内容,能将Hurray,Thank you等常用语用 于日常生活中。 4、能正确读书写字母Rr,Qq并能听说认读单词king,queen。 三、教学时间:两课时 四、教学过程 Lesson 1 教学目标: 1、学生能听、说,认真读新单词boy, sun, table, umbrella,并等说出每个字母 在单词中的发音。 2、学生能掌握字母Ss,Tt,Uu的读音和写法。 3、了解and的用法并能灵活运用 4、初步了解定冠词the的用法。 5、能听懂,会读Part1的故事并进行角色扮演。 教具准备:Tape and Recorder,T-cards 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1、Greeting. 2、Say the chant about letters from Aa to Pp. Presentation: 1. Learn new words: sun, table, umbrella. (1)T can draw a circle on Bd. Ss guess what it is. The finish the picture :it is the sun (2)Read the word. /s/-/?/-sun /ε?/-/s?n/-the sun 定冠词the可用来指独一无二的事物(如太阳)或特定的某物品。 (3) Learn: Ss. (4)Draw a table and an umbrella under the sun. Learn a table /?/ - /teibl/, an umbrella /æn/ - /?m?br?l? / (5)Read these two words then Learn the letters Tt and Uu. 2,and. (1)A red and green umbrella. (2)An umbrella and a table. (3)S1 and S2, a kite and ball. (4)Do part D on page 21. Ss listen, point and say. 3,Learn Part A of Unit 4 lesson 1. (1) Show the picture of Part A. Introduce the boy and mum. (2) Learn: boy, mum, mother. (3) Listen to the tape and repeat. (4)Read and out in groups. Practice: 1. Thank you. Practice: S1 opens the door for S2. S2: Thank you. 2. good ? bad (1) Listen and out part C. (2) Review Unit 3 lesson 1. the bad dog. 3. Part E: Grass and say. 4. Workbook P12 write: Ss, Tt, Uu. Home work: 1. Listen lesson 1 15mis. 2. Workbook. Unit 4 lesson 1 P10 P12 letters Ss, Tt, Uu. Bd-design: Unit 4 lesson 1 The sun a red and green umbrella an umbrella and a table an umbrella 伞 good ? bad a table Unit 4 Lesson 2 & 3 教学目标: 1、学生能听说认读单词:king,queen并能说出每个字母在单词中的发音。能正确读,写字母Qq,Rr. 2、能理解Part A故事的意义并展开对话,会用Hurray~表达高兴的情绪。情绪。 3、学会运用Thank you,对他人的帮助表达谢意。 4、会说Part D的chant. 教具准备:Tape& recorder. Word cards. 教学过程 二次备课 Warming- up: 1. Greeting. 2. Say the chant of letters from Aa to Pp. ,(字母Rr的书写,小写r能否不写起笔时的小尾巴, 练习册P12) Presentation: 1. Learn letters: Qq, Rr. (1) Have Ss to say the letters after Pp. (2) Learn: Qq? queen ( question) Rr? red . (3) Write with fingers. (4) Review: Ss, Tt, Uu. 2. Qq for queen. Learn: queen, king. (1) Introduce the king and queen, Ss read these two words /ki ?/ /kwi:n/ (2) the king and the queen & the king and queen The在此表示职位(如,the president), 同时只有一 个国王和王位所以要用the. 3. Learn part A. (1) T: Open the books, please. Turn to page 22. Listen to the tape and answer a question: Whose birthday is it today? (2) Listen and read again. Q1: What is Pop’s present? Q2: What colour is it? (3) Learn: Hurray! (强调重音) 表达人们对某事感到非常 高兴或兴奋。 /hu’rei/ Happy birthday! (4) Read and action groups. Practice: 1. Role play: A birthday party for S1. Ss: Happy birthday! S1: Thank you! Wow, a pen! Thank you! <中西方文化差异,西方国家人们收到礼物会当面拆开表示感谢。> 2. Part C. Listen and act. 3. Part D. (1) Listen and say what did they hear. (2) Read by themselves. (3) Chant together. 4. Workbook: P12, letters: Qq, Rr. Homework: 1. listen Unit4 lesson 2 15m’s, do part E. 2. Workbook: page 11. Bd- design: Unit 4 lesson 2 Happy birthday! king & queen Thank you! ?the king and queen ?the king and the queen Unit 5 Look! The zoo! 一、教学目标: 1. 能听说认读单词monkey,panda,zebra,zoo,violin, window, xylophone并了解字母z在单词中的发音。 2. 掌握定冠词the的用法 3. 掌握字母Zz的发音和写法 4. 能读懂Part A 小故事并能角色扮演。 5. 掌握字母x, y, z的写法和发音,以及在单词中的发音。 6. 学会在日常生活中的礼貌表达:please。 7. 学唱ABC Songs。 二、教学重难点: 1. 能听说认读单词monkey,panda,zebra,zoo,violin, window, xylophone并 了解字母z在单词中的发音。 2. 掌握字母x, y, z的写法和发音,以及在单词中的发音。 3. 掌握定冠词the的用法 三、教学时间:两课时 四、教学过程 第一课时 Lesson 1&3 教学目标: 5. 能听说认读单词monkey,panda,zebra,zoo,并了解字母z在单词中的发音。 6. 掌握定冠词the的用法 7. 掌握字母Zz的发音和写法 8. 能读懂Part A 小故事并能角色扮演 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Say the chant of Unit 4 Lesson 2 Part D. 3. Review the letter from Aa to Uu. Presentation: 1. Learn: monkey, panda, zebra. (1 ) Ss act and have the others guess what animal it is. Pig, cat ,dog ,fish (2 )T act, Ss guess: monkey 音标 panda 音标 zebra 音标 (3 ) Read the words and Ss mime actions of these animals. 2. Learn :zoo (1) Draw a picture of the zoo. Put the animals cards in the zoo. Have Ss guess the meaning of the zoo. T: Look! The animals live in the zoo. (2) Learn: zoo 音标 (3) The zoo~ 表示大家都知道,正要去的动物园~ A zoo~一个动物园。 3. Learn: Zz (1) zebra ,zoo----Zz (2) Read an write with fingers. 4. (1) Show the story card Max and Pop, then say: Max ,a monkey, Pop, a panda, Repeat two times. (2) Learn Part A .listen ,read and say. Play the recorder, stop after every sentence. Then Ss read after the tape. 5. Listen to Part C .Listen and act. Play the tape recorder, then divide then into two parts to act it. Practice: 1. Learn Part D. listen , point and say. Ss listen and point out what they learned. 2. Learn Part E, circle and say. Look at the example, then do the exercise. Homework: 1. Listen to the tape for 15 minutes. 2. Workbook P13. BD: Unit 5 Look! The zoo! Zebra zoo A zoo! The zoo! 图片 第二课时 Lesson 2&3 教学目标: 1. 复习定冠词the 2. 能听懂,认读单词violin, window, xylophone 3. 掌握字母x, y, z的写法和发音,以及在单词中的发音。 4. 学会在日常生活中的礼貌表达:please 5. 能理解Part A对话内容并展开角色扮演。 6. 学唱ABC Songs。 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. Say “Hello”, ”Good morning” or “Good afternoon” to each other. 2. Revision: (1) Check the homework (2) Using the word cards to review the cads. Presentation: 1. Learn : violin, xylophone (1) Mime the action of playing the violin, have Ss to guess the word: violin. (2) Read the word: a violin 音标 (3) Use the same way to learn xylophone. A xylophone 音标 (4) Read the two words. 2. Learn the letters Vv, Xx (1) V for violin, X for xylophone (2) Learn the letters Vv, Xx (3) Ss say the letters chant from Aa to Uu. 3. Learn: Ww, window (1) Have Ss find out the last letter :Ww (2) Read and write. (3) Ww---window 音标 4. Listen and sing the song of Part D 5. Part A . listen ,read and say. (1) Play the recording sentence by sentence (2) Read the content 3~4 times. (3) Oral practice. Please! Thank you! (4) Listen it Part B and say. Practice: 1. Listen to Part C and colour it. 2. Part E . Listen, read and match. Homework: 1. Listen to the tape for 15 minutes. 2. Workbook P14. BD: Unit 5 Look! The zoo! Vv violin Look at ..... Xx xylophone Ww window Stop! Please! Unit 6 This is my family. 一、教学目标: 1. Ss can master the words: family, mum, dad, sister, brother, friend,my, your. 2. Ss can master the sentence: This is „„ 3. Ss can master the phrase: Look out! 4. Ss can read and act Part A. 5. Ss can master the pronunciation of letter Aa in the words, such as :dad, Max 6. Ss can master and use the sentence: What’s your name? My name is „„ 7.What’s =What is My name’s=my name is 二、教学重难点: 1. Ss can master the words: family, mum, dad, sister, brother, friend,my, your. 2. Ss can master the sentence: This is „„ 3. Ss can master the phrase: Look out! 4. Ss can master and use the sentence: What’s your name? My name is „„ 5.What’s =What is My name’s=my name is 三、教学时间:三课时 四、教学过程 第一课时 Lesson 1 教学目标: 1.Ss can master the words: family, mum, dad, sister, brother, friend 2.Ss can master the sentence: This is „„ 3.Ss can master the phrase: Look out! 4.Ss can read and act Part A. 5. Ss can master the words and use the new words in their daily life. 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Revision (1) Check the homework. (2) Using the word cards to review the letters Aa~ Zz. (3) Using the word cards to review the words in former 5 units. Presentation: 1. Present the grammar. T: Robert? Flora? S: Robert. T: Good. Yes, Robert. This is Robert. T shows the picture of Flora. T: Robert? Flora? S: Flora . T: Good. Yes, Flora. This is Flora. 2. Present the words: family, mum, dad, sister, brother, friend (1) Show the card of family. T: This is my family. Teach the other words in the same way. (2) T: (show mum) Who’s she? Mum? Ss: Mum. T: Good. Yes, this is Mum. 3. Student A. (1) Part A .Listen read and say. Play the recording sentence by sentence. Ss try to listen and try to understand. Teacher can replay it for 2~3 times. (2) Part B. Listen and say, read after the tape. Practice: 1. Part C, listen and circle. 2. Part D ,listen and say. Ss talk about their family members. 3. Part E, match and say. Homework: 1. Listen and read Unit 6 Lesson 1 15’. 2. Workbook P16. BD: Unit 6 This is my family. Lesson 1 Mum dad This is my... Brother me sister Look out! 第二课时 Lesson 2 教学目标: 1. Ss can master the words: my, your. 2. Ss can master and use the sentence: What’s your name? My name is „„ 3. What’s =What is My name’s=my name is 4. Ss can understand the dialog in Part A and act it. 5. Ss can sing the song of Part E with the tape. 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Revision: (1) Check the homework. (2) Using the word cards to review the words in Lesson 1. Presentation: 1. Present the grammar. (1) T: Hello! My name is choice. Have Ss try to say this sentence to introduce themselves. (2) T: My name’s„ is=’s (3) Ss learn to ask and answer about the names. Ss learn to read the sentence: What’s your name? by teachers question. T: My name is Carol. What’s your name? What’s =what is What’s your name? =What is your name? 2. Ss open their books to Unit 6 Lesson 2. Learn Part A . (1) Play the recording sentence by sentence. Listen and try to understand the dialog. Read after the tape. (2) Replay it for 2~3 times. (3) Pay attention to the grammar rectangular. 3. Part B. listen and say. (1) Play the recorder, listen and follow. (2) Oral exercise. S1: What’s your name? S2: My name is „„. What’s your name? S3: My name is „„. Practice: 1. Part C, listen and act. 2. Part D, listen and say, introduce the animal friends to the others. 3. Sing the song of Part E together with the tape. Homework: 1. Listen to the tape of Lesson 2 15’. 2. Workbook P17. BD: Unit 6 This is my family. Lesson 2 My your What’s your name? My name’s Pop. What’s =What is My name’s=My name is 第三课时LESSON 3 教学目标: 1. Review the words of Unit 6: family ,mum, dad, sister, brother, friend 2. Ss can master the pronunciation of letter Aa in the words, such as :dad, Max 3. Ss can say the chant of Part E . 4. Ss can use the sentence: What’s your name? My name is „„ 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Revision (1) Check the homework. On exercise book. (2) Show word cards 60~65. This is a family. This is mum/dad. (3) Review the sentences: What’s your name? My name is „„ Presentation: 1. Part A ,listen ,read and write. (1) Write the words. (2) Play the recorder sentence by sentence. 2. Part B . write and read. (1) Write the gray parts. (2) Divide Ss into two groups. Decipher the meaning of the picture. 3. Write. (1) Give the rule. (2) Ask the Ss to write. 4. Listen and circle. Then listen and say. (1) Play the recorder ,circle the letter. (2) Replay it for 2 times. Check the answer. (3) Play the second part. Read in right order. 5. Listen and say. (1) Practice the pronunciation of letter Aa. (2) Play the chant. (3) Replay it for 3~4 times. Practice: 1. Play the recorder. Follow to read. 2. Play the game. Divide Ss into 2 groups to play the game. 作 Homework: 业 1. Listen to the tape of Lesson 3 15’. 设 2. Workbook P18. 计 板 BD: 书 Unit 6 This is my family. 设 Lesson 2 计 Mum dad What’s your name? Brother me sister My name is ... This is ... 反 思 Unit 7 Happy birthday! 一、教学目标: 1. Ss can master the words: bike, car, doll, robot, train, van, amazing. 2. Ss can master the sentences: It’s„„ It isn’t„„ 3. Ss can master the grammar: a/an 4. Ss can use“Thanks”in their daily life. 5. Ss can understand and use the sentences: Is it a/an„„? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. 二、教学重难点: 1. Ss can master the words: bike, car, doll, robot, train, van, amazing. 2.Ss can master the sentences: It’s„„ It isn’t„„ 3.Ss can master the grammar: a/an 4. Ss can understand and use the sentences: Is it a/an„„? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. 三、教学时间:两课时 四、教学过程 第一课时 Lesson 1 教学目标: 1.Ss can master the words: bike, car, doll, robot, train, van 2.Ss can master the sentences: It’s„„ It isn’t„„ 3.Ss can master the grammar: a/an 4.Ss can use“Thanks”in their daily life. 5. Ss can understand the dialog. 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Say the chant of Unit 6 Lesson 3. Presentation: 1. Learn the words: van, train, car, bike. (1) 音标a---van (2) Van---car Show Ss the cards about the two things. Talk about the difference between these two. (3) Train, bike Mime the voice of these two things, Ss guess what they are. 2. Sentences: This is „. It’s„„ It isn’t„„ (1) Show Ss a van. T: It is a van. It isn’t a car. (2) Ss practice. Eg: It is a train. It isn’t a van. 3. Learn Part A, the dialog. (1) Play the recorder sentence by sentence. Ss listen and try to understand the text. (2) Replay it for 2~3 times. (3) Read and act. 4. Learn: doll, robot. It isn’t a doll. It is a robot. Practice: 1. Part C (1) Listen and circle. Then match. (2) Practice the sentences with these pictures. 2. Part E. Cross and say. Homework: 1. Listen to Unit 7 ,Lesson 1 15’. 2. Workbook P19. BD: Unit 7 Happy birthday! Van car 6. Train bike It’s„„ Doll robot It isn’t„„ a\ an 第二课时LESSON 2&3 教学目标: 1.Ss can understand and use the sentences: Is it a/an„„? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. 1. Ss can master the word: amazing. 2. Ss can say the chant of Part E. 3. Review the colours. 教学过程 二次备课 Warming up: 1. Greeting. 2. Sing the song on page 35. 3. Review the colours. Presentation: 1. Learn the sentences: Is it a/an„„? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. (1) Show a van and a car. Practice with the sentences: It is a van. It isn’t a car. (2) Show Ss the car. T: Is it a van? (lead Ss to answer.) Ss: No, it isn’t. (3) Ss learn this sentence. 2. Learn Part A. (1) Listen to the tape. Question: Is it an apple? (2) Listen again and Ss read after the tape. (3) Learn: amazing. (4) Read and act. Practice: 1. Read the grammar part in roles. 2. Part B. Listen and circle. 3. Part C. Listen and act. 4. Part D. Listen and act. 5. Part E. Listen and chant. (1) Talk about the animas of Part E. (2) In a hat (3) Chant with the tape. 作 Homework: 业 1. Listen to the tape Unit 7, Lesson 2 设 15’and repeat. 计 2. Workbook P20. 板 BD: 书 Unit 7 Happy birthday! 设 Is it a/an„„? Yes, it is. 计 No, it isn’t. isn’t= is not 反 思
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