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菲腊牙科医院菲腊牙科医院 菲腊牙科医院 The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 管理局年管理局年管理局年管理局 年报报报报 ANNUAL REPORT THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2002002002008888 / / / / 00009999 香港西营盘医院道34号 34 Hospital Road Sai Ying Pun Hong Kong www.ppdh.org.hk 目目目目录录录录 CONTENTS 页 数 Page 本院使命 2 Mission Statement 管...
菲腊牙科医院 菲腊牙科医院 The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 管理局年管理局年管理局年管理局 年报报报报 ANNUAL REPORT THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2002002002008888 / / / / 00009999 香港西营盘医院道34号 34 Hospital Road Sai Ying Pun Hong Kong www.ppdh.org.hk 目目目目录录录录 CONTENTS 页 数 Page 本院使命 2 Mission Statement 管理局之活动报告 4 Report on the Activities by the Board of Governors 附 页甲 — 管理局 10 Appendix A — Board of Governors 附页乙 — 编制及财务委员 会 12 Appendix B — Establishment and Finance Committee 附页丙 — 策划委员会 13 Appendix C — Planning Group 附页丁 — 表现趋势 14 Appendix D — Performance Trend 附页戊 — 财务报表及核数师报告书 15 Appendix E — Audited Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report 2 菲腊牙科医菲腊牙科医菲腊牙科医菲腊 牙科医院院院院 本院使本院使本院使本院使命命命命 1 成为地区之卓越牙科教 学、研究及诊治医院配合香港大学牙医学院领先培训牙医及牙科辅助人员使其成为 有爱心、尽责及具备专业资格的牙科队伍成员 2 进行高质素研究及提供牙科专科训 练及研究生课程并提供设施以推动本港的牙科持续教育 3 充分利用现有资源建设 良好工作环境以吸引及激励员工在口腔衞生护理界充分发挥潜能 4 与社区携手合 作促进市民对牙齿护理之认识及明白其重要性 5 与牙科业界紧密合作为需要特别 照顾之弱势社群提供服务并与中国内地在研究及学术交流方面更密切合作。 3 THE PRINCE PHILIP DENTAL HOSPITAL MISSION STATEMENT 1 To be a Centre of Excellence for dental education research and dental care in the region supporting the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong HKU to take the lead in training of dental and para-dental students to become caring dedicated and well-qualified members of the dental team 2 To undertake high quality research and provide specialist and postgraduate dental training and facilities for continuing dental education in Hong Kong 3 To fully utilize available resources creating an environment to attract and motivate staff maximizing their potential within the oral health care environment 4 To promote community partnership in raising the awareness and the importance of dental care 5 To develop closer collaboration with the private sector for special needs groups and with Mainland China for research and academic exchanges. 4 菲腊牙科医菲腊牙科医菲腊 牙科医菲腊牙科医院院院院 2002002002008888年年年年4444月月月月1111日至日 至日至日至2002002002009999年年年年3333月月月月31313131日日日日 管理局之 活动报告管理局之活动报告管理局之活动报告管理局之活动报告 简介简介简介简 介 菲腊牙科医院管理局是根据1981年制定的菲腊牙科医院条例 第1081章 成立负 责营运和管理菲腊牙科医院 下称「本院」。本院为香港大学牙医学院下称「学院」 提供设施以助其培训牙医。此外本院亦协助训练其他牙科辅助人员以及为港大教育 学院之言语及听觉科学系提供上课场地。 2. 管理局的日常事务多由其下之「编制 及财务委员会」处理也透过文件传阅来审议。由院长出任主席的「策划委员会」在 策略性的规划及发展方面会向编制及财务委员会和管理局作出建议以及监督变革的 执行。附页甲附页甲附页甲附页甲、乙乙乙乙及丙丙丙丙分别详列了管理局、编制 及财务委员会和策划委员会之委员名单。 培训课程培训课程培训课程培训课程滙滙 滙滙报报报报 I 学院举办之课程 3. 45名毕业生於2008年12月成功获取了牙医学士 学位。在报告年度中有48名研究生分别获颁下列学位或文凭: 学位 / 文凭 人数 牙 医硕士 15 理科硕士牙科材料科学 4 理科硕士植齿学 8 口腔颔面外科高级文凭 2 儿童齿科高级文凭 2 牙周病学高级文凭 1 牙医深造文凭 2 牙医全科深造文凭 5 哲学硕士 2 哲学博士 7 5 THE PRINCE PHILIP DENTAL HOSPITAL REPORT ON THE ACTIVITIES BY THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS for the Year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 Introduction The Board of Governors of The Prince Philip Dental Hospital was established under The Prince Philip Dental Hospital Ordinance Cap. 1081 enacted in 1981 for the management and administration of The Prince Philip Dental Hospital abbreviated as ―the Hospital‖ or ―PPDH‖. The Hospital provides facilities for the training of dentists by the Faculty of Dentistry of The University of Hong Kong abbreviated as ―the Faculty‖ and other dental ancillary personnel. It also houses the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences of the Faculty of Education. 2. As regards the operational matters much of the Board’s business was dealt with by the Establishment and Finance Committee and by circulation of Papers. The Planning Group under the chairmanship of Director made recommendations to the Committee and the Board and oversaw the progress of implementation of changes. The compositions of the Board of Governors the Establishment and Finance Committee and the Planning Group are listed at Appendices A B and C respectively. Training Activities I Courses Organized by the Faculty 3. In December 2008 Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS degrees were conferred on 45 graduates who had successfully completed their course of study. Meanwhile 48 postgraduate students obtained their second degrees or diplomas with the following distribution: Degree / Diploma Student Number Master of Dental Surgery 15 Master of Science in Dental Materials Science 4 Master of Science in Implant Dentistry 8 Advanced Diploma in Oral amp Maxillofacial Surgery 2 Advanced Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry 2 Advanced Diploma in Periodontology 1 Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Surgery 2 Postgraduate Diploma in General Dental Surgery 5 Master of Philosophy 2 Doctor of Philosophy 7 6 4. 在2009年3月31日牙医本科学生有263人其学生人数分布为 年级 人数 一年级 51 二年级 52 三年级 52 四年级 52 五年级 56 此外还有195名研究 生攻读下列学位或文凭课程 课程 人数 牙医硕士学位 59 矫齿学硕士学位 23 理 科硕士牙科材料科学学位 1 理科硕士植齿学学位 25 牙髓病学高级文凭 4 口腔颌 面外科高级文凭 1 矫齿学高级文凭 7 儿童齿科高级文凭 4 牙周病学高级文凭 8 牙科修复学高级文凭 2 牙医全科深造文凭 6 哲学硕士研究学位 6 哲学博士研究 学位 49 包括7名修读与北京大学合办之校外延展牙医硕士牙周病学课程 II 本院 跟学院或其他机构合办之课程 5. 一年全日制或两年日间兼读制之牙科手术助理员 证书课程是由本院及学院自1982年起合办的课程。2008年9月该课程招收了30名学员 修读一年全日制课程另有4名学员修读两年制日间兼读课程。同年12月20名修读全日 制及5名修读两年日间兼读制之牙科手术助理员在完成训练课程后获颁了菲腊牙科 医院牙科手术助理员证书。 6. 从2002年9月起本院与香港大学及香港大学专业进修 学院合办两年全日制的牙科衞生护理高级文凭课程。2008年9月分别有11名及15名学 员攻读第一及第二学年课程。11名学员完成两年课程后於2008年12月获颁授牙科衞 生护理高级文凭。另有1名学员於2009年3月中成功通过重估评核试完成课程。 7 4. As at 31 March 2009 263 undergraduates were under training for Bachelor Degree of Dental Surgery and the student distribution was : Year Student Number First Year 51 Second Year 52 Third Year 52 Fourth Year 52 Fifth Year 56 In addition 195 postgraduate students were studying the following degree/diploma courses : Course Student Number Master of Dental Surgery 59 Master of Orthodontics 23 Master of Science in Dental Materials Science 1 Master of Science in Implant Dentistry 25 Advanced Diploma in Endodontics 4 Advanced Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1 Advanced Diploma in Orthodontics 7 Advanced Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry 4 Advanced Diploma in Periodontology 8 Advanced Diploma in Prosthodontics 2 Postgraduate Diploma in General Dental Surgery 6 Master of Philosophy 6 Doctor of Philosophy 49 Including outreach degree programme of Master of Dental Surgery in Periodontology conjoint with Peking University with 7 students. II Courses Co-organized with the Faculty or Others 5. The one-year full-time or two-year part-time day release course of Certificate of Proficiency in Dental Surgery Assisting has been co-organized with the Faculty since 1982. In September 2008 30 full-time students were enrolled in the one-year certificate course in Dental Surgery Assisting and 4 part-time students were enrolled in the two-year part-time day release course. In December 2008 20 full-time and 5 part-time Student Dental Surgery Assistants completed their training and were awarded the PPDH Certificate of Proficiency in Dental Surgery Assisting. 6. The two-year full-time course of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene has been jointly organized by the University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong SPACE and the Hospital commencing September 2002. In September 2008 11 and 15 Student Dental Hygienists were enrolled in the first and second years of the course respectively. In December 2008 11 students were awarded the Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene. Also a student passed the re-assessment and completed the Course in mid-March 2009. 8 III 本院独自举办之课程 7. 两年全日制 之牙科文凭课程是本院自1993年起独自举办之课程。2008年9月共有16名学员修 读第一年之文凭课程另有14名学员就读第二年的课程。11名毕业学员於2008年12月 获授菲腊牙科医院牙科工艺文凭。 8. 上述各课程於过去三届财政年度之表现趋势 包括毕业人数及入学人数已列载於附页丁附页丁附页丁附页丁。 财政及其他资讯财 政及其他资讯财政及其他资讯财政及其他资讯 9. 於2009年3月31日医院编制有312 个职位。 10. 本院已根据菲腊牙科医院条例第16条呈交经签署与审计的2008/09财 政年度帐目报表见附页附页附页附页戊戊戊戊。本年度的总经常开支是122451043 元。同年用於维修和设备上之总非经常开支为13857121元全由政府非经常资助 金资助。全年总收入是122753585元包括政府经常资助金107892000元及其他收入 14861585元。 11. 在本报告年度本院新登记或重新登记之病人有9771名成人及1408 名小童而各部门的总诊症人次为125303。 其他活动其他活动其他活动其他活动 12. 位於本院五楼之港大教育学院辖下的言语及听觉科学系亦有33名毕业生在2008年7 月取得理学士言语及听觉科学学位。同时在报告年度中共有12位研究生获颁下列学 位或文凭 课程 人数 理学硕士听觉学 8 哲学硕士或哲学博士研究学位 4 13. 在 2008/09学年该学系之学生总数为183人其攻读之课程及学生人数分布为 课程 人数 理学士言语及听觉科学学位 156 理学硕士听觉学 学位 7 哲学硕士或哲学博士研 究学位 20 9 III Courses Organized by the Hospital 7. The two-year full-time course of General Diploma in Dental Technology has been organized by the Hospital since 1993. In September 2008 16 students were enrolled in the first year and 14 students were enrolled in the second year of the course. In December 2008 11 graduates were awarded the PPDH General Diploma in Dental Technology. 8. A summary of the performance trend of all courses in the past three financial years in terms of number of students graduated from and number of students enrolled in each of the courses is shown at Appendix D. Financial and Other Information 9. The Hospital establishment stood at 312 posts as at 31 March 2009. 10. The signed and audited statement of accounts for 2008/09 at Appendix E is submitted in accordance with Section 16 of The Prince Philip Dental Hospital Ordinance. The total recurrent expenditure for the year was 122451043. During the same period the total capital expenditure on works and equipment was 13857121 which was fully funded by Government’s capital subvention. The Governments recurrent subvention 107892000 and income from other sources 14861585 brought the total revenue for the year to 122753585. 11. During the year of this Report 9771 adult patients and 1408 child patients were newly registered or re-registered at the Hospital. The total number of patient attendances at various disciplines and clinics throughout the year was 125303. Other Activities 12. In the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences of the Faculty of Education HKU situated on the Fifth Floor of the Hospital 33 students graduated with the Bachelor Degree of Science Speech and Hearing Sciences in July 2008. Meanwhile 12 postgraduate students obtained their second degrees or diplomas with the following distribution:- Course Number of Graduate Master of Science in Audiology 8 Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy 4 13. 2008/09 academic year 183 students were studying the following degree courses and the student distribution was : Course Student Number Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences 156 Master of Science in Audiology 7 Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy 20 10 附页甲 Appendix A p.1 菲腊牙科医院 管理局 THE PRINCE PHILIP DENTAL HOSPITAL BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2008年4月1日至2009年3月31日 — 成员名 单 Membership – 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 主席 Chairman : 林宣武先生 Mr. W.S.M. LIN SBS JP : 非公职人员非公职人员非公职人员非公职人员 Non-public officers 成员 Members 郑秀如女士 Ms. C.S.Y. CHENG 李昱颖小姐 Miss W.Y.W. LEE 蒙德扬先生 Mr. D.T.Y. MONG 注册牙医注册牙医注册牙医注册牙医 非公职 人员非公职人员非公职人员非公职人员 Registered Dentists non-public officers 梁世民医生 Dr. S.S.M. LEUNG 林友港医生 Dr. J.Y.K. LING 香港大学成员香港大 学成员香港大学成员香港大学成员 Members of the University of Hong Kong 张念光 教授 Professor L.K. CHEUNG 贺尔彬教授 Professor U. H??GG 邓惠琼教授 至 2008年6月30日为止 Professor G.W.K. TANG up to 30 June 2008 林小玲教授 从 2008年7月1日起 Professor K.S.L. LAM from 1 July 2008 韦霖教授 Professor William WEI 11 附页甲 Appendix A p.2 公职人员公职人员公职人员公职人员 Public OfficersPublic OfficersPublic OfficersPublic Officers 食物及衞生局副秘书长 或其代表 Deputy Secretary for Food and Health or his representative 聂德权先生 Mr. P.T.K. NIP 教育局首席助理秘书长 Principal Assistant Secretary for Education 黄珮 玟女士 Ms. A.P.M. WONG 衞生署助理署长 Assistant Director of Health 梁炽辉先 生 Mr. J.C.F. LEUNG 衞生署牙科服务主任顾问医生 Consultant i/c Dental Services Department of Health 陈祖贻医生 Dr. J.C.Y. CHAN : 菲腊牙科医院院长菲腊牙科医 院院长菲腊牙科医院院长菲腊牙科医院院长 Director The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 西门雅概教授 Professor L.P. SAMARANAYAKE 当然成员 Ex-officio Members 菲腊牙科医院审计主任菲腊牙科医院审计主任菲腊牙科医院审计主任菲 腊牙科医院审计主任 Comptroller The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 周张爱勤女士 Mrs. I.O.K. CHEUNG CHOW 以上所有成员当然成员除外是由食物及衞生局局长根 据菲腊牙科医院条例第五条获行政长官授权委任。 The above Members excluding ex-officio members were appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health under the power delegated by the Chief Executive under section 5 of The Prince Philip Dental Hospital Ordinance. 12 附页乙 Appendix B 菲腊牙科医院 编制及财务委员会 THE PRINCE PHILIP DENTAL HOSPITAL ESTABLISHMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 2008年4月1日至2009年3月31日 — 成员名单 Membership – 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 : 李昱颖小姐 至2008年10月14日为止 Ms W.Y.W. LEE up to 14 October 2008 主席 Chairperson 郑秀如女士 从2008年10月15日起 Ms C.S.Y. CHENG from 15 October 2008 成员 Members : 香港大学财务处处长香港大学财务 处处长香港大学财务处处长香港大学财务处处长 Director of Finance The University of Hong Kong 林炳麟先生 Mr. P.B.L. LAM 衞衞衞衞生署助理生署助理生署助理 生署助理署长署长署长署长 Assistant Director of Health 梁炽辉先生 Mr. J.C.F. LEUNG 食物及食物及食物及食物及衞衞衞衞生局首席行政主任生局首席行政主任 生局首席行政主任生局首席行政主任 衞衞衞衞生生生生 Principal Executive Officer Health Food and Health Bureau 刘润霖女士 Miss A.Y.L. LAU 菲腊牙科医院院长菲 腊牙科医院院长菲腊牙科医院院长菲腊牙科医院院长 Director The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 西门雅概教授 Professor L.P. SAMARANAYAKE 菲腊牙科医院审 计主任菲腊牙科医院审计主任菲腊牙科医院审计主任菲腊牙科医院审计主任 Comptroller The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 周张爱勤女士 Mrs. I.O.K. CHEUNG CHOW 13 附页丙 Appendix C 菲腊牙科医院 策划委员会 THE PRINCE PHILIP DENTAL HOSPITAL PLANNING GROUP 2008年4月1日至2009年3月31日 — 成员 名单 Membership – 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 : 菲腊牙科医院院长菲腊牙科医 院院长菲腊牙科医院院长菲腊牙科医院院长 Director The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 主席 Chairman 西门雅概教授 Professor L.P. SAMARANAYAKE : 私家牙 医私家牙医私家牙医私家牙医 Private Dentist 成员 Members 赵启聪医生 Dr. G.K.C. CHIU 香港大学牙医学院香港大学牙医学院香港大学牙医学院香港大学牙 医.
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