

2017-10-17 10页 doc 76KB 26阅读




电能表的实物接线图电能表的实物接线图 单相电能表的实物接线 单相电能表的实物接线 漏电开关的作用是:用于保护人体触电和设备绝缘破坏触电的故障。 漏电开关使用:在安装接线后,按下漏电保护器的漏电测试按纽,可制造一短暂人工漏电情况,以检验漏电保护器能否动作。测试按纽应每月试验一次,以检验漏电保护器之功能。在接地漏电情况下,漏电保护器自动跳闸。在故障未被清除之前,即使再把手推至“ ON”的位置,也不能使电路重新接通,避免了人为错误地将故障电路接上。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic nee...
电能表的实物接线图 单相电能表的实物接线 单相电能表的实物接线 漏电开关的作用是:用于保护人体触电和设备绝缘破坏触电的故障。 漏电开关使用:在安装接线后,按下漏电保护器的漏电测试按纽,可制造一短暂人工漏电情况,以检验漏电保护器能否动作。测试按纽应每月试验一次,以检验漏电保护器之功能。在接地漏电情况下,漏电保护器自动跳闸。在故障未被清除之前,即使再把手推至“ ON”的位置,也不能使电路重新接通,避免了人为错误地将故障电路接上。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 单相电能表的实物接线 单相电能表的实物接线 漏电开关的作用是:用于保护人体触电和设备绝缘破坏触电的故障。 漏电开关使用:在安装接线后,按下漏电保护器的漏电测试按纽,可制造一 短暂人工漏电情况,以检验漏电保护器能否动作。测试按纽应每月试验一次, 以检验漏电保护器之功能。在接地漏电情况下,漏电保护器自动跳闸。在故 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 障未被清除之前,即使再把手推至“ ON”的位置,也不能使电路重新接通,避免了人为错误地将故障电路接上。 在图3.5中,(a)图为主电路,通过当接触器KM1三对主触点把三相电源和电动机的定子绕组按顺相序L1、L2、L3连接,,而KM2的三对主触点把三相电源和电动机的定子绕组按反相序L3、L2、L1连接, 使电动机可以实现正反两个方向上的运行。 而图3.5(b)中,按下正转起动按钮SB2,接触器KM1线圈通电且自锁,主触点闭合使电动机正转,按下停止按钮SB1,接触器KM1线圈断电,主触点断开,电动机断电停转。再按下反转起动按钮SB3,接触器KM2线圈通电且自锁,主触点闭合使电动机反转。但是在(b)图中,若按下正转起动按钮SB2再按下反转起动按钮SB3,或者同时按下SB2和SB3,接触器KM1和KM2线圈都能通电,两个接触器的主触点都会闭合,造成主电路中两相电源短路,因此,对正反转控制线路最基本的要求是:必须保证两个接触器不能同时工作,以防止电源短路,即进行互锁,使同一时间里只允许两个接触器中一个接触器工作。 所以在图3.5(c)中,接触器KM1 、KM2线圈的支路中分别串接了对方的一个常闭辅助触点。工作时,按下正转起动按钮SB2,接触器KM1线圈通电,电动机正转,此时串接在KM2线圈支路中的KM1常闭触点断开,切断了反转接触器KM2线圈的通路,此时按下反转起动按钮SB3将无效。除非按下停止按钮 SB1,接触器KM1线圈断电,KM1常闭触点 复位闭合,再按下反转起动按钮SB3实现电动机的反转,同时,串接在KM1线圈支路中的KM2常闭触 点断开,封锁了接触器KM1使它无法通电。 这样的控制线路可以保证接触器KM1 、KM2不会同时通电,这种作用称为互锁,这两个接触器的常闭触点称为互锁触点,这种通过接触器常闭触点实现互锁的控制方式称为接触器互锁,又称为电气互锁。 判断一台电动机的好坏,一般16KW以下使用万用表就可以,30KW以下可用电桥。是可以用的。50KW以上使用就很不准了,最好的方法是低电压接入测电流,有大功率2KVA以上三相变压器,380V/36V或更低电压变压器接入电机直接用钳形表测电流平(3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 衡最好。还可用交流电焊机,电机接成星形连接并联接入,测量三个绕组的电流是否一样。另外还可用200vA变压器380V或220V/36V或更低电压串联一个大功率电灯泡100W以上,接入一组绕组测量另两组两头联灯泡电压是否一样然后换一组接入。相差2%是正常的。5%以上就有可能匝间短路。试一试。还有接电源380V输出功率达不到接线正确如果电动机是修过的极有可能铁芯被火烧过退火了。 1、 万用表测电流,三相不平衡率不大于10%; 2、摇表测绝缘,每相对地、相间均不小于0.5兆; 3、电桥测直流电阻,三相不平衡率不大于2%; 还有的话大概就是转速表测转速了,再有什么就想不出来了。 判断电动机是否好坏可从问、看、听、闻、摸、测几方面来判断,其实任何设备的 检修都可从这几方面入手 电机损坏用万用表、绝缘摇表和电桥测量是没有的,绝缘没损坏,三相直流电阻正常,可有匝间短路或转子断条。电机异常,查电源正常,只好拆下电机解体检查,一查便知 除了楼上说的方法,检查其绕组是否正常的方法是在其中任意两根引线上接上万用表的小电流档(比如50微安),这时用用转动电机,万用表的表针应该是可以明显摆动(与转动快慢有关)。 这是利用电机的剩磁来检查绕组的“土”办法。如果绕组烧了,表针肯定不会动了 三相电流不平衡率在?10%以内,电机正常。 三相电流不平有两种情况:一是电源电压引起的,如果不是很大的话是没问的,如果不是这个问题那就是电机本身的质量问题了,一般是不能超过10%的。就是三相之和除三与差距最大的一项电流比偏差不得超过10%。 内部线圈绝缘不良,有局部短路可能。绕组内部局部短路,或者电压偏相较严重也会导致电流偏相。三相电压不平衡 电机线圈有砸间短路的 所以不平衡 三相绕组电阻为0,三相对地电阻至少在0 .5兆欧以上,越大越好 如何检测换气扇电机的好坏 有万用表就可以啦,用万用表的电阻档(X10)分别测量电动机的三根线头,应该是互通的,只是阻值不一样,红(接火线)与黑(接零线)+蓝(接电容)与黑(接零线)=红与蓝 蓝黑的电阻大于红黑的电阻,一般有可能是红与蓝是通的(有电阻),而黑色与红、蓝都不通的话,那就是电动机内部的过热保护烧掉了,有代换的就换掉,没有就不要了,直接跳过就可以了。 用500V兆欧表测量电动机绕组与外壳的绝缘电阻,不应小于0.5兆欧;用万用表测量绕组各引线,没有断线;上述都符合要求,电动机就是好的。 检测电容器的好坏用指针万用表方便些(也有带电容档的数字表,可直接测量)。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 如何检测单相电机的好坏 将万用表拨到1K或10K电阻档,测电容器的2个引线,表针快速向右偏转后慢 慢回到左侧电容器是好的;始终偏向右侧说明电容器被击穿了;指针不动则电容 器内部断线或没有容量了。用这种方法只能判断电容器的好坏,容量的大小就需 要长期的经验积累进行估计了。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest.
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