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视频转换压缩软件视频转换压缩软件 1.超级转换秀 V15.1 Build 2050 白金版 荣获年度唯一中国共享软件“最佳功能奖”高荣誉软件称号。《超级转换秀》 是梦幻科技继《数码大师》和《彩影》软件后的又一优秀力作,超级转换秀是国内首个集成CD抓规、音频转换、视频转换、音视频混合转换、音视频切割/驳接转换于一体的优秀影音转换工具。其内置国际一流的解压技术,转换质量一流,同时支持各种CPU的MMX/3D Now!/SSE/SSE2以及最新超线程(Hyper-Thread)技术等指令系统的全面优化,让您拥有更快速的转换速度。其支持的格式之多...
视频转换压缩软件 1.超级转换秀 V15.1 Build 2050 白金版 荣获年度唯一中国共享软件“最佳功能奖”高荣誉软件称号。《超级转换秀》 是梦幻科技继《数码大师》和《彩影》软件后的又一优秀力作,超级转换秀是国内首个集成CD抓规、音频转换、视频转换、音视频混合转换、音视频切割/驳接转换于一体的优秀影音转换工具。其内置国际一流的解压技术,转换质量一流,同时支持各种CPU的MMX/3D Now!/SSE/SSE2以及最新超线程(Hyper-Thread)技术等指令系统的全面优化,让您拥有更快速的转换速度。其支持的格式之多,几乎可以满足您所有的转换要求并成为您的转换工具首选。其功能要点如下:1. 支持将CD音乐直接转换为WAV/MP3/WMA/OGG等数字音乐,并支持按用户喜好选择各种转换参数,支持批量转换处理,支持多光驱。 2. 支持 WAV/MP3/OGG/WMA/APE/AAC/AC3/RMA等格式的音频,同时支持抓取 AVI/VCD/SVCD/DVD/MPG/ASF/WMV/RM/RMVB/MOV/QT/MP4/MPEG4/3GP/SDP/YUV 等视频文件的音频并转换,以上所有音频格式可保存为WAV/MP3/OGG/WMA/APE/AAC等格式,音频转换均支持按您的喜好来设置相关转换参数,并支持批量转换处理。 3. 支持将各主流视频 AVI/VCD/SVCD/DVD/MPG/ASF/WMV/RM/RMVB/MOV/QT/MP4/MPEG4/3GP/SDP/YUV 等转换为AVI/MPEG4/VCD/SVCD/DVD/MPG/WMV等格式,AVI格式允许任您选择各种系统音频和视频压缩器,包括Divx等MPEG4视频压缩器;MPG格式支持应用于家庭影碟机的VCD/SVCD/DVD之NTSC/PAL制式的转换或自定义MPG格式;WMV格式允许用户选择各种适应本机观看、各种网络在线传输观看、PDA观看等不同质量级别的转换画面并允许您选择自己定制的WMV转换参数文件。视频转换还支持不同音频文件和视频文件的混合合成转换,切割转换、驳接转换等。允许为各导出格式选择屏幕缩放方法,并支持批量转development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 换处理,甚至还可以允许您在最终视频的具体位置打上自己半透明的个性显示图片。 2. 豪杰视频通 V2.7 Build 1117 豪杰视频通是一款国际流行的视频转换工具软件,支持直接从DVD光盘转为VCD格式的视频文件;支持目前常见的视频格式的相互转化,支持格式包括:AVI、DAT、VOB、MPG等;支持把以上视频格式转化为MPEG1、MPEG2、AVI、RM、GIF动画;支持批量转换,播放和转化可同时进行;支持最新的Inter P4 超线程技术(Hyper-Thread)…… 主要特点:1、常见视频格式文件的相互转化,VOB,DAT,MPEG1,MPEG2,MPEG4,AVI,RM。2、把视频文件格式转化GIF动画。3、支持直接把DVD影碟转化为VCD格式的视频文件 可保存到硬盘上4、自带播放功能 可以在导入一个视频文件后,进行预览,并且在预览的同时就可以进行转化,并且互不干扰。5、支持批量转化:可以批量导入相同或者不同格式的视频文件进行转化,能够迅速的完成大批量的转化工作。6、支持Intel最新推出的超线程(Hyper-Thread)技术:可以使计算机在CPU内部同时执行多个任务,这样就会大大加速转化的进程,提高转化的效率。7、设置功能:简单,明了,实用,用户可以很方便的对要转化的目标格式文件进行相关设置,符合用户需求。 3. RealProducer V10.0.0.545 Plus 由 Real 公司官方出品的新一代 Real 格式音频、视频文件制作软件,它可将 Wav、Mov、Avi、Au、Mpeg 等多媒体文件压制成 Real 影音流媒体文件(rmvb、ra、rm、ram...),以利网络上的传送与播放,支持 Real8、Real9 、Real10 、Real11 格式。还可以对压缩的 Real 格式文件进行剪裁、设定多种采样率等,是最专业、最强大的 Real 格式媒体制作工具,而且即使是新手也非常容易上手。附带的 Real 媒体编辑器更是可以切割、合并 Real 媒体文development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 件或修改剪辑信息,非常方便。其压缩速度不是最快的,但压缩质量绝对是最好的。而且即使是菜鸟也非常容易上手。 4. EO Video V1.36 汉化版 一个集播放,剪辑,转换于一体的视频软件,发现它不但能转换 ASF 文件,而且也可以转换 RM 文件,而且还支持 AVI 的编码选择,当然你甚至可以直接转成 MPG 文件~而且转换的速度也相当的快,转换后图像、音频的质量也看不出什么分别。 5. EO Video V1.36 一个集播放,剪辑,转换于一体的视频软件,发现它不但能转换 ASF 文件,而且也可以转换 RM 文件,而且还支持 AVI 的编码选择,当然你甚至可以直接转成 MPG 文件~而且转换的速度也相当的快,转换后图像、音频的质量也看不出什么分别。 6. RM转换精灵 V7.1.2 RM转换精灵是一款易于使用、功能完善的RealMedia(rm/rmvb)文件转换工具。可以把rm和rmvb文件转换为AVI、VCD、SVCD、DVD、MPEG、WMV等格式;支持NTSC/PAL制式;同时也支持AVI、MPG、MPEG、WMV格式的相互转换,可选择AVI视频编码方式和在导出VCD、SVCD、DVD、MPEG格式时使用的制式;支持比例调整;支持指定导出WMV文件大小;输入输出预览;支持界面皮肤;支持高质量的音频;为奔3、4和AMD的Athlon处理器优化了性能。 支持批量转化 可以批量导入相同或者不同格式的视频文件进行转化,能够迅速的完成大批量的转化工作。支持Intel最新推出的超线程(Hyper-Thread)技术可以使计算机在CPU内部同时执行多个任务,这样就会大大加速转化的进程,提高转development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 化的效率。 功能设置简单,明了,实用,用户可以很方便的对要转化的目标格式文件进行相关设置。 新版本中增加了一个辅助工具用来处理转换后无声的RM文件,可以将较大视频文件在转换的同时就分割成几部分,转换完成后即可刻录,不用再为文件太大不能刻录而烦恼。 7. 视频转换大师(WinMPG Video Convert) V6.2.1 视频转换大师WinMPG Video Convert, 可以快速完成 AVI转换Mpeg1, AVI转换Mpeg2, AVI转换RMVB, AVI转换DVD, AVI转换VCD, AVI转换SVCD, AVI转换RMVB, RMVB转换AVI, RM转换AVI,还支持MPEG1转换RMVB, VCD转换RMVB, ASF转换RMVB, WMV转换RMVB, RM转换RMVB, QuickTime MOV转换RMVB, 所有格式转至标准的AVI,更多格式转换至标准的RMVB,以及所有格式转至标准的DivX 的视频格式转换. 视频转换大师(WinMPG Video Convert)的出现,为视频多媒体文体的转换提供了一个完美的解决途径,拥有非常漂亮友好的界面.支持Skin, RMVB转换AVI, RM转换AVI,它几乎涵盖了现在所有流行的影音多媒体体文件的格式, 包括AVI, Mpg,RM,RMVB,Mpeg, Mpeg1, Mpeg2, Mpeg4, VCD, SVCD, DVD, DivX, ASF, WMV以及 QuickTime MOV/MP4。 视频转换大师 WinMPG Video Convert 主要功能: 支持AVI转换至标准的MPEG-1 支持转换AVI to MPEG-1 with VCD extensions(VCD) 支持转换AVI至Standard MPEG-2 支持转换AVI至MPEG-2, 超级VCD(SVCD) 支持转换AVI至MPEG-2 with DVD extensions(DVD) 支持ASF, WMV, RM, RMVB, MPEG1, MPEG2, Divx(MPEG4) 转换至AVI 支持AVI, MPEG1, VCD, ASF, WMV, RM, QuickTime MOV 转换至RMVB 支持ASF, WMV, MPEG1, MPEG2, AVI 转换至 Divx(MPEG4) 支持转换QuickTime MOV MP4至AVI 支持转换Flash SWF至AVI 支持显示多媒体文件的信息 支持预览,所见即所得的转换方式 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 8. REAL格式文件压缩至尊 V3.70 「Real 格式文件压缩至尊」是「田雨软件工作室」赠送给各位喜欢将 DVD、VCD、CD 压缩成 Real Media (.RM)文件格式的广大网友们的礼物~他是「Real Prodecer」 软件的辅助功能增强工具。您可以将 DVD 的VOB文件,VCD 内的 .DAT、MPG、以及avi、vob、wav、mpg、mpeg、dat、mp1、mp2、mp3、au、qt、mov、wma 等文件格式通过本软件压缩成.RM文件格式,配合「VOBSUB」软件还可以压缩DVD字幕(软件内附DVD及其字幕压缩教程),同时本软件还提供批量转换功能,转换完毕关闭计算机,RM文件合并,CD 转 RA 等功能,这是史无前例的,也是本软体的特点之一。“CD数字抓音轨输出RA”,是本软件首家提供的非常实用的功能之一~您可以把它用作您的音乐网站搞试听之用,以往需要将cd抓成mp3或wav格式,然后才可以转换成rm,现在有了本软件,就可一步完成了。COOL ~同时还支持RM文件的合并功能~ 9. TMPGEnc V2.58.44.152 汉化版 TMPGEnc 是日本人堀浩行开发的一套MPEG编码/工具软件,支持VCD、SVCD、DVD等各种格式。该软件不光生成的MPEG文件的图象质量非常好,而且还是免费软件。 10. RealProducer V8.5.1 Plus 汉化补丁(第二版) 由 Real 公司官方出品的新一代 Real 格式音频、视频文件制作软件,它可将 Wav、Mov、Avi、Au、Mpeg 等多媒体文件压制成 Real 影音流媒体文件(rmvb、ra、rm、ram...),以利网络上的传送与播放,支持 Real8、Real9 、Real10 、Real11 格式。还可以对压缩的 Real 格式文件进行剪裁、设定多种采样率等,是最专业、最强大的 Real 格式媒体制作工具,而development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 且即使是新手也非常容易上手。附带的 Real 媒体编辑器更是可以切割、合并 Real 媒体文件或修改剪辑信息,非常方便。其压缩速度不是最快的,但压缩质量绝对是最好的。而且即使是菜鸟也非常容易上手。 11. RealFactory V7.20 简体中文版 Rm,Ra格式制作必备~该软件能够直接把MPG,MPEG,DAT,AVI,MP3,WAV等常见多媒体格式转换成为用于网络传输使用的RM,RA格式,直接支持DVD文件直接转换,本版本新加入VBR高清晰压缩技术处理,全面支持本地摄像头录制,新加入的监视台可以在您转换文件或者录制视频时,实时的观看到效果。相信您曾经也与我一样直接从光碟上拖下不少喜爱的多媒体文件吧,可是随着这些文件的增加,您的硬盘空间可要告急了,当然如果您不在乎空间当然可以不需要这个软件,如果您的硬盘已经被它占了太多,我就来帮助吧~我可以控制输出文件的视频分辨率,视频格式直接音频抓轨输出音频格式,支持自定义传输速率,支持批量处理,支持所有文件转换完成后自动关机,支持音乐提示,提供语音提示功能,支持输入出文件的版权、作者、摘要 等信息的编辑;最新支持本地硬件直接录制功能。只要您的计算机上有声卡,就可以任意录制Ra文件,录制时间不限,最主要的是录制后的文件体积非常小,适合长时 间的录制,适合录制谈话的内容。如果您的计算机上有视频采集卡就更妙了,可以直接把来自电视、VCD、摄影机等输入设备的内容,直接做成RM文件,做自己的MTV,也尝尝做导演的滋味吧。总之,它可以让您做属于自己的一切;最新支持CD音频抓轨,直接把您CD上的精典曲目按您的意愿输出RA格式文件,自动识别普通光碟,可以把普通光碟上的MTV文件抓轨成RA音频文件;支持RealMedia文件的编辑,您可以随意把两个RealMedia文件连接在一起,可以随意从RealMedia文件中截取某一段精采片段出来,支持RealMedia文件的属性更新等太多功能啦; 最新支持给RealMedia 文件加development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 入事件,适合商业或广告领域使用。 12. Rm压缩器 V2.7.0.1 加强版 本软件可以实现多媒体文件的大比例压缩,使您的硬盘成为海量多媒体库。同时,本软件具有输出文件大小预算功能,让用户未压缩先知道其预计输出大小,为控制其大小可调节音频或总压缩速率选项。精确的剩余时间计算功能,让用户可以预知其剩余压缩时间。 13. TMPGEnc Plus V2.520.54.163 简体中文版 TMPGEnc 是日本人堀浩行开发的一套MPEG编码/工具软件,支持VCD、SVCD、DVD等各种格式。该软件不光生成的MPEG文件的图象质量非常好,而且还是免费软件。 14. Amigo Easy Video Converter V4.5.7 Amigo Easy Video Converter 是一个容易使用功能强大的视频文件转换工具,程序可以帮助你快速的将所收藏的视频文件转换为不同的多媒体视频文件格式,支持将AVI转换为DIVX,MPEG,VCD,SVCD,DVD,WMV,ASF等文件格式,将MPEG转换为AVI或者DIVX,或者将MPEG视频文件在PAL和NTSC两种文件格式中进行互相转换,另外程序还支持将JPEG,BMP等图片文件格式转换为AVI视频文件格式的操作! 15. RM to AVI MPEG WMV VCD SVCD DVD Converter V2.9 功能强大,易于使用的用来转换RM格式文件到AVI、WMV、VCD、DVD和SVCD格式的工具。支持批量转换RM和RMVB文件到AVI、DVD、VCD、SVCD、MPEG格式;支持NTSL/PAL制式;可选择AVI视频编码方式和在导出DVD、VCD、SVCD、MPEG格式development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 时使用的制式;支持比例调整;支持指定导出文件大小;输入输出预览;支持界面皮肤;支持高质量的音频;支持无声的RM文件;为奔3、4和AMD的Athlon处理器优化了性能。 16. MP4/RM转换专家 V2.85 Build 390 白金版 《MP4/RM转换专家》是梦幻科技的又一优秀专业力作,MP4/RM转换专家支持将各种常见视频格式转换导出为MP4、AVI、RM和RMVB格式,其采用全新的国际一流解压技术,转换质量和速度一流。MP4/RM转换专家是全面重点针对MP4、AVI、RM和RMVB这几种格式的专业设置转换工具。在MP4、AVI格式上,不但支持各系统视频压缩器,包括DivX、XviD等MPEG4视频压缩器,还支持众多软件自带的音频压缩器,包括PCM、MP3、ADPCM、ALAW、ULAW、GSM等,其中MP3音频压缩器更允许用户自定义音频比特率,让制作后的MP4或压缩AVI应用更加广泛,比如应用到MP4的各种硬件移动设备。在RM、RMVB格式方面,软件不但能够支持导出各种带宽情况下的RM/RMVB视频文件,还支持Pocket PC、手机移动设备等的兼容RM格式,让您获得更全面的RM、RMVB文件成为可能~对于以上各格式的转换,软件均支持切割部分时间的转换形式,支持自定义视频分辨率,支持批量添加、批量修改和批量转换处理,也允许您在最终视频的具体位置打上自己半透明的个性显示图片~ 17. 网络多媒体梦工场 2005 V4.20 该软件是一套功能全面的媒体处理、播放、管理工具,能将DVD、VCD、CD、MP3光盘上的内容通过压缩以十分之一甚至百分之一的大小保存到电脑硬盘中,压缩生成Ra、Rm以及Rmvb文件,软件支持多光驱以及混合CD。 软件拥有丰富的Real文件编辑功能,包括批量合并,批量/单独项修改信息,平均切割,指定切割,插入事件,自动网页等等; 高效的development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 文件操作界面,媒体信息显示全面,美观易用,即使初学者也能轻松上手。 软件具有五大特色功能: 1、一键播放VCD/DVD功能,在纯净Win98环境下也能直接通过本软件播放整张DVD以及VCD和其它媒体文件,无需再安装播放器,支持播放左右声道以及AC3解码,支持保存包括Ram、M3u在内的播放格式; 2、预先读取媒体文件头信息计算压缩后的大小,精确无比,控制整批文件压缩输出大小轻松简单; 3、采用多媒体文件特征引擎自动记录浏览过的媒体文件以及VCD,MP3,DVD光碟,并生成索引特征库,使得软件的操作时间会随着使用时间的不断增长而不断加快,最大程度上减少以后读取硬盘和光盘的时间; 4、自动识别有错误存在的媒体文件,自动显示并加入文件的TAG信息到任务列表中; 5、允许保存压缩任务以及方案,以后需要重新压缩时直接添加就可以,无需再进行任何设置。4.2实现了一个文件一组独立压缩参数,方便用户进行不同情况下的批量压缩处理。 配合软件提供的其它工具,用户还可以进行摄像头录音录像、DVD切割、AVI切割等操作。 18. ez3GP 3gp视频转换 V3.0 ez3GP是一款可以批量将电脑里的avi,mpeg,wav,mp3,mov,mp4等格式转换为3gp格式的工具。时下很多手机都支持播放电影短片,3gp格式正是通用的手机短片格式。 ez3GP提供了方便的批量转换功能,不再需要人工一篇一篇的设置、转换。并且支持增加目录、全盘搜索等功能,很大的方便了用户的使用。 ez3GP的特点是:1 可一次处理多个视频文件,省却单一处理的繁琐操作。2 可处理整个目录,可以让ez3GP搜索整个目录甚至硬盘所有的视频文件,批量转换。3 提供拖放小窗口,用户可以把视频文件拖放到这个小窗口上即可完成转换工作。 新版中内嵌了Nokia Converter的核心部分,无需再单独下载Nokia安装程序,下载ez3GP安装包即可正常使用。 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 19. RM to AVI MPEG WMV VCD SVCD DVD Converter V2.9 汉化版 功能强大,易于使用的用来转换RM格式文件到AVI、WMV、VCD、DVD和SVCD格式的工具。支持批量转换RM和RMVB文件到AVI、DVD、VCD、SVCD、MPEG格式;支持NTSL/PAL制式;可选择AVI视频编码方式和在导出DVD、VCD、SVCD、MPEG格式时使用的制式;支持比例调整;支持指定导出文件大小;输入输出预览;支持界面皮肤;支持高质量的音频;支持无声的RM文件;为奔3、4和AMD的Athlon处理器优化了性能。 20. Batch Real Producer V1.5.3.1 简体中文版 一个批量RM文件生成器。采用全新的RealVideo9内核。与目前其他的Real9格式压缩器不同的是,BRP是调用Real9的内核来进行压缩,而不是调用Helix Producer Plus 9的命令行来实现压缩的。可以支持众多的文件格式。比如:avi、mpg、vob、dat(VideoCD file)等等,只要是采用微软公司的DirectShow接口就可以播放的媒体文件,基本都可以导入。具体的功能有:可以设定压缩列表,软件按照列表自动顺序压缩。可以选择压缩完成后自动关机,便于长时间无人运行。 带看门狗功能:如果因为源文件有错导致压缩引擎死锁,180秒后系统自动终止当前文件的压缩(终止过程约需20,40秒),开始压缩列表中的下一个文件。 内部采用经验参数进行设定,用户可以在不设定任何参数的情况下压缩出高质量的RealMedia文件。 21. Real10 压缩器 V1.0 简体中文版 Real10压缩器1.0新增功能:1、编码器升级为RealProducer Plus 10正式版本) 2、更名为Real10压缩器1.0 功能: 1、支持批量压缩;2、支持多种压缩效果;3、调整输出视频的分辩率;4、支持多种格式,从dat,mpeg,avi,mp3,wmv,asf,等等都统杀,并且development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 支持vousub,可把中文字幕压入电影,而且支持环绕立体声;5、具我所知,是目前唯一一个支持Real10正式版的编码软件。 22. DVD转换专家 V3.1 Build 140 白金版 《DVD转换专家》是一款世界一流级别的功能超强且专业的DVD转换工具。DVD转换专家可以将DVD转换为VCD/SVCD/MPEG1/MPEG2/AVI等流行格式,其中AVI格式不只支持压缩AVI,也支持DivX/XviD或MPEG4等视频解码器和Lame mp3等音频解码器转换的压缩AVI。DVD转换专家支持众多CPU指令优化系统,让您拥有更快的转换速度。同时其超强兼容各种制式的DVD碟片,支持DVD字幕转换、DVD角度转换、DVD音轨转换(包括杜比环绕和AC3输出)、音量增益、字幕偏移、画面切割等高级功能,同时更支持容量自动限制分割转换或章节批量转换等人性化功能,让您享受最强大的功能和最高的画质~ 23. WinAVI Video Converter V7.1 Final WinAVI Video Converter 是专业的视频编、解码软件。界面非常漂亮,简单易用。该软件支持包括AVI、MPEG1/2/4、VCD/SVCD/DVD、DivX、XVid、ASF、WMV、RM在内的几乎所有视频文件格式。自身支持VCD/SVCD/DVD烧录。支持AVI->DVD、AVI->VCD、AVI->MPEG、AVI->MPG、AVI->WMV、DVD->AVI、及视频到AVI/WMV/RM的转换。在Pentium III 450以上的平台中,使用者能够在2个小时内完成AVI到DVD的编、解码转换。你收集了大量AVI电影,用它也许是最合适的。 24. RM文件制作精灵 V2.0 RM文件制作精灵主要功能:一:批量制作RM文件。(支持VBR动态视频,还可自定义development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 输出视窗大小。)二:批量修改RM文件内信息。『注意:是批量修改,特别适合电影/音乐等网站』三:RM文件批量更名 。『根据文件内信息,批量文件改名』四:批量合并/剪切 RM文件。『注意:是批量合并/剪切』上面是主要的功能,下面具体说几点:软件支持拖拽操作,不论在什么地方,只有你想拖拽。而且还有过滤功能。比如编辑RM文件的时候,你拖入许多文件到软件,它就会自动过滤掉非RM的文件。批量修改RM文件内信息,可以将RM文件内的作者,版权等信息修改成您的内容,而且是批量。批量剪切,是用您设定好的“首,尾”时间,自动套用到列表中的所有文件里,以进行批量的文件剪切。带看门狗功能:如果因为源文件有错误导致压缩引擎死锁,系统压缩列表中的下一个文件。 完成后再给你总览:在什么时间,什么情况下遇到的什么错误。如果这个文件正在压缩,而你又不想再压缩了,按快捷键“T”如果会自动暂停当前文件,而进行下一个文件的压缩。还可以保存您的使用习惯,文件信息及相关内容。(见软件“选项” 按钮) 25. RealProducer Plus V10.0.0.545 汉化补丁 由 Real 公司官方出品的新一代 Real 格式音频、视频文件制作软件,它可将 Wav、Mov、Avi、Au、Mpeg 等多媒体文件压制成 Real 影音流媒体文件(rmvb、ra、rm、ram...),以利网络上的传送与播放,支持 Real8、Real9 和 Real10 格式。还可以对压缩的 Real 格式文件进行剪裁、设定多种采样率等,是最专业、最强大的 Real 格式媒体制作工具,而且即使是新手也非常容易上手。附带的 Real 媒体编辑器更是可以切割、合并 Real 媒体文件或修改剪辑信息,非常方便。其压缩速度不是最快的,但压缩质量绝对是最好的。 26. RealPlayer之狗友(RealDog) V1.0.0.1 Build 011005 RealPlayer之狗友是由RealFox的作者精心制作的一款体积小巧功能强大的批量媒体压缩工development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 具,它能够帮助你将整批整批的媒体文件压缩成为RM文件。用过以后您一定会惊讶,原来压缩RM竟可以这样简单方便~RealDog具有许多友善的能力,能够极大的简化您的操作,即使是初级用户也能很快的使用它来压缩RM,而各种高级设置能力也保证了高级用户能够根据自己的需要调节每一个细微的参数。RM压缩中会涉及到许多的压缩参数的设置,这是最让压缩者望而却步的东西了,然而RealDog在这方面为用户提供了尽量方便和简化的操作,RealDog提供了数套经过长期检验的优化过的预设压缩格式,只要选择一个预定义的格式,RealDog将会自动设置所有的参数,用户可以从繁琐的参数设置中摆脱出来了。RealDog会在真正压缩RM之前提供一个压缩参数指导和一个压缩信息的预测,使您能够在压缩之前就了解到自己所选用的参数到底能够压缩出什么样的文件来,是否能够用最小的代价得到最佳的图像品质,将会花多长时间来压缩,压缩比有多少等等。RealDog提供压缩工作的日志,通过它您就可以了解到以前每一次压缩的详细信息,您可以在任何时候查阅日志来了解压缩过程中出现的各种问题。RealDog还提供压缩任意非标准流量RM媒体的能力,您可以根据需要设定像250Kbps、300Kbps等非标准的流量设置来满足您的特殊压缩要求。RealDog有智能压缩时间估计系统,能够让您了解压缩将会花费的时间,以便决定您利用这些时间来做些什么事。您可以指定RealDog在压缩完毕以后关机,这样压缩完全不需要您在旁边守着,您可以放心的去睡觉了。RealDog内含一个RM编辑器,通过它您能够实现RM剪切,合并,编辑信息等操作。还有许多细小的体贴用户的设置这里就不详述了,您在使用中一定会体会到作者的细心的: ) 27. VCDGear V3.55 (GUI) 汉化版 VCDGear 是制作 MPEG4 的必备工具,用于将 VCD 影片 DAT 文件转换为 MPEG 文件,已备再用 FlaskMpeg 或 VirtualDub 制作 MPEG4 影片。此外,它还可以将 CUE、BIN、development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre RAW、CIF、NRG、 MPEG、DAT 等格式的文件进行相互转换,若是MPEG影像中含有错误,也可以加以修正。 28. #1 Video Converter V4.1.3 #1 Video Converter 是一款功能强大的视频文件转换工具,程序可以帮助你快速的将各种常见的视频文件转换为AVI,MPEG,VCD,SVCD,DVD,WMV,ASF等格式的视频文件,程序不仅仅友好的界面,强大的视频转换功能,还具有高速的视频转换速度~ 29. RealProducer V10.0 Basic 是一个针对网上用户的工具,当然你也可以将自己保存的音频或视频文件为*.rm格式,由于rm格式的编码比MP3的压缩量还要大,所以可以得到更小的磁盘占用空间。而在回放质量上,rm与MP3之间的差别并不是很显著。在媒体格式文件转换方面,RealProducer提供了非常适合初级用户使用的Wizard方式操作,用户只要选择需要转换的文件,然后设置相关参数,即可完成压缩转换操作,极为简单。而除提供转换功能外,RealProducer还提供了直接将硬盘中的rm格式媒体文件制作为网页功能,提供即时发布本机中的Real Media文件到网站功能,给用户提供了很多方便。 RealProducer的强大功能还表现在直接创建转换文件的HTML格式文件和传送制作的HTML网页文件到网络服务器上发布功能,这项功能非常适合网页制作者使用。 30. Blaze Media Pro V6.1 Blaze Media Pro 是一款造型新颖,功能齐全的多媒体工具,它支持几乎所有的音频、视频格式及其播放列表(MP3、MP2、ASF、MPG、MPEG、MPE、AVI、WMA、WMV、VIV、development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre MOV、QT、WAV、CDA、DAT、ASX、WAX、M3U、WVX、MIDI、AIFF、AU、SND),能进行常见格式间的转换(CD->WAV、CD->MP3、CD->WMA、WAV->MP3、MP3->WAV、WAV->WMA、WMA->WAV、WAV->CD、WAV解码转换以及MPEG、AVI、Multi-Page TIFF和FLIC之间的互转),此外它能对各种多媒体格式进行 Amplify、Null Amplitude、 Insert/Delete Silence、Fade In/Out、Invert、Normalize、Reverse、Echo、Stretch、Merge to Stereo 并支持视频、音频设备的输入、输出~如此多的功能有没有看晕掉,还有更多的体贴功能没有列出,而最爽的是试用版仅仅把 WAV->CD 去掉了。 31. Smart Video Converter V1.5.42 Smart Video Converter 是一个功能强大的视频转换、合并及切割工具。支持的文件格式有MPEG1 (VCD) ,MPEG2 (SVCD), MPEG2 (DVD), AVI (Divx, Xvid, MPEG4)等。另外,Smart Video Conver development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre
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