
普通话水平测试 最后一题

2017-10-23 25页 doc 68KB 73阅读




普通话水平测试 最后一题普通话水平测试 最后一题 我的愿望 每个人都有愿望,我也是。而且我的愿望不止一个,因为在不同的年龄阶段,经历不同,想法就会不同。在我很小还没开始上学的时候,我看见邻居家的哥哥姐姐们每天背着花花绿绿的书包一起去上学,可羡慕了,那时我的愿望就是快点上学,因为上学爸爸也会给我买漂亮的书包。上中学的时候,我迷上了电视剧,但是只有周末放假回家才能看,那时我的愿望就是教室里摆放着一台电视,一下课我们就打可以看电视,而且老师也不管我们。上了高中,有了高考的压力,那时我的愿望就是每天都能进步一点儿,等到高考的时候把所有的东西都弄懂。现在我...
普通话水平测试 最后一题
普通话水平测试 最后一题 我的愿望 每个人都有愿望,我也是。而且我的愿望不止一个,因为在不同的年龄阶段,经历不同,想法就会不同。在我很小还没开始上学的时候,我看见邻居家的哥哥姐姐们每天背着花花绿绿的书包一起去上学,可羡慕了,那时我的愿望就是快点上学,因为上学爸爸也会给我买漂亮的书包。上中学的时候,我迷上了电视剧,但是只有周末放假回家才能看,那时我的愿望就是教室里摆放着一台电视,一下课我们就打可以看电视,而且老师也不管我们。上了高中,有了高考的压力,那时我的愿望就是每天都能进步一点儿,等到高考的时候把所有的东西都弄懂。现在我如愿上了大学,远离了父母,这时我的愿望是希望在远方的父母能够身体健康,天天开心。回想起我有过的这些愿望,我发现,人越长大,心里的牵挂就越多,小时候只关注自己感受,而现在则会担心自己的家人和朋友,我想这就是成长吧。 我的学习生活 今年我读大二,不知不觉我已经读了一年半的大学了,还记得刚进大学校园的我,对即将到来的大学生活是既憧憬又忐忑。憧憬是因为对大学充满了期待,我渴望在大学里收获知识和朋友并且不断地提高自己的社会能力。忐忑是因为我不知道我能否很快的融入新的集体,能不能和同学、室友相处的融洽,能不能如我所愿的提高自己各方面能力。就怀着这既憧憬又忐忑的心情开始了我的大学生活。时至今日,我的大学生活已经过了一年多,现在我的学习生活和当初的想法既有一样的地方也有不一样的。这一年的学习生活中,我确实收获了朋友,也提高了部分能力。但是我却没有收获到太多的知识,不是因为学校的老师教的不好,而是我自己荒废了时间,上课不积极思考回答问题,也不和老师互动,课后更没有阅读相关书籍,总之,根本没注重学习,所以,到现在才猛然发现自己学了一年竟然什么都没学到,不禁感到后怕,要是我再这样荒废学业,将来一定走不上工作岗位,因为没有那个单位会愿意要一个专业知识不扎实的员工。所以,我已经下定决心,在接下来的学习生活中,一定要抓紧时间。努力学好专业知识,为将来工作打下扎实的基础。 我尊敬的人 要问我这个世界上我最尊敬的人是谁,我会毫不犹豫的说是我的爸爸,不是因为他是我爸爸,而是他是一个值得尊重的人。爸爸的文化程度不高,只读到初中,但是就是他交给我最基本的做人的道理。爸爸很孝顺爷爷奶奶,一般的父母有什么好东西可能最先就给自己的孩子了,但是爸爸却是最先给爷爷奶奶,无论做什么事情,他都是最先考虑爷爷奶奶。他说百行孝为先,只要一个人不孝顺自己的父母,无论他多有地位、为社会做了做大的贡献,他都不是一the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 个值得尊重的人。爸爸的孝顺在我们家乡是很出名的,都说现在这个社会还有这样的孝子还真是难得,这是我最尊敬爸爸的地方。爸爸的人缘好,这也是我很尊敬的地方,爸爸说人是生活在社会关系中的,任何人都不可能孤立的生活在世上,要是处不好人际关系的话,一定会生活的很难受。人与人之间是相互的,你要是对别人以诚相待,那别人也一定会同等的对待你…..爸爸可尊敬的地方还有很多,比如热心助人、重感情,等等。我就是这样一个人,我怎么会不尊敬呢, 我喜爱的动物 每个人可能都有自己喜欢的动物,最常见的就是喜欢猫和狗,我最喜欢的是狗。我们家以前养过几次狗,所以就顺其自然的喜欢上了狗,狗是最通人性的,每次我去上学的时候,它都会跟着我走好长好长的路,知道我三番五次的赶它走,它才会跑回家去。而当周末回家的时候,还离家有几百米,它就听到我的声音,已经摇着尾巴欢欢喜喜的跑着来接我了,看到我,一个劲的摇着尾巴,耳朵也往后拉,前腿翘起来一直在我身上蹭,那个样子真是可爱极了,我总会把它抱起来和他玩,一回到家赶紧放下,因为妈妈说狗身上有虫子,不准我抱。可是只要妈妈不在的时候,我都会抱着狗狗。可惜那么可爱的一只狗,在我读高二的时候得了病死了,当我听到这个消息之后,我哭了。此后,因为我们家搬到了城里,再也没有养过狗了。可但是我时常都会想起以前那只狗。 童年的记忆 童年,是一个熟悉得不能再熟悉的字眼,我们每一个人都是从童年走过来的。而且在不断地成长过程中我们都会不断地回忆。我的童年是在农村度过的,记忆中的是童年是快乐的、无忧无虑的。那时和我同岁的有五六个孩子,一起上学、一起放学、一起玩耍。我们最喜欢玩的就是扮老师的游戏,在学校偷偷的那一两支粉笔,回家后大家聚在一起,一个人当老师,在墙上写字、画画,手里还拿着树枝,一边指着墙上的字,一边教小朋友读,还学老师说话,学得还像模象样的,我记得那时我们都是争着要当老师。结果整面墙的下面都写满了歪歪扭扭的字。这么多年过去了,墙上的字竟然还在,现在想起觉得真的很傻,但是当时确实给我们很多的乐趣。每个人都有童年,虽然不尽相同,但是无疑都是美好的、快乐的、最无忧无虑的,最值得怀念的。 我喜爱的职业 小时候,父母和老师都喜欢问我们,长大了最想做什么工作。那时候听到的最多的可能就是科学家、政治家、宇航员、医生等等。其实当时什么也不懂,因为听到别的小朋友都这样说,所以也跟着瞎起哄。长大了,有一段时间我真的很迷茫,不知道我喜欢的职业是到底the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 是什么。直到误打误撞的进入学了师范专业,慢慢的才喜欢上教师这个职业。教师,我觉得是一份神圣的职业,首先老师是知识的传递者,做老师的都是很不得将自己所知道的知识全部都交给自己的学生,每当学生有什么问题,他们总是竭尽所能的为他们解答,试问天下还有哪份职业还会这样呢,他们都有“教会了徒弟就抢了师傅的饭碗“这样的想法,所以做师傅的都会留着一招。可是这种事绝对不会在老师身上发生,这就是我觉得老师这个职业最神奇的地方,也是我喜欢教师这分职业最主要的原因。其次是从现实的角度来看,教师这分职业相对来说比较稳定,而且我觉得我的性格不太适合其他的职业。 我的朋友 人不是孤立的活在世上的,而是活在错综复杂的社会关系中的。我们每个人都有朋友,而且有很多朋友,我也是,在不同的阶段有不同的朋友,小学有小学时期的朋友,中学有中学时期的朋友,大学有大学时期的朋友。而且朋友们也是来自四面八方的有的就是我们家乡的,有的则是城里的,还有的是外省的。每到一个新的地方都会结实新的朋友,随着时间的推移,有的朋友就很少联系了甚至失去联系。但是也总会有那么两三个无论走多远都会保持紧密的联系。我的一个好朋友,是初中认识的,我们只是初中三年同班,高中和大学都不再一个学校,但是我们始终都保持着联系直到现在。我想这可能与我们的境遇和性格爱好有关吧,我们都是在生活和学习中所遇到的问题总是很相似,所以我们经常在一起交流,而且我们都是比较内向的女孩子,性格也很像,再加上我们都喜欢同一个电影明星,这就更就是这些原因,使我们做了将近7年的好朋友。而我也很珍惜这个朋友,我希望和她一辈子都是好朋友。 难忘的旅行 旅行,在现代这个社会中已经不再是一个新鲜的词,只要一放假大大小小的城市都挤满了人。我也短途旅行过几次,最令我难忘的旅行是到阆中的那一次。阆中是我国四大古城之一,虽然不及山西平遥、云南丽江和安徽歙县那么有名,但是在我看来也是别有一番风味。阆中最主要的景点就是它的古城,它的古城是全国保存最完好的四座古城之一,盘棋式的古城格局,融南北风格于一体的建筑群,让人领略了历史的气息。古城的建筑古色古香,很多人因势利导,在古城里卖其地方特色的小吃来,最好吃的要数牛肉面了,真不愧是阆中的特产,它和其他任何地方的牛肉面都不一样,很独特,我也不知道具体怎样形容,但是真的是非常非常好吃,而且价格还很便宜,二两面才5块钱。阆中的特产还有保宁错,我回来的时候还专门买了一瓶,每次煮面都会加一点儿。阆中之行是最令我难忘的旅行,它的建筑、它的小吃,等等都有让我再去一次的冲动。 谈谈卫生与健康 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 卫生与健康,我想是有必然的联系的,一个注意卫生的人一定比一个不注意卫生的人健康许多。从小我们的父母都教育我们要注意卫生,比如不要咬指甲,不要吃地上捡的东西,饭前便后要洗手等等,这都是父母为了我们的健康着想。长大了我们不再需要父母的的叮咛就知道要注意卫生,衣服要勤换洗,勤洗澡,勤剪指甲、饭前便后要洗手;、每天晚上都要洗脸洗脚刷牙之后再睡觉。路边摊的烧烤啊什么的虽然味道很好,但是必须少吃,最好是不吃,因为那些东西摆在路边,行人和车辆来来往往的,不知道上面有多少灰尘,而且你根本就不知道些东西有没有洗干净。只有当我们生病了,才知道健康的重要性,那时才真正的体会到“身体是革命的本钱”,有的有钱人得病了,他们有钱治病,而且要多少有多少,但就是治不好,那是他们欲哭无泪。其实这些是可以预防的呃,只要我们从小事做起,平时就注意卫生,养成良好的生活习惯,虽然不一定能完全杜绝病魔,但至少我们的病的机会就会小很多很多,那我们何乐而不为呢, 我的业余生活(我的假日生活) 我的业余(假日)生活比较单调,不想他们那样丰富多彩,出去逛街、看电影、野炊、去唱歌。我的业余生活一般都是做三件事,一件事泡图书馆,上了大学,同学们都是来自四面八方,他们有的是来自发达地区,教育比较先进,涉猎广泛,什么都知道,而我来自教育落户的山区,每每和他们说话,总让我感到力不从心,我深深感到和他们的差距。所以我喜欢上图书馆,徜徉在书海里,丰富自己贫瘠的大脑,不断提高自己,缩小和同学的差距。另一件事就是在寝室上网,我觉得网络真的是个很神奇的东西,你可以在网上了解一切想要了解的东西,它可以让我与时俱进,让我能很快的了解社会的发展动态,了解这个城市甚是全国、全世界正在发生的事情。我觉得现在的时代用“地球村”来形容一点都不夸张。第二件事就是做家教,我读的是师范专业,将来总会走上教师这个职业,我觉得做家教是最适合我做的兼职,能够在大学期间积累一些教学的经验,并且能让我不断的反省自己,看看哪个部分的专业知识还不扎实,需要进一步强化,除此之外,家教还能有一份收入,能减轻一些父母的负担,这是一举两得之事,这就是我的业余生活,虽然不够丰富多彩,但是却很踏实。 学习普通话的体会 在没有学习普通话时,感觉自己在同学间普通话说的算是不错了,但是直到我上了第一堂普通话培训课后,我意识到我的普通话并不好,甚是有很多毛病。后来又学习了几堂普通话之后有了一些体会。要学好普通话,首先,我觉得首先就要掌握正确的发音部,平常可以多练习一下,而且平时说话最好要有意识的说普通话,并且在说的过程中就要注意发音,要及时的改正,这样效果会好很多。第二,我觉得可以多看看新闻啊什么的,因为播音员说的普通the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 话都是及的,多听肯定会对自己的发音会有好处的。还有一个体会就是,应该多记,有的字在特殊的情况下是另一种读音,那么我们就要及这这个特殊的,最好记在本上,免得忘记,有机会就翻一下。其实我觉得要说好普通话最关键的就是要说,只要多说,普通话一定也会有进步的。这几堂普通话的学习,使我受益非浅。上课用普通话,课下和同学朋友交流也尽量使用普通话,自我感觉我的普通话水平在不断提高。 我喜爱的季节 春季、夏季、秋季和冬季,这四个季节,每个人都有自己喜欢的季节,很多人喜欢春天,因为春天是万物复苏、春暖花开的季节;很多人喜欢秋天,因为秋天是收获的季节,而我喜欢大雪纷飞、银光素裹的冬季。我最喜欢冬天的大雪,雪纷纷扬扬的下,落在树上、落在房顶上、落在行人的头上、落在小孩的书包上。万物都被白雪包裹着,有一句很有名的诗,就是形容大雪的,就是“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”我觉得没有大雪的冬天是不完美的冬天,刚来成都的那年冬天第一次下雪,整个学校沸腾了,同学们都兴奋的不得了,全部都跑出去看雪,我当时很惊讶,大学不是很常见的事吗,怎么会引起那么大的轰动,后来才知道,原来很多同学从来没见过下雪。因为他们的家乡从来不下雪,那时我才知道,原来我是多么的幸福,每年都可以看见我的最喜欢的大雪,这不是很幸福的一件事吗, 谈谈服饰 服饰,这是我们每天都要接触到的,没有人会裸奔。人们常常说:“人要衣装,佛要金装”从这就可以看出,服饰对于人真的很重要。而在现代社会,服饰对人更有很深的影响。一谈到服饰,可能大家的第一反应就是名牌,其实我真的觉得穿衣服一定要追求名牌,名牌确实质量都会比较好,而且穿着能让人感觉很自豪,但是名牌一般都很贵,不是每个人都买的起的,而且不是每个人都适合穿名牌的,最重要的还是适合自己,穿衣服不一味的跟风,穿出自己的风格才是最令人眼前一亮的。每个人都有自己的个性特点、气质和风格,我们应该根据自己的特点风格和气质来选择穿什么,来选择适合自己的服饰,其实这也真的是一门学问,只有在不同的场合穿着最适合的服饰,穿最适合自己个性的服饰,才会给人以和谐的美感。有些人虽然穿着一身漂亮的衣装,可是脸上呈现的却是一副无精打采,或心事重重的样子,走起路也没点儿精神,那样将会破坏整体的美感,衣装要与心情、气质相配合,不要只重衣服而没有了气质。还有就是要在合适的时间,地点穿合适的衣服。如果说是参加比赛或者考试,如果穿着短裤,拖鞋,就太没有涵养了,要是我是考官的话,一定首先就淘汰掉他。如果你穿着可爱的迷你裙去郊游或去爬山,不但不方便也会引人嘲笑的的。爱美之心人皆有之,追求美丽没有错,穿漂亮服饰也没错,但是我想人服饰都只能祈祷服饰作用,无论穿得多么漂亮,打扮得多么花枝招展,最终要赢得人尊重的还是你的人,不是你的服饰。 我喜爱的文学艺术形式 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 文学艺术,很多人一听就觉得是高深的东西,感觉可望不可即。其实不是这样的,文学离我们很近很近,我们每天都在说话,可能有时候还会蹦出几个成语,几句诗,其实这就是文学艺术了。我不是才女,对文学艺术也不是特别了解,更别说是精通了。学了这么多年的语文,也接触了很多的文学艺术形式,比如散文、诗歌。而我最喜欢的即使诗歌,诗歌是最古老、诗歌是世界上最古老、最基本的文学形式,是一种阐述心灵的文学体裁,而诗人则需要掌握成熟的艺术技巧,并按照一定的音节、声调和韵律的要求,用凝练的语言、充沛的情感以及丰富的意象来高度集中地表现社会生活和人类精神世界。而诗歌最吸引我的地方即使他的凝练和优美,一句诗就那几个字,甚至一首诗也不过短短几十字,但就是这短短的字,通过印记、声调和韵律的把把握就可以成为一首富有意境的诗,甚至连几百字几千字的文章都比它苍白。就拿几乎所有人都很熟悉的李白的《静夜思》吧,|“床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡”短短二十个字,就将主人公思念家乡的神态活灵活现的展现在我们的面前,同时让我们很简单的就理解了主人公当时的感情。而且读起来朗朗上口,很容易就背出来了。诗歌,这是多么伟大的一种文学艺术形式啊~ 我的成长之路 在我的成长的道路上,我的妈妈对我的影响最大~我的妈妈已经是40多岁的人了,她没读过几年书,和其他平凡的母亲一样,以最朴实的方式来教导着她的孩子。当我做错事的时候,母亲便会用她那明亮的双眼盯着我,使我不敢正视她,因为我明白,母亲这样看着我,是在告诉我下次别再犯同样的错误。啊~妈妈的眼睛是对我忠实的警告。当我失败的时候,是母亲以一双温暖的手将我从失败的魔掌中扶起来,鼓励我继续努力,不可灰心。所以,我做事不曾半途而废,也从不因失败而气馁过,因为母亲曾教我失败是成功之母。 当我成功的时候,母亲便会教导我不可骄傲,要我再接再厉,以后要更加努力学习,认真对待每一件事情,这样才能成为建设祖国的有用人才,所以我不曾为一点小成就而骄傲,因为母亲曾教我自满是成功的敌人。当临出门上学的时候,母亲总叮嘱我过马路要小心,上课不可心不在焉,学习要认真,母亲的教导是我一生的座右铭。 我的妈妈虽然平凡,可是在我的成长的道路上,她却扮演了一个重要的角色,让我健康茁壮(zhuo~zhuang)的成长~ 谈谈科技发展与社会生活 若要问当什么对当今社会生活影响最大,人们一定毫不犹豫的说是科技发展,从二十世纪计算机的问世到21世纪因特网的普及,科技已经深深的影响着我们的日常生活,在经济社会发展扮演着不可或缺的角色。现在手机、电脑等以前我们觉得昂贵的奢侈品已经逐渐步入寻常百姓家,成为我们生活的必需品。特别是农村,就说十年前吧,农村中最昂贵的电器可能就是电视机,而且大多数都是黑白的,谁家里要是有彩色电视机,都会引来被人的羡慕的。而现呢,谁家里没有彩电,很多都还是液晶的,洗衣机、冰箱,一应俱全,有的家庭已经安装了空调了。我就生在农村,这都是我亲眼见到的。只不过十年时间,农村的景象变化如此之快,这些社会生活的改变都是科技发展带给人们的,很多时候人们都会感叹,哎呀,这变the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 化太快了。“科学技术是第一生产力”这话真是一点儿没错~科技的发展让人类的生活更便利手机和电脑已经成为了人们生活中必不可少的东西,有了手机,即使亲戚朋友在万里之外,也能马上取得联系,有了电脑,全世界刚刚发生的事,我们立刻就能知道。但是在科学技术带来方便的同时,也带来了一些烦恼和忧虑。比如我们与电脑长时间亲密的接触,给面部,眼睛带来了辐射的伤害,所以我们在离开电脑后不可忘记仔细的清洁肌肤,做眼保健操。另外,我们要对网络上的取其精华,弃起糟粕,拒绝进那些不健康的网站~ 我知道的风俗(我喜欢的节日) 每个国家都有自己的独特的风俗,我们中国也有很多,我知道的春节、元宵节、端午节、清明节、中秋节,重阳节.。春节是中国最热闹的节日,每年距春节还有一两个月的时候,人们就已经开始念叨了,而对于我们孩子来说,想过春节的原因是可以穿新衣服、可以吃好吃的、还可以走亲戚,收到很多红包。春节的前几天人们就开始准备了,即使平时再不喜欢出门的人到了那几天都会到集市上去看看,而那几天也是集市上人最多、最热闹的日子,所以做生意的人都会在那几天储备很多货物,因为生意会很好。还有其他乡的小商小贩也都会趁那几天赶到我们那个集市上卖东西。而到了正式的春节那天,大家都会留在家里,和家人一起过,即使集市上的商店那天也都会关门,因为他们也忙碌了一年,也想过过团圆的春节。人们穿上新衣服,煮上一锅好吃的,中午将近十二点的时候,家家户户都会放鞭炮。到了晚上,一家人通常都会围着一盆火,一边看着春节联欢晚会,一边嗑着瓜子,一边聊着天,春晚看饿了,还会每人煮上一碗汤圆,一直要等到十二点,这个叫守岁,十二点一道,家家户户都放弃了鞭炮,烟火,所有的鞭炮、烟火几乎都是同一时间点燃,声音震耳欲聋,所有的人都会走出来,真的是万人空巷~新年新气象,大家都盼着来年有更好的兆头~ 我所在的集体 没有人是孤立的活在世界上的,每个人都生活在集体中。对于我们学生来说,都是生活在班集体这个集体中的,从小学到中学到大学,我们所在的集体都在不断地变化,有的集体让我们生活的很愉快,离别的时候有总是依依不舍;而有的集体让我们生活的很压抑,当我们离开的时候让我们感觉很舒心。这两种集体我都遇到过。最让我印象深刻的就是高中时我所在的集体,它不像一个班级,而是一个是一个充满活力、团结互助、温暖快乐的大家庭。我所在的学校只是我们那个地区的一所普通中学,升学率不是很高,而且考大学都依靠我们那个重点班。可能一说到重点班,想到的就是教室里一片黑压压的人,都在埋头写作业,同学之间勾心斗角,学校的运动会也不参加,但是我们那个班刚好相反,是我们学校课外活动最积极的班级,运动会是一定少不了我们的,我们版的呃参赛选手在前面参赛,我们本庞大的拉拉队就站咋后面为他们加油助威~要是比赛成绩好,我们都特别开心,要是不好,我们都会一起掉眼泪。而我们版班的学习氛围也是全校最好的,同学们学习你追我赶,团结互助,成绩差的同学经常向好成绩的请教问题,好成绩的从来不担心会耽搁了自己宝贵的的学习时间,总是会耐心的讲解,知直到别人听懂了。好成绩同学之间也是相互讨论问题,从来不会the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 勾心斗角的。就是这样一个集体,最后我们班创造了我们学校的奇迹,全班五十多个人只有十多个同学没考上大学~我喜欢想这样的上进、温暖的这个大集体。 谈谈社会公德 法律是用来强制约束公民的社会公德的武器,但并不是所有的事情都能用法律来约束。这就需要社会公德了,社会公德作为人类社会生活中最起码、最简单的行为准则,人们的切身利益密切相关的,也对人们的社会生活具有特殊且广泛的社会作用。遵守社会公德只需要我们从小事做起,从身边的事做起。比如文明礼貌遵守社会公社会公共生活中人与人之间应该和谐相处,举止文明以礼相待。自觉杜绝说脏话、随便猜疑、欺骗他人等恶习。这是处世做人最起码的要求。又比如,助人为乐,在社会中,人与人之间应该团结友爱,相互关心,相互帮助。爱人者人恒爱之。现实生活中不可能人人都时时快乐、事事顺心,难免会遇到这样和那样的困难和问题,总有需要人帮助、救济的时候。这就需要人们之间互相帮助,扶危济困,乐善好施,以助为乐。又比如自觉保护环境,环境是我们大家的,环境的好坏取决于我们自己的做法,一个舒适、干净的环境,人们生活在里面身体健康、心情愉悦,所以,我们每个人都必须自觉地保护环境,这是关系我们自己切身利益的事。从现在开始,大家弯下腰捡一点垃圾,伸出手帮助一下弱小,只要发挥这么一点公德心,我们的明天定会更美好。 谈谈个人修养 修养这个词我们并不陌生,有时候我们在和朋友聊天的时候,可能都会谈到哎呀,某某真是有修养呀,或者是某某真是没教养。一个有修养的人一定是有魅力的人,个人修养是个人魅力的基础。人的魅力并不在于他长得有多漂亮或是多帅,也不是穿着名牌衣服,开着豪华奔驰。全身名牌,但是举手投足之间显得很没教养甚至粗话脏话连篇,这样的人是没有人喜欢的更得不到人们的尊重。所以,要是一个人长得不美又想吸引人的话就努力提高自己的个人修养吧,要是你想得到别人的尊重,那也请你提高自己的个人的修养吧~其实提高修养是一件很容易的事,只需要从身边的小事做起,比如,不说粗话脏话,要使用文明语言,不随地吐痰,垃圾要仍在垃圾箱里,不能随手就扔。还要随手捡起遇到的垃圾。看到教室灯没关、厕所的水龙头没关,随手就可以给关了。看见有同学遇到了麻烦,尽可能的帮助他们,同学生病了,可以亲切的问候安慰。等等,还有很多多,其实这些都是日常生活中很常见的事,很容易就做到了,就是举手投足之间的事儿。事儿虽然不大,但是却足以体现一个人的修养~我们是大学生,即将走出社会,社会不想学校这样单纯简单,要是个人修养太差,很可能你就被人们孤立,根本无法在社会上立足~因此,我们必须能够提高自己的修养,只有每个人的修养得到了提高,整个社会才可以算是真正发展起来了。 我喜欢的明星 每个人可能都有自己喜欢的明星,我也有我喜欢的明星,他就是中国内地男演员邓超。我之所以喜欢他是因为当时我喜欢看他演的《少年包青天第三部》,所以就爱屋及乌也喜欢上邓the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 超了,后来又看了他主演的《少年天子》才发现他是集演技派和偶像派于一身的演员,演少年天子的时候,邓超才刚刚大学毕业,可是,当时略带稚气的他却迸发出一种难能可贵的爆发力。贵为天子的顺治帝是一个在智慧强悍的母亲和跋扈阴郁的叔父阴影下长大的孩子,内心翻滚着暴虐、仁慈与胆怯的矛盾性格。从前半部的悲愤郁悒和激动抗争,到后半部的自责绝望与悲悯平静,邓超的演绎是如此富于张力,紧紧扣住观众的心神。在这部清装年度大戏中,邓超完全没有被一干老戏骨们淹没,反而是充分地在剧集里展露出自己独特的演技,将顺治帝隐忍,不甘于懦弱,但是却又无奈的短暂人生充分地挖掘了出来。尤其是当他在表现对于爱情的执着不忍时,更加入木三分,使得这部剧集多出了几分历史的厚重。看了这部电视剧,我深深地被邓超吸引了,因为他的演技实在是太好了,我觉得是内地年青演员中最出色的一个~ 我喜欢的书刊 每个人都有自己喜欢的书刊,我看过的书不多,但是我觉得我看过的书都是很有意义的,都是能给我带来很多的。而让我感触最深的就是知名作家路遥的《人生》 人生的时空背景是改革时期陕北高原的城乡生活。它以高中毕业生高加林回到土地又离开土地,再离开土地,再回到土地这样人生的变化过程构成其故事构架,而高加林同农村姑娘刘巧珍、城市姑娘黄亚萍之间的感情纠葛构成了故事发展的矛盾。而男主人公高加林的一生仿佛就在读者的眼前掠过。最后高加林被人告发再回到土地的悲剧结局让读者为之心痛不忍。男主人公的一生就像在读者的面前掠过一样,让读者唏嘘不已。这本书给我的感受就是,人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当人年轻的时候,没有一个人的生活道路是笔直的,没有岔道的。有些岔道口,譬如政治上的岔口,事业上的岔道口,个人生活上岔道口,你走错一步,可以影响人生的一个时期,也可以影响一生。对于我们大学生来说,大学四年可能就是人生最关键的那一步,所以,我们一定不能虚度这几年,要努力学习,学好专业知识,另一方面还要努力提高自己各方面的能力。 谈谈对环境保护的认识 二十世纪中叶以来,环境问题已经成为整个地球的一大危机。人类赖以生存和发展的环境受到了严峻挑战,生态环境遭到了严重破,各种污染事故频频发生。环境问题已经成为当今人类面临的全球性问题之一。 但是现在,触目惊心的环境污染随处可见:天空昏暗、空气污浊、污水横流、垃圾围城……,连远在冰天雪地的南极企鹅体内也发现DDT等农药残余,珠穆朗玛峰遍地狼藉,蓝天碧水已经成为许多人儿时的记忆和遥不可及的梦想。 人类必须意识到,人的生存无不依赖于自然生态系统。人类文明与大自然的命运已紧密结合在一起,就如同心灵和躯体一样密不可分。今天,人类不能再以一个征服者的面目对自然发号施令,而必须学会尊重自然、善待自然,自觉充当维护自然稳定与和谐的调节者。从一个号令自然的主人,到一个善待自然的朋友,这是一次人类意识的深刻觉醒,也是一次人类角色的深刻转换。 我们应该倡导一种保护自然、拯救自然的实践态度,今天,人类比任何时候都能领the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 略到气候变化的威胁。如果人类再不行动,那么100年后,巨大的热浪将会席卷地球每一个角落,海洋中漂浮的冰山将有可能融化得无影无踪。保护自然,修复自然,维护自然生态系统的平衡与和谐,应当是我们义不容辞的责任。真能如此,新世纪的人们将会迎来新的希望,人类文明将会走向光辉的彼岸。 购物(消费)的感受 我们生活在世上,既是生产者又是消费者,而更多的则是担任消费者的身份,我们几乎每天都在消费。上了大学,经济相对独立了些,每个月家人都会把生活费寄到存折上,需要什么都是自己买,但是这两年物价上涨的很厉害,我消费的最大感受就是钱不值钱了以前一百块钱可以买很多东西,但是现在呢,一百块根本买不了什么。而父母也知道物价上涨的厉害,所以每月的生活费给我加了很多。但是需要东西总是很多,消费起来还是感觉很有压力。我们家本来就不富裕,家人给我的生活费已经足够多了,我不能再向父母要了。而以后物价肯定会更高的,要是以后找不到好共作,怎么养活我自己,怎么养活我父母,我现在读大二,还有两年就要走出社会了,我不能虚度了这两年。一方面要努力学习专业知识,另一方便要努力参加社会实践,提升实践能力~ the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding
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