

2018-01-12 20页 doc 53KB 26阅读




大学谈恋爱的好处大学谈恋爱的好处 第一,可以让你增强阅历,提升人际沟通能力 第二,可以让你找一个免费劳动力,饭票,饭友 第三,可以有个精神伴侣 第四,可以炫耀一下 第五,可以了解人情冷暖 第六,可以提高学习的动力 第七,可以成为驴友 第八,可以提高心理承受能力 有句话是这样说的:25岁之前没有谈过恋爱的人,无论从生理上还是心理上来说都是不健全的。我感觉还是有必要的。大学毕业后,都忙着找工作,养活自己,哪有时间花前月下,除非你有钱能花钱月下。谈吧,大学里就让自己天真一次吧~以后哪有时间啊 1.恋爱可以使人充满活力,天天开心,...
大学谈恋爱的好处 第一,可以让你增强阅历,提升人际沟通能力 第二,可以让你找一个免费劳动力,饭票,饭友 第三,可以有个精神伴侣 第四,可以炫耀一下 第五,可以了解人情冷暖 第六,可以提高学习的动力 第七,可以成为驴友 第八,可以提高心理承受能力 有句话是这样说的:25岁之前没有谈过恋爱的人,无论从生理上还是心理上来说都是不健全的。我感觉还是有必要的。大学毕业后,都忙着找工作,养活自己,哪有时间花前月下,除非你有钱能花钱月下。谈吧,大学里就让自己天真一次吧~以后哪有时间啊 1.恋爱可以使人充满活力,天天开心,充满战斗力 2.恋爱可以使女生更加在意自己的外表,会为自己心爱的人减肥,想越变越漂亮 3.恋爱会使人产生一种幸福的感觉,当你拥有这种感觉时,你会觉得世界是美好的 4.恋爱是一生必有的经历,可使人从一个什么也不懂的孩子渐渐走向成熟 5.恋爱会使人产生安全感,从而慢慢对人与人之间产生信任 6.恋爱也有可能完成梦想的必备品,爱情会成为一种动力 我认为大学生应该谈恋爱 从紧张的高考后进入大学,大学生潜藏和压抑在心理的对异性的爱的渴望就自然浮现出来,在这个时期谈恋爱是正常的生理心理表现. 大学生谈恋爱在学校领导,学生家长眼光往往是弊大于利,有的甚至严禁大学生谈恋爱,他们都从主观 方面看待这个问题,一味的反对一旦形成习惯,令行禁止便在校园中泛滥,可他们都错了,大学生谈恋爱并不是他们单方面就能够制止的,在这里我们从这几个方面对他们进行分析的, 爱情是一朵美丽的花蕾,应该适时开放,那些为了消磨时间为了赶时髦为了满足虚荣心而谈篮爱的大学生,为他们恋爱失败埋下伏笔,游戏人生,不负责的态度,不仅显示了他们低下心理素质和道德涵养,将给他们带来不幸和痛苦,而且是不道德的,遭人唾弃. 学校领导家长在某些人恋爱的动机和产生的惨剧影响下,采取明哲保身的方法,禁止大学生谈恋爱,实际是不明智的,他们应该从本质上理解大学生恋爱,引导大学生树立正确爱情观,相信在爱的牵引下,大学生生活和日后踏出社会及人生都有积极推动作用. 恋爱并不都是清凉甘醇的美酒,有时还难免有着失败,对于心理素责脆弱的人来说,初恋的失败的打击往往仅次与死亡,有时甚至发生轻生的悲剧,其实这个打可不必,three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 爱情追求的是感情的契合,如果彼此没有共同的志趣或貌合神离,他们恋爱是悲剧,浪费两人青春和贻误彼此的幸福,感情不融洽而分离应该是好事. 大学生是知识分子,真正理智的有涵养的人会冷静的对待失恋或进行深刻的反思后将它变成经验和力量,或转移兴趣以恢复心理平衡,这样恋爱有助大学生心理更加成熟,而学校领导家长的反对,让大学生恋爱受阻,更别谈上正视和对待失恋,从某个方面来说,大学生失恋后的悲剧是那些打着"为你们好"的旗帜反对大学生恋爱的人造成的. 我们大学生应该从以下几个方面认真理解爱情,两个人一旦拥有真爱,;恋爱的弊端,消极影响就显得软弱无力. 第一恋爱是两个人从心灵上契合.并不表现为恋爱就一定要经常出入影院舞场,沉湎在花前月下的卿卿我我之中,这样学期结束后两个人会因为成绩下降或挂科而陷入痛苦之中,要知道,"两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮",恋爱双方若能大胆地去爱对方,去了解和观察自己所欣赏的异性同学,同时也了解自己恋爱心理和恋爱价值定向.在挑剔别人的同时也挑剔一下自己,努力自我增值,彼此在学习上鼓励,支持,改正自己缺点,发扬自己优点,爱情是助推器. 第二,在大学生活中爱情因纯真而变得可贵,一份纯真的爱情来之不易,若失去后才后悔是愚蠢,有机会我们就应该好好把握,在铁通卡,向牙塔里的大学生爱情是没有利益,地位,权势的冲突.爱一个人是不需要任何虚伪的理由,毕业后才谈恋爱往往为了钱,权势,面子,地位而左右,相对与领导家长来说,我们大学生是长不大的孩子,我们谈恋爱是没错的,他们也没错,他们是为了我们好,但错就错在守旧的思想. 第三,大学生文化水平较高,情感体验教丰富.爱情是大学生生活中重要一课,大学是一个社会缩影,能在大学中处理好恋爱问题,有助于我们今后面对社会上形形式式的矛盾. 第四大学生的爱情是两个人之间心灵契合,为了爱情守约完全是看自己如何为自己的感情写上美丽的一页,之所以爱情世界会有许多对与错,那是因为有人无法忍受别人的爱情方式与自己不同,所以就产生了许多说法,感情是两个人之间的事,心灵的相通是维持契约的一个最重要条件. 最后,让我们来总体理解谈恋爱对大学生的利弊. 大学生恋爱有着无比优越性,无论是心理还是生理上,都具有着无比魅力,但前提是恋爱双方存在着真爱,假如只是游戏人生或不负责的态度则弊端横生. 一个大学生在爱神光顾的时候,既要自然洒脱的迎接它,又要处理好恋爱与其他方面的关系,克服种种庸俗的成分,要用诚挚纯洁的心迎接丘比特之箭,用彼此的爱共同奏出幸福的乐章. 大学生谈恋爱或许还不被社会广泛认同,甚至,我们不应该阻止,我们应该举双手赞同,让我们一起为我们同伴的大学生恋4人们说;"祝你们幸福快乐" 爱的路很长,很苦,很累,希望你们一路走好. 大学生谈恋爱的好处 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 1.自信,而不至于在形单影只的同僚面前产生自卑感。特别是在主持每晚的卧谈会时,他 们能深入浅出理论联系实际,让附庸者佩服得五体投地。 2.充实,而不至于在非上课时间去干一些无聊的事,诸如:玩拖拉机斗地主和打游戏 ,或者背着沉重的包独闯图书馆,也不会在运动场上对球类施以酷刑。 3.俭约,而不至于为班上集体活动投入大比资金。他们用最少的钱去度过尽可能长的 时间,一袋瓜子一杯可乐,能在马路上巡逻数趟。 4.勤快,而不至于为选择几件脏衣服中哪一件还可以穿煞费苦心。他们爱好洗衣,洗 头,五讲四美。尤其是男生,甘愿充当女生的单车司机,乐此不疲。 5.高效,而不至于为通过英语四六级挑灯夜战。他们资源共享优势互补,但至少一半 的成绩应归功于每晚为其占座位的她。 6.奋进,而不至于为落后于人痛心不已。特别是对金钱的渴望让他们养成了艰苦奋斗 的作风,因为他们无时无刻都会因囊中羞涩求助室友这一悲惨境遇而卧薪尝胆。 7.容忍,而不至于因为观点与她不同争执得耳脖赤红。他们宁愿讨得几秒钟的欢悦, 委曲求全而暂时放弃自己的观点。 8.渊博,而不至于与她没有共同话题。他们总是敏捷地捕捉最新的影视歌舞信息,而 被迫抛弃罗纳尔多和米洛舍维奇。是为“失之东隅,收之桑榆”。 9.体贴,而不至于经常夜半打扰宿舍管理员。他们锻炼了翻墙入室的攀缘功夫和穿墙 而入的缩骨法,很少回宿舍和上自习而使拥挤的生存空间变得宽敞。 10.自由,而不至于受各种纷扰,为安排活动日志煞费苦心。他们是自由主义和无政府 主义的极力拥护者,尤其反对物以类聚。因而他们写请假条得心应手,至少有十条以上的理 由可以让老师放他一马。 11.健康,而不至于因为缺少锻炼而经常光顾医院。他们经常以录像厅、电影院和饮食 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 店为战场在和自己的忍耐力、免疫力打一场持久战。但他们除了视力有所下降和脂肪含量 有所上升之外,其他一切免检 首先,能增广见闻,了解交往过程中所发生的事。 第二是能学会体贴,单身的时候你完全可以不考虑,但是有了对象你就必须考虑他人感受。 还有就是可以换新你看问题的眼光,这对于稍微单纯的人来说很有用,锻炼自己。 大学有很多空闲时间。如果谈恋爱了自己不会那么闲了。还有让你学会了去怎么疼人。怎样和自己喜欢滴人相处。。所以相爱容易相处难。。还有。。谈恋爱了会让你体会两个人滴快乐是多么滴甜同样两个人滴痛苦有多么纠心。。你投入了你学知道什么舍不得。 1.大学生处于确立人生发展方向与志愿的关键时期. 谈恋爱有助于他们完成他们的理想. 2.一些大学的知识学习需要灵感,而恋爱是灵感的最好来源之一. 3.大学生的人际交往十分重要,谈恋爱有助于培养人际交往技巧. 4.大学生在独立生活的过渡期,谈恋爱在生活、学习上的互相帮助有助于减缓过渡期的不适. 5.谈恋爱有助于促进成熟,大学生在学校中早点成熟可以避免在社会中被骗. 6.人的生命是有限的,大学生谈恋爱可以及早感受温情的存在,弥补大多数大学生远离亲人的空虚. 7.从生理角度来说,谈恋爱可以缓解大学生某方面的需求,以免他们过多进入黄色场所,也对减少社会强奸案有作用. 建议在考虑对方可能的反驳后再采纳以上观点.毕竟辩论重点之一就是看谁想得深,太浅层的观点对方也会想到. 大学生谈恋爱的好处可多了,主要一点是没坏处。谈恋爱是生活的一部分,谈了就有好处。不谈就是缺陷的生活。因为人类要有恋爱才会有延续,延续都没了,谈个毛发展哪。要是把谈恋爱这事都交给而立之年的大哥大姐们,得有多少大头贴店会倒闭啊。影响社会经济发展。你说谈恋爱影响学习,俩人都爱学习的话,那还真是什么问题都可以放开了讨论呢,那是促进学习。大学生,本来就该丰富自己的生活,否则到社会上就会与社会格格不入。人不能把自己不努力不成材归结到生活中的某一件事情。不努力不成材是自己的选择。恋爱当然会影响生活,要不怎么会丰富生活,O(?_?)O~你觉得恋爱好不,(当然谈恋爱的目的不是丰富生活,谈恋爱是没目的的,否则就不让人欣赏了) three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 请问对方辩友有谈过恋爱的么,(一般情况是有的)那么请问,既然你们说弊大于利,为什么对方辩友还要做,只能说明对方辩友不够理智,所以希望对方辩友在讨论利弊的时候能理智些,不要再做这种欲盖弥彰的事了 大学生谈恋爱谈的是感情,出了大学校门谈恋爱谈得就是车啊,房的了。 我觉得大学生谈恋爱是有好处的: 第一,可以让你变得成熟,因为大学本来就是界于学校和社会之间的一个地方,不能再像以前那样无忧无虑的只顾学习了,要开始了解这个社会,学会以后如何生存。其实说白了就是如何赚钱,如何发财。而谈恋爱会让人变得成熟,让你开始有责任感。 第二, 若有幸能找到与你志同道合的能共度一生的伴侣,那更是一件美事了~ 第三, 就算你找错了,因某些原因而分手,失恋是一种打击,但也能磨练你,失败是再所难免的,也许在学习上你 是个 常胜将军,可是情场上却未必这么顺利喽~ 我认为大学生应该谈恋爱 从紧张的高考后进入大学,大学生潜藏和压抑在心理的对异性的爱的渴望就自然浮现出来,在这个时期谈恋爱是正常的生理心理表现. 谈恋爱对大学生来说是有利有弊,然而不能笼统的说恋爱对大学生来说利大于弊或说弊大于利. 大学生谈恋爱在学校领导,学生家长眼光往往是弊大于利,有的甚至严禁大学生谈恋爱,他们都从主观 方面看待这个问题,一味的反对一旦形成习惯,令行禁止便在校园中泛滥,可他们都错了,大学生谈恋爱并不是他们单方面就能够制止的,在这里我们从这几个方面对他们进行分析的, 第一,从恋爱的动机出发,大学生对爱对婚姻,对社会认识浅薄.不应该早恋,待日后毕业再谈不迟. 爱情是一朵美丽的花蕾,应该适时开放,那些为了消磨时间为了赶时髦为了满足虚荣心而谈篮爱的大学生,为他们恋爱失败埋下伏笔,游戏人生,不负责的态度,不仅显示了他们低下心理素质和道德涵养,将给他们带来不幸和痛苦,而且是不道德的,遭人唾弃. 学校领导家长在某些人恋爱的动机和产生的惨剧影响下,采取明哲保身的方法,禁止大学生谈恋爱,实际是不明智的,他们应该从本质上理解大学生恋爱,引导大学生树立正确爱情观,相信在爱的牵引下,大学生生活和日后踏出社会及人生都有积极推动作用. 第二大学生心理还未完全成熟,无法处理和冷静思考失恋问题.恋爱让大学生陷入困境,荒废学业. 恋爱并不都是清凉甘醇的美酒,有时还难免有着失败,对于心理素责脆弱的人来说,初恋的失败的打击往往仅次与死亡,有时甚至发生轻生的悲剧,其实这个打可不必,爱情追求的是感情的契合,如果彼此没有共同的志趣或貌合神离,他们恋爱是悲剧,浪费两人青春和贻误彼此的幸福,感情不融洽而分离应该是好事. three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 大学生是知识分子,真正理智的有涵养的人会冷静的对待失恋或进行深刻的反思后将它变成经验和力量,或转移兴趣以恢复心理平衡,这样恋爱有助大学生心理更加成熟,而学校领导家长的反对,让大学生恋爱受阻,更别谈上正视和对待失恋,从某个方面来说,大学生失恋后的悲剧是那些打着"为你们好"的旗帜反对大学生恋爱的人造成的. 可见,对恋爱认识的偏差其后果是悲惨的,因对恋爱认识有误而大谈恋爱弊端的人是可耻的. 我们大学生应该从以下几个方面认真理解爱情,两个人一旦拥有真爱,;恋爱的弊端,消极影响就显得软弱无力. 第一恋爱是两个人从心灵上契合.并不表现为恋爱就一定要经常出入影院舞场,沉湎在花前月下的卿卿我我之中,这样学期结束后两个人会因为成绩下降或挂科而陷入痛苦之中,要知道,"两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮",恋爱双方若能大胆地去爱对方,去了解和观察自己所欣赏的异性同学,同时也了解自己恋爱心理和恋爱价值定向.在挑剔别人的同时也挑剔一下自己,努力自我增值,彼此在学习上鼓励,支持,改正自己缺点,发扬自己优点,爱情是助推器. 第二,在大学生活中爱情因纯真而变得可贵,一份纯真的爱情来之不易,若失去后才后悔是愚蠢,有机会我们就应该好好把握,在铁通卡,向牙塔里的大学生爱情是没有利益,地位,权势的冲突.爱一个人是不需要任何虚伪的理由,毕业后才谈恋爱往往为了钱,权势,面子,地位而左右,相对与领导家长来说,我们大学生是长不大的孩子,我们谈恋爱是没错的,他们也没错,他们是为了我们好,但错就错在守旧的思想. 第三,大学生文化水平较高,情感体验教丰富.爱情是大学生生活中重要一课,大学是一个社会缩影,能在大学中处理好恋爱问题,有助于我们今后面对社会上形形式式的矛盾. 第四大学生的爱情是两个人之间心灵契合,为了爱情守约完全是看自己如何为自己的感情写上美丽的一页,之所以爱情世界会有许多对与错,那是因为有人无法忍受别人的爱情方式与自己不同,所以就产生了许多说法,感情是两个人之间的事,心灵的相通是维持契约的一个最重要条件. 最后,让我们来总体理解谈恋爱对大学生的利弊. 大学生恋爱有着无比优越性,无论是心理还是生理上,都具有着无比魅力,但前提是恋爱双方存在着真爱,假如只是游戏人生或不负责的态度则弊端横生. 一个大学生在爱神光顾的时候,既要自然洒脱的迎接它,又要处理好恋爱与其他方面的关系,克服种种庸俗的成分,要用诚挚纯洁的心迎接丘比特之箭,用彼此的爱共同奏出幸福的乐章. 大学生谈恋爱或许还不被社会广泛认同,甚至规定,我们不应该阻止,我们应该举双手赞同,让我们一起为我们同伴的大学生恋4人们说;"祝你们幸福快乐" 爱的路很长,很苦,很累,希望你们一路走好. 两人如果都有远大志向的话可以互相鼓励 共同奋斗 一句俗话说的好\ 男女搭档干活不累 首先得到了爱,了解了爱。爱与被爱都是很幸福的事。并且早晚你是要谈恋爱的,只three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 要是真心的就行,从一开始就要抱着必成的心态。好好对待这份爱情。 体会一下美好纯洁的爱情 脱离大学之后就没这么纯洁的了 凡事都多多少少和利益挂钩 这时候就会觉得社会特别的黑暗 也只有回忆一下自己的大学生活了 在那里有自己真心爱着的人 也有真心爱着自己的人 算是一些美好的回忆吧 虽然没有一直拥有下去 但是那份美好却一直保留在记忆里。。。。。。 不谈你会后悔:如果有机会你现在应该多谈几次尝试一下恋爱的悲伤.喜悦。为以后的恋爱打基础,这样对你以后的恋爱才有经验,才能跟好的和你以后的爱人相处,你也才知道以后应该怎么样和爱人相处,从而得到爱的滋润,感受到爱的喜 怒 哀 乐。才能保证以后的“爱”你能把握住. 你以后的爱也才能长久 ,永久。才能幸福。 但切记不要把爱当游戏,玩弄爱情,每次都要用心去爱,好好体会爱,不要为以后留下遗憾。 LZ现在怕爱情耽误了学习,说明你现在不敢去爱,也不知道怎么去爱。你还没有在“爱”这个字里面游刃有余,你还不懂什么是爱。你现在怕耽误学习~~工作以后爱同样也可以耽误事业。成家以后爱还会左右你的一生~~现在你已经是成人了。已经该面对人生的第一次爱了——初恋。 你要勇敢的去面对。有机会就上~~ 爱情其实是不会影响你的学习的~~但是你要懂什么是爱。 爱:是体贴,是关心,是帮助,是回忆,是理解,(让你不在孤单,她会照顾你,帮助你,让你感觉你不是一个人,她会和你共进退。)遇到真爱她是会鼓励你学习的而不是耽误你的学习,她会理解你约会迟到是为了学习。反之.....LZ自重。 所以爱是好东西。如果你遇到了真爱,她是不会放弃你的 反之你就可以拿她当做你找到真爱之前的垫脚石,以免当你以后遇到真爱却不知道珍惜,为以后留下遗憾~~ 最重要的是爱的魅力确实很大,Lz要好好把握其中的要害。 猪LZ早些遇到“真爱”~~ 惧怕爱情就是惧怕生活,而惧怕生活的人就等于半具僵尸。 ——伯•罗素 没有爱情的人生叫受罪。 ——威•康格里夫 生命诚可贵,爱情价更高~ 大学不去谈恋爱,不如回家卖咸菜。 关关雎及,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子还逑。 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 2005年09月01日东方早报以《本科生达到法定年龄可结婚生子写入浙江大学校规》为题报道了浙江大学对"浙江大学本科学生学籍管理实施细则"进行了修订,修订后的细则规定:"在校本科生达到法定年龄后可结婚并生子。"据黑龙江《生活报》8月9日报道,苏州大学日前出台新的学生,明确提出"已婚女学生因生育需要可休学"的条款,引起了社会广泛关注。这是地方高校的规定,而且是根据教育部新修订的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》做出的,该规定将于今年9月在全国各高校实施,在该规定中,对在校大学生能否结婚不再作特殊限制。针对这一新的规定,全国各高校都着手修改自己的"学生管理规定"。 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality
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