

2017-08-31 14页 doc 44KB 17阅读




关于读书的成语昼耕夜诵:白天耕种,夜晚读书。比喻读书勤奋。 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针:【出处】宋?祝穆《方舆胜览?眉州?磨针溪》:世传李白读书象耳山中,学业未成,即弃去,“过是溪,逢老媪方磨铁杵,问之,曰:„欲作针。‟太白感其意,还卒业”。【解释】谚语。比喻只要有决心,肯下功夫,多么难的事也能做成功。【示例】,,经过五年的刻苦努力,他熟 枕经籍书:枕着经,垫着书。形容酷嗜读书,以书为伴。 枕籍经史:枕着经典,垫着史书。形容专心一意读书。 枕典席文:谓以典籍为伴,勤于读书学习。 折节读书:折节:改变过去的志趣和行为。改变旧习,发愤读书。...
昼耕夜诵:白天耕种,夜晚读书。比喻读书勤奋。 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针:【出处】宋?祝穆《方舆胜览?眉州?磨针溪》:世传李白读书象耳山中,学业未成,即弃去,“过是溪,逢老媪方磨铁杵,问之,曰:„欲作针。‟太白感其意,还卒业”。【解释】谚语。比喻只要有决心,肯下功夫,多么难的事也能做成功。【示例】,,经过五年的刻苦努力,他熟 枕经籍书:枕着经,垫着书。形容酷嗜读书,以书为伴。 枕籍经史:枕着经典,垫着史书。形容专心一意读书。 枕典席文:谓以典籍为伴,勤于读书学习。 折节读书:折节:改变过去的志趣和行为。改变旧习,发愤读书。 照萤映雪:利用萤火虫的光和白雪的映照读书,形容刻苦地读书精神 招贤纳士:招:招收;贤:有德有才的人;纳:接受;士:指读书人。招收贤士,接纳书生。指网罗人才。 摘句寻章:摘取、搜寻文章的片断词句。指读书局限于文字的推求。 凿壁偷光:原指西汉匡衡凿穿墙壁引邻舍之烛光读书。后用来形容家贫而读书刻苦。 臧穀亡羊:〖解释〗《庄子?骈拇》载,臧、穀二人牧羊,臧挟策读书,穀博塞以游,皆亡其羊。后因以为典,喻事不同而实则一。 臧谷亡羊:《庄子?骈拇》载,臧、谷二人牧羊,臧挟策读书,谷博塞以游,皆亡其羊。后因以为典,喻事不同而实则一。 源头活水:原比喻读书越多,道理越明。现也指事物发展的动力和源泉。 映月读书:利用月光来照明读书。形容家境清贫,勤学苦读。 映雪读书:利用雪的反光读书。形容读书刻苦。 引锥刺股:锥:锥子;股:大腿。晚间读书时想睡觉,就用锥子刺自己的大腿,以保持清醒。形容学习勤奋刻苦。 一介书生:一介:一个。旧时读书人的自称或对普通读书人的雅称。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 一箪一瓢:一箪食物,一瓢饮料。形容读书人安于贫穷的清高生活。 摇头摆脑:脑袋摇来摇去。形容骄傲自得或自得其乐的样子。亦以形容读书吟诵的姿态。 洋洋盈耳:〖解释〗洋洋:众多;盈:充满。指宏亮而优美的声音充满双耳。形容讲话、读书的声音悦耳动听。 燕颔儒生:有封侯之相的读书人。亦用以称美志在建立军功的士人。 寻章摘句:寻:找;章:篇章;摘:摘录。旧时读书人从书本中搜寻摘抄片断语句,在写作时套用。指写作时堆砌现成词句,缺乏创造性。 雪天萤席:比喻不分寒暑,刻苦读书。 雪窗萤几《文选?任昉〈为萧扬州作荐士〉“集萤映雪”李善注引《孙氏世录》:“孙康家贫,常映雪读书。”《晋书?车胤传》:“家贫不常得油,夏月则练囊盛数十萤火以照书,以夜继日焉。”后即以“雪窗萤几”比喻勤学苦读。 学富五车:五车:指五车书。形容读书多,学识丰富。 五行俱下:谓读书敏捷神速。 五行并下:五行文字一并看。形容读书速度快。 五行并下:五行文字一并看。形容读书速度快。 五车腹笥:比喻读书多,学识渊博。 文弱书生:〖解释〗文弱:文雅而体弱。举目文雅,身体柔弱的读书人。 韦编三绝:韦编:用熟牛皮绳把竹简编联起来;三:概数,表示多次;绝:断。编连竹简的皮绳断了三次。比喻读书勤奋。 徒读父书:徒:只。父书:父亲之言论。白读父亲的兵书。比喻人只知死读书,不懂得运用知识,加以变通。 孙康映雪:比喻读书非常刻苦。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 宿学旧儒:〖解释〗指老成博学的读书人。 硕学通儒:儒:指读书人。学问渊博,通达事理的学者。 书香门第:旧时指上辈有读书人的家庭。 书通二酉:比喻读书甚多,学识丰富精湛。二酉,指大酉山、小酉山。据说小酉山上石穴中有书千卷,相传秦人于此而学,因留之。见《太平御览》卷四九引南朝宋盛弘之《荆州记》。后因以此为喻。 书声朗朗:〖解释〗形容读书声音清朗而响亮。 书声琅琅:形容读书声音响亮。 书读五车:形容读书多、知识丰富。 世代书香:世世代代都是读书的人家。 士农工商:〖解释〗古代所谓四民,指读书的、种田的、做工的、经商的。 十行俱下:眼睛一瞥就能看下十行文字。形容读书极快。 十年寒窗:形容长年刻苦读书。 十年窗下:科举时代,读书人要取得功名,终年埋头在书本里。形容十年时间闭门苦读。 诗礼之家:诗:指《诗经》;礼:指《周祀》、《仪礼》、《礼记》。旧指世代读书讲究礼教的人家。 诗礼人家:世代读书以传统封建礼教为行为准则的人家。 舍策追羊:放下手中书本去寻找丢失的羊。比喻发生错误以后,设法补救。语本《庄子?骈拇》:“臧与榖二人相与牧羊,而俱亡其羊。问臧奚事,则挟筴读书;问榖奚事,则博塞以游。”陆德明释文:“筴,字又作策,初革反。李云:竹简也。古以写书,长二尺四寸。” 舌战群儒:舌战:激烈辩论。儒:儒生,旧指读书人。原指与众多的儒生谋士争辩,驳倒对方的议论。后泛指与许多人激烈争辩并驳倒对方。 山陬海筮:【出处】清?王晫《今世说?德行》:“宦辙所至,山陬海筮,有以读书能为文者,必枉车骑过之。”【解释】山隅和海边。泛指荒远的地方【示例】【故事】 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 三余读书:充分利用一切空余时间读书。 然荻读书:然:“燃”的本字,燃烧;荻:芦苇一类的植物。燃荻为灯,发奋读书。形容勤学苦读。 七行俱下:读书,同时读七行。比喻非常聪明。 牛角书生:比喻勤奋读书的人 牛角挂书:比喻读书勤奋。 囊萤照书:囊萤:把萤火虫放在袋子中。形容家境贫寒,勤苦读书。 囊萤照读:用口袋装萤火虫,照着读书。形容家境贫寒,勤苦读书。 纳士招贤:〖解释〗招:招收;贤:有德有才的人;纳:接受;士:指读书人。招收贤士,接纳书生。指网罗人才。 目不识书:谓读书很少或没读过书;不甚识字或不识字。 磨穿铁砚:把铁铸的砚台都磨穿了。比喻读书用功,有恒心。 两脚书橱:指读书很多但不善于应用的人。 立地书橱:比喻人读书多,学识文博。 立地书厨:比喻人读书多,学识渊博 老虎借猪,相公借书:相公:旧指读书人。比喻东西正合自己的心愿,到手后就据为己有。也比喻各有各的爱好。 琅琅上口:琅琅:玉石相击声,比喻响亮的读书声。指诵读熟练、顺口。也指文辞通俗,便于口诵。 匡衡凿壁:《西京杂记》卷二:“匡衡,字稚圭。勤学而无烛,邻舍有烛而不逮,衡乃穿壁引其光,以书映光而读之。”后以“匡衡凿壁”为刻苦读书的典实。 开卷有益:开卷:打开书本,指读书;部分国:好处。读书总有好处。 据鞍读书:在马背或驴背上读书。后多形容学习勤奋。 九儒十丐:儒:旧指读书人。元代统治者把人分为十等,读书人列为九等,居于末等的乞丐之上。后指知upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 识分子受到歧视和苛待。 尽信书不如无书:〖解释〗泛指读书不要拘泥于书上或迷信书本。 集萤映雪:集萤:晋代车胤少时家贫,夏天以练囊装萤火虫照明读书;映雪:晋代孙康冬天常映雪读书。形容家境贫穷,勤学苦读。 积雪囊萤:积雪:南朝孙康映雪读书。囊萤:晋代车胤把萤火虫装在口袋里,借荧光读书。形容刻苦攻读。 积财千万,不如薄技在:【出处】北齐颜之推《颜氏家训?勉学》:“谚曰:„积财千万,不如薄技在身。‟技之易习而可贵者,无过读书也。”【解释】积蓄财产,不如学点技术。【示例】【故事】 浑浑沉沉:广大貌。《淮南子?兵略训》:“天化育而无形象,地生长而无计量,浑浑沉沉,孰知其藏。”一说,“沉”当为“沆”字。参阅清王念孙《读书杂志?淮南内篇二》。 画荻教子:荻:芦苇。用芦苇在地上书画教育儿子读书。用以称赞母亲教子有方。 含英咀华:咀:细嚼,引伸为体味;英、华:这里指精华。比喻读书吸取其精华。 滚瓜烂熟:形容读书或背书流利纯熟。 挂席为门:汉初丞相陈平,好读书,在未发迹时,家里很穷,挂着破席子当门。见《史记?陈丞相世家》。后以“挂席为门”指隐士居处。亦形容贫穷或居处简陋。 腹载五车:比喻读书甚多,知识渊博。 焚膏继晷:膏:油脂,指灯烛;继:继续,接替;晷:日光。点上油灯,接续日光。形容勤奋地工作或读书。 废书而叹:因有所感而停止读书。 读书种子:指在文化上能承先启后的读书人。 读书三到:形容读书十分认真。 读书破万卷:破:突破;卷:书籍册数。形容读书很多,学识渊博 读书得间:间:间隙。比喻窍门。读书得了窍门。形容读书能寻究窍门,心领神会。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 读书百遍,其义自见:见:显现。读书上百遍,书意自然领会。指书要熟读才能真正领会 读不舍手:舍:舍得,愿意。读书读到有兴趣时舍不得放下。 道学先生:〖解释〗指思想、作风特别迂腐的读书人。 箪食瓢饮:一箪食物,一瓢饮料。形容读书人安于贫穷的清高生活。 大璞不完:指玉既经雕琢,就失去了天然的形态。旧时比喻读书人做了官,丧失了原来的志向。 唇腐齿落:比喻读书讽诵极为勤苦。 春诵夏弦:指应按季节采取不同的学习方式。后泛指读书学习 穿壁引光:穿:凿通;引:引进。凿通墙壁,引进烛光。形容家贫读书刻苦。 朝经暮史:经:指旧时奉为经典的书籍;史:指历史书籍。一天到晚诵读经史。形容勤奋读书。 才贯二酉:二酉yǒu:指大酉山、小酉山。据《太平御览》卷四引《荆州记》裁:传说大酉、小酉(在今湖南沅陵县)二山藏书很多。因以才贯二酉形容读书甚多、学识渊博。《镜花缘》一六回:“大贤世居大邦,见多识广,而且荣列胶庠,自然才贯二酉,学富五车了。” 布衣韦带:原是古代贫民的服装,后指没有做官的读书人。 博览群书:博:广泛。广泛地阅读各种书。形容读书很多。 病国殃民:使国家受害,人民遭受苦难。明?桑绍良《独乐园》楔子:“只因误用了王安石,创立新法,招呼党类,病国殃民,天下骚然。”亦作“祸国殃民”。郭沫若《不读书好求甚解》:“你们的动机不怕就出于利国福民,然而你们的结果必弄到,。” 闭门读书:关起门来在家里读书。形容专心埋头苦读 闭户读书:关着门在家里埋头读书。 白面书生:指缺乏阅历经验的读书人。也指面孔白净的读书人。 白面书郎:〖解释〗犹白面书生。指只知读书,阅历少,见识浅的读书人。有时含贬义。亦泛指读书人。 白面儒生:〖解释〗犹白面书生。指只知读书,阅历少,见识浅的读书人。有时含贬义。亦泛指读书人。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 白面儒冠:〖解释〗犹白面书生。指只知读书,阅历少,见识浅的读书人。有时含贬义。亦泛指读书人。 八百孤寒:八百:形容很多;孤寒:指贫寒的读书人。许许多多贫寒的读书人。 傲贤慢士:贤:有才德的人。士:读书人和有才干的人。用傲慢的态度对待有德有才的人。 暗室求物:在没有光亮的房间寻找东西。比喻读书不得要领,难见成效。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service
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