

2017-12-27 19页 doc 134KB 36阅读




最适合老年人的十大保健品最适合老年人的十大保健品 1、脑白金 “脑白金”上市十二年来,销售累计销售超过100亿,连续八年荣获保健品单品销量第一名,“黄金搭档”上市九年,连续六年荣获维生素类保健品销量第一名。由于脑白金和黄金搭档适用人群广泛,产品功效显著,已经成为老百姓送礼和自用的首选品牌,消费者对其认知度和忠诚度明显高于其它保健品。 国家批准颁发的脑白金证书显示:脑白金“可以调整人体生物节律”,“改善睡眠”,“调整肠道”,“减少有害物质的吸收”。 ? 调整人体生物节律 随着年龄的增长,人体内MT含量日益下降,破坏了人体的生物节律,补充脑白...
最适合老年人的十大保健品 1、脑白金 “脑白金”上市十二年来,销售累计销售超过100亿,连续八年荣获保健品单品销量第一名,“黄金搭档”上市九年,连续六年荣获维生素类保健品销量第一名。由于脑白金和黄金搭档适用人群广泛,产品功效显著,已经成为老百姓送礼和自用的首选品牌,消费者对其认知度和忠诚度明显高于其它保健品。 国家批准颁发的脑白金证书显示:脑白金“可以调整人体生物节律”,“改善睡眠”,“调整肠道”,“减少有害物质的吸收”。 ? 调整人体生物节律 随着年龄的增长,人体内MT含量日益下降,破坏了人体的生物节律,补充脑白金后,可使人体内MT含量恢复到年轻时的水平,恢复年轻时的生物节律。 ? 改善睡眠 当人体内MT含量不足时,将导致人体内部调节功能减低,并可能伴随睡眠障碍,补充脑白金后,可有效解决其睡眠障碍。 ? 调整肠道 脑白金所含的低聚糖,是全球流行的肠道有益菌的增殖因子。科学显示:人体试验证明,服用低聚糖一个月后,发现人体内双歧杆菌(有益菌)的数量增加10—100倍。有益菌占上风时,肠道的酸碱度呈酸性,排便更通畅。 ? 减少有害物质吸收 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and 肠道内有益菌增加后,抑制了有害菌,减少了有害菌产生的有害物质(俗称毒素)。因排便及时通畅,也减少了大便在人体内停留过久所产生的有害物质 (毒素)。 2、瑞年氨基酸片 瑞年氨基酸片在广告上的铺排数量和阵势也不比黄金搭档差多少,内地影视巨星陈宝国的代言更加助推了该产品的营销步伐和销量。 瑞年氨基酸片是以复合氨基酸、糊精、羧甲基纤维素纳、轻质碳酸钙等为主要原料制成的保健食品,经功能试验证明,瑞年氨基酸片每100克含氨基酸43.6g,具有保持旺盛精力,改善睡眠,提高免疫力和帮助慢性疾病康复的保健功能。适用于体质虚弱、营养不良者,以及免疫力低下和疾病恢复健康者。 而2010年2月19日,瑞年国际在香港联合交易所主板得成功上市,更标志着瑞年发展迈入新的里程碑。 瑞年公司先后被评为 “江苏省高新技术企业”、“重合同守信用单位”、“江苏省知名企业”、“江苏省优秀侨资企业”等;瑞年商标先后被评为“无锡市知名商标”、“江苏省著名商标”、“中国保健品十大最具公信力品牌”;瑞年牌氨基酸片从2006年开始,已连续四年作为全国“两会”的专用营养品,先后被评为“中国保健品公信力产品”、“中国(南京)国际象棋超级大赛唯一指定健脑保健品”、“上海世博会中国美术作品展特约商品”等荣誉称号。 3、黄金搭档 ality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quical requirements, and allocatiwin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, wins the n and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests aheir customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in productiofocused" thinking, fully aware that meet t-cilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customere measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, farectivew meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose cord work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management revis, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures anincluding incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documentifications, procedures, design institutes andd standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specons an2 根据国家统计局的数据,2000年至2007年脑白金连续8年夺得中国保健品单品销售第一名。而在2003年至2007年的时间里,黄金搭档在“同类产品销量排行榜”上折桂,拿到中国组合维生素类产品销量“五连冠”。 黄金搭档按照“缺多少补多少”的原则(黄金搭档只补充大多数人不足或容易缺乏的维生素及钙、铁、锌、硒等,对已经充足甚至过量的不予补充。黄金搭档能使人体内维生素和矿物质充足、平衡。)、“有功能无毒性”的原则(保证黄金搭档功能的同时,慎重对待毒性比较明显的维生素和矿物质,严格控制在安全范围内。保证长期服用黄金搭档不会产生毒副作用。)、“不同人群不同配方”的原则(中国的儿童青少年、女士、中老年人所缺维生素和矿物质有明显差异,不宜使用同一配方,黄金搭档分三类配方。),是以维生素及矿物质为主要原料制成的保健食品,具有补充维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素B6、维生素C、维生素D、维生素E、叶酸及补钙、补铁、补锌、补硒的保健功能。适合需要补充多种维生素及钙、铁、锌、硒的中老年人。 4、富硒康 n, winratiooject legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and coopeprojects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the pr d servicesfocused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production an-nagement (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customeron maof the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project constructi f the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and reviewtem oproject quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management sysAccording to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives.nt version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes andcurre of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to thetions. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard ical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectawin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-3 北大富硒康的成功问世,曾受到国内外医学界的高度重视,中央电视台各名牌栏目、中国各大报纸都相继作了报道。现将中央电视台“新闻联播”、“中国新闻”、“东方时空”、“新闻30分”、“科技了望”以及《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《工人日报》、《科技日报》、《健康报》、《北京晚报》、《中国医药报》、《防癌报》等几十家权威媒体的报道内容综述如下: 享誉国内外的知名学府北京大学生命科学学院的生物学专家们,运用高超的现代生物技术,经过16年的科学研究,终于成功地研制出轰动世界的新药“北大富硒康”,它具有排除体内毒素,调节免疫功能的作用,对各种肝病、心脑血管病、胃肠道疾病具有较好的治疗与辅助治疗作用。 “北大富硒康”的诞生,标志着人类生命科学研究进入了一个崭新阶段,掀起了一场生命科学的革命。北大人自豪地向世界宣告:中国人有能力解决吃饭问,中国人也一定有能力解决吃药问题。“北大富硒康”的医疗效果将美国等发达国家的同类产品远远地抛在后面,处于世界领先水平~这是中国医学界的骄傲,也是中国人民的骄傲~ 北大富硒康的研制成功,受到各级政府的高度重视,许多国家级新闻媒体作了大量的报道,其宣传力度之大,权威性之高,在同类产品中绝无仅有~ 5、太太静心口服液 ifications, procedures, design institutes andd standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specons anality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quical requirements, and allocatiwin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, wins the n and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests aheir customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in productiofocused" thinking, fully aware that meet t-cilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customere measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, farectivew meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose cord work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management revis, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures anincluding incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system document4 静心助眠口服液是以炒枣仁、地黄、生牡蛎、白芍等十多种中草药材为原料精制而成,专门针对40岁以上中年女性身体健康设计,经功能试验证明,具有改善睡眠和增加骨密度的保健功能,中年女性喝静心,不烦不燥睡得好,静心助眠口服液更是儿女感恩妈妈的健康礼品。 而生产这一享誉相当长一段时间的健康元药业集团股份有限公司也靠一剂“太太口服液”奠定了保健品行业的龙头地位。 6、螺旋藻片 螺旋藻(Spirulina)是一类低等植物,属于蓝藻门,颤藻科。它们与细菌一样,细胞内没有真正的细胞核,所以又称蓝细菌。蓝藻的细胞结构原始,且非常简单,是地球上最早出现的光合生物,在这个星球上已生存了35亿年。它生长于水体中,在显微镜下可见其形态为螺旋丝状,故而得名。丽江程海湖是世界三大、中国唯一出产天然螺旋藻的地区,此外国内各地区的螺旋藻都是人工养殖的,而且生产的质量也参差不齐。螺旋藻因其营养均衡、全面而风行世界,成为最佳的健康保养食品。 国际知名保健品企业汤臣倍健生产的这一产品还具有如下特点: nt version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes andcurre of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to thetions. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard ical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectawin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-n, winratiooject legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and coopeprojects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the pr d servicesfocused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production an-nagement (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customeron maof the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project constructi f the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and reviewtem oproject quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management sysAccording to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives.5 ? 原料产自全球最大的螺旋藻生产基地、100%自然生长钝顶螺旋藻。 ? 螺旋藻最关键的是养殖环境的水源和环境控制。汤臣倍健螺旋藻,以生态园形式自然生长,生态园半径5公里范围内没有工业污染,抽取地下300米天然水源养殖。 ? 超低重金属含量。由于养殖环境不断受污染的影响,市场上数螺旋藻产品都存在重金属超标的问题,对人体健康形成危害,而重金属含量是否达标已经成为衡量螺旋藻质量的最主要指标之一。得益于优异的养殖环境,汤臣倍健螺旋藻片的重金属指标远远低于国家,成为同类产品当中的精品。 ? 专利技术生产螺旋藻粉。完全避免螺旋藻与阳光空气的直接接触,使螺旋藻活性成分得到有效保护,确保营养成分不流失。 ? 四重控制。从螺旋藻天然养殖、水源控制、环境控制、GMP标准化生产四个方面保证螺旋藻品质。 ? 原料获绿色食品A级产品认证、美国KOSHER资格认证等。 ? 营养成分全面丰富。含有18种氨基酸、多种天然维生素、天然矿物质、萝卜素、类胡萝卜素、藻蓝蛋白等。此类产品适宜以下人群,如抵抗力差、免疫力低下者;精力不振、睡眠差、经常感觉疲劳者;胃病患者、肠胃不适者;高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、肝病人群;身体虚弱、贫血人群;减肥塑身、美容护肤人士。 7、血尔口服液 曾经有一段时间,电视上频频闪现着一个女人温柔入耳的声音,在这则广告的频繁敲击下,人们记住了“血尔口服液”这一产品。 由于生理原因,女人常有不同程度的贫血,贫血常现为面色苍白,倦怠乏力、 头晕、耳鸣、眼花、头发干枯脱落、食欲不振、便秘、口疮、体虚,月经 ifications, procedures, design institutes andd standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specons anality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quical requirements, and allocatiwin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, wins the n and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests aheir customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in productiofocused" thinking, fully aware that meet t-cilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customere measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, farectivew meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose cord work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management revis, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures anincluding incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system document6 紊乱等,经常贫血更会令女人容 颜早衰,俗话有说:“贫血一个月,更年期提早365天”。因此,要做健康美丽的女人,必须养血有方。 康富来血尔口服液是以鲜鸡、当归、黄芪、卟啉铁为主要原料制成的保健食品,经功能试验证明,具有改善营养性贫血的保健功能。 血尔口服液不但含有血液必需物质PI、强身物质EAA,还含有维生素 B12和多种活性因子。各种活性物质之间含量和比例适宜,极易为人体吸收利用,改善贫血,功效持久。 适用于成年女性,孕、产妇,成年男性、婴幼儿童、老人及术后体虚者等贫血者。 8、昂立一号 呵呵,要注意了,这可不是昂立英语哦~ 被卫生部首批批准为保健食品的昂立一号口服液具有抗氧化功能,提示具有延缓衰老作用;具有改善肠道菌群失调,调节胃肠道功能作用;具有调节血脂代谢(甘油三脂和胆固醇),降低血脂和抑制血脂升高作用;经动物试验证明,具有一定的抗突变作用。 昂立一号口服液是我国微生态制剂的杰出代表,首倡“清除体内垃圾,维护人体生态平衡”的科学保健理念。昂立一号集现代生物技术、自由基医学理论和现代微生态理论于一体,具有调节胃肠、降低血脂、预防肿瘤、延缓衰老四大功能。十年来,昂立一号历经四次重大技术飞跃,始终畅销不衰,被誉为“上至外国总统、下至普通百姓都在服用的日常保健品”。 昂立一号口服液已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证和HACCP国际食品安全控制体系认证,主要功能有抗突变、改善肠道菌群失调、抗氧化、调节血脂,适宜各 n, winratiooject legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and coopeprojects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the pr d servicesfocused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production an-nagement (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customeron maof the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project constructi f the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and reviewtem oproject quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management sysAccording to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives.nt version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes andcurre of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to thetions. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard ical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectawin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-7 年龄段人群。 9、雪源康 雪源康口服液是华信药业和中国药科大学经过长期攻关研制的。它以富铬酵母(微量元素铬的有机载体)、决明子、山楂为主要原料采取中医理论与现代高科技生物技术相结合的方式研制而成,对降糖、降脂、降压有明显作用,并能有效维持机体血脂、血糖、胆固醇的正常水平。雪源康已经上市十余年,产品口号:调节血糖、调节血脂,主要定位在三高人群。 由于春节期间应酬多,不可避免的大鱼大肉,血糖、血脂很容易升高,调理不好极易引发并发症。雪源康调节血糖、调节血脂的功效非常明显,是送父母、送长辈、送三高人群的最佳保养品。送健康,档次高,是三高人群专用礼品,红色包装也更彰显了喜庆,频繁的各路宣传营销更加增加了它的销量。 10、红桃K生血剂 ifications, procedures, design institutes andd standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specons anality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quical requirements, and allocatiwin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, wins the n and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests aheir customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in productiofocused" thinking, fully aware that meet t-cilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customere measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, farectivew meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose cord work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management revis, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures anincluding incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system document8 红桃K生血剂自称22年国货精品健康一家,营销上主要体现在“表孝心、送爱心、红桃K、最贴心”上,它是以天然食物是提取的卟啉铁为主要成份配以适量药食两用原料及微量元素,采用一代生物技术,依据科学配方,分别组成片剂和口服液。经功能试验证明,红桃K具有免疫调节、改善营养性贫血的保健作用,适用于各类人群。 ical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectawin and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or techn-n, winratiooject legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and coopeprojects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the pr d servicesfocused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production an-nagement (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customeron maof the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project constructi f the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and reviewtem oproject quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management sysAccording to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives.nt version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes andcurre of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to thetions. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard 9
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