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发从朱光潜看第一次美学大讨论发从朱光潜看第一次美学大讨论 从朱光潜看第一次美学大讨论 内容摘要: 二十世纪五六十年代中国发生了第一次美学大讨论,对中国美学的发展产生了重要的影响。这次美学大讨论意义重大:不仅可以看作是新中国美学的真正起点,而且对整个二十世纪后期美学的发展有学术定性作用。 关键词: 美学大讨论 朱光潜美学思想 中国美学思想 一、美学大讨论的背景 众所周知,二十世纪五六十年代中国发生了第一次美学大讨论。早在二十世纪初西方的“美学”就被介绍到中国,由于封建主义的阻挠,西方美学思想的传播受到极大阻碍。随着美学思想的发展和各种政治力量在中国...
发从朱光潜看第一次美学大讨论 从朱光潜看第一次美学大讨论 内容摘要: 二十世纪五六十年代中国发生了第一次美学大讨论,对中国美学的发展产生了重要的影响。这次美学大讨论意义重大:不仅可以看作是新中国美学的真正起点,而且对整个二十世纪后期美学的发展有学术定性作用。 关键词: 美学大讨论 朱光潜美学思想 中国美学思想 一、美学大讨论的背景 众所周知,二十世纪五六十年代中国发生了第一次美学大讨论。早在二十世纪初西方的“美学”就被介绍到中国,由于封建主义的阻挠,西方美学思想的传播受到极大阻碍。随着美学思想的发展和各种政治力量在中国舞台上的活跃,思想界开始形成文艺思潮进行思想启蒙,改造愚昧落后的国民精神。这股思潮不断地冲击着旧有的思想体系,为他们接受新思想作了准备。实际上,这场美学大讨论并不是中国的首创。早在二十世纪二三十年代,前苏联美学界就开展了一场美学大讨论,美学家们围绕“是否需要建立和如何建立马克思主义美学”两个基本问题展开讨论,并且深刻探讨了美本质问题。苏联的这场美学大讨论无疑对中国美学界产生了重要的影响。 在1956之前中国就出现了美学讨论的倾向。建国前,蔡仪写了《朱光潜论》对朱光潜的美学观点进行批判,这可以看作是美学大讨论的前奏和暗示。这次讨论开始于1956年是与国家的意识形态密切相关的。1951年,周恩来做了《关于知识分子的改造问题》的报告,之后中共中央也发出了思想改造的命令。这次思想改造运动主要是针对一些高级知识分子,要求在高级知识分子中间宣传马列主义毛泽东思想,肃清他们头脑中迂腐的、非马克思主义的观念。这场思想改造运动可以看作是新中国国家意识形态的一次除旧布新。与此相配合,1956年四月毛泽东提出了“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,这一方针得到了文艺界与艺术界纷纷响应。发生在1956年的美学大讨论则是这一方针的具体体现。 二、朱光潜早期美学思想及大讨论的开始 朱光潜在五六十年代美学大讨论中甚至是在我国美学的发展史上都起举足轻重的作用。他的美学思想一方面受到同时期国内美学家王国维、蔡元培、吕澂等人的影响,另一方面他早期的美学思想吸收了康德、克罗齐的形式派美学和布office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 洛、立普斯、谷鲁斯的心理学美学的优点,把它们作为自己美学思想的根本观点和根本。他早期美学代表作品《谈美》、《文艺心理学》等从心理学的角度解释了人类的审美心理和审美想象,属于心理美学。他早期的核心观点是美不在心,即不存在于人的主观意识中;也不在物,即不存在于客观事物之中,美存在心与物的关系上面。他的原话表述为“如果美本来是物的属性,则凡是长眼睛的人们应该都可以看到,都应该承认它美。好比一个人的高矮,有尺可量,是高大家就要都说高,是矮大家就要都说矮。但是美的估定就没有一个公认的标准。假如你说一个人美,我说他不美,你用什么方法可以说服我呢,有些人欢喜辛稼轩而讨厌温飞卿,有些人欢喜温飞卿而讨厌辛稼轩,这究竟谁是谁非呢,同是一个对象 1有人说美,有人说丑,从此可知美在物之说有些不妥了。”但朱光潜说“美不在物”,并不是否认物的客观存在,相反他认为美与物是紧密相关的:美必须要有物作为客观载体,物必须先具有了使人觉得美的可能性。也就是说,物本身必须具有美的条件,人不可能完全凭借心灵创造出美来。朱光潜的这一思想在《文艺心理学》有也有表述:“美不仅在物,亦不尽在心,它在心与物的关系上面。但这种关系并不如康德和一般人所想象的,在物刺激,在心为感受,它是心借物得形象来表现情趣。世间并没有天生自在、俯拾即是的美,凡是美都要经过心灵的 2创造。”由此可知朱光潜早期美学思想的核心观点是“美是心与物的统一”,但他的统一主要的是统一到了心上。在他的《文艺心理学》这本中提出了“直觉说、移情说、心里距离说”等观点来论证美感经验,这就导致一些人批判他的美学思想是唯心的、反动的,由此开始了第一次的美学大讨论。 三、朱光潜不仅是美学大讨论的起源,实际是美学大讨论的推动者和引领者 早在1937年,周扬写了《我们需要的新美学》一文,就对朱光潜的美学思想进行了批判,蔡仪也批判朱光潜的思想是唯心主义的。1956年,朱光潜发表了一篇自我批评的文章《我的文艺思想的反动性》。在这篇文章中朱光潜批评自己早期的美学思想是唯心的、反动的,曾在青年读者中发生过广泛的毒害影响。同时还指出自己的《谈美》、《文艺心里学》之类的书籍是唯心主义思想的杂货摊,与中国封建的文艺思想、与欧美许多反动的哲学、美学、心理学等各方面的思想都有千丝万缕的联系。针对朱光潜发表的《我的文艺思想的反动性》,黄药眠首 1 朱光潜 《谈美》 2008年北京大学出版社 P74 2 朱光潜 《文艺心理学》 1996年 安徽教育出版社 P148 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 先做出反映,他随即发表《论食利者的美学》一文来批判朱光潜的美学思想。他指出朱光潜美学中的一些基本概念是抽象和含混的,对“形象、直觉”概念的解释和对美感经验和联想关系做出的解释,总是充满了矛盾。此外黄药眠还对“形象的直觉”“距离说”等作了批判,借此来批判朱光潜的唯心主义思想。鉴于黄药眠对朱光潜的批判,蔡仪也发表文章积极参与讨论。蔡仪在《评<论食利者的美学>》这篇文章中肯定了黄药眠对朱光潜的一些批判,同时对黄药眠美学理论本身存在的问题提出了批判,指出黄药眠的文章所谈的不是“物如何才能算是美”,而是在谈论“事物怎样才能成为美学对象”这个问题,黄药眠对朱光潜的批判仍然是以唯心主义观点来批判唯心主义。 讨论升温后,朱光潜又发表《美学怎样既是唯物的又是辩证的》一文来反驳蔡仪的旧唯物主义观点,他所强调的是主观条件在审美过程中的决定作用。他指出蔡仪的缺点是没有对“意识也可以影响存在”这一点给予足够重视,而只抓住了“存在决定意识”这一点。在短短两个月的时间里《人民日报》连续发表了多篇观点不同的文章,许多学术界、文艺界的人士都参与到讨论中来,美学问题一时成了人们高度关注的问题。1956年,青年学者李泽厚崭露头角,他在《论美感、美和艺术》一文中既批评了朱光潜,又反对蔡仪,并且提出了自己的观点——美是客观性与社会性的统一,这引起了朱光潜和蔡仪的反批评。吕荧、高尔泰、蒋孔阳、洪毅然等人也加入了讨论,美学大讨论轰轰烈烈开展着,直到1964年才尘埃落定,李泽厚的观点基本被认同。 四、美学大讨论的反思 经过一段时间的沉淀后,今天我们也许可以站在一个新的角度重新审视五六十年代的那场美学大讨论。五六十年代的美学大讨论主要是围绕“美本质、自然美、美学研究对象”三个问题展开的,其中“美本质”问题是讨论的核心。而对这个问题的讨论催生了中国的美学四大派: 第一,主观派,以吕荧和高尔泰为代表的。吕荧在1953年发表《美学问题》时就提出“美是人的一种观念”。高尔泰否认客观美的存在,认为人的心灵是美的源泉,美发生在人脑中,离开了人的主观就没有美。 第二,客观派,以蔡仪为代表的。蔡仪认为美是客观的,客观存在的美是主观意识美感的根源。一事物之所以是美的,原因在于该事物本身,和欣赏者没有office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 必定的联系。那么,到底什么样的事物才是美的呢,蔡仪提出了“典型说”来回答这个问题。他说美即典型,典型的东西就是美的,从特殊中可以透视一般的东西就是美的。 第三,美是主观与客观的统一,以朱光潜为代表。朱光潜在建国前的观点是 3“美不仅在物,亦不仅在心,它在心与物的关系上”。经过大讨论,他的思想发生了变化,提出了“美既有主观性,又有客观性,既有自然性,又有社会性。自然性与社会性,主观性与客观性是统一的。” 第四,美是社会性与客观性的统一,以李泽厚为代表。青年学者李泽厚在美学大讨论中暂露头角,他认为,“美既是社会的又是客观的,社会性与客观性是统一的存在。撇掉其中的任何一方面,都是错误的。”他强调的客观性是指物的社会性,这与蔡仪的客观性是有区别的。所谓社会性,不是指主观的社会意识或社会情趣等,而是指客观存在的社会的属性。他着重强调了人类的实践活动。 虽然在美学大讨论中催生了美学四大家,对中国美学的发展有很大的贡献,但它并不是完美的,在一定程度上也表现出缺陷。例如,在讨论中把哲学问题和美学问题混淆起来;讨论美本质问题时过分强调唯物和唯心之分,把一切主张美在主观的观点说成是唯心主义,过于片面化;对唯物与唯心的划分过于绝对,把那些只要认为美是客观的人便划为唯物主义的;把认为美在主观、美是主观的那些人便定位成唯心主义的。而唯心主义在他们看来当然是错误的、反动的。因此每个人都积极表明自己是唯物主义的,批判别人是唯心主义的。 总体来说,五六十年代的美学大讨论是成功的,虽然有过失但功大于过,值得我们学习和借鉴。它在中国美学的发展历程中处于一个关键的阶段,并且也起过重要的作用。直到今天我们的美学思想的发展仍然会受到第一次美学讨论的影响,而且这种影响会一直延续下去。 四、参考文献 1、吕澂 《美学浅说》 1931年 商务印书馆 2、朱光潜 《谈美》 2008年 北京大学出版社 3、朱光潜 《文艺心理学》 1996年 安徽教育出版社 4、薛富兴 《分化与突围》 2006年 首都师范大学出版社 3 朱光潜 《文艺心理学》 1996年 安徽教育出版社 P148 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 5、彭锋 《引进与变异》 2006 年首都师范大学出版社 6、聂振斌 《中国近代美学思想史》 1991年 中国社会科学出版社 7、四川省社会科学院文学研究所编 《中国当代美学论文选》第一集 1984年 重 庆出版社 个人资料:薛星星 女 山西师范大学 文学院 文艺学专业 硕士研究生二年级 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage
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