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广中医研究生英语考试广中医研究生英语考试 一、中医翻译20分 a. 英译汉(绿本,7unit,PPT、注释、练习、长难句) Uint1 PPT: Pa1: 原句:It’s based on the holistic concept of the universe outlined in the spiritual insights of Daoism. It’s based on the holistic concept of the universe. 它建立在宇宙整体观的基础上。 This holistic concept ...
广中医研究生英语考试 一、中医翻译20分 a. 英译汉(绿本,7unit,PPT、注释、练习、长难句) Uint1 PPT: Pa1: 原句:It’s based on the holistic concept of the universe outlined in the spiritual insights of Daoism. It’s based on the holistic concept of the universe. 它建立在宇宙整体观的基础上。 This holistic concept is outlined in the spiritual insights of Daoism. 该整体观在道家精神内涵里有描述 道家精神内涵对此整体观作了描述/解释 这种理解建立在道家精神内涵里面描述的宇宙整体观基础上。。。 It’s based on the holistic concept of the universe outlined in the spiritual insights of Daoism, and it has produced a highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health and well-being. 译文:它基于到家精神内涵解释宇宙的整体观念,并且衍生出一套高度成熟的治 疗疾病及保健的方法。 Pa2: 原句:Although they appear very different in approach, They all share the same underlying sets of assumptions about the nature of the human body and its place in the universe. Although they appear very different in approach 尽管方法看似各不相同 They all share the same underlying sets of assumptions 他们有相同的基本认识 Assumptions about... 对……的认识 他们对……的基本认识是相同的。 译文:尽管这些方法看上去各不相同,但他们对人体本质以及它与自然界关系的 认识是相同的。 Pa3: 原句:The last twenty years or so have seen a dramatic increase in the popularity of a whole range of therapies that have their origins well outside the accepted boundaries of Western scientific thought. The last twenty years have seen a dramatic increase in the popularity of therapies. These therapies have their origins. These origins are well outside the accepted boundaries of Western scientific thought. 这些治疗方法的起源同西方科学认可的思想相距甚远 Pa4/5/6 Bearing no obvious relationship to „„ 无明显关系 in all case 不管怎样,无论如何 aerobic exercise 有氧运动 in terms of 根据 symptomatic relief 症状缓解 原句:Yet, in all case, the proof is there in terms of symptomatic relief and improved health and well-being. the proof is there in terms of symptomatic relief and improved health and well being ...there is the proof in symptomatic relief and improved health and well-being 然而,在所有的病例里,证据是症状的缓解,健康状况的改善。 译文:然而,所有的病例明,症状得到缓解,健康状况得以改善。 Pa7: 原句:Analytical specificity is emphasized, and holism —the view that approaches the person as a “whole” being, comprising body, mind and spirit—is underplayed. Analytical specificity is emphasized, and holism is underplayed. 强调了部分的分析性,整体性却被忽略了。 ..the view that approaches the person as a “whole” being, comprising body, mind and spirit. 这种观念将人体视为一个由身体,思维,精神组成的整体 Pa8: 原句:The diagnosis will place the signs and symptoms into an interdependent tapestry where physical symptoms, emotional reactions, and spiritual beliefs are set alongside social and environmental factors in order to understand how the energy dynamics of the individual lead to health or disharmony. in order to understand how the energy dynamics of the individual lead to health or disharmony. 为了理解个人气机能(如何)导致健康与疾病 the diagnosis will place the signs and symptoms into an interdependent tapestry 中医诊断把症状置于一个相互依存的整体下分析 in the tapestry physical symptoms, emotional reactions and spiritual beliefs are set alongside social and environmental factors. 这是种精神、情绪同社会、环境相依存的整体 中医诊断把症状归结为精神、情绪同社会、环境综合作用的结果。 为了解释人体气机能导致健康或疾病,中医诊断学将临床症状归因为机体情绪及 精神同社会、环境因素综合作用的结果。 Pa10: 原句:Indeed, to understand these principles and to apply them in daily life is as much a part of the Chinese system of health as are the treatment specialisms applied. ...to understand these principles and to apply them in daily life is a part of the Chinese system of health ...the treatment specialisms applied are also a part of the Chinese system of health 注释: 1.(看Pa1)It’s based on the holistic concept of the universe outlined in the spiritual insights of Daoism, and it has produced a highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health and well-being. 2. (看Pa2)Although they appear very different in approach, They all share the same underlying sets of assumptions about the nature of the human body and its place in the universe. 句中underlying sets of assumptions 意为“基本观念”。 3.(看Pa4/5/6) Yet, in all case, the proof is there in terms of symptomatic relief and improved health and well-being. 4.(看Pa7)Analytical specificity is emphasized, and holism —the view that approaches the person as a “whole” being, comprising body, mind and spirit—is underplayed. 5.As human beings we exist as an integral part of an energetic — energy-filled — universe. Within this universe our mind ,body, and spirit are merely different manifestations of the same life force and consequently cannot be considered separately.人类是充满能量的宇宙的组成部分,我们的心智、集体和精神不过是 同一生命活动的不同表现形式,自然不能分别看待。 6. (看Pa8)The diagnosis will place the signs and symptoms into an interdependent tapestry where physical symptoms, emotional reactions, and spiritual beliefs are set alongside social and environmental factors in order to understand how the energy dynamics of the individual lead to health or disharmony. 练习: the nature of human body and its place in the universe 人体本质及它与自然界的关系 symptomatic relief 症状的缓解/缓解症状 an integral part of an energetic universe 是充满能量的宇宙的组成部分 well outside the accepted boundaries of Western scientific thought 同西方科学认可的思想相距甚远 Uint2 PPT: Pa1: One can seemingly understand it on a rational level, and yet, continually find new expressions of it in clinical practice and, indeed, in life. 在理论层面上,我们似乎不难理解这一概念,然而在临床实践与生活中我们会不 断发现其新的内涵。 Pa2: Moreover, yin contains the seed of yang and vice versa... 阴可生阳,阳可生阴……vice verse—反之亦然 Pa4: 原句:The implications of this apparently straightforward observation lead us in a direction quite at odds with the Aristotelian logic that underpins Western scientific thought. The implications of this observation lead us at odds with the Aristotelian logic. 这种观察所具含义有别于亚里士多德逻辑学。 这种明显的直接的观察(认识)所具含义完全有别于作为西方科学思想基础的亚 里士多德逻辑学。 Pa5: 原句:It’s important to understand the concept that yin and yang are essentially descriptors of the dynamic interactions that underpin all aspects of the universe. It’s important to understand the concept. Yin and Yang are descriptors of the dynamic interactions. The dynamic interactions underpin all aspects of the universe. 最重要的是懂得阴阳只是对自然界万物的能动作用的描述。 Pa8: In theory all yin and yang can be infinitely subdivided into aspects that are themselves yin and yang. 理论上,阴阳可以无限细分 注释: 1.(看Pa1)The concept of yin-yang is extremely simple, yet very profound. One can seemingly understand it on a rational level, and yet, continually find new expressions of it in clinical practice and, indeed, in life. 阴阳的概念既简单又深奥。 2.(看Pa4)The implications of this apparently straightforward observation lead us in a direction quite at odds with the Aristotelian logic that underpins Western scientific thought. 3. Steam and ice can be seen in terms of water molecules that themselves have yin particles in relation to yang particles. 水蒸气和冰都有水分子,而水分子同时含有阴粒子和阳粒子。 4. If the yin and yang aspects are prevented from achieving balance through this mutual transformation process, the consequences may be catastrophic since, ultimately, balance will forcibly be achieved. 如果阴阳的相互转化受阻,失去平衡,则会造成不好的后果。最终的结果是平衡 会被强制恢复。 5.The principle of treatment will be to allow the transformation of the excess yang into yin in order to reestablish a state of equilibrium and also of biology homeostasis. 其治疗原则便是化阳为阴,以求恢复人体的动态平衡。 练习: 1. opposition of contraries 矛盾的对立 2. from the Chinese perspective of yin and yang 从中国的阴阳观念出发 3. further aspects of yin and yang 阴阳的进一步分化(成的各方面) 4. in relation to the lower part of the front 相对于前面的下部 5. imbalance of yin and yang 阴阳失调 Uint3 PPT:未有summer版,只有代课老师的PPT,都是汉译英 营气construction(nutrient) qi 营血construction-blood 血虚blood vacuity 血淤blood stasis 血热blood heat 失眠insomnia 脉细a fine pulse 眼花flowery vision 血液的凝滞congealing and stagnation of the blood 血寒blood cold 脉细涩a fine or rough pulse 刺痛stabbing pain 热邪heat toxin 数脉a rapid pulse 胃液stomach juices 同一事物a single entity 突出其特性highlight specific characteristics 相对清稀relatively thin 体表the surface of the flesh 滋润肌肉 阴液yin humor 温煦和活化作用warming and activating function 离经之血 extravasated blood 绛舌 a crimson tongue 水之上源 upper source of water 气为血之帅 qi is the commander of the blood 血液行于脉管之中,是一种富含营养的红色液体物质。 Blood, circulating in the vessels, is a red liquid substance rich in nutrients. 血源于脾胃化生的水谷精微,具有营养和滋润全身的功能。 Blood originates from cereal essence transformed by the spleen and stomach, and has the functions of nourishing and moistening the whole body. 正常的血液循行来自于心、肺、脾和肝的共同作用。 Normal blood circulation comes of the joint action of the heart, the lung, the spleen and the liver. 健全的精神活动来自于正常的血液循行及充足的血液供应。 Sound mental activity results from normal circulation and a sufficient supply of blood. 津与液总是相提并论,因为一方面,它们都来源于脾胃化生的水谷精微;另一方 面是由于它们可以互相转化。 Jin and ye are always mentioned in the same breath because of the fact that, for one thing, both of them derive from food and water transported and transformed by the spleen and stomach, and for another, they can transform into each other. 尽管气、血、津液的性状及其功能各不相同,但它们却有许多共同之处。三者均 为构成人体和维持人体生命活动的基本物质。它们均来自水谷精气。在生理上, 它们相互依存、相互制约、相互为用;在病理上,它们相互影响,互为因果。 Despite their differences in nature, form and function, qi, blood and body fluid have something in common with each other. They are the basic materials that constitute the human body and maintain life activities; they all derive from cereal essence; they, physiologically, depend on each other for existence and restrain and utilize each other; they, pathologically, act upon each other and have causality between them. 血和津液都是液体,而且它们都有滋养功能。津液进入脉中就会成为血液的重要 组成部分。因为血和津液都源于水谷津液,因此被称为“津血同源”。 Blood and body fluid are liquids and, what‘s more, they both perform the nourishing and moistening functions. Body fluid will become an important component of blood when infiltrating into the blood vessels. As blood and body fluid originate from the essence of food and water, they are known as “body fluid and blood are derived from a common source.” 注释: 1. The Magic Pivot(Lingshu , Jueqipian)states: “The middle jiao takes in qi, extracts its essence, and turns it into red substance that is blood.” 《灵枢 决其篇》曰:“中焦受气,取汁,变化而为赤,是谓血。” 2. From the qi that the middle jiao takes in, it produces waste and distills fluid from which it extracts the essence. This then flows into the lung channel where it is transformed into blood which furnishes the needs of the body. Its preciousness is unexcelled by anything. It flows through the blood vessels and is known as construction qi. 中焦之所受气者,泌糟粕,蒸津液,化其精微,上行于肺脉,乃化而为血,以奉 生身,莫贵于此,故独得行于经隧,命曰营气。 3. The Canon of Difficult Issues (Nanjing).《难经》。 4. blood governs nutrition 血主濡之 5. The Elementary Question(Suwen)《素问》 6. The liver receives blood ,so there is sight; the legs receive blood and thus are able to walk; the hands receive blood and so are able to grip; the fingers receive blood and then are able to grasp. 肝得血而能视,足受血而能步,掌受血而能握,指受血而能摄。 7. Qi invigorates and blood nourishes. 气主煦之,血主濡之。 8. Fluids take in enter the stomach. Here, they are churned and their essential qi is strainer off. This is then carried to the spleen and further distributed by spleen qi. It passes up to the lung which ensures regular flow through the waterways down to the bladder. In this way, water essence is distributed to the four parts, by passing through the five channels. 饮入于胃,游溢精气,上输于脾,脾气散精,上归于肺,通调水道,下输膀胱, 水精四布,五经并行。 9. moves the fluids of the stomach为胃行其津液 10. The Magic Pivot(Lingshu, Jingmaipian) comments: ”The small intestine governs humor,” and “the large intestine governs liquid.” 《灵枢 经脉篇》有云:“小肠主液,大肠主津。” 11. The Elementary Question(Suwen, Linglanmidianlun) states:” The tripe jiao holds the office of the sluices; it manifests as the waterways.” 《素问 灵兰秘典论》曰:“三焦者,决渎之官,水道出焉。” 练习: 1.The liver stores the blood 肝藏血 2.The spleen manages the blood 脾统血 3.Blood governs nutrition 血主濡之 4.blood heat 血热 5.Blood is the mother of qi 血为气之母 6.blood stasis 血瘀 Uint4 PPT: Pa1: 原句:As will soon become apparent, anyone assuming that treatments which are regarded by the Chinese as beneficial to the liver will automatically be useful against Western-defined hepatic disorders, will probably upset at the lack of success. Treatments are regarded by the Chinese as beneficial to the liver. 中医认为有利于治疗肝病的方法 Those treatments will automatically be useful against Western-defined hepatic disorders. 这些方法自然被认为对于西医所谓的肝病有好处 Anyone assuming the above will become confused and probably upset at the lack of success. 有些人认为以上观点一定成立,但当其失效时,往往会变得不知所措、忐忑不安。 有些人认为中医治疗肝病的方法理所当然对治疗西医所谓的肝病有好处。但是, 当预期的疗效未能很快达到时,他们往往变得不知所措、忐忑不安。 Pa2: 原句:...they do not refer to the specific tissue, but rather to semi-abstract concepts which are complexes of closely interrelated functions. ...they do not refer to the specific tissue, but rather (they refer) to semi-abstract concepts... 他们指的不是具体的脏器,而是一种半抽象的概念 Those concepts are complexes of closely interrelated functions. 此概念指的是功能内在相关的综合体 Pa3: ...on the basis of one to one correspondence. 一一对应 The description of problems in or among the organs is the basis for understanding diseases. 对脏腑内部及各脏腑之间的病理描述是理解疾病的基础。 Pa4: The yin organs are said to “store and not drain”, meaning that their functions are directed toward sustaining homeostasis, both physically and mentally. 阴脏“藏而不泻”, 意为其功能主要是维持身体内物质和精神的动态平衡。 Each yang organ is associated with a yin organ by a special yin/yang relationship. 阴脏和阳腑可按照其阴阳对应关系结成对子。 Pairs of yin and yang organs so linked belong to the same phase, their channels are sequential to each other in the circulation of qi, their functions are closely linked, and disease in one usually affects the other. 在气的运行中它们的经络位置互为表里 Pa5: ...the patterns of disease, a pattern 证 This is an example of the abstract in Chinese medicine, in that the signs and symptoms of a disease are grouped into “emblems” which represent the state of the health of the patient as a whole. 疾病的症状和体征汇合成症候,“象征”了病人的整体健康状况,这是中医抽象化 的又一个体现。 Pa7: 原句:„a Western-defined disease may have more than one corresponding Chinese pattern,or one Chinese pattern may appear under different Western-defined disease headings should come as no surprise. ...a Western-defined disease may have more than one corresponding Chinese pattern... 某种西医所谓的疾病在中医里可能对应几种病症 ...or one Chinese pattern may appear under different Western-defined disease headings... 或者,中医的某种病症可能出现在不同的西医疾病定义里(标题下) ...the above fact should come as no surprise... 出现以上这种情况不足以为怪 注释: 1. (看Pa1). 2. actually although both contain elements of truth, it is best to come to grips with the Chinese concept of the organs on its own terms. 实际上,这两种说法都有点道理,但是我们最好还是用中医特有的术语来阐释脏 腑这一中医概念。 3. in acupuncture ,the channel corresponding to the yang organ is often used to treat disorders of its yin organs. 在针刺疗法中,六腑经络穴位常用于治疗五脏疾病。 4. the active purpose of Chinese medicine is to “discern patterns and institute treatments”. 中医旨在“辨证论治”。 the senses of doctors and patients are used to garner information, which the doctor 5. can synthesize into a total picture of how the patient is operating at that time. 医生先对自己和病人感知的信息加以综合分析,再勾画出当时病体得到总体运转 情况。 练习: the concept of the organs in CM 中医脏腑概念 to come to grips with the Chinese concept of the organs in its own terms 用中医特用的术语描述中医脏腑的概念 on the basis of one to one correspondences 在一一对应的基础之上 To discern patterns and institute treatments 辨证论治 to come as no surprise 不足为怪 a total picture of how the patient is operating at that time 当时病体的总体运转情况 Uint5 PPT:雷同练习,注释;部分我觉得有用的课文 Protective qi 卫气 fear of cold 恶寒 dislike of wind 恶风 Joy, anger, sadness and grief, pensiveness, fear, and fright 喜,怒,悲,思,恐,惊 Lose control of urination 尿失禁 chest congestion 胸闷 a bitter taste in the mouth口苦 注释: 1(The six pernicious influences are the environmental factors that play a part in disease. They include six climatic phenomena — wind, cold, fire of heat, dampness, dryness, and summer-heat —and are also called the six evils(liuxie). 六淫,又名六邪,是对风、寒、火(热)、湿、燥、暑六种因气候变化导致疾病 产生的外感病邪的统称。 2(Thus, the qi moves the blood , but also holds it in place; the heart stores shen(spirit) and also moves blood; the spleen rules ascending, the stomach rules descending; the liver rules spreading and the kidney rules storage; the lung rules the circulating and descending of qi; the kidney governs the grasping of qi. 因此,气能生血,又能摄血;心藏神,心行血;脾主升清,胃主降浊;肝主疏泄; 肾藏精;肺司呼吸,主肃降;肾主纳气。 3(The Neijing states that “excess joy is associated with slow and scattered qi; excess anger induces the qi to ascend; excess sadness and grief weakens the qi; excess pensiveness generates knottedness or stuckness; fear results in descending qi; and fright induces chaotic qi.” 《内经》记载说“喜则气缓;怒则气上;悲则气消;思则气结;恐则气下;惊则 气乱。” 4(The seven emotions are also thought to correlate with the five yin organs: joy with the heart; anger with the liver; sadness and grief with the lung; pensiveness with the spleen; and fear and fright with the kidney. 人们还将七情与五脏相关联:喜为心志,怒为肝志,悲为肺志,思为脾志,恐为 肾志。 练习: yin and yang that generate and limit each other 阴阳互相促进、相互制约 qi moving the blood,but also holding it in place 气能行血,又能摄血 aversion toward cold 恶寒 an external pernicious influence 外邪 excessive joy leading to slow and scattered qi 喜则气缓 fright inducing chaotic qi 惊则气乱 Uint6 PPT: Pa1: the five elements:wood, fire, earth, metal, water Pa2/3/4: 木曰曲直(植物有弯曲向外和向上生长的特点) Wood is the bending and straightening Wood is characterized by bending and straightening 肝喜条达(指肝气与肝血循环的通畅、顺利),主升,主动,具有疏泄的功能。 The liver likes orderly smoothness and governs uprising and motion and has the dredging function. Analogically 以此类推 Pa5/6: 火曰炎上(火的特性,有温度,向上运动) Fire is the flaming upwards Fire is characterized by flaming upwards 心主脉,具有推动气血以温养全身的功能。 Heart governs the blood and vessels. It can propel Qi and blood to warm and nourish the entire body. Pa7/8: 土爰稼穑(土具有生长与收获万物的特性) Earth is the sowing and reaping Earth is characterized by sowing and reaping 脾主运化水谷精微,为气血生化之源。 Spleen governs the transportation and transformation of the essence of water and grain, and is the foundation for the formation of Qi and blood. Spleen transports the essence of food and water all over the body and transforms it into blood and Qi. Pa9/10: 金曰从革(金从矿石冶炼出来,有演化与变革的特性) Metal is the working of change Metal is characterized by changing 肺喜清肃而主降。 Lung likes to thrive by purity and governs the descending motion. Lung thrives by purity and governs the descending motion. Pa11/12: 水曰润下(水有滋润向下流动的特性) Water is the moistening and descending to low places Water is characterized by moistening and descending 肾藏精而主水。 Kidney stores the essence and governs water. 我觉得的: Inter-promotion 相生 inter-action相克 wood is stagnant and earth is deficient(obstructed)木郁土虚(壅) 注释: 1. The theory of the five elements holds that all the phenomena in the universe are composed by the movement and mutation of the five objects: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. 五行学说认为,宇宙间的一切事物都是由木、火、土、金、水五种物质的运动与 变化所构成的。 2. The theory of the five elements generalizes abstractly the different characteristics of the five objects, wood, fire, earth, metal and water, to classify the internal organs and tissues into the five elements respectively by analogy and to explain the physiological characteristics of the Zangfu organs by the nature of the five elements. 五行学说将木、火、土、金、水五种物质的不同特点加以抽象概括,以类比的方 法,将人体的内脏、组织、器官分别归属于五行,以五行的特性来说明脏腑的生 理特点。 3. Because it is similar to the characteristics of earth in the bringing forth of phenomena, the spleen is categorized into the attribute of earth. 因与土的生化万物的特性相类似,故将脾归属于土。 4. When the liver disease is transmitted to the spleen, it indicates that wood over-acts earth. 肝病可以传脾,是木乘土。 5. When the liver disease affects the heart, it is said that the illness of the mother influences the son. 肝病影响心,称为母病及子。 练习: Some definite clinical justification某些确切的临床证据 Analyze, study , summarize and explain the physiological activities 分析、研究、综合和解释生理活动 The ordinary relationship between two opposite aspects of the object 事物两个对立面间的普通关系 Accord with notion of fire符合火的概念 in the order of the inter-promoting circle处于相生的次序 embrace all the physiological functions of the five Zang organs 包含五脏所有的生理功能 Uint9 PPT:(经脉以外看看即可) The Twelve Regular Meridians 手太阴肺经 Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin (LU) the Lung Meridian 手阳明大肠经 Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming (LI) 足阳明胃经 Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming (ST) 足太阴脾经 Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (SP) 手少阴心经 Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (HT) 手太阳小肠经 Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang (SI) 足太阳膀胱经 Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang (BL) 足少阴肾经 Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin (KI) 手厥阴心包经 Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (PC) 手少阳三焦经 Triple Energizer Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang (TE) 足少阳胆经 Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang (GB) 足厥阴肝经 Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin (LR) The eight extraordinary vessels 督脉: Governor Vessel (GV) 任脉: Conception Vessel (CV) 冲脉: Thoroughfare Vessel (TV)/Penetrating Vessel 带脉: Belt Vessel(BV)/Girdling Vessel 阴跷脉 Yin Heel Vessel(Yin HV)/ Yin Motility Vessel 阳跷脉 Yang Heel Vessel(Yang HV) Yang Motility Vessel 阴维脉 Yin Linking Vessel(Yin LV) 阳维脉 Yang Linking Vessel(Yang LV) Acupuncture: Practise acupuncture 行针 practise medicine 行医 to insert needles 进针 in conjunction with... 与...联合(使用) electrical stimulus 电刺激 in conjunction with 与...联用 acupuncture pressure 指压 a non-invasive method of massage therapy 非介入性按摩疗法 the first record 最早记载 to document 记载 have any concept about... 对...有些认识 consist of 由…组成 theory, theorize, theoretical, theoretically arrival of Gi 得气 Shennong theorized that the body had an energy force running throughout it as the basis of acupuncture. 神农建立了(一种理论作为)针灸疗法的基础,即有一种能量贯穿于人体体内。 the spiritual aspect 精神层面 the emotional aspect 情志层面 the mental aspect 思维层面 the physical aspect 肉体层面 be accessible by 用…到达,接近 The village is accessible by boat. Acupuncture needles: 34mm (millimeters) 22 gauge Acupuncture needle gauge 直径 Much finer 更细 hollow—solid ×bleeding or bruising 瘀伤 width of shaft, shape of head 针身针尖 Single-use needles, disposable needles Insert the needles in the range of 15-90 degrees Acupuncture techniques: fall into the range of 属于...的范畴 Electro-acupuncture 电针Electro-: electricity e.g. electromagnet 电磁石 Fire needle 火针 hydro-acupuncture水针 Warming needle 温针 electrical impulse电脉冲 Microamperes 毫安 Micro—small-scale 微 Microwave 微波炉 Sonopuncture: 声针 Sono + puncture Sono: sound Auriculotherapy: 耳针疗法 Auriculo + therapy Auriculo-: Auricular (of ear) Ear acupuncture / auricular acupuncture alternative 替代性的东西alternative medicine 替代医学 alternatives to acupuncture 替代针灸的方法 Reflexology 足底反射治疗学 -ology: a branch of learning e.g.: psychology soles of the feet 足底 posterio-inferior regions of the ankle joints 踝关节后下部区域 Diseases treated: lower backache 腰痛 cervical spondylosis ['s?:vik?l] [sp?ndi'l?usis]颈椎病 condylitis 髁炎 arthritic conditions 关节炎类病症 headache 头痛 migraine 偏头痛 allergic reactions 过敏反应 clinical trials/experiments 临床试验 anxiety disorders 焦虑症 depression 抑郁症 additions to... 对...上瘾 I have addictions to drugs. 我有毒瘾 I am addicted to drugs. hard drugs 烈性毒品 rid...of... 使...摆脱... To rid the body of physical dependency使人体摆脱身体上的依赖 注释: 1. Very basically, acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles (sometimes in conjunction with electrical stimulus), on the body’s surface, in order o influence physiological functions of the body. 简言之,针刺是将很细的针刺入体表(有时与电刺激联合运用)从而影响人体的 生理功能。 2. The acupuncture points are specific locations where the meridians come to the surface of the skin, and are easily accessible by “needling”, moxibustion, and acupuncture pressure. 穴位是经脉循行到体表的特定部位,易于针刺、施灸和指压。 . The following techniques are some which may be used by an acupuncturist 3 immediately following insertion: lifting and thrusting, twirling or rotating. 进针后,针灸师可能会立即采取如下一些手法——提插,捻转。 4. Acupuncture and moxibustion are considered complementary forms of treatment, and are commonly used together. 针刺和灸法被认为是两种互补的治疗方式,而且经常被同时应用。 5. Cupping is another type of treatment. This is a method of stimulating acupuncture points by applying suction through a metal, wood or glass jar, in which a partial vacuum has been created. 拔火罐是另一种治疗方法,即拔罐法,它是通过金属罐、木罐或玻璃罐内制造的 不完全真空所形成的吸力刺激穴位。 6. Stimulation of the acupuncture points is performed with the fingers or an instrument with a hard ball-shaped head. 练习: in conjunction with electrical stimulus 与电刺激相结合 acupuncture pressure 指压 to travel throughout the body along “meridians” 沿着经脉流经全身 the lower frequencies for general pain relief 较低的频率用于一般的疼痛缓解 the treatment of diseases by applying heat to acupuncture points 通过给穴位施热治疗疾病 to rid the body of physical dependency 使人体摆脱身体上的依赖 b.汉译英(练习) Unit1 整体观 holistic concept/ concept of holism 保健与治疗 Health care and treatment 中医基础理论与临床实践 fundamental theory of TCM and clinical practice 人体与环境的和谐 Harmony between the human body and its environment Unit2 阴阳学说 Yin-Yang theory 动态平衡 dynamic balance 物质世界 physical world 相互独立的对立双方 mutually independent opposites 疾病的早期表现 early manifestation of disease 治疗原则 principles of treatment Unit3 津液 fluids 营气 nutrient qi 津 liquid 液 humor 黏膜 mucous membranes 血虚 blood vacuity Unit4 西医所谓的肝病 Western-defined hepatic disorders 功能内在相关的综合体 complexes of closely interrelated functions 藏而不泻 to store and not to drain 泻而不藏 to drain and not to store 根本病因 the root of the problem 治表 providing only symptomatic treatment Unit5 六气 the six climatic phenomena 六淫 the six pernicious influences(of environmental factors) 阴阳失调 yin and yang losing adjustment 易受病邪的伤害 be susceptible to the harmful effects of a pernicious influence 肾藏精 the kidney ruling storage 脾的运化 the spleen's function of transforming food Unit6 五行理论 the theory of the five elements/five-element theory 藏血以济心 to store blood to support the heart 说明人体生理、病理及其外在环境的相互关系 To explain the physiology and pathology of the human body as well as their relationship to the outside environment 相生相克的关系用以解释脏腑之间的某些内在联系 The inter-promoting and inter-acting relationships are used to explain some of the interconnections among Zang-fu organs. 临床实践证明五行的法则可用以决定诊断与治疗 Clinical practice has proved that the laws of the five elements can be used to determine diagnosis and treatment 五行学说中的“相乘”与“相侮”,在中医学中可用以解释病理现象 The over-acting and counter-acting relationships in the theory of the five elements can be used to explain pathological conditions in Chinese medicine Unit9 进针 to insert needles / the insertion of needles 手少阳三焦经 triple Energizer Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang 经脉循行到体表的特定部位specific locations where the meridians come to the surface of the skin 耳针疗法:auriculotherapy / auricular acupuncture/ear acupuncture 得气:the arrival of qi 针刺对成瘾的治疗: acupuncture treatment of addictions 二、西医英语翻译(30分,红本) a(练习中的句子和段落(15分,5题) 医学英语实用翻译教程Chapter 3 I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. Archimeds first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 译文:阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理。 2. There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another. 译文:将能量从一种形式转变成另一种形式有各种不同的方法。 3. Corrosion is an electro-chemical process by which a metal such as mild steel returns to its natural state, such as iron oxide or rust. 译文:腐蚀是一种电化的过程,像低碳钢一类的金属,因腐蚀而回复到自然状态, 如氧化铁,即铁锈。 4. Hyperventilation produces small decreases in blood pressure in normal subjects and large decreases in patients with automatic failure. 译文:过度换气会使正常受试者的血压轻微下降,而患有自律衰竭患者的下降幅 度则较大。 5. Aspirin has been recognized as inhibiting normal platelet functions and the mechanism has been clearly delineated. 译文:人们发现阿司匹林有抑制正常血小板的功能,而这种机制也已得到清楚的 描述。 6. Traditionally, these tumors have been treated locally, usually with radiation. 译文:传统的治疗方法,是对这些肿瘤进行局部治疗,通常是采用放射疗法。 7. Terminal is defined here as an irreversible illness that will cause the death of the patient in a foreseeable time. 译文:临终状态在这里定义为,在可预见的时间里,不可逆转的疾病将导致患者 死亡。 8. A thrombus may cause sudden closure of the vessel with complete obstruction of the blood flow. 译文:血栓会引起血管突然阻塞,造成血流完全中断。 9. Obstetrics and gynecology are combined in the specialty that deals with pregnancy and birth and diseases of the female reproductive system. 译文:产科与妇科合并成处理妊娠、生育及女性生殖系统疾病的专科。 10. This observation has not been confirmed by other trials employing long term tamoxifen treatment. 译文:这个观察结果还未被其他使用他莫西酚进行治疗的实验所证实。 II. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. 1. Opportunistic infections are caused by conditional pathogenic factors, which are diseases caused by some pathogenically weak microorganisms that are incapable of causing diseases when human immunity is normal and the decreased human immunity constitutes an opportunity for them to invade the human body and cause diseases. 译文:所谓机会性感染,是由条件性致病因素引起的,专指一些侵袭力较低、致 病力较弱的微生物,在人体免疫功能正常时不能致病,但当人体免疫功能减低时 则为这类微生物造成一种感染的条件,乘机侵袭人体致病,故称做机会性感染。 2.Fossil remains were not the only information which we now possess but which Darwin lacked . He did not know that apes have the same diseases as men, or have the same kind of blood. Nor did he know about the modern uses of radiation... 译文:化石残骸不是我们现在拥有的唯一资料,但达尔文连这种资料也很缺乏。 他不知道猿和人会患有一样的疾病;也不知道猿和人有着同样的血型;更不知道 辐射的现代用法…… 医学英语实用翻译教程Chapter 4 1.The prevention of sudden cardiac death by long-term administration of antirrhythmic drugs is based on sound physiological principles. 译文:长期服用抗心率失常药来预防心脏病引起的猝死,是以正确可靠的生理学 原理为根据的。 2.A careful analysis of the patient's history shows that urticaria is a sort of clinical clue to viral hepatitis. 译文:详细分析患者的病史后,就看得出荨麻疹是病毒性肝炎的一种临床线索。 3.The patient has no knowledge of when the first attack occurred. 译文:患者不知道第一次发作是在何时。 4.Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions. 译文:内分泌学的定义是:研究无管腺或称内分泌腺及它们的内分泌物的科学。 5.The patient is beyond help. 译文:这个病人没救了。 6.This sort of beverage is refreshing and nourishing. 译文:这种饮料提神、养人。 7.They admitted the feasibility of our treatment. 译文:他们承认我们的治疗方案是可取的。 8.Treatment of amblyopia must be prompt. Up to the age of about seven a rapid and complete restoration of vision can be expected within a month. 译文:弱视必须及时治疗。在7岁左右以前,视力在l个月内能够完全迅速恢复。 9.In the pharynx the only site to be involved in an infection with any frequency, at least in adults, is the oropharynx. 译文:咽部感染多发生在口咽部,至少在成年人如此。 10、11重复 12.These symptoms can be broadly characterized as “neurotic”, and they include anxiety, phobias, obsessional symptoms, and less often hysterical symptoms. 译文:这些症状普遍具有“神经症”的特征,包括焦虑、恐怖、强迫症状及相对较 少见的癔症性症状。 13.Fragility of the chief cell is frequently accompanied by loss of cyanophilic granules into surrounding space. 译文:主细胞易于破裂,其嗜青颗粒常常失散到周围空隙中去。 14.Despite the intensive research on insulin, the details of its action remain speculative. 译文:尽管对胰岛素进行了大量的研究,它的作用细节仍有待探索。 15.Since the myope has usually no knowledge of the definition in distant objects that he is missing, he may continue through life unaware of any visual defect, nor can be find that in old age his unduly near vision range compensates for the advance of presbyopia; and good near vision recompenses his declining years for a lifetime of shortsightedness, of which he may well have been ignorant. 译文:由于近视者通常对自己所看不到的远物一直不了解其清晰度,因而有的近 视者可能在一生中并未察觉到有任何视力缺陷,也不能领会老年时过分的近视度 对老视进展所作的代偿;好的近视力在近视期间可补偿近视者的晚年。 1. The most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are rickets in young children and osteomalacia in adults. Rickets is characterized by continued formation of osteoid matrix and cartilage, which are improperly mineralized resulting in soft, pliable bones. In the adult demineralization of preexisting bone takes place, causing the bone to become softer and more susceptible to fracture. This osteomalacia is easily distinguishable from the more common osteoporosis, by the fact that the osteoid matrix remains intact in the former, but not in the latter. 译文:幼儿维生素D缺乏最常见的症状是佝偻病,成人则为软骨病。佝偻病的 特征是骨基质和软骨不断形成,但矿物质不足,导致生成的骨软而柔韧。而在成 年人中,成骨发生脱矿物质而变软,易于发生骨折。这种骨软化症很容易与更为 常见的骨质疏松症相鉴别,因为前者的骨基质保持完好,而后者则不然。 2. Because of fortification of dairy products with vitamin D, dietary deficiencies are very rare. The cases of dietary vitamin D deficiency that do occur are most often seen in low-income groups, the elderly (who often also have minimal exposure to sunlight), strict vegetarians (especially if their diet is also low in calcium and high in fiber), and chronic alcoholics. Most cases of vitamin D deficiency, however, are a result of diseases causing fat malabsorption, or severe liver and kidney disease. Certain drugs also interfere with vitamin D metabolism. Anticonvulsant drugs inhibit the 25-hydroxylation reaction in the liver. Corticosteroids also have a similar effect and have been shown to cause bone demineralization when used for long periods of time. 译文:由于乳制品中添加了维生素D,饮食性缺乏甚为少见。饮食性维生素D 缺乏如果确有发生,这种情况常见于低薪人群,老年人(他们晒太阳也最少), 严格的素食者(特别是当他们的饮食为低钙高纤维时)以及慢性酒精中毒者。然 而,维生素D缺乏的大多数情况是由于引起脂肪吸收不良的疾患或严重的肝肾 疾患所致。某些药物也干扰维生素D的代谢。抗痉挛药物抑制肝脏内25位羟化 反应。皮质类固醇也有相似的作用,长期使用可使骨脱矿质化。 医学英语实用翻译教程Chapter 5 Mini Exercise 全否定 1. Random assignment resulted in unequal numbers in the control and experimental groups. 译文:随机分配使对照组和实验组被试人数不相等。 2. It needs to be a safe environment where staff are not afraid to express any anxieties. 译文:职员们需要一个有安全感的环境,一个不害怕表露任何忧虑的环境。 3. Histological examination showed that neither the Ethiopian nor the Mexican tissues assessed were entirely normal. 组织学检验证明被坚定的埃塞俄比亚人和墨西哥人的细胞组织都不正常。 4. No systematic cutaneous examinations were performed in clinical studies of golimumab therapy. 戈利木单抗注射(治疗类风湿肌肉注射药物)治疗的临床研究没有进行系统的 皮肤试验。 5. The exact number of these gentamicin and neomycin cases is impossible to determine. 庆大霉素和新霉素病理的确切数字无法确定。 6. It would be impossible to see or remove these foreign bodies by direct laryngoscopy. 直接喉镜检查不可能看得见异体并将其移除。 3. (没了)None of the treatments were significantly different from the control at the statistical level. 译文:从对统计数据的处理来看,这些治疗方法没有明显的不同。 4.(没了)Though the ulcer was not healing it had neither spread nor increased in size. 译文:尽管溃疡没有治愈,但它既没扩散也没长大。 部分否定 1.Not all drugs are bitter to the taste.(= All drugs are not bitter to the taste.) 译文:并非所有的药都是苦的/药并不都是苦的。 2.The operation was not successful and smooth. 译文:手术很成功,但并不顺利。 3. Clinical staff on the front line are not always aware of what is new. 第一线的临床医生不一定总是把握最新情况。 4.George hasn’t had back surgery using endoscopic technique recently as well as his brother. 译文:乔治最近并没有像他弟弟那样做了背部内镜手术。(乔治最近并没有做背 部内镜手术,而是他弟弟做了。) 5. Both Jim and Ann are not students attending the course in obstetrics and gynecology and learning the pelvic examination. 吉姆和安并不都是妇产科班学骨盆检查的学生。 双重否定 1. Though often beneficial, mindless use of antibiotics is not without hazard. 使用抗生素虽然常常有利,但盲目应用难免有害。 2. It took no little time for them to evaluate a strategy of laparoscopic excision of a cervical myoma. 他们花了不少时间对腹腔镜切除子宫肌瘤的方法进行评估。 1.(没了)Nobody has no access to the facilities. 译文:人人都可以使用这些设备。 2. (没了)It took no little time to go to the hospital from their home. 译文:从他们家到医院要花不少时间。 3.However, it can be difficult if not impossible to excise a cranial nerve neurilemmoma(神经鞘瘤)without removing a segment of the nerve. 译文:然而,要在不去除神经段的情况下切除颅神经鞘瘤即便可能也有难度。 4. Recognition may well be more difficult, as pathological utterances are likely to be less phonetically distinct than the words of normal speech, but should not be impossible. 病理发声的识别很可能更难,因为它也许不如正常说话那么清晰,但要做到,应 该是有可能的。 隐性否定 1.In many cases a simple cause may be responsible for failure of the ulcer to heal. 译文:在很多病例中,某个简单的原因就可能使溃疡不能愈合。 2.The patient reports the feeling that one of his limbs is missing. 译文:病人说他的一侧肢体逐渐没有(失去)感觉。 3.Free from anxiety, he led a very happy life. 译文:他没有忧虑,因此生活很幸福。 4.I can hardly express my bitterness. 译文:我是有苦说不出(有苦难言)。 5.(没了)Be careful during the vacation lest you (should) have systemic infection after the major surgery. 译文:度假期间要小心, 不要发生(以免)术后全身感染。 5. Be careful lest you (should) fall from the tree. 小心,不要从树上掉下来。 6.(没了)The old patient with pneumonia has been out of danger. 译文:那年老的肺炎患者已脱离(没有)危险。 6. I was past caring now, so I ordered coffee for myself and ice cream and coffee for her. 我现在什么都不在乎了。我为自己点了咖啡,为她点了一杯冰淇淋。 句子结构所引起的否定 1.(没了)It is a wise father that knows his own child. 译文:无论怎样聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子。 1. It is a skilled doctor that is afraid of having medical malpractice. 医术再高的医生也难免害怕出医疗事故。 2.It is a silly fish that is caught twice. 译文:再蠢的鱼也不会上钩两次。 3.The patient's poor health condition is more than I can describe. 译文:病人身体状况之差,无法用语言描述。 4.(没了)Seeing Plastic Surgery, he was too excited to speak. 译文:看到《整形外科》这本,他兴奋得说不出话来。 4. The proteinaceous sputum is too thick to be expectorated. 含有蛋白质的痰过于黏稠而咳不出来。 否定的转移 1.The experts don’t think medical residents need work too long. 译文:专家们认为住院医生工作时间不需要太长。 2.Doctor Peck doesn’t find the adjustment of his patient’s regimen for hypertension necessary. 译文:佩克医生认为他为其高血压病人制定的方案没有必要调整。 3.The endocrinologist doesn’t expect premature pregnancies are encouraged. 译文:这位内分泌学家认为不应该鼓励早孕。 4.I don't believe that the patient died of cancer. 译文:我认为该病人并非死于癌症。 意义上的肯定 1.No less than 150 people died in the pestilence. 译文:这场瘟疫中,死亡人数竟达150人。 2.I can’t agree more with the idea that Chinese medicine does not have to await the arrival of illness. 译文:我百分之百赞同中医治未病的观点。 3.This is no other than the causative factor of the disease we are looking for. 译文:这正是我们寻找的致病原因。 4.No man can have too much knowledge and practice. 译文:知识和实践越多越好。 5.Some oil wells produce nothing but salt water, while others always remain dry. 译文:有些油井只产盐水,而另一些油井却总是干的。 练习 1. Additive manufacturers keep bacteria and enzyme formulations confidential. Hence, neither enzyme levels nor specific genera of organisms were assessed in our study. 译文:添加剂生产商对细菌和酶制剂配方严加保密,因此我们的研究对酶及生物 体种类没有进行评定。(全部否定) 2.Can molds make you ill? When is mold toxic? We should be concerned about mold although the science and the medical research are inconclusive. 译文:霉菌会使你生病吗,霉菌什么时候会有毒,尽管科学和医学研究还没有确 定的结论,但我们应该关注霉菌的问题。(全部否定) 3.The doctor said that both diets could not provide adequate nourishment. 译文:医生说并非两种饮食都能提供足够的营养。(部分否定) 4.No risk factors in individual patients might have been detected without a multidisciplinary approach. 译文:只有运用综合学科研究法,才能找出病人疾病的风险因素。(双重否定) 5.There is nothing illogically in the idea that viruses or virus-like agents may be the basic cause of cancers, although requiring the cooperation, as we shall see, of nutritional, hormonal, genetic and other metabolic factors. 译文:病毒或者是类病毒成分可能是癌症的基本诱因,这种想法是合乎逻辑的, 尽管正如我们知道的,癌症的引发需要营养的、激素的、遗传的和其他新陈代谢 的因素共同作用。(双重否定) 6.When the lights came on again, hardly a person in the city can have turned on a switch without reflecting how great a servant he had at his fingertips. 译文:当电灯又亮起时,城里的人们在打开开关的瞬间,想必几乎人人都会想到, 电灯是随时可供他们使用的多么有用的东西。(双重否定) 7.Chlorination does not kill everything. 译文:氯化处理并不能杀死所有的病菌。(部分否定) 8.The patients can not do prescribing an treatment as well as filling a prescription and contacting the billing department on the web. 译文:病人在网上可以配药,联系收费处等,但不能决定治疗方法。(部分否定) 9.He is the last man to consult. 译文:根本不宜找他商量。(隐性否定) 10.(没了)It's a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach. 译文:那是一幢漂亮的村舍,离最近的海滩仅5分钟的路程。(意义上的肯定) 10. In this regard, genetic revolution is on less than a biomedical revolution. 就这方面而言,基因工程简直就是一场生物医学的革命。 11.Eleven percent of mothers, 4 from each group, reported their child did not have teeth at the initial appointment. Therefore, those mothers were excluded from the frequency analysis concerning teeth cleaning. 译文:百分之十一的母亲,每组四人,声称在最初的约见中,她们的孩子还没长 牙齿。因此,这些母亲不包括在牙齿清洁的频度分析中。 12.No significant change in frequency was found in the control group from pretest to posttest. 译文:从预试到后测,对照组频率没有发现明显的变化。 13.In cases of CM (Cervical myomas), vascular supply to myoma is not always simple. Aberrant blood supply that causes unexpected bleeding may be frequently noted as in LCM (lateral cervical myoma). 译文:在宫颈肌瘤病例中,肌瘤维管联结并不总是那么容易(前文提到诸多容易 操作的方法)。导致意外出血的异常供血在侧向宫颈肌瘤治疗中可能会频繁出现。 14.Regardless of the anatomical position of the myomas, we believe that these procedures are safe, easy to perform, and minimally invasive for treating different types of CM in expert hands in a well-equipped surgical setting. 译文:不管肌瘤所处位置如何,我们相信在设备良好的手术环境中,由专家执刀, 各种宫颈肌瘤的治疗过程安全方便,危害性极小。 15.Little did I know when Lewis K. Dahl received the major award for demonstrating the crucial role of genetics and salt in hypertension that one day I would receive the award later to be named in Dahl’s honor, nor did I know that this award would include recognition of my own contributions to an understanding of the genetics of hypertension. 译文:当刘易斯?达尔因证明了基因和盐在高血压病症中扮演着重要角色而获奖 的时候,我完全没想到有一天我会获得为纪念他而设立的奖项,也没想到这一奖 项会使我在认识高血压遗传学上所作的努力得到认可。 1. There are advantages and disadvantages to co-sleeping. Many children sleep more soundly when a parent is close by, while others will sleep better when they sleep on their own. Co-sleeping is not for every parent. Some parents experience a sense in knowing that there is nothing more wonderful than being woken by a kiss from your baby and seeing just how happy they are to be so close to you, whereas other parents find co-sleeping may further disturb their own sleep due to concerns for their infant's safety or due to their child's frequent movements during the night. 译文:母婴同床有好处也有坏处。许多孩子有大人在身边会睡得更好,而有的孩 子则自己睡更好。母婴同床并不适合每一位父母。有的父母享受被孩子吻醒时妙 不可言的瞬间和看着孩子幸福依偎的满足。而有的父母则认为母婴同床会因为夜 间担心孩子的安全或孩子频繁的翻身而影响自己的睡眠。 2.This work would not have been possible without their dedicated support. As a result of these capabilities, use of this new technology continues to increase. However, this new technology is not without a great deal of up-front costs. Many of these devices cost approximately $1 million. The true cost-effectiveness of any medical technology can not be accurately determined without considering the impact of noneconomic factors. 译文:这项工作如果没有他们的鼎力支持,不可能完成。基于这些能力,这项新 技术的使用日益增多。然而,其前期投入的成本很大。许多设备价值近百万美元。 任何一项医疗技术,其真实的成本效率必须考虑非经济因素的影响才能准确。 医学英语实用翻译教程 时态、语态和语气的翻译技巧 6 1.The patients were randomized to the study group and control group, who respectively received traditional acupuncture and placebo treatment. 译文:病人被随机分配到研究组和对照组,分别接受了中医针灸治疗和安慰剂治 疗。 2.Patients with neck pain constitute approximately 30% of the individuals experiencing chronic pain. 译文:在慢性疼痛的病人中,颈痛患者占了大约30%。 3.The NPQ consists of nine five-part questions that assess the patient's symptoms, from which a score is obtained. 译文:NPQ量表包含了9个问题,每个问题都分别设有5个选项,以对患者的 各种症状进行评价,最后得出总分。 4.It is believed that no ideal treatment has been developed for ischemic stroke in clinical practice at present; hence researchers attempt to seek a solution with the combination with the latest biomedical outcome and complementary and alternative methods. 译文:缺血性脑卒中目前临床尚无理想治疗措施,因此,研究者致力于选择一种 将最新的生物医学指标与替代补充医学方法相结合的解决方案。 5.The rats were allocated to real operation groups, and the sham operation group which the middle cerebral artery was not occluded. 译文:大鼠被分配到了真手术组和假手术组,其中接受假手术的大鼠其大脑中动 脉没有被闭塞。 6.The influenza A (H1N1) pandemic broke out and spread globally since its first outbreak in Mexico and the United States in March 2009. 译文:甲型流感(H1N1)自2009年3月首次在墨西哥和美国爆发以来,已在全 球扩散并呈爆发性流感大流行。 7.If there were a medication on the market that conveyed all of the health benefits of active living, everyone would take it. 译文:如果市场上有售特效药能让人享受积极生活带来的健康,人人都会争相抢 购。 8.People want their aging parents to get a hip replacement should they need it --- without having to wait an unreasonable time to get it. 译文:人们希望年迈的双亲不用等候太长时间才能得到他们需要的髋关节置换手 术。 9.Many countries are investing big money in the research and development of Chinese herbal medicine, which is challenging the development of Chinese herbal medicine in China. 译文:很多国家投入重金,加大对中医药的研究开发力度,对国内中医药发展构 成挑战。 10.If Eddie kept abusing narcotics, the police would incarcerate him. 译文:如果埃迪继续滥用麻醉毒品,警察就会监禁他。 1.The NPQ has a consistently high degree of test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient range, 0.93-0.96) for different gender and age groups, and good internal consistency. It should be noted that because of the small sample size, only two broad age groups (?40 and ,40 years) could be used. More detailed analysis of gender-specific age groups with a smaller age range would have required a much larger study. 译文:NPQ量表对于不同性别和年龄的患者组别都具有较高的重测信度(组内 相关系数范围在0.93到0.96之间),同时有较好的内部一致性。但需要指出的是, 由于样本数少,只设了两个年龄大组(40岁以下和40岁以上)。如果需要在年 龄差异较小的年龄组内,进行不同性别对象的进一步具体分析,将需要大得多的 样本量。 2.The bilateral femoral bone marrow of the SD rats aging 6 to 8 months was taken and made into single cell suspension. Then the specimens were inoculated in the 0.1 FBS L-DMEM medium in the 37?, 5% CO2 incubator. The differential attachment culture method was used for cell purification, and the subculture was started when 90% confluence was met. The third generation of BMSCs was exacted for transfection after optimized filtering under the condition as following: cell density / confluence 80% ~ 90%, DNA concentration:6.0 μg/ml,DNA transfection: Lipofectamine 2000 (μg: μl) = 3:4. The 0.1 FBS L-DMEM medium was changed after 6 hours, and the incubation continued, The cells were collected after 48 hours of the transfection. 译文:取6,8周龄SD大鼠双侧股骨骨髓,制成单细胞悬液,应用全骨髓培养 法,接种于含体积分数为0.1 FBS的L-DMEM培养基中,置37?、5%CO2培养 箱中培养。应用差速贴壁培养法纯化细胞,90%融合时传代培养。取第三代 BMSCs,按筛选优化后的转染条件即细胞密度80,90%融合度,DNA浓度6.0 μg/mlDNA:Lipofectamine2000(μg:μl)=3:4进行转染,6h后更换0.1 FBS的 L-DMEM培养基继续孵育。转染后48h收集细胞备用。 3.The H1N1 patients in fever clinic who received Chinese medicine treatment had similar clinical effectiveness as those receiveding Chinese-western integrative medicine treatment. However, their medical cost was lower than the integrative group. Therefore, Chinese medicine treatment for influenza A (H1N1) may have potential advantage in its cost. 译文:接受中医治疗的H1N1患者取得了和接受中西医结合治疗患者相类似的临 床疗效,但是,他们的医疗费用低于中西医结合治疗组。因此,中医药治疗H1N1 甲型流感可能在费用上有潜在的优势。 医学英语实用翻译教程 定语从句的翻译 9 1. The strains which do not produce this reaction are of a more virulent type. 译文:不引起这种反应的菌株是毒性更强的一种。 2. The factors which make for the formation of gall stones are apparently periods rather than continuous in their mode of action. 译文:显然,促使胆结石形成的因素之作用方式呈周期性,而不是持续性。 3. To enumerate a number of agents which may precipitate a state of shock is one thing, but to elucidate their mechanism of action is another and more difficult one. 译文:列举可能引起休克的许多因素是一回事,而阐明它们的作用机理则是另外 一回事。 4. TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology is a clinical subject which studies open wound and closed wound injuries including fractures. 译文:中医骨伤科学是研究包括骨折在内的开放性创伤和闭合性创伤的一门临床 学科。 5. A still stronger evidence of unfitness is a short period of endurance and a pulse rate which quickly increases to 6 or 7above the normal in the second or third period. 译文:表明不健康更充分的依据就是耐久期短,并且在第二、第三阶段脉率迅速 增加,比正常的脉率快6到7次。 6. The bicuspid valve is closed in the same way as the tricuspid does, and after a brief pause the left ventricle contracts, forcing the blood over the open semilunar valve into the aorta, from which the blood travels to its branches and capillaries of every part of the body. 译文:二尖瓣以与三尖瓣同样的方式关闭。在一短暂停顿后左心室收缩,驱使血 液通过开着的半月瓣进入主动脉。血液由主动脉循行到它的分支和身体各部的毛 细血管。 7. The nature of the process of inflammation depends on many factors, chief among which are the type of tissue in which the infection is lodged and the nature of the causative organism. 译文:炎症的过程取决于很多因素,其中主要的是感染所在部位的组织类型和致 病菌的性质。 8. An organism against which immunity has been developed will be coated with antibody if it enters the blood stream, and cell will be destroyed. 译文:人体对其已经产生免疫力的细菌,一旦侵入血液就会被抗体包围并将其消 灭。 9. Cancer also may be classified into four grades on the basis of their degree of malignancy, as it determined by microscopic examination. 译文:癌肿也可根据显微镜检查所确定的恶性程度分为四级。 10. The disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life. 译文:这种疾病可以发生在任何年龄阶段,不过频发于青年人。 11. Particular caution must be observed in the treatment of nephropathic subjects with the drug in whom a retention of urine can produce high blood level. 在用此药治疗肾病患者时必须特别谨慎,因为尿路闭塞可能使药物在血液中浓度 升高。 12. Septic thrombosis occurs in adjacent small blood vessels, and the detachment of fragments of infected blood clot accounts for the septic embolism which may complicate a relatively insignificant abscess. 败血症血栓在邻近的小血管内形成,感染性血块碎片脱落,导致败血性栓塞,较 小的脓肿也能产生这种并发症。 1.The other type of specific resistance or immunity is obtained by injecting into the body some of these protective substances which have been produced by a person who has had the disease or by an animal into which the germs or their poisonous products have been injected. In either instance the protective substances are found in the blood, if taken from some other person, the liquid part of the blood, with or without the corpuscles, is injected directly. If from animals, the protected substances are removed from the blood, concentrated, and standardized before injection. The resistance or immunity thus obtained is present immediately after the injection bur lasts a relatively short time, at most a few months. 译文:另一类型的特殊抵抗力或特异性免疫,是通过把已患病的人体内所产生的 保护性物质或把已注入病菌或其毒性产物的动物所产生的保护性物质注入机体 的方法获得的。不论哪一种情况,在血液中均可以发现这些保护性物质。如果保 护性物质取自他人血液的液体部分,不论具有血球与否均可直接注射。如果取自 动物,那么保护性物质在注射前需从血液分离,加以浓缩,使之标准化。这样获 得的抵抗力或免疫力可在注射后立即出现,但其维持时间相当短,至多数月。 2.The first change, which develops within a few minutes of the time of injury, is that the smaller vessels become dilated, so that the flow of blood to the part is accelerated. The next change, which also occurs almost at once, is that the permeability of the endothelial cells are increased, so that protein-rich fluid exudes into the injured tissues diluting any noxious agents and bring antibodies to bear on them. At this time also the endothelial cells become swollen, and as a result the flow of blood through individual vessels becomes slower, though the total blood flow through the part remains high. Lastly and usually at a much later stage, comes the progress of leucocytic emigrations, whereby polymorph leucocytes escape from the smaller vessels and reach the seat of injury. 译文:损伤后几分钟内发生的第一个变化是小血管扩张,结果使流到损伤处的血 液加速。几乎立刻发生的第二个变化,是内皮细胞的渗透性增强,因此饱含蛋白 质的液体渗入损伤的组织,稀释各种毒素因子,并视抗体对它们产生影响。这时 内皮细胞也发生肿胀,结果通过个别血管的血流变慢,不通过该区的血的总量仍 然很大。最后,通常在晚期,出现白细胞渗出现象,由此多性核白细胞从小血管 逸出,到达损伤部位。 3.Tetanus immunoglobulin, given in addition to tetanus toxoid in a dose of 250 units, should be used for those who have an uncertain vaccination history, whose who have had no or one known previous dose of tetanus toxiod, and whose who have a wound that is more than 24 hours old and have two previous dose of tetanus toxiod. 对下述患者除给予破伤风类毒素外,尚应用剂量为250单位的破伤风免疫球蛋 白:预防注射史不明者;以前未曾使用或已知使用过一剂破伤风类毒素者;以前 曾使用过两剂破伤风类毒素但受伤时间已超过24小时者。 4.Live is known to have functioned as a hematopoietic organ in the fetal stage, and adult hepatocytes produce thrombopoietin, which stimulates platelet production in bone marrow. Despite this fact, few studies have investigated the relationship between hematic cells and liver regeneration. Our study focuses on the platelet contribution to the liver regeneration in the early period. We also demonstrate that platelet accumulate in the residual liver in the early period after hepatectomy. 肝脏在胎儿期被认为有造血器官的功能,并且成人干细胞可产生血小板生成素, 后者可刺激骨髓中的血小板生成。尽管如此,却很少有研究去探讨血细胞和肝再 生的关系。我们的研究关注血小板在早起可促进肝再生。我们也证明了肝切除后 早期的残余肝脏中有血小板聚集。 5. Here we showed that the receptors that respond to steroids were also regulated by social status. This raises the question whether social status perse directly regulates these receptors in the brain or, alternatively, whether social status regulates steroid hormone which , in turn, regulate expression of their own receptors? Because steroids are known to regulate expression of their own receptors, is is a reasonable prediction that social status regulates steroid receptors indirectly through changes in steroid hormone levels. 我们证明对类固醇反应的受体也受社会地位的调节。这就提出了一个问题,是否 社会地位本身直接调节大脑的这些受体,或者社会地位调节类固醇激素,后者反 过来调节他们的自身受体的表达,因为类固醇已知能调节其自身受到表达,有理 由推测社会地位调节类固醇受体是间接通过改变类固醇激素水平来实现的。 医学英语实用翻译教程 状语从句的翻译 10 1. When toxemia does occur in the multipara, it is usually associated with some predisposing factors, especially hypertensive vascular disease. 译文:当经产妇确实发生毒血症时,通常与某种诱发因素有关,特别是与高血压 血管疾病有关。 2.The patient has been sleeping very well since he took the sedative this morning. 译文:病人自从今早服用镇定剂后,一直睡的很好。 3.This is particular important since both infection and diabetes are difficult to control when occur together. 译文:这点特别重要,因为感染和糖尿病若同时发生,就难以控制。 4. If direct sensitivity tests are performed on the plated material, definitive antibiotic sensitivity results can be obtained within 24 hours in most instances when this information can be critical to the management of the patient. 译文:如果对涂片上的物质进行直接敏感性试验,则大都可于24小时内获得抗 菌素敏感度确切的结果。此时,这种资料就成为处理病人选择药物的关键。 5.Treatment is by cessation of oral administration of the offending drug so that the normal balance of intestinal flora can be reestablished. 译文:治疗的办法是停止口服起不利作用的药物,以便肠道内菌群的正常平衡得 以恢复。 6.The doctor asked the nurse several questions as he examined the patient. 译文:医生检查病人时问了护士几个问题。 7.Difficult as the task was, they fulfilled it all the same. 译文:任务虽然很难,他们还是把它完成了。 8.During sleeping the functioning of the automatic nervous system is normal, although it is less intense. 译文:在睡眠时,自主神经系统的功能活动是正常的,但强度要差些。 9.The pain is usually relieved by administration of opiate, although repeated doses may be required. 译文:通常是用鸦片制剂来缓解疼痛,但可能需要重复使用。 10.The liver helps in the destruction of worn-out red blood cells; stores the iron from this process and liberates it to the red bone marrow as needed, for the conversion of a normoblast into a non-neucleated red blood cell. 译文:肝脏帮助破坏衰老的红细胞,从这个过程中将铁贮存起来,在需要时把铁 释放到红骨髓里,以便将正成红细胞转化为无核红细胞。 1. It is important to realize that hypertension and left cardiac hypertrophy are not necessarily, though usually, associated. The heart may be of normal size with a systolic blood pressure well over 150mm. , and on the other hand the left ventricle may be hypertrophied in the absence both of valvular lesions and of hypertension. The probable explanation of the first anomaly is that the increase of pressure has been so gradual that it has thrown no sudden strain on the muscle fibres,whilst in the second case it is possible that the hypertrophy is due to a previous hypertension which was no longer evident at time of the final illness. Cases are on record where the heart has weighed as much as 800g without evident hypertension or valvular disease. 译文:虽然高血压和左心室肥大通常有联系,但是有时未必如此,认识到这一点 是很重要的。收缩期血压大大超过一百五十毫米时,心脏的大小仍可能是正常的。 反之,在既没有心脏瓣膜损伤,又没有高血压的情况下,左心室也可能肥大。第 一种异常情况可能因为血压的增加时渐进的,没有把重负突然施加于肌肉纤维。 而第二种情况,肥大可能是由于原先有高血压,而后来高血压已经不再明显了。 有案可查,有些病例心脏重量可达八百克却没有明显的高血压和瓣膜疾病。 2. If the amount of blood in the vessel is sufficient to distend it as is usual in the circulation, the distended walls of the elastic vessels exert a pressure on the contained fluid. If the additional fluid is forced into the vessels, as happen in cardiac systole, the blood could either be forced out of the vessel, or, if the resistance to its forward passage were greater than the pressure required on distended the vessels, the latter would be further distended. This happens in the normal circulation. 译文:正如在平时的循环中那样,如果血管内血量足以使血管扩张,那么扩张了 的富有弹性的血管壁对管内液体施加压力。如果附加的液体被迫进入血管,如在 心脏收缩期发生的那样,那么血液可被排出。如果前进通路的阻力大于血管扩张 所需要的压力,血管将变形扩张。此种情况出现于正常的血液循环中。 3. The epidemiology of pediatric liver disease in the United States of America has not been studied exclusively. Compared to adult liver diseases, the incidence of liver disease in children is relatively low, but the impact is high. Chronic hepatobiliary disease impacts significantly on the health and quality of life of child, on the number of years of life gained or lost, on the family unit and on health-care expenditure. However, there has been a lack of sufficient research funding for investigation into the mechanism and management of pediatric hepatobiliary disorders. 小儿肝病流行病学在美国还没有得到广泛研究。与成人肝病相比,儿童的肝病发 病率相对较低,但其影响很大。慢性肝胆疾病明显影响儿童的健康和生活质量、 寿命、家庭以及卫生保健的花费。然而,目前还缺乏足够的研究基金用来研究儿 童肝胆疾病的发病机制和治疗措施。 4. The next evidence if antiapoptotic effect of BMSC (bone marrow stem cells) was obtained by measuring antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 in myocytes. A slight increase of Bcl-2 protein was observed in cultured cardiomyocytes (Fig.3) while there was a 2.9-fold increase in cardiomyocytes when they were incubated together with BMSCs. These data suggest that reduction of cardiomyocyte apoptosis by BMSCs is also related to Bcl-2 protein over-expression in myocytes. 骨髓干细胞(BMSCs)抗凋亡作用的另一个证据是通过测量肌细胞抗凋亡蛋白 Bcl-2而获得的。在培养的心肌细胞中只观察到Bcl-2蛋白质则升高2.9倍。这些 资料表明BMSCs减少心肌细胞凋亡也与肌细胞Bcl-2蛋白质过度表达有关。 5. Some caution is necessary in interpreting these data. The current study is limited by the small number of subjects and the lack of placebo control group. In addition, bipolar patients were also taking antidepressants and mood stabilizing medications other than L-T4 (levothyroxine), which could influence HPA and HPG functioning. The results are preliminary, require expansion and replication. 必须找出一些可以解释这些资料的愿意。由于受试者数量少、缺乏安慰剂对照组, 本研究受到了限制。此外,双相抑郁病人除了服用左甲状腺素(L-T4),还服用 了抗抑郁和情绪稳定要,这可能会影响下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(HPA)和下丘脑- 垂体-性腺轴(HPG)功能。这些结果只是初步的,还需要进一步展开和重复试 验。 b(课外(一题,15分) 三、简单题(20分,5道) 1. What is a reductionist ideology? It seeks to understand a system by breaking it down into its constituent parts. (U1,P2,Paragraf7,Line5-6)。 2. Why are physical symptoms, emotional reactions and spiritual believes are set alongside social and environmental factors? Because the practitioners of Chinese medicine want to understand how the energy dynamics of the individual lead to health or disharmony and then make the diagnosis. (U1, Page3, Paragraf8, Line5-6) 3. What qualities does yang represent? Yang represents such qualities as warmth, activity, light, outside and expression. (U2, Page13, Paragraf6, Line3-end) 4. How can body movement affect blood? ? The heart governs the blood, the liver stores the blood, the spleen manages the blood.(下面是拓展) ? When the blood moves, it flows through the vessels and is pumped around the whole body by the heart and prevented from spilling out of the vessels by the containing power of the spleen; when at rest, the blood returns to the liver where it is stored. (U3,Page22,Paragraf2,Line3-4) 5. What’s the transformation of fluids into sweat dependent on? It is dependent on the lung’s function of ensuring diffusion and depurative downbearing. (U3, Page25, Paragraf17, Line4-5) 6. What are the techniques that are usually used by an acupuncturist immediately following insertion? The techniques are lifting and thrusting, twirling and rotating. (U9, Page82, Paragraf6, Line8) 7. What does “to store and not drain” mean? It is meaning that the yin organs’ functions are directed toward sustaining homeostasis, both physically and mentally. (U4, Page35, Paragraf4, Line2-3) 8. How does the concept of the organs in Chinese medicine differ from that of contemporary western medicine? The Chinese conception of the organs (to a modern westerner) is the lack of emphasis on the physical structure. Although many of the terms for the organs are similar to western appellations, they do not refer to the specific tissue, but rather to semi-abstract concepts which are complexes of closely interrelated functions. (U4, Page34, Paragraf2, Line1-5) 9. What’s the difference between an external pernicious influence and an internal one? An external pernicious influence usually accompanies sudden acute illnesses, whereas an internal one is more often related to chronic illnesses with no fever or chills. (U5, Page45, Paragraf5, Line3-end) 10. Please give an example to illustrate the mother-child relationship. In the theory of the five elements, water generates wood and wood generate fire. The kidney is attributed to water when the heart is fire and the liver is wood. When the liver disease affects the heart, it is said that the illness of the mother influences the son. If the kidney is affected, it is said that the illness of the son affects the mother. (U6, Page55, Last Paragraf, Line8-11) 11. How can great fear affect the kidney? Great fear can make kidney qi descend, even to the point of causing a person to lose control of urination. (U5, Page46, Last Paragraf, Line5-6) 12. What’s the physiological characteristic of the liver in terms of the five phase theory? The liver likes orderly smoothness and governs uprising and motion and has the dredging function. (U6, Page54, Paragraf4, Line1-2) 13. What are the ailments that moxibustion is used for? Moxibustion is used for ailments such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, certain types of paralysis, and arthritic disorders. (U9,Page83, Paragraf8,Line4-5) 14. What’s the fundamental difference between the western logic and the Chinese concept of yin-yang? Yin and yang represent opposite but complementary qualities while Western logic of thought assumes the opposition of contraries based on the premise of Aristotelian logic. (U2, Page12, Paragraf2, ppt has this Q) 15. Mark: “I am reading a book on Chinese medicine and am having a problem understanding how Yin-Yang works. How Yin can change into Yang and Yang can change into Yin. I mean, surely once you say a thing is Yin or Yang it must be fixed? What About the fact that men are Yang and women are Yin. Everybody says it and everybody accepts it as true. You can’t just go around changing your gender at the drop of a hat, so their Yin-Yang designations must be fixed.” Please use the knowledge you have learned from the book to answer Mark’s question. Yin and yang are pairs of mutually dependent opposites, each giving meaning to the other. Yet, yin and yang could be itself and its contrary, so yin contains the seed of yang and vice versa. Further, there are Wax and wane of yin and yang in the transformation of yin and yang. The yin-yang nature of things is not absolute, instead being a relative concept. All things (no matter how small) can be separated into yin and yang aspects. Then, one may take each aspect (either yin or yang), anything in the universe that classified as yin or yang can be divided into yin and yang aspects. And each of those aspects has yin and yang aspects of their own. So men are Yang and women are Yin, there being yin and yang in men or women. Things are Yin or Yang it must not be fixed. Things that are mobile, external, upward, ascending, warm, hot, bright, hyperactive, or pertaining to functional activities can be classified as yang. Those that are unmoving, internal, downward, descending, cold, dull, hypoactive, or pertaining to materials (or structures) can be classified as yin. Answer: The yin-yang nature of things is not absolute, instead being a relative concept. The relativity of yin and yang can be seen in the mutual transformation of one into the other (which takes place under certain conditions). In other words, yin becomes yang, and yang becomes yin.
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