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爱哭的妹妹桂林福达钢结构生产质量策划 广西建工集团 第五建筑工程有限责任公司 桂林福达钢结构生产制作 质 量 策 划 二00九年六月三十日 with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of ...
桂林福达钢结构生产质量策划 广西建工集团 第五建筑工程有限责任公司 桂林福达钢结构生产制作 质 量 策 划 二00九年六月三十日 with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (departments) and their staff should collect personal customer information through various channels, such as work, family of the borrower, and other major events, inward (MS) delay 一、 产品概况: 钢结构主要由梁、柱、排架、檩条和墙体组成。根据不同要求,主要用钢板、热轧型钢或冷加工成型的薄壁型钢制造而成,广泛应用于工业与民用建筑中的大跨度结构、工业厂房、仓库、农贸市场和体育场等地方,具有强度高、塑性和韧性好、自重轻、用钢量省、跨度大、制造简便、装卸快捷、施工周期短、抗震性能好、造价低等众多的优点。其中,桂林福达钢结构厂房为联跨厂房,分A/B/C/D/E五个区,B区和E区为组合柱结构,其余为H型钢结构。 二、 钢结构制作技术关键 ?、拼接、下料 钢结构制作的技术关键是焊接过程的控制。经生产技术部门与主任工 程师、车间技术人员进行专研究,确定控制重点为: 1、 所有焊工必须经过专业培训考试合格并取得合格证书,持证焊 工在考试合格项目及其认可范围内施焊; 2、 焊条、焊剂在使用前应按产品说明书中规定的烘焙时间和温度 进行烘焙; 3、 T型接头、十字接头、角钢接头等要求熔透的对接和角接组合焊 缝、其焊缝尺寸不应小于4/T; 4、 钢板或型钢的最短拼接长度不应小于1000mm; 5、 工件长度L?6000 mm时允许有一道拼接缝;6000 mm?工件长 度L?10000mm时,允许有二道拼接缝;工件长度L,10000mm 时,允许有三道拼接缝; mation through various channels, such as work, family of the borrower, and other major events, inward (MS) delaytract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (departments) and their staff should collect personal customer informanagement Department) approval are held accountable for breach of con with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk- 2 - 6、 拼接缝与接头板、托架、筋板的角焊缝距离不小于100mm,距 离孔中心至少120 mm; 7、 腹板拼接缝与翼板拼接缝错开距离至少200 mm; 8、 钢柱底板不允许拼接; 9、 钢板的轧制方向应与工件的长度方向一致; 10、 两“T”型拼缝交叉点的距离不小于200 mm; 11、 翼缘板不得有纵向拼接缝; 12、 钢板下料前,分厂应确认材料是否已入厂验收合格,只有入厂 验收合格的钢板方可下料使用; ?、组立 1、 采用组立机进行组立,严格按组立机的操作规程进行操作,注 意用角尺等工具打好翼板与腹板的垂直并保证腹板与翼板对 中,并用手工焊在腹板两侧将腹板与翼板分段点焊(点焊距离 约200 mm,点焊长度约为30--50 mm)。 ?、埋弧焊、翼缘矫直 1、 将组立好的H型钢倾斜放置在专用靠架上,用H型单悬臂埋弧 焊自动焊机或NZ—100A埋弧自动焊机施焊,由专用焊车平台 自动运焊,焊材型号、规格按图纸及要求。船形焊缝、 焊缝厚度、焊角高度必须符合设计及规范要求,焊接工艺按 GB50205—2001及JGJ81—2002规范要求, 2、 焊后按质量控制要求进行自检、互检、专检,用焊缝规测量焊 缝尺寸是否符合设计要求,焊缝表面外观焊波均匀,无焊瘤、 夹渣、气孔、裂纹等缺陷和漏焊。 er, and other major events, inward (MS) delayts) and their staff should collect personal customer information through various channels, such as work, family of the borrowartmenment Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (depe contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk managewith th- 3 - 3、 经检验合格的产品应打上焊工工号; 4、 在翼缘矫直机上对埋弧焊后的H型钢进行翼缘矫直,保证翼缘 板和腹板为直角。 ?、总装 1、 由于厂内的抛丸机的进口宽*高尺寸(宽*高=800*1800)有限, 对于总装后大于此尺寸的构件应先将杆件与零配件分开抛丸, 然后再总装。 2、 总装前应先检查杆件的尺寸及翼缘矫直是否符合要求,H型钢 杆件划线裁切时注意留总装焊接收缩余量,焊接收缩余量与杆 件的腹板、翼板的厚度计杆件截面的高度等都有关系,一般而 言杆件腹板、翼板厚度越小,杆件截面越小,杆件长度大,所 留的余量相对来说就要大些。 3、 裁切前,对于变截梁应先在平台上放样,然后把杆件置于其上 进行裁切,切割边应平直,切割后应马上打磨(如切割边有明 显的凹凸不平,应先补焊再打磨),保证外观质量。 4、 在平台所放样上对钢梁两端高强度螺栓连接板进行组装,应用 工装模具使连接板固定于所放样上,上紧螺栓,使杆件与连接 板靠紧,保证连接板与腹板垂直,如是变截梁保证翼缘与连接 板的角度和连接板的形位公差要求,经检验合格后点焊固定。 5、 如发现图纸尺寸或其它方面有问题的,应先停止与该问题相关 的作业,及时与生产技术部门联系解决;另外,如在划线时发 现杆件上的拼接焊缝与零件定位或孔的间距不符合规范要求, 也应停止该项作业,直至协商解决该问题。 mation through various channels, such as work, family of the borrower, and other major events, inward (MS) delaytract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (departments) and their staff should collect personal customer informanagement Department) approval are held accountable for breach of con with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk- 4 - 6、 钢柱底板组装时,在保证底板形位公差时,确保底板与杆件腹 板、翼缘板垂直度要求。 7、 钢柱、钢梁、行车梁组装完成后,经检验合格进行焊接,焊接 采用气保焊,焊缝高度应符合设计图纸及规范要求,焊缝表面 焊波均匀,无漏焊,无焊瘤、夹渣、气孔等缺陷。 8、 焊接时尽量采用对称焊接,当分布不对称时,先焊接焊缝少的 一侧,后焊接焊缝多的一侧,控制和减少焊接变形。 ?、总装后校正 1、 总装焊接完成后,对由于焊接产生的变形进行校正,确保杆件 的弯曲度L?1000,且不大于10.0 mm;扭曲度H?250,且不 大于5.0 mm;腹板翼缘板局部不平度、高强度连接板平整度及 形位公差等符合设计及规范要求。 2、 在进行校正前应先找到造成变形的原因,然后根据实际情况确 定进行火焰校正,如对变形的原因及烤校的位置不好确定,可 以先与技术部门联系,而不应盲目烤校使杆件产生更大的变形 甚至造成烤校过度而无法校正的情形。 3、 校正时一般采用火焰烤校,一般说烤校时钢材(Q345B)的表面 温度不宜超过800?,且一般不采用水冷。需要水冷的,必须在 不降低钢材的韧性和塑性的条件下,才能将钢材经空冷到表面 呈黑色后(?400?)再用水急冷。厚度小于等于8 mm普通低 合金钢不允许用水急冷。 ?、总装检验 1、 总装完成后,应对构件的形状尺寸进行全面检查。此时,车间 er, and other major events, inward (MS) delayts) and their staff should collect personal customer information through various channels, such as work, family of the borrowartmenment Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (depe contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk managewith th- 5 - 总检、工长、班组长、工序检应一起参与检查。 2、 全面检查构件的外观质量,对焊缝裂纹、夹渣、飞溅及焊疤、 夹痕等外观缺陷必须及时处理,以保证构件外观质量符合设计 及规范要求。 3、 对于生产中产生的不合格产品,应及时按不合格品处理程序进 行处理,班组不得隐瞒或 mation through various channels, such as work, family of the borrower, and other major events, inward (MS) delaytract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (departments) and their staff should collect personal customer informanagement Department) approval are held accountable for breach of con with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk- 6 - 三、 组织机构 分厂厂长: 技术负责人: 分厂副厂长: 材统劳安动质工工工工 料计资全力检 员员员员员员长长长长 生 产 班 组 四、 主要生产设备 序号 设备名称 数量 1 多头切割机 1台 2 气割设备 6台 3 半自动割机 3台 4 气体保护焊机 12台 5 气刨焊机 5台 6 H型钢组合机 1台 7 埋弧焊机 8台 8 翼缘校正机 1台 9 砂轮切割机 1台 10 砂轮抛光机 12台 er, and other major events, inward (MS) delayts) and their staff should collect personal customer information through various channels, such as work, family of the borrowartmenment Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (depe contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk managewith th- 7 - 11 摇臂钻床 8台 12 行 车 10台 13 交流电焊机 15台 14 抛钢丸除锈机 1台 五、 产品质量目标:产品出厂合格率100% 六、 钢结构制作的关键过程和特殊过程: 1、 关键过程:除锈、油漆 除锈和油漆应在钢结构制作质量检验合格以后进行,除锈的方法和除锈等级及质量要求符合现行国家《涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级》的规定。 2、 特殊过程:焊接过程 经主任工程师组织生产技术部门、车间有关人员进行专题研究,确定焊接过程为特殊过程。特殊过程的操作人员必须持证上岗,对焊接工艺要求应熟知,并严格按照《建筑用钢结构焊接规程》(JGJ81-2002)和《钢结构施工及验收规范》(GB50205-2001)的操作要求,确保焊接质量符合规定要求。 七、 采购 本产品生产材料,执行公司《物资采购与管理工作程序》,由生产技术科提出材料需用,并报厂材设科,经材设科综合平衡后,在经过评价选择的合格材料分供方名册内组织采购和产品质量验证。所有原材料都必须按国家标准、规范的要求取样,送公司试验室试验,试验合格的原材料方可投入生产,确保不合格的原材料不进入生产现场。 mation through various channels, such as work, family of the borrower, and other major events, inward (MS) delaytract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (departments) and their staff should collect personal customer informanagement Department) approval are held accountable for breach of con with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk- 8 - 八、 检验和试验严格执行公司《产品的监视和测量控制程序》具体要求: 1、 制定产品的检验和试验计划; 2、 对检验、测量和试验的设备应进行控制; 3、 检验和试验状态的控制; 九、 培训 焊接过程为钢结构制作的特殊过程,对钢结构的整体质量起着决定性的作用。因此,操作焊工必须经过专业培训,并且应在考试合格证有效期内上岗,严禁无证焊工上岗施焊。 er, and other major events, inward (MS) delayts) and their staff should collect personal customer information through various channels, such as work, family of the borrowartmenment Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management bodies (depe contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk managewith th- 9 -
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