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幼儿园教学活动设计灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 语言 夏天真热 ?感知夏天的炎热。 教 ?知道并学习怎样使自己凉快一些。 学 目 标 扇子,音乐。 教 学 准 备 ?播放歌曲《夏天来到了》引入主题。让孩子知道现在 已经是夏天了。 教 ?请幼儿说说自己对夏天炎热的感受。 ?讨论~用什么办法可以让自己凉快一些,舒服一些, 学 幼儿:可以开电风扇。 幼儿:可以用空调。 过 幼儿:冰箱: 老师:呵:也可以怎么说,那冰箱怎么让我们凉快呢, 程 幼儿...
灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 语言 夏天真热 ?感知夏天的炎热。 教 ?知道并学习怎样使自己凉快一些。 学 目 标 扇子,音乐。 教 学 准 备 ?播放歌曲《夏天来到了》引入主题。让孩子知道现在 已经是夏天了。 教 ?请幼儿说说自己对夏天炎热的感受。 ?讨论~用什么可以让自己凉快一些,舒服一些, 学 幼儿:可以开电风扇。 幼儿:可以用空调。 过 幼儿:冰箱: 老师:呵:也可以怎么说,那冰箱怎么让我们凉快呢, 程 幼儿:棒冰~冰在里面可以拿出来吃: 幼儿:还可以去游泳了: system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 幼儿:那还有水龙头冲一下也很凉快的:幼儿:我们可 以穿短袖、短裤。 老师:还能想出和别的小朋友说的不一样的吗, 教 老 师:再动动脑筋和别人说的不一样:孙藏林:冰箱 学 打开人在前面站着。 过 老师:这样到是很凉快~可是这样好不好, 程 幼儿:好: 幼儿:不好:冰箱冷气要没有的: 幼儿:不好:这样要感冒的: 活动反思:虽然是小班幼儿但是他们对夏天已经有了 一定的感性经验~因此在谈到用什么办法可以让自己凉快 自 一些,舒服一些,他们都各述己见~畅所欲言。但他们毕 我 竟是小班的孩子在将到吃雪碧、冰激凌、棒冰他们异常的 评 兴奋仿佛在为夏天可以吃冷饮而欢呼雀跃。为此我考虑近 价 期在组织一次活动教育幼儿吃冷饮要适当。 , 小 结 , system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年3月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 艺术,手工活动, 扇子 ?学习用不同的方式装饰扇子。 教 ?体验装饰活动的乐趣。 学 目 标 各种形状的扇面、毛线、皱纸条、印章、纸团、小花、 教 图形、固体胶、颜料。 学 准 备 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?幼儿每人从家里带来一把扇子。 ?展示各种扇子~幼儿欣赏。 教 ?幼儿装饰扇面。 教师提供各种材料~鼓励幼儿自选材料。装饰出与同伴 学 不一样的漂亮扇子。 ?在装饰好的扇面底下粘上毛线或皱纸条当扇子。 过 程 第二课时 1.分小组展示自己的扇子。 教 2.教师鼓励幼儿摆出各种姿势。 学 3.播放音乐小组轮流表演展示。 过 程 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 活动反思:幼儿初次尝试运用多种材料来装饰扇子~自 他们不会较好地运用材料~在材料的运用上非常单一~我 教师可以在平时的教学活动中逐一的出示各种材料~让幼评 儿逐步学会使用这些材料~使各种材料发挥它的妙用。 价 , 小 结 , 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 健康,体育, 玩水 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?体验夏天玩水的乐趣。 教 ?感受水的特性。 学 目 标 提出要求: 教 ?玩水要尽量不弄湿衣裤。 学 准 ?可以尝试多种材料玩水但要玩一样拿一样~玩好放回备 原处。 ?教师因入今天老师要请小朋友来玩水。 ?请幼儿说说自己的想法~想怎么玩,怎么玩有趣, 教 ?教师提供几种玩法: ?可乐瓶灌水游戏。 学 ?小纸船运雪花片游戏。 ?沉浮游戏。 过 程 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 教 学 过 程 玩水是孩子们非常乐忠的活动~每次洗手总能发现有 几个孩子在盥洗室里迟迟不肯出来。本以为孩子一玩水就 会搞的一塌糊涂~没想到今天他们玩的井然有序~给他们自 准备的玩水材料放的整整齐齐的~地上的水也很少。只有我 个别几个幼儿把衣服给弄湿了~由于天气热再加上我们备评 好了衣服那也不要紧玩好后我们还开心的到外面去晾衣服价 呢:小朋友都说老师下次再让我们玩好吗:夏天是玩水的, 好季节~不要因为怕幼儿玩水弄的乱糟糟而不给他们玩水小 的机会~在条件允许的情况下可以为幼儿多提供这样的机结 会~让孩子们享受玩水给他们带来的乐趣。只要老师把活, 动安排的妥当~孩子还是可以玩的很好的。另外~可引导 幼儿思考如何节水~怎样玩水不浪费, system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年3月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 社会 伤心的小水滴 1. 学习安静地倾听故事~理解故事。 教 2. 师讲述故事~让幼儿初步懂得节约用水。 学 目 标 指偶、水滴娃娃。 教 学 准 备 1.教师请幼儿根据日常生活经验~谈谈水的重要性。 2.教师讲述故事~让幼儿初步懂得节约用水。?教师利 教 用教具~讲述故事的第一部分。 ?讲述故事的第二部分。 学 ?教师带领幼儿到幼儿园的其他地方~检查龙头是否关 紧。我们去找一找哪里还有伤心的小水滴在哭~如果听到了~ 过 我们该怎么呢, system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 程 ?节约用水的习惯培养要落实在日常生活中~坚持始 终。 教 学 过 程 活动反思:通过故事教学幼儿对节约用水有了一定的 认识~好多幼儿似乎在瞬间有了很大的感悟~但是幼儿的 自 年龄特点决定了这是暂时的感悟~需要在今后的日常生活 我 中不断的巩固。 评 价 , 小 结 , 领 导 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 科学 夏天的雷雨 ?知道夏天常下雷雨。 教 ?从关注下雷雨前天色、风等的变化中~知道快下雷雨学 目 了~学习观察天气变化。 标 注意天气预报~做好雷雨前的观察准备。 教 学 准 备 ?引导幼儿观察下雷雨前的情况。 ?太阳公公到那里去了, 教 ?天空中出现了什么,是什么颜色的, ?你听到了什么声音, 学 ?引导幼儿观察下雷雨时的情形。 ?现在你听到了什么声音, 过 ?雨从那里来,落到那里, 程 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?引导幼儿观察雷雨后的情景及人的感受。 教 学 过 程 活动反思:生活即学习:非常凑巧~今天我们遇到了 雷雨~利用这个机会我们对雷雨进行了观察。幼儿在观察 自 中发现:啊:我们身边居然有这么个趣自然现象~太神气 我 了:有的孩子还提出老师为什么会打雷,老师准备了生动 评 形象的故事给予了讲解~满足了幼儿的好奇心。另外~老 价 师还告诉幼儿我们身边还有许许多多有趣的自然现象~只 , 要我们用心就会发现: 小 结 , system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 蚊子 健康 1.知道蚊子给人们带来的危害~懂得被蚊子叮了该怎么 教 办。 学 目 2.愿意想办法消灭蚊子。 标 3.幼儿相互交流被蚊子叮过的经验。 蚊子图片,驱蚊喷雾器。 教 学 准 备 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 1.提出问题: ?被蚊子叮了皮肤会有什么变化,有什么感觉, 教 ?被蚊子叮了该怎么办, 2.教授新课 学 ?出示蚊子图片~幼儿观察。 蚊子长的什么样,蚊子 怎么叫, 过 ?让幼儿想办法怎样赶走和消灭蚊子~根据幼儿回答教 师出示相应的驱蚊和灭蚊物品。 程 幼儿:老师我们可以用手拍死蚊子。 幼儿:还可以用蚊香。 幼儿:我们家还用过驱蚊器。 教 师:有没有看到过这个,驱蚊喷雾器,,教师强调在 学 使用驱蚊用品时要注意卫生~拿过以后一定要用肥皂洗手。 过 ?游戏拍蚊子。 程 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 活动反思:教师只在课前自己准备了几种驱蚊产品。自 幼儿对这些产品不太熟悉~可能平时不太注意~所以幼儿我 说的很少。也许让幼儿自己带上一件驱蚊的产品~幼儿参评 与的积极性会更高一些。 价 , 小 结 , 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 语言 夏天的西瓜 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 1.知道西瓜是夏天的水果~感知它的基本特征及在夏天 教 给我们带来的舒爽。 学 目 2.体验和大家分享西瓜的快乐。 标 西瓜两个 教 学 准 备 ?教师出示西瓜引导幼儿观察讲述自己对西瓜的了解~ 自己和西瓜的故事。要求每位幼儿都能说说自己的经验和经 教 历。 ?幼儿接触西瓜来进一步感知西瓜。 学 ?摸西瓜 ?切西瓜 过 ?吃西瓜 ?在幼儿对西瓜有一定感情的基础上来画西瓜。 程 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?说说自己画的西瓜及西瓜的故事。 教 学 过 程 活动反思:虽然幼儿在家中也经常吃西瓜~但是从来自 没有想今天这样来仔仔细细的“研究”西瓜~以下子孩子我 们觉得西瓜太可爱了:在活动中教师还引导幼儿与他人分评 享美食~体验了共同分享的快乐: 价 , 小 结 , system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 科学,安全, 电扇和空调 ?感受电扇、空调在夏天给人们带来的舒适。 教 学 ?学习辨别电扇和空调的不同。 目 标 ?让幼儿知道~不能用潮湿的手触摸电器。 教 电扇、空调。 学 准 备 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 1. 夏天天气热~我们可以用什么东西把房间变得凉爽 些, 教 ?打开电扇~幼儿感受。现在~你觉得怎么样, ?打开空调~幼儿感受。和刚才相比~你觉得怎么样, 学 有什么不一样, ?用空调前~我们要做好什么准备工作, 过 ?学念儿歌《电风扇》。 程 教 学 过 程 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 自 活动反思:现在的孩子家里生活条件好了~他们对电我 扇和空调非常熟悉~有的小朋友用起来非常自如。这个教评 学活动重在让幼儿多说并且注意到在使用是的安全问题。价 在最后的儿歌学习中渗透了分享的教育~有助于培养幼儿, 良好的社会性情感。 小 结 , 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 语言 找凉快 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?通过活动~幼儿知道夏天天气很热~人们想出各种办教 学 法使自己凉快起来。 目 标 ?在游戏活动中发展幼儿的语言能力~如:看图说一句 完整话。 教 夏天使人凉快的小图片若干。 学 准 备 ?启发提问: 夏天天气真热啊~有什么办法使自己凉快呢, 教 ?老师引导幼儿讲述: ?夏天我们要穿裙子~短裤~还要穿什么, 学 ?刚才有的小朋友说~天热了可以扇扇子~开电扇~还 可以用什么办法使自己凉快, 过 ?晚上睡觉和冬天有什么不同,,睡席子, ?天热了~吃什么可以凉快, 程 ?天热了每天还要干什么, ?天热了~你们最喜欢玩什么, system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?游戏: 幼儿摸一张卡片~如:卡片上上一只电扇~便说:夏 教 天开电扇很凉快。 学 过 程 天气热了~幼儿有生活经验。活动中幼儿说的比较多。 自 发现问题:幼儿提到可以游泳可以凉快。幼儿都说自己会 我 游泳边做动作~可是具我了解幼儿是不会游泳的。我觉得 评 这是与幼儿的知识水平有关~他们的想象与现实混淆。现 价 在正直夏天~马上要放暑假~非常有必要对幼儿进行安全 , 教育。在以往的活动中~我们的目标是不变的~但是在二 小 期课改理念的背景下~我们要舍得放弃~给孩子当前最需 结 要的~作到随时有教育~心中有孩子。 , system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年3月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 艺术 美丽的花裙子 ?学习先涂颜色~再勾花边的方法装饰裙子。 教 ?增加对线条、图案美和色彩的感受和表现能力。 学 目 标 范画~装饰的裙子图片~未装饰的裙子轮廓图。 教 学 准 备 ?图片讨论: 出示图片1和2~这个小朋友穿上这么漂亮的花裙子~ 教 她们多高兴啊:咦~这个小朋友怎么啦,她为什么不高兴 呢,,因为她的裙子是白色的~没有她们的花裙子那么美:, 学 请小朋友们想想办法~怎样让她的白裙子变成花裙子呢, ,就用我们的小手、彩笔来帮帮她吧:, 过 给她的白裙子上画什么呢,画花儿、鱼儿~小兔子~熊system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 猫~苹果……等等。 程 ?模仿示范: 先用两三种浅颜色蜡笔涂在裙子上。再用较深的彩笔在 上面勾出花纹。看~小姑娘笑啦~她感谢小朋友们为她想 出的好办法。提问:除了可以画这种图案~还可以画其它 教 的吗,,小朋友、房子、机器人…, 学 ?幼儿作画: 过 教师巡回指导~鼓励幼儿大胆创作。 程 ?作品展示: 对优秀的作品进行评析~予以奖励 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 通过这次活动~我感觉幼儿的绘画能力有了很明显的 进步~大多数幼儿都能够涂满颜色~用绘画来表现自己的 意思~有个别能力较强的幼儿~例如:秦晴、汤子墨能够 自 画面构图饱满~有动物、人物、植物~同时运用渐变涂色。 我 大部分幼儿能用线条、图形加以简单地组合来表现事物的 评 大致特征~并且色彩鲜艳~能够画满整个画面。小班幼儿 价 的想象力非常丰富~能够说出在白裙子上画上……有的甚 , 至能说出画面的情景。但幼儿在具体绘画的过程中~对于 小 自己讲述的内容却不能画出~这就造成了眼高手低~于是 结 看别的小朋友画什么~就跟着模仿什么~每个小组有每个 , 小组的风格。能力比较差的幼儿也把白裙子变成彩色的~ 而且涂色均匀。 领 导 审 阅 灵川县第一幼儿园教学活动设计 班级:小二班 日 期 执教者 2014年6月 秦学敏 科 目 活动名称 社会 认识夏天 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?通过观察夏天的景色和各种树叶、小草的变化~初步 知道夏天到了。 教 学 目 ?了解夏天的特征~萌发幼儿对大自然的热爱之情。 标 活动前让父母带幼儿去公园帮助观察夏天的景色和各 种树叶、小草的变化。 教 学 准 备 ?谈话活动: ?前几天我们在公园园里看到了大树、小草有什么变 化, 教 ?幼儿大胆地说说自己看到的事情。 学 ?欣赏图片 ?夏天来了。哪些小动物出现了, 过 ?河里有什么花, ?看看我们的穿着~有什么变化吗,——夏天到了~天程 气变热了~小朋友们穿上了薄衣裳。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction ?与幼儿一起进行总结,可以用小朋友的语言来创编, ——夏天到了、天气热了 教 ——蝉儿叫了了、荷花开了 学 ——小朋友们换上了薄衣裳 过 程 在活动中发现小班幼儿对夏天的前期经验还很少~分 不清季节和季节的特征~对夏天的景物了解不多~如:不 知道蝉~也从没见过~但从谈话中能发觉幼儿们对树、树 自 叶、小草的观察很仔细~知道他们到夏天都有些什么变化 我 了~我想知识需要积累~尤其是对小班幼儿~如果在主题 评 结束时再进行一次类似总结性的这样活动~效果一定会更 价 佳。 , 小 结 , system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 领 导 审 阅 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction
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