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教0岁宝宝说话教0岁宝宝说话 教0岁宝宝说话(上) 如何教宝宝说话,爸妈在与宝宝的日常互动中就可以教宝宝说话。亲子交流的质量和频率在很大程度上造成宝宝语言发展方面的个体差异。 什么时候要开始教宝宝说话,宝宝出生后就可以开始了。虽然宝宝要到1岁左右才能说出理解其语义的第1个词,但在这之前的1年里,他已经开始练习控制发音、掌握语义,为日后的“开口说话”做准备。 宝宝如何学说话 能用语言表达自己的意思,与身边的人交流,这时候可以说宝宝真正开始脱离他的婴儿期。语言的表达就是说话,它和宝宝的学习和思维能力密切相关,能很好地与人沟通对宝宝的一生...
教0岁宝宝说话 教0岁宝宝说话(上) 如何教宝宝说话,爸妈在与宝宝的日常互动中就可以教宝宝说话。亲子交流的质量和频率在很大程度上造成宝宝语言发展方面的个体差异。 什么时候要开始教宝宝说话,宝宝出生后就可以开始了。虽然宝宝要到1岁左右才能说出理解其语义的第1个词,但在这之前的1年里,他已经开始练习控制发音、掌握语义,为日后的“开口说话”做准备。 宝宝如何学说话 能用语言表达自己的意思,与身边的人交流,这时候可以说宝宝真正开始脱离他的婴儿期。语言的表达就是说话,它和宝宝的学习和思维能力密切相关,能很好地与人沟通对宝宝的一生都有帮助。 1岁前练习发音、获得语义——宝宝的前言语阶段 不少宝宝在12月龄时说出了第1个理解其确切意思的词。在这之前的1年里,他们都在为这一刻做准备。他们咿呀作语、咕咕哝哝、哼哼哈哈练习着发音,逐步学习着对发音的控制。在与爸妈、照顾自己大人进行的日常互动中,发展语言的理解能力,把词的发音和词的意思联系起来,即掌握语义;并通过这种互动,学习构成一个句子的语法规则。 宝宝发音方面的一般发育顺序 1岁之前,是宝宝前言语阶段发展时期。 简单发音阶段(0,3月):3个月时会发较多的元音,如:a'ai'e'ou和少量辅音m'h. 连续音节阶段(4,8月):会发的辅音增加;而且出现重复的连续音节。宝宝发出ma-ma,pa-pa的声音,其实并不是会叫爸妈,而是前言语阶段的发音现象。 学话萌芽阶段(9,12月):会发更多的声音和不同音节的连续发音、变换音调,还能模仿成人和学习新的发音。有些发音和具体事物联系,获得语义,说出第一个理解语义的词语。 宝宝会说话的时间因人而异 和其他发育项目一样,宝宝会说话的时间也是有个体差异的。有的宝宝早在9个月就会说话,而有的宝宝要到2岁才会说话,一般来说平均年龄是14个月。只要宝宝的语言发育能力符合不同月龄的标准,爸妈就不用太担心。 大部分宝宝在1岁时已经了解不少词的意思,他们懂得的词要比会说的词多得多。 不会讲并不代表听不懂 小宝宝对音调的理解超过对词的理解,但理解力和表达力同步要到1岁半。 宝宝是通过“听”来学说话,在宝宝能说出有意义的话之前,其实已经能懂得不少大人们说话的。 宝宝无法全部明白你所说的话里每一个词的意思,但却能根据爸妈说话的语气和音调,知道你是在表扬他还是在批评他。对月龄小的宝宝来说,对音调表达出的情绪的理解掌握超过对词的理解。因为音调是有规律可循的,为引起宝宝兴趣我们的音调常常是上升的;安慰宝宝时,音调是下滑的。 一般来说,宝宝从9月龄就开始获得语义,也就是说开始理解大人们说的一些话。到1岁时,宝宝对言语的理解和表达能力开始互相联系起来。1岁半之后,语言理解和表达能力达到同步,能说出他想说的话,表达畅快起来。 爸妈如何教宝宝说话 良好的亲子互动是宝宝学说话的最优氛围,爸妈和宝宝互动的品质和频率决定宝宝日后沟通能力的好坏。 爸妈是否热情地与宝宝交谈对宝宝学说话起关键作用 爸妈和宝宝交流的质量和频率在很大程度上造成宝宝语言发展方面的个体差异,常听到爸妈对他说话的宝宝要比不常听到的宝宝懂得的词要多得多。 在对宝宝抚育中,爸妈是否热情地与小宝宝“交谈”,在宝宝学说话的过程中起着重要的作用。 不管是否意识到,较敏感的爸妈为了能更有效成功地与宝宝“交谈”,都在有意无意地探究与宝宝的反应相匹配的交流手段。 爸妈教宝宝说话的基本形式 首先要让宝宝的注意力集中在这个物品、这件事情上,然后说名称,使用语法结构简单的短语。要选择正在做的,或者宝宝正在注意的事情。比如喂宝宝吃苹果时,就可以说“苹果”;或者用一个短语“这是苹果”。为了allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 便于宝宝理解语法规则,要使用简短的句子。 但并不是指不要对宝宝说交待来龙去脉、前因后果的长句子。有时对宝宝说一些长句子,能让宝宝较早学会使用复杂的句子。 重点强化 可以重复或者大声强调想要宝宝学习的词语,比如:“这是苹果。苹果。”一个词要重复很多遍后,宝宝才能理解并且记忆,最后自己说出这个词。 对宝宝重复相同的话、唱同样的歌、念相同的歌谣,这一切都能在照顾宝宝的过程中自然发生,而且能起到强化的作用。丰富的语言输入量是非常必要的。 帮助宝宝进行明确和句子扩展 宝宝在“咿咿呀呀”时其实他很想表达,但想说又不会说,可以帮助宝宝把他想说的话说出来。认真听宝宝“说的话”并替他说出所想。除了可以发展宝宝的语言能力外,其实这也是一种很积极的回应,能给予宝宝很大的鼓励,让他更想学习。比如当宝宝手指着苹果咿呀时,就可以说:“噢,这是苹果呀。宝宝想吃呀。” 扩展其实是很好的提升宝宝认知的方法。扩展时可以用“描述”、“比较”等方法。可以描述事物的颜色、形状、大小等。比如可以说:“苹果。红色的苹果。” “比较”可以比较东西的大小、长短、多少。通过这些语言都可以让宝宝了解事物的性质,提升宝宝对事物的认知,增加词汇量。 爸妈在教宝宝说话过程中的不同作用 喜欢用儿语的妈妈 一般来说,宝宝比较偏爱自己的照顾者——妈妈的声音,因为伴随着妈妈的声音,宝宝生理和心理方面的需求都能得到满足。妈妈更倾向使用儿语来和宝宝交流。儿语一般具备较高水平的音韵、较大的音频范围,且多样化和音调夸张,单词重复。月龄较小的宝宝比较偏爱具备这些特点的声音。儿语常和妈妈一起出现,让宝宝感觉良好。 促进宝宝语言规范的爸爸 如果说妈妈更倾向于以宝宝的发音能力去反应宝宝,爸爸则更关心宝宝语言的数量和质量。 一般来说,爸爸用的词汇更多,爸爸很少使用儿语,对宝宝语言的规范化更有促进作用。 长期只接触儿语不利于宝宝学习说话 儿语的结构比较简单会影响宝宝去接触必须学习的语言的语法结构。除了发音、词语意思的理解外,宝宝学说话也要学习符合规则的语法结构。 通常爸妈的误区在于,认为儿语对宝宝来说比较简单,而规范的语言比较难,宝宝接受不了,其实对一张白纸的宝宝来说,输入什么就能接受什么。及早给予宝宝规范、优美的东西,在他大脑中留下印记,促进他的智力开发。 教宝宝说话很重要的原则是要让宝宝掌握语义 宝宝听到的词汇越多,学会说话越早,因为每天能听到许多词汇能帮助宝宝发展语言。 宝宝会说话,不仅是指能发出语音,而且还指的是宝宝理解词语或句子的意思后说出的、表达自己意思的话。理解意思是语言表达的基础。 让宝宝掌握语义的方法 要让宝宝可以将所听到的一切和事物、行动联结起来。 爸妈直接对宝宝说话是比较好的方法,宝宝听到的话一定要配合情境,也就是说爸妈正在对宝宝说的话必须是正在发生的事情,当然首先要引起宝宝的注意,注意到了才能听进去,明白意思。还要激发宝宝回应自己,互动交流才是学习语言的较好手段。 在宝宝还没有学会说话以前,他的回应可能是“咿咿呀呀”、身体姿势和表情。爸妈要学会“察言观色”,对宝宝的行为、情绪保持敏感,就能和宝宝互动,抓住和保持宝宝的注意力,学习语言。 爸妈单方面、喋喋不休地对宝宝说话;或者自顾自对话,让宝宝在旁边听着,没有互动,这些方法都无法抓住宝宝的注意力。因为你和宝宝没有身处于说话内容所指的场景和事件中,也就是说没有任何可以帮助宝宝理解语义的具体、实在的参照物,宝宝根本无从理解意思,从而掌握语义。(转下文) . (2) g quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measureswork, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineerination ing progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservre to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineerbe su"play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs ." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, checkn the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreatexamination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work i-te the task to do selfompleers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, cof work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to work ualityhnology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, qer related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, tecin long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and oth allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants2rk, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plantto process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical wo 教0岁宝宝说话(下) 教不同月龄的宝宝说话 无论你和宝宝在做些什么,都能激发他的语言发展 语言的材料分布在日常生活中,爸妈要做的是“花时间”。 宝宝身处的语言环境十分重要。其实语言环境的创设并不是刻意的,在日常例行的活动中,就有很多教宝宝学习说话的机会。 爸妈在照料宝宝吃喝,陪伴宝宝玩耍时都能教宝宝说话;也可以对宝宝说说自己正在做的事情。对宝宝说当下正在发生的事,这是为了让宝宝把他看到、听到、摸到、闻到、尝到的东西和爸妈所说的话联系起来。这些例行的活动,有的甚至每天都会发生,在不断的重复中宝宝发展着他的理解能力。 smart point:宝宝词汇增多靠的是什么, 一是宝宝日益娴熟的对发音的控制;另外就是认知的提升。认识的东西越来越多,并且把发音和认识的东西匹配起来,词汇当然就增多了。 如何抓住宝宝的注意力 其实和大人一样,宝宝也是对自己感兴趣的东西才乐意去学习。但到底什么东西是宝宝感兴趣的呢,让宝宝带领你是很好地了解他的方法。另外,需要注意的是,伴随肢体动作的语言要比光有肢体动作更能保持宝宝的兴趣。 对宝宝说他感兴趣的东西 把宝宝抱在怀里,即便只是在房间里随处转转,他也会对某些东西表现出想知道了解的倾向,这个时候爸妈就可以用语言为宝宝介绍。 随着宝宝会坐、会爬以后,可以探索的范围更为广泛了。当他坐着把玩某样东西时;爬、爬、爬四处翻看东西时,爸妈们都可以顺着宝宝的“思路”对他说话,和他互动。 只要宝宝在听,就可以不断和他说话、和他玩,注意语言和身体姿势都要聚焦在他正在注意的东西上,不要叉开话题说其他事。 注意观察宝宝的反应,他会用微笑或肢体语言告诉你——他是否很享受和你的互动。如果他表现出不开心,或者疲倦了,爸妈应该就此打住,不要强迫宝宝做他不喜欢、没兴趣的事情。 读懂宝宝的意思 在宝宝还不会说话以前,经常使用非语言的姿势去表示愿望和需要。 在1岁以前,宝宝通常采取“指向”、“给予”、“展示”、“求助”等身体姿势与发声示意相结合来做某种表达。这时候,也是同宝宝互动的好机会,代替宝宝说出他此刻用姿势表达的话,也能很好地发展宝宝的语言理解能力。 要了解宝宝的意思其实并不难,多把注意力放在宝宝身上,倾听他的“咿咿呀呀”和咕哝,同宝宝交流时要注视他的眼睛,面对面能够更好地沟通。 0-6月龄 让宝宝愉快地笑出声音 test:简单评估宝宝语言发育情况 3月龄时宝宝听到声音会不会转头朝向声音发出的地方, 宝宝3月龄时会根据音调和语气来估摸爸妈的情绪。5月龄时会发出更多不同的声音,会尖叫、大叫、大笑,一直玩发音的游戏。6月龄时则非常喜欢在睡觉前玩发音游戏。 本阶段爸妈可以用来教宝宝说话的方法 让宝宝多看、多摸、多感觉; 指导宝宝听各种声音,音乐、玩具的声音、家里其他能发出声音的东西; 爸妈可以咯吱宝宝痒痒,让宝宝愉快地笑出声音来; 一边唱童谣一边抱着宝宝散步; 要给宝宝看到的东西,要放在同他视线一样高,距离20~30厘米处; 对不太会发音的宝宝,妈妈可以对宝宝多发一些简单的元音; 3ch ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plantechnical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious researall t ined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility forf garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combtion op. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job descripolation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stoor vithe community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) f cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6)lose work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of c fs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavyexamination record. (4) section chie-ng production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do selfpment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assignil equibits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanica1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, haies (long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilit ied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants inall 爸妈和宝宝可以脸对脸,让宝宝多看爸妈是如何发音的; 妈妈拿着玩具娃娃,假扮娃娃对宝宝说话。宝宝喜欢会动的东西,可以使用手偶娃娃一边说话一边动; 多多呼唤宝宝的名字; 宝宝发“啊啊”、“呜呜”时,妈妈可以立刻回应宝宝“宝宝想说话啊~”。妈妈高兴倾听,宝宝会更想说话。 smart point:常对宝宝说话的爸妈是怎么做的 运用较多的形容词; 喜欢对宝宝述说事情的原委,告诉宝宝来龙去脉; 不只是简单地对宝宝说“行”或“不行”; 在说话的同时运用更多的肢体语言; 很注重宝宝的回应。 smart point:宝宝越表扬越爱学 快乐的环境是宝宝最佳的心理成长环境,要让宝宝觉得学习语言是件快乐的事情,宝宝才会更有干劲。爸妈在宝宝玩耍获得成功时、取得进步时,都要适时地赞美宝宝,可以通过拥抱、微笑让他知道你很重视他,很喜欢和他讲话。 与宝宝分享他的快乐是对宝宝认知活动和语言发展最优的反馈和强化,这会让宝宝自信满满,当然想要继续学习新东西。宝宝心理的一个重要特点就是“依赖性”,他无法自己给予自己肯定,因此来自亲密照顾者的鼓励是他学习的重要动力。 妈妈与新生儿间的“交谈” 新生宝宝的发音有4种类型:因为困倦饥饿发出的声音;眼对眼看到自己的妈妈发出的正性快乐的声音;因为痛苦、不开心发出的声音;因为排泄、伸展身体而发出的用力气的声音。而妈妈则用语言、抚摸、搂抱、拍打、摇晃宝宝来回应。 6-9月龄 让宝宝懂得物体恒存和因果关系 test:简单评估宝宝语言发育情况 会不会模仿大人,并且用声音引起别人的注意, -9月龄的宝宝表情丰富,喜欢别人逗笑。可以重复发出辅音和元音相结合的音节。宝宝会伴随着身体的自发运6 动时出现“咿呀作语”,这表示宝宝处于很舒适的状态。能发出更多的元音和辅音,发音器官得到练习,并发出元音和辅音相结合的音节。 本阶段爸妈可以用来教宝宝说话的方法 6月龄出现发声,倾听的间歇,表示宝宝想积极参与和爸妈的互动,爸妈要注意倾听和回应; 可以多多玩躲猫猫、捉迷藏的游戏,宝宝明白“物体恒存”的道理后才会学会给物体进行语言上的“命名”; 给宝宝玩那些敲弄、摇晃后、拉扯后能有反应和效果的玩具让宝宝明白因果关系,发展他的理解力; 妈妈发音,让宝宝看着自己的脸学习; 妈妈发出“哇哇”的声音时,可以把宝宝的小手贴放在自己的脸上,然后把自己的手放在宝宝的脸上,一边拍一边发“哇哇”,看宝宝是否会发“哇哇”并和妈妈的动作合拍; 利用图画书和宝宝说话,让他想起看到过的实物; 让宝宝照镜子,照镜子时宝宝会发出比平时更多的音; 说到什么时,就帮助宝宝用手比划出来; 帮助宝宝说出他用手势、姿势指示的东西名称。 在1岁内一个非常重要的任务就是帮助宝宝倾听 宝宝是从“听”中学说话,也必须学会听。听辨各种声音的不同也和说话能力密切相关。可以随时提醒宝宝注意周边环境中的声音。比如:时钟的声音;拍手的声音;爸妈还可以敲击不同材质的东西让宝宝听一听。 给宝宝听音乐,特别是古典音乐也可以促进宝宝的语言发展,特别是语言理解能力,因为掌管语言理解力与音乐理解力的大脑区域是同一个区域。早早让宝宝聆听、接触品质好的东西,耳濡目染,不断渗透,可以为宝宝日后的良好品位奠定基础。 9-12月龄 4rk, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plantto process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical wo. (2) g quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measureswork, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineerination ing progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservre to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineerbe su"play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs ." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, checkn the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreatexamination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work i-te the task to do selfompleers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, cof work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to work ualityhnology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, qer related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, tecin long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and oth allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants 宝宝的模仿力更强了,1岁时能听从指令了 test:简单评估宝宝语言发育情况 会不会看着对他说话的人并表现出想要沟通, 9-12月龄的宝宝一口气能发很多音,模仿能力也变强。在发音中已经有不少听起来像“字”的声音。记忆力和理解力也发展很快。 本阶段爸妈可以用来教宝宝说话的方法 爸妈可以帮助宝宝运用声音和手势沟通。就是在宝宝发音时,帮着宝宝比划; 宝宝看到喜欢的东西或知道的东西会发出“啊„„啊”声,爸妈要帮宝宝表达出来,认可宝宝的感情; 陪伴宝宝看图画书、电视节目,对他说书中、电视中的东西,让他进行不断重复认识; 多带宝宝外出见识新鲜玩意,观察花草、小动物; 多多进行模仿游戏,如教宝宝说“拜拜”等有关基本社交礼仪的游戏; 锻炼宝宝的记忆力,可以把玩具当着他的面藏起来,然后让他找; 把玩具交给宝宝,然后叫宝宝还给你; 在12月龄时,可以玩指令游戏,问宝宝“某某在哪里啊,”测试宝宝是不是知道某个词; 还可以和宝宝玩一些可以学习物体性质的玩具,比如比较体积大小的玩具。 每天固定的经典时间建立宝宝的语言品位 教宝宝说话,除了保证宝宝每天听到一定数量的词汇,还要注意输入语言的质量。高质量的语言就是那些经过提炼、加工的书面语言。 每天可以固定一个时间,把宝宝抱在怀里,一边和他一起看图画书一边念给他听。这些规范化、具有韵律且优美的语言会在宝宝的大脑里形成印刻。随着时间的推移,不断渗透,虽然宝宝不能完全理解意思,但能帮助宝宝逐步建立语言方面良好的品位。 在给宝宝念图画书、诗歌、童谣的时候,爸妈都会特别注意自己的语音、语调。这对发展宝宝的听力、发音也很有好处。给宝宝念书的时间永远不会太早。 图画书中的东西可以是平时生活中接触不到的,给予宝宝新刺激,增加新的词汇;也可以是平时经常接触的东西,帮助他建立联系,他也会因为认识图片上的事物而高兴,有成就感激发他进一步学习。 the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) f cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6)lose work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of c fs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavyexamination record. (4) section chie-ng production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do selfpment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assignil equibits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanica1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, haies (long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilit ied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants inall5ch ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plantechnical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious researall t ined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility forf garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combtion op. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job descripolation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stoor vi
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