

2017-09-02 7页 doc 27KB 22阅读




腰椎键盘突出)腰椎键盘突出) 腰椎间盘突出特效方 ,绝对秘方, 绝对秘方,腰突、坐骨神经痛, 此方为旧社会本地一地主家中所藏。相传古时地主家中有人患腰腿痛久治不效,后重金请名医岳先生开出此方,配成药酒一剂而愈。地主把此方写在墙上,流传至今。此方在当地流传甚广,我十年前在地主后人处偶然得到此方,看方子组成简单并无甚出奇之处,在遇到不愿长期吃苦药的病人时开出此方,经治不少病人有效者竟占7成左右。今贴方于此有兴趣的朋友不妨一试,,腰椎管狭窄、退行性脊柱炎、腰椎间盘突出症、梨状肌综合症及不明原因的坐骨神经痛皆可用之, 组成, 当归12g ...
腰椎键盘突出) 腰椎间盘突出特效方 ,绝对秘方, 绝对秘方,腰突、坐骨神经痛, 此方为旧社会本地一地主家中所藏。相传古时地主家中有人患腰腿痛久治不效,后重金请名医岳先生开出此方,配成药酒一剂而愈。地主把此方写在墙上,流传至今。此方在当地流传甚广,我十年前在地主后人处偶然得到此方,看方子组成简单并无甚出奇之处,在遇到不愿长期吃苦药的病人时开出此方,经治不少病人有效者竟占7成左右。今贴方于此有兴趣的朋友不妨一试,,腰椎管狭窄、退行性脊柱炎、腰椎间盘突出症、梨状肌综合症及不明原因的坐骨神经痛皆可用之, 组成, 当归12g 川芎12g 木瓜12g 牛膝12g 红花6g 大力草12g 炙乳香12g 全虫70个 肉桂15g 杜仲9g 二花15g 乌梅12g 陈皮12g 甘草15g 用水3斤煎熬后滤出药汁2斤左右加入白酒2斤,红糖2两、白糖2两。装入干净容器中保存。每次服1两,每日3次。 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 民间流传的腰椎间盘突出症方 一副就好, 今天临县有个病人拿个方子来找我,让我看看能否服用,说她弟弟的腰突症几年前就是吃这个方子好的,并说方子很神~(家乡周围吃愈了好多人)。方子我贴上来让大家瞧瞧~ 生川乌25g 当归15g 木瓜15g 砂仁15g 明雄10g 栀子15g 川牛膝15g 广木香15g ,粉碎泛为水丸或装胶囊,大号胶囊每日三次、每次一粒。- 腰突良方——药物渗透 腰突良方 去年有一教师腰疼的不敢站立~,光片示,,~,椎间盘突出~我单用五川灵仙汤九天后~,光片示正常片~后来我用此方~治疗颈肩腰腿疼也取得满意效果(具体操作是:药物组成:川芎20克~川乌20克~川牛膝30克~川断30克~川椒20克~威灵仙30克~木瓜20克~透骨草30克~鸡血藤30克~玄胡20克~乳香20克~没药20克~芒硝(另包)50克~食醋250毫升。 临床上我把除芒硝~食醋外的药装到布袋中~singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 把布袋放到微波盒中~把芒硝放入适量温水中搅拌~尽量溶解~溶液倒如入微波盒中~再倒入微波盒适量温水~瞒过药袋~然后放到微波炉中~高火五分钟~取出微波盒把食醋倒入其中~再高火五分钟~取出~待袋子不是很烫后放到患处~然后在袋上盖上一塑料这样保温(一次半小时~一天两次(效果确实很好~大家试试吧:临床上我不单用于腰突~其中颈椎病~肩周炎~肋间神经疼~关节炎~等等都有很好的效果。 方中川乌、川椒、威灵仙、透骨草、鸡血藤祛风散寒~通经活络,元胡、川芎、乳香、没药活血散瘀~行气舒筋,木瓜、川断、川牛膝补肝肾~强筋骨,芒硝软坚散结~消肿止痛,食醋含醋离子~有较强的渗透作用~可助活血化瘀~软坚散结之力。诸药水煎熏洗~药物作用于局部~渗透肌肤~直达病所~促进气血流通~改善局部血液运行~软化骨刺~促进炎症吸收~从而使症状缓解或消除。 一个治疗腰椎间盘突出症的秘方,虽然组方简单,我试用过多次,有效, 青风藤,50g 黄芪,50g 黑豆,50g 以上三种药拿来煎服,一日一剂,连服七剂为一疗程,大多服过二三剂即开始见效。 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 治腰椎间盘突出症之腰腿痛胀有效果,本人虽应用此方不多,仅试用过十余人,但均有腰突症典型症状,腰或腿痛,或腰腿均痛,腿麻、胀,遇冷加重,得热稍缓,抬腿试验(+),经CT提示腰间盘突出或膨出,服1,3疗程痊愈~ 个人以为此方虽然简单,但组方考究,确实有效,特别对一些寒湿型腰及坐骨神经痛有明显效果,拿出来贡献给大家分享,看后别忘了回帖哦~ 这首方子不是我的创作,也是一位行医朋友赠送于我的,我得此方之后见组方无剧毒药成份,便首先煎一剂自己试服了,没觉得身体不适,才再给一位患腰突症的亲友服用的,三剂后有好转,十剂症状痊愈。后来才再给别的病人用过十余人,多数人效佳,快的三五剂,慢的二十剂左右痊愈,但也有一两人效果不显。 可能因人而异吧,如果有腰椎间盘突出症的朋友可以试一试啊,有效果的话别忘记多多推广啊 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 腰椎间盘突出特效方 生芪120克 当归30克 熟地30克 制川乌30克 制附子30克 黑小豆30克 麻黄15克 细辛18克 桂枝45克 白芍45克 防风30克 蜂蜜150克 鲜生姜45克 枣21枚 杞子30克 菟丝子30克 补骨脂30克 仙灵脾30克 加冷水2500MI,七到八碗,文火煎三个半小时,煮取600ML,一碗半,,日分3次,饭后服。七日为一个疗程。可连服一至两个疗程。 此方名“加味改良乌头汤”,是一位出家老和尚秘传方子,愈人无算。老和尚慈悲,将方子交与上会下如法师,法师传与我。我不敢私密,公诸海上,普愿见闻者,悉发菩提心,慈悲种福田,施与众生乐。 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task
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