

2018-02-27 15页 doc 124KB 8阅读




贵州省干部在线学习如何实现经济增长和就业增长的同步答案贵州省干部在线学习如何实现经济增长和就业增长的同步答案 第1部分:判断题 (共11题,共45.82分; 默认单题0.0分) 0.01、目前我国就业形势正变得越来越严峻。(4.12分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.172、民工荒、技工荒等问题意味着劳动力在整体上出现了短缺的现象(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.173、失业率是一个真实反映就业市场变化的指标。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.174、近...
贵州省干部在线学习如何实现经济增长和就业增长的同步 第1部分:判断题 (共11题,共45.82分; 默认单题0.0分) 0.01、目前我国就业形势正变得越来越严峻。(4.12分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.172、民工荒、技工荒等问题意味着劳动力在整体上出现了短缺的现象(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.173、失业率是一个真实反映就业市场变化的指标。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.174、近几年,随着经济的快速发展,统计的城镇失业率正大幅度降低。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.175、一个国家的经济增长和就业增长两者总是保持同步。(4.17分) 得分: while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 4.176、并轨制是指把一部分下岗人员,还没有实现再就业的,转成公开的登记失业人口。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:A 4.177、随着劳动力市场的发育,政府配置劳动力资源逐渐为市场配置劳动力资源所取代。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:A 4.178、改革开放之后,我们由短缺经济过渡到结构性过剩经济。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:A 4.179、经济增长可以代替促进就业增长。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 案:B 4.1710、经济时代农村的剩余劳动力不能随意流动。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:A 4.1711、计划经济时期,我国也存在失业的现象。(4.17分) 得分: A 正确 B 错误 正确答 案:B 第2部分:单选题 (共7题,共29.19分; 默认单题0.0分) 4.171、改革开放以来,我国GDP每年增长率是()(4.17分) 得分: A 8% B 9.5%% C 0.105 D 0.11 正确答 案:B 4.172、改革开放以来,我国就业每年的平均增长了是()(4.17分) 得分: A 4, B 0.06 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application C 0.07 D 0.1 正确答 案:A 4.173、从宏观经济学的角度来讲,我们经常用的一个失业率指标是().(4.17分) 得分: A 城镇登记失业率 B 全国登记失业率 C 城市未就业人数 D 全国待就业人数 正确答 案:A 4.174、1998年、1999年,2000年这三年的城镇登记失业率是多少,(4.17分) 得分: A 1% B 0.031 C 0.05 D 0.07 正确答 案:B 4.175、在我国13亿人口中,大概有()人口属于劳动人口.(4.17分) 得分: A 7亿 B 5亿 C 9亿 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application D 10亿 正确答 案:A 4.176、我国出现大规模的失业现象始于何时,(4.17分) 得分: A 八十年代前期 B 办事年代后期 C 九十年代前期 D 九十年代后期 正确答 案:D 0.07、null(4.17分) 得分: 正确答案:null 第3部分:多选题 (共3题,共24.99分; 默认单题0.0分) 8.331、我国就业问题经历了哪三次严重的冲击,(8.33分) 得分: A 宏观经济的冲击 B 市场经济建立的冲击 C 东南亚金融危机的冲击 D 国有企业改革的冲击 正确答 案:ACD 8.332、九十年代开始出现的国有企业职工离开岗位有哪几种形式,(8.33分) 得分: A 下岗 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application B 失业 C 专业 D 待业 正确答 案:AB 0.03、下列哪些是改革开放以前我国曾经实行过的,(8.33分) 得分: A 市场经济制度 B 农村公社制度 C 统购统销制度 D 户籍制度 正确答 案:BCD while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application
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