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杨沫《青春之歌》里的青春杨沫《青春之歌》里的青春 杨沫,原名杨成业,笔名杨君默、杨默,抗日战争后期开始使用“杨沫”之名。原籍湖南湘阴,生于北平。中学时因家道中落而辍学,遂辗转奔波于河北保定、香河及北京等地,先后以乡村教师、书店店员和家庭教师为业,生活动荡不安。1933年开始接近共产党人,七七事变后赴晋察冀边区投身革命,并开始文学活动。1950年出版中篇小说《苇塘纪事》,1951年起开始创作长篇小说《青春之歌》,历时六年而成,1958年1月由作家出版社出版。此外,还著有长篇小说《东方欲晓》《芳菲之歌》《英华之歌》等。 其代表作《青春之歌》,以一九三...
杨沫《青春之歌》里的青春 杨沫,原名杨成业,笔名杨君默、杨默,抗日战争后期开始使用“杨沫”之名。原籍湖南湘阴,生于北平。中学时因家道中落而辍学,遂辗转奔波于河北保定、香河及北京等地,先后以乡村教师、店店员和家庭教师为业,生活动荡不安。1933年开始接近共产党人,七七事变后赴晋察冀边区投身革命,并开始文学活动。1950年出版中篇小说《苇塘纪事》,1951年起开始创作长篇小说《青春之歌》,历时六年而成,1958年1月由作家出版社出版。此外,还著有长篇小说《东方欲晓》《芳菲之歌》《英华之歌》等。 其代作《青春之歌》,以一九三一年“九一八”事变到一九三五年“一二九”运动为背景,描写了党领导下的民主革命时期的学生运动,主要塑造了主人公林道静这个由小资产阶级知识分子逐步改造成为无产阶级的先锋战士的人物形象。其次,作者以林道静的成长道路为主线,带出了国难当头时走着不同道路的知识分子形象。他们中有无产阶级先进分子、林道静的引路人卢嘉川、江华和林红;有民族危亡之时,名利熏心、整天想着个人幸福的余永泽;有开始倾向革命,但最终因贪图享乐而成为别人手中的玩物的白丽萍。正是这些与林道静相互映照的形形色色的知识分子形象,立体地反映了“一二九”运动前后动荡年代我国社会生活的一个侧面,为进步知识分子谱写了一曲青春的颂歌。 development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 《青春之歌》中写的人物大都是青年,他们的青春才刚开始就遇到了国家动荡、民族危亡的革命战争时代,他们用他们的热血和激情谱写了属于30年代的青春赞歌,他们的青春是何其相似,又各有不同。 一、林道静:倔强、执拗、刚强、昂扬、敢于反抗封建资产阶级的压迫又顽强的坚持坎坷不平革命道路。 林道静是大地主林伯唐强暴佃户姑娘秀妮所生,母亲投河自尽后,小道静受尽了养母的百般虐待。这种特殊的生活遭遇,既形成了她倔强、富于反抗、同情劳动人民的品质,另一方面,又使她染上了小资产阶级知识分子的习性。这一性格的双重色彩注定了她在走向革命道路的过程中,要经受更多的痛苦和磨难。 林道静在成长道路上经历了一个十分艰难的历程。高中毕业后,养母将她作为摇钱树,逼她嫁给胡梦安作姨太太,为反抗封建婚姻,她离家出走。可是逃出虎口,又差点落入狼窝。不甘屈服,但又无力抗争的她,只得用死来反抗这个黑暗的社会。余永泽救起了她,并给了她一片温情的小天地,她也曾一度想从爱情中寻找幸福,可她很快发现自己又成了余永泽的“玩偶”。她因不满足这种被关在“鸟笼”中没有自由和独立人格的生活,而再次陷入痛苦之中。 就在林道静苦闷彷徨之时,她结识了共产党员卢嘉川。他引导她阅读进步书刊,学习革命理论,并逐渐投身于火热的斗争。日渐觉醒的林道静发现自己以前“好象个糊涂虫”,也使她进一步看清了余永泽自私、庸俗的真面貌。当余永泽赶走卢嘉川,导致卢被捕,最后牺牲development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 时,林道静终于与他分手了。从林道静与余永泽的决裂过程,我们可以看到林道静在探求光明人生道路中的又一曲折经历。这以后,她经受了一系列血的教训和斗争实践的艰苦磨炼,尤其是女革命者林红的热情帮助,以及她那誓死如归的英雄气概,使她进一步懂得了人生的意义是为人民,为革命而奋斗。她看清了自己思想深处存在的温情狂热,多愁善感的小资产阶级思想,并自觉在平凡而艰苦的工作中锻炼自己。她在学校里和热血青年赵毓青积极的开张学生工作,向学生宣扬共产主义革命思想,并配合江华深入到地主家庭去做地下工作。 林道静的青春之路:离家出走时:执拗、幼稚——北戴河自杀时:阴暗、自卑、痛苦——和余永泽同居时:对生活充满憧憬、自信但仍幼稚天真—— 认识卢嘉川和余永泽决裂时:对革命充满渴望与向往,有了新的人生信仰——入狱结实林红时:坚定了对革命的决心——带领北大学生运动时:由幼稚走向成熟,积淀了实践经验,成为一个真正的革命战士。 二、卢嘉川:积极乐观、爽朗热情、坦荡潇洒、对革命宁死不屈、忠贞不渝。 卢嘉川是小说中坚定共产主义者的典型代表人物,他是中国共产党的优秀党员,他遵照党的指示,领导学生运动,爱国主义思想。卢嘉川把林道静引上了革命道路。他引导着林道静从余永泽提供的小资产阶级的生活方式中脱离出来,对林道静进行了革命意识的启蒙教育,是他的出现带领林道静走上了无产阶级革命的道路。他有才学有development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 胆略,更重要的是他有着不灭的信仰和崇高的追求,在被捕之后,虽然饱受酷刑,甚至双腿都被老虎凳夹断,依然顽强不屈,并在狱中领导绝食运动,那年轻的生命为了实现崇高的理想,壮烈地战斗到生命的最后一刻。他这种对革命热爱与忠贞一直影响着林道静。 就当代90后来说爱情在生活中是必需品。但在那种社会动荡的年代,特别是对于卢嘉川这种中共地下党员来说,爱情是奢侈品,他和林道静的爱情还没有开花就已经枯萎了。卢嘉川的青春是昂扬的、热血沸腾的,是当时大多数热血青年的代表。 三、江华:成熟稳重、老成而练达、精明能干、善良正义、对革命忠诚热爱。 江华是一个成熟的共产党员,成熟稳重,老成而练达。他作为一个政治上和斗争实践上都成熟的共产党员出现,正好弥补了卢嘉川的空缺。在卢嘉川入狱之后,他的出现弥补了林道静政治道路上的空缺。是他给林道静的成长道路上带来重要的转折,让她真正地在与工农结合的斗争实践中得到成长,帮助她一步一步的从幼稚走向成熟,从而使她成为一个真正的共产党员。 他与林道静的爱情是政治的上的产物,他觉得林道静是一个热爱革命,有思想积极向上的人而欣赏她,而林道静觉得他是自己革命道路上的领路人,是个正直爱国的青年。不像和余永泽一起那种对爱的萌动与向往,也没有对卢嘉川那种炽热的爱,只因为革命而走到了一起。 development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 三、余永泽:迂腐懦弱、自私自利、平庸狭隘、崇拜胡适追求文学。 余永泽是在林道静最黑暗、最低迷、想要自杀的状态下出现的。他对文学的热情、对生活理性的分析和对林道静的温柔与关心 都深深的吸引着林道静,因此林道静对他产生了爱情的萌动。对于初涉社会的林道静来说,他救了她的生命,又在兴趣爱好上如此投契,很自然地就投身他的怀抱。但在后来同居的生活中林道静越来越感觉到两人的差距,余永泽的虚伪也逐渐暴露出来。例如:对投奔他来的老长工,表现得非常冷酷,竟毫无同情心地把魏老赶出家门,当他知道林道静跑出去送给魏老山十块钱后,冷冷地讽刺林道静是拿他的钱装好人;对林道静接受共产主义思想和参加学生游行示威运动不但不支持还冷嘲热讽;最后还出卖了卢嘉川,使卢嘉川被捕最后牺牲等等。使林道静看清了他真面目并与之决裂。 在30年代里,主要以革命和进步为衡量一切的,小说中对余永泽的描写是借此来批判那一类不热爱革命,胆小懦弱、自私自利的小资产阶级分子。然而,如果换一种视角来看,就当今社会来说,余永泽实际上是一个“认真的生活者”,他讲爱,讲美,讲浪漫,他的生活状态更适合生活,他给林道静提供凡俗的爱情,知识,优雅和温情。但是由于时代背景的因素,他的这种小资爱情是受社会批判的。 五、和杨沫重叠的青春。 杨沫在写《青春之歌》时,她也正经历了人生的几次重大转折,小说development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 中林道静的生平和杨沫的基本吻合,林道静的成长史,也可以说是杨沫的成长史。林道静是一个完满富有活力的形象,更结合了杨沫本人的性格特征。林道静的人生历程艰辛曲折,使人物的形象更生动真实。爱情与革命就是那个年代最真实最主要最典型的痕迹,整部小说紧紧围绕爱情和革命的主线谱写了一曲完整的“青春之歌”。这些都与杨沫生活的年代背景和她的成长之路是息息相关的,例如:1931年,杨沫的父亲破产后不知所踪,她的母亲吧她急招回家,将其许配给国民党的一个军官,杨沫不愿成为封建势力的一个受害者,毅然离家,断绝与母亲的来往。《青春之歌》的女主角林道静亦是反抗她后母将她嫁给公安局长胡梦安而离家出走,与余永泽相遇并相知,与其同居。现实中的杨沫在离家之后便结识北大国文系的一名学生玄,1932年与其相爱并同居。杨沫与玄同居期间的生活非常艰辛凄凉,被生活的繁琐困扰,精神十分空虚和苦闷。就在1933年偶然的一个机会,除夕之夜的小妹白杨家,结识了十几位东北流亡青年,这些人都是大学生,共产党外围组织和共产党员,这次聚会使杨沫深受震撼。他们对中国的现状分析和追求民族自由的精神使迷茫中的杨沫找到了方向,之后便积极向共产党靠拢。杨沫把自己复杂的人生坎坷与曲折掺杂其中,才构出了一个完整的故事和一群生动的人物形象。 在青春之歌中像卢嘉川,江华这样的人物还有许多,林红、罗大方、徐辉、侯瑞、许宁等等,这些人都不是一颗拳拳赤子之心,当国家危急存亡之际,他们放弃了几乎所有的一切,将青春的热血奋不顾身的投入的救国救民的伟大事业上来,即使面对恐怖的白色威胁,development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 面对着追杀与酷刑,他们都没有后退,将一切痛苦和血泪深埋心底,用最顽强最坚毅的一面与敌人对峙。他们的种种都代表了生活在30年代的那一代人的青春,他们的青春是不朽的。 而生活在和平年代的我们,又是怎样的呢,我们总是一种处在当下,怀念过去,不敢想象未来的迷茫状态。总以为自己是学生,可以没有理想,可以安逸的享受时代给于我的幸福生活,等学好了本领再去考虑未来,和书中的主人公相比,我的想法只不过是一个思想未被唤醒的小青年。人人都知道青春的宝贵,人人却都只是感叹岁月如梭,却不去思考该怎样用自己的行动来留住这样的光阴。书中的余永泽受到批判与指责,而我们连他都不如,对物质生活的依赖、对祖国的淡漠、对未来的软弱,我们甚至连信仰是什么都不知道等等,常常让人们感叹当代的青年时怎么了,而属于我们这一代人的“青春之歌”又该如何唱响, development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion
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