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抗震设防烈度表抗震设防烈度表 抗震设防烈度 按国家规定的权限批准作为一个地区抗震设防依据的地震烈度 目录 定义 抗震设防烈度规定 抗震设防烈度表 抗震设计相关规定 定义 地震烈度是指地面及房屋等建筑物受地震破坏的程度。 [1] 抗震设防烈度,seismic fortification intensity。一般情况下取基本烈度。但还须根据建筑物所在城市的大小,建筑物的类别、高度以及当地的抗震设防小区规划进行确定。 抗震设防烈度规定 根据《建筑抗震设计规范》GB 50011-2001第2.1.1条,抗震设防烈度为按国家规定...
抗震设防烈度 抗震设防烈度 按国家的权限批准作为一个地区抗震设防依据的地震烈度 目录 定义 抗震设防烈度规定 抗震设防烈度表 抗震设计相关规定 定义 地震烈度是指地面及房屋等建筑物受地震破坏的程度。 [1] 抗震设防烈度,seismic fortification intensity。一般情况下取基本烈度。但还须根据建筑物所在城市的大小,建筑物的类别、高度以及当地的抗震设防小区规划进行确定。 抗震设防烈度规定 根据《建筑抗震设计规范》GB 50011-2001第2.1.1条,抗震设防烈度为按国家规定的权限批准作为一个地区抗震设防依据的地震烈度。 [1] 根据《建筑抗震设计规范》GB 50011-2010 第2.1.1条,抗震设防烈度为按国家规定的权限批准作为一个地区抗震设防依据的地震烈度。一般情况,取50年内超越概率10%的地震烈度 抗震设防烈度表 本附录仅提供我国抗震设防区各县级及县级以上城镇的中心地区建筑抗震设计时所采用的抗震设防烈度、设计基本地震加速度值和所属的设计地震分组。 注:本附录一般把“设计地震第一、二、三组”简称为“第一组、第二组、第三组”。 A.0.1 首都和直辖市 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 北京(除昌平门头沟外的 11 个市辖区),平谷,大兴,延庆,宁河,汉沽。 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 密云,怀柔,昌平,门头沟,天津(除汉沽、大港外的 12 个市辖区),蓟县,宝坻,静海。 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 大港,上海(除金山外的 15 个市辖区),南汇,奉贤 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 崇明,金山,重庆(14 个市辖区),巫山,奉节,云阳,忠县,丰都,长寿,壁山,合川,铜梁,大足,荣昌,永川,江津,綦江,南川,黔江,石柱,巫溪* 注:1 首都和直辖市的全部县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组; 2 上标 * 指该城镇的中心位于本设防区和较低设防区的分界线,下同。 A.0.2 河北省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:廊坊(2 个市辖区) 唐山(5 个市辖区),三河,大厂,香河,丰南,丰润,怀来,涿鹿 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:邯郸(4 个市辖区) 邯郸县,文安,任丘,河间,大城,,涿州,高碑店,涞水,固安,永清,玉田迁,安卢,龙滦县,滦南,唐海,乐亭,宣化,蔚县,阳原,成安,磁县,临漳,大名,宁晋 ,下花园 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:石家庄(6 个市辖区),保定(3 个市辖区),张家口(4 个市辖区),沧州(2 个市辖区),衡水邢台(2 个市辖区),霸州,雄县,易县,沧县,张北,万全,怀安,兴隆,迁西,抚宁昌,黎青县,献县,广宗,平乡,鸡泽,隆尧,新河,曲周,肥乡,馆陶,广平,高邑,内丘,邢台县,赵县,武安,涉县,赤城,涞源,定兴,容城,徐水,安新,高阳,博野,蠡县,肃宁,深泽,安平,饶阳,魏县,藁城,栾城,晋州,深州,武强,辛集,冀州,任县,柏乡,巨鹿,南和,沙河,临城,泊头,永年,崇礼,南宫* 第二组:秦皇岛(海港、北戴河),清苑,遵化,安国 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:正定,围场,尚义,灵寿,无极,平山,鹿泉,井陉,元氏,南皮,吴桥,景县,东光 第二组:承德(除鹰手营子外的 2 个市辖区),隆化,承德县,宽城,青龙,阜平,满城,顺平,唐县,望都,曲阳,定州,行唐,赞皇,黄骅,海兴孟村盐山,阜城,故城,清河,山海关,沽源,新乐,武邑,枣强,威县 第三组:丰宁,滦平,鹰手营子,平泉,临西,邱县 A.0.3 山西省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:太原(6 个市辖区),临汾,忻州,祁县,平遥,古县,代县,原平,定襄,阳曲,太谷,介休,灵石,汾西,霍州,洪洞,襄汾,晋中,浮山,永济,清徐 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:大同(4 个市辖区),朔州(朔城区),大同县,怀仁,浑源,广灵,应县,山阴,灵丘,繁峙,五台,古交,交城,文水,汾阳,曲沃,consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 孝义,侯马,新绛,稷山,绛县,河津,闻喜,翼城,万荣,临猗,夏县,运城,芮城,平陆,沁源*,宁武* 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:长治(2 个市辖区),阳泉(3 个市辖区),长治县,阳高,天镇,左云,右玉,神池,寿阳,昔阳,安泽,乡宁,垣曲,沁水,平定,和顺,黎城,潞城,壶关 第二组:平顺,榆社,武乡,娄烦,交口,隰县,蒲县,吉县,静乐,盂县,沁县,陵川,平鲁 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第二组:偏关,河曲,保德,兴县,临县,方山,柳林 第三组:晋城,离石,左权,襄垣,屯留,长子,高平,阳城,泽州,五寨,岢岚,岚县,中阳,石楼,永和,大宁 A.0.4 内蒙自治区 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:土默特右旗,达拉特旗* 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:包头(除白云矿区外的 5 个市辖区),呼和浩特(4 个市辖区),土默特左旗,乌海(3 个市辖区),杭锦后旗,磴口,宁城,托克托县。 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:喀喇沁旗,五原,乌拉特前旗,临河,固阳,武川,凉城,和林格尔,赤峰(红山*,元宝山区) 第二组:阿拉善左旗 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:集宁,清水河,开鲁,傲汉旗,乌特拉后旗,卓资,察右前旗,丰镇,扎兰屯,乌特拉中旗,赤峰(松山区),通辽* 第三组:东胜准格尔旗 5 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:满洲里,新巴尔虎右旗,莫力达瓦旗,阿荣旗,扎赉特旗,翁牛特旗,兴和,商都,察右后旗,科左中旗,科左后旗,奈曼旗,库伦旗,乌审旗,苏尼特右旗 第二组:达尔罕茂明安联合旗,阿拉善右旗,鄂托克旗,鄂托克前旗,白云 第三组:伊金霍洛旗,杭锦旗,四王子旗,察右中旗 A.0.5 辽宁省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 普兰店,东港 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 营口(4 个市辖区),丹东(3 个市辖区),海城,大石桥,瓦房店,盖州,金州 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 沈阳(9 个市辖区),鞍山(4 个市辖区),大连(除金州外的 5 个市辖区),朝阳(2 个市辖区),辽阳(5 个市辖区),抚顺(除顺城外的 3 个市辖区),铁岭(2 个市辖区),盘锦(2 个市辖区),盘山,朝阳县,辽阳县,岫岩,铁岭县,凌源,北票,建平,开原,抚顺县,灯塔,台安,大洼,辽中 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 本溪(4 个市辖区),阜新(5 个市辖区),锦州(3 个市辖区),葫芦岛(3 个市辖区),昌图,西丰,法库,彰武,铁法,阜新县,康平,新民,黑山,北宁,义县,喀喇沁,凌海,兴城,绥中,建昌,宽甸,凤城,庄河,长海,顺城 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇的设计地震分组,除兴城、绥中、建昌、南票为第二组外,均为第一组。 A.0.6 吉林省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 前郭尔罗斯,松原 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 大安* 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 长春(6 个市辖区),吉林(除丰满外的 3 个市辖区),白城,乾安,舒兰,九台,永吉* 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 四平(2 个市辖区),辽源(2 个市辖区),镇赉,洮南,延吉,汪清,图们,珲春,龙井,和龙,安图,蛟河,桦甸,梨树,磐石,东丰,辉南,梅河口,东辽,榆树,靖宇,抚松,长岭,通榆*,德惠,农安,伊通,公主岭,扶余,丰满 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.7 黑龙江省 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 绥化,萝北,泰来 2 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 哈尔滨(7 个市辖区),齐齐哈尔(7 个市辖区),大庆(5 个市辖区),鹤岗(6 个市辖区),牡丹江(4 个市辖区),鸡西(6 个市辖区),佳木斯(5 个市辖区),七台河(3 个市辖区),伊春(伊春区乌马河区),鸡东,望奎,穆棱,绥芬河,东宁,宁安,五大连池,嘉荫,汤原,桦南,桦川,依兰,勃利,通河,方正,木兰,巴彦,延寿,尚志,宾县,安达,明水,绥棱,庆安,兰西,肇东,肇州,肇源,呼兰,阿城,双城,五常,讷河,北安,甘南,富裕,龙江,黑河,青冈*,海林* 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.8 江苏省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:宿迁,宿豫* 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 第一组:新沂,邳州,睢宁 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:扬州(3 个市辖区),镇江(2 个市辖区),东海,沭阳,泗洪,江都,大丰 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:南京(11 个市辖区),淮安(除楚州外的 3 个市辖区),徐州(5 个市辖区),铜山,沛县,常州(4 个市辖区),泰州(2 个市辖区),赣榆,泗阳,盱眙,射阳,江浦,武进,盐城,盐都,东台,海安,姜堰,如皋,如东,扬中,仪征,兴化,高邮,六合,句容,丹阳,金坛,丹徒,溧阳,溧水,昆山,太仓第三组:连云港(4 个市辖区),灌云 5 抗震设防烈度为 6 度。设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:南通(2 个市辖区),无锡(6 个市辖区),苏州(6 个市辖区),通州,宜兴,江阴,洪泽,建湖,常熟,吴江,靖江,泰兴,张家港,海门,启东,高淳,丰县 第二组:响水,滨海,阜宁,宝应,金湖 第三组:灌南,涟水,楚州 A.0.9 浙江省 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 岱山,嵊泗,舟山(2 个市辖区),宁波(镇海区、北仓区) 2 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 杭州(6 个市辖区),宁波(3 个市辖区),湖州,嘉兴(2 个市辖区),温州(3 个市辖区),绍兴,绍兴县,长兴,安吉,临安,奉化,鄞县,象山,德清,嘉善,平湖,海盐,桐乡,余杭,海宁,萧山,上虞,慈溪,余姚,瑞安,富阳,平阳,苍南,乐清,永嘉,泰顺,景宁,云和,庆元,洞头 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.10 安徽省 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:五河,泗县 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:合肥(4 个市辖区),蚌埠(4 个市辖区),阜阳(3 个市辖区),淮南(5 个市辖区),枞阳怀远长丰六安(2 个市辖区),灵壁,固镇,凤阳,明光,定远,肥东,肥西,舒城,庐江,桐城,霍山,涡阳,安庆(3 个市辖区)*,铜陵县* 3 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:铜陵(3 个市辖区),芜湖(4 个市辖区),巢湖,马鞍山(4 个市辖区),滁州(2 个市辖区),芜湖县,砀山,萧县,亳州,界首,太和,临泉,阜南,利辛,蒙城,凤台,寿县,颖上,霍丘,金寨,天长,来安,全椒,含山,和县,当涂,无为,繁昌,池州,岳西,潜山,太湖,怀宁,望江,东至,宿松,南陵,宣城,郎溪,广德,泾县,青阳,石台 第二组:濉溪,淮北 第三组:宿州 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of A.0.11 福建省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:金门* 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:厦门(7 个市辖区),漳州(2 个市辖区),晋江,石狮,龙海,长泰,漳浦,东山,诏安 第二组:泉州(4 个市辖区) 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:福州(除马尾外的 4 个市辖区),安溪,南靖,华安,平和,云霄 第二组:莆田(2 个市辖区),长乐,福清,莆田县,平谭,惠安,南安,马尾 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:三明(2 个市辖区),政和,屏南,霞浦,福鼎,福安,柘荣,寿宁,周宁,松溪,宁德,古田,罗源,沙县,尤溪,闽清,闽侯南平,大田,漳平,龙岩,永定,泰宁,宁化,长汀,武平,建宁,将乐,明溪,清流,连城,上杭,永安,建瓯 第二组:连江,永泰,德化,永春,仙游 A.0.12 江西省 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 寻乌,会昌 2 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 南昌(5 个市辖区),九江(2 个市辖区),南昌县,进贤,余干,九江县,彭泽,湖口,星子,瑞昌,德安,都昌,武宁,修水,靖安,铜鼓 ,宜丰,宁都,石城,瑞金,安远,定南,龙南,全南,大余 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.13 山东省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:郯城,临沐,莒南,莒县,沂水,安丘,阳谷 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:临沂(3 个市辖区),潍坊(4 个市辖区),菏泽,东明,聊城,苍山,沂南,昌邑,昌乐,青州,临朐,诸城,五莲,长岛,蓬莱,龙口,莘县,鄄城,寿光*,台儿庄,东营(河口区) 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:烟台(4 个市辖区),威海,枣庄(4 个市辖区),淄博(除博山外的 4 个市辖区),平原,高唐,茌平,东阿,平阴,梁山,郓城,定陶,巨野,成武,曹县,广饶,博兴,高青,桓台,文登,沂源,蒙阴,费县,微山,禹城,冠县,莱芜(2 个市辖区)*,单县*,夏津* 第二组;东营(东营区),招远,新泰,栖霞,莱州,日照,平度,高密,垦利,博山,滨州*,平邑* 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:德州,宁阳,陵县,曲阜,邹城,鱼台,乳山,荣成,兖州 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 第二组:济南(5 个市辖区),青岛(7 个市辖区),泰安(2 个市辖区),济宁(2 个市辖区),武城,乐陵,庆云,无棣,阳信,宁津,沾化,利津,惠民,商河,临邑,济 阳,齐河,邹平,章丘,泗水,莱阳,海阳,金乡,滕州,莱西,即墨 第三组:胶南,胶州,东平,汶上,嘉祥,临清,长清,肥城 A.0.14 河南省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:新乡(4 个市辖区),新乡县,安阳(4 个市辖区),安阳县,鹤壁(3 个市辖区),原阳,延津,汤阴,淇县,卫辉,获嘉,范县,辉县 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:郑州(6 个市辖区),濮阳,濮阳县,长桓,封丘,修武,武陟,内黄,浚县,滑县,台前,南乐,清丰,灵宝,三门峡,陕县,林州* 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:洛阳(6 个市辖区),焦作(4 个市辖区),开封(5 个市辖区),南阳(2 个市辖区),开封县,许昌县,沁阳,博爱,孟州,孟津,巩义,偃师,济源,新密,新郑,民权,兰考,长葛,温县,荥阳,中牟,杞县*,许昌* 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:商丘(2 个市辖区),信阳(2 个市辖区),漯河,平顶山(4 个市辖区),登封,义马,虞城,夏邑,通许,尉氏,宁陵,柘城,新安,宜阳,嵩县,汝阳,伊川,禹州,郏县,宝丰,襄城,郾城,鄢陵,扶沟,太康,鹿邑,郸城,沈丘,项城,淮阳,周口,商水,上蔡,临颍,西华,西平,栾川,内乡,镇平,唐河,邓州,新野,社旗,平舆,新县,驻马店,泌阳,汝南,桐柏,淮滨,息县,正阳,遂平,光山,罗山,潢川,商城,固始,南召,舞阳* 第二组:汝州,睢县,永城 第三组:卢氏,洛宁,渑池 A.0.15 湖北省 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 竹溪,竹山,房县 2 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 武汉(13 个市辖区),荆州(2 个市辖区),荆门襄樊(2 个市辖区),襄阳,十堰(2 个市辖区),宜昌(4 个市辖区),宜昌县,黄石(4 个市辖区),恩施,咸宁,麻城,团风,罗田,英山,黄冈,鄂州,浠水,蕲春,黄梅,武穴,郧西,郧县,丹江口,谷城,老河口,宜城,南漳,保康,神农架,钟祥,沙洋,远安,兴山,巴东,秭归,当阳,建始,利川,公安,宣恩,咸丰,长阳,宜都,枝江,松滋,江陵,石首,监利,洪湖,孝感,应城,云梦,天门,仙桃,红安,安陆,潜江,嘉鱼,大冶,通山,赤壁,崇阳,通城,五峰*,京山* 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.16 湖南省 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 常德(2 个市辖区) 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 岳阳(2 个市辖区),岳阳县,汨罗,湘阴,临澧,澧县,津市,桃源,安乡,汉寿 3 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 长沙(5 个市辖区),长沙县,益阳(2 个市辖区),张家界(2 个市辖区),郴州(2 个市辖区),邵阳(3 个市辖区),邵阳县,泸溪,沅陵,娄底,宜章,资兴,平江,宁乡,新化,冷水江,涟源,双峰,新邵,邵东,隆回,石门,慈利,华容,南县,临湘,沅江,桃江,望城,溆浦,会同,靖州,韶山,江华,宁远,道县,临武,湘乡*,安化*,中方*,洪江*,岳阳(云溪) 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.17 广东省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 汕头(5 个市辖区),澄海,潮安,南澳,徐闻,潮州* 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 揭阳,揭东,潮阳,饶平 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 广州(除花都外的9 个市辖区),深圳(6 个市辖区),湛江(4 个市辖区),汕尾海丰,普宁,惠来,阳江,阳东,阳西,茂名,化州,廉江,遂溪,吴川,丰顺,南海,顺德,中山,珠海,斗门,电白,雷州,佛山(2 个市辖区)*,江门(2 个市辖区)*,新会*,陆丰* 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 韶关(3 个市辖区),肇庆(2 个市辖区),花都,河源,揭西,东源,梅州,东莞,清远,清新,南雄,仁化,始兴,乳源,曲江,英德,佛冈,龙门,龙川,平远,大埔,从化,梅县,兴宁,五华,紫金,陆河,增城,博罗,惠州,惠阳,惠东,三水,四会,云浮,云安,高要,高明,鹤山,封开,郁南,罗定,信宜,新兴,开平,恩平,台山,阳春,高州,翁源,连平,和平,蕉岭,新丰* 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.18 广西自治区 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 灵山,田东 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 玉林,兴业,横县,北流,百色,田阳,平果,隆安,浦北,博白,乐业* 3 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 南宁(6 个市辖区),桂林(5 个市辖区),柳州(5 个市辖区),梧州(3 个市辖区),钦州(2 个市辖区),贵港(2 个市辖区),防城港(2 个市辖区),北海(2 个市辖区),兴安,灵川,临桂,永福,鹿寨,天峨,东兰,巴马,都安,大化,马山,融安,象州,武宣,桂平,平南,上林,宾阳,武鸣,大新,扶绥,邕宁,东兴,合浦,钟山,贺州,藤县,苍梧,consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 容县,岑溪,陆川,凤山,凌云,田林,隆林,西林,德保,靖西,那坡,天等,崇左,上思,龙州,宁明,融水,凭祥,全州 注:全自治区县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.19 海南省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 海口(3 个市辖区),琼山 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 文昌,定安 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 澄迈 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 临高,琼海,儋州,屯昌 5 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 三亚,万宁,琼中,昌江,白沙,保亭,陵水,东方,乐东,通什 注:全省县级及县级以上设防城镇,设计地震分组均为第一组。 A.0.20 四川省 1 抗震设防烈度不低于 9 度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: 第一组:康定,西昌 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:冕宁* 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:松潘,道孚,泸定,甘孜,炉霍,石棉,喜德,普格,宁南,德昌,理塘 第二组:九寨沟 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:宝兴,茂县,巴塘,德格,马边,雷波 第二组:越西,雅江,九龙,平武,木里,盐源,会东,新龙 第三组:天全,荥经,汉源,昭觉,布拖,丹巴,芦山,甘洛 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:成都(除龙泉驿清白江的 5 个市辖区),乐山(除金口河外的 3 个市辖区),自贡(4 个市辖区),宜宾,宜宾县,北川,安县,绵竹,汶川,都江堰,双流,新津,青神,峨边,沐川,屏山,理县,得荣,新都* 第二组:攀枝花(3 个市辖区),江油,什邡,彭州,郫县,温江,大邑,崇州,邛崃,蒲江,彭山,丹棱,眉山,洪雅,夹江,峨嵋山,若尔盖,色达,壤塘,马尔康,石渠,白玉,金川,黑水,盐边,米易,乡城,稻城,金口河,朝天区* 第三组:青川,雅安,名山,美姑,金阳,小金,会理 6 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:泸州(3 个市辖区),内江(2 个市辖区),德阳,宣汉,达州,达县,大竹,邻水,渠县,广安,华蓥,隆昌,富顺,泸县,南溪,江安,长宁,高县,珙县,兴文,叙永,古蔺,金堂,广汉,简阳,资阳,仁consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 寿,资中,犍为,荣县,威远,南江,通江,万源,巴中,苍溪,阆中,仪陇,西充,南部,盐亭,三台,射洪,大英,乐至,旺苍,龙泉驿,清白江 第二组:绵阳(2 个市辖区),梓潼,中江,阿坝,筠连,井研 第三组:广元(除朝天区外的 2 个市辖区),剑阁,罗江,红原 A.0.20 四川省 1 抗震设防烈度不低于 9 度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: 第一组:康定,西昌 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:冕宁* 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:道孚,泸定,甘孜,炉霍,石棉,喜德,普格,宁南,德昌,理塘,茂县,汶川,宝兴 第二组:松潘,平武,北川(震前),都江堰 第三组:九寨沟 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:巴塘,德格,马边,雷波 第二组:越西,雅江,九龙,木里,盐源,会东,新龙,天全,芦山,丹巴,安县,青川,江油,绵竹,什邡,彭州,理县,剑阁* 第三组:荥经,汉源,昭觉,布拖,甘洛 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:乐山(除金口河外的3个市辖区),自贡(4个市辖区),宜宾,宜宾县,峨边,沐川,屏山,得荣 第二组:攀枝花(3个市辖区),若尔盖,色达,壤塘,马尔康,石渠,白玉,盐边,米易,乡城,稻城,金口河,峨眉山,雅安,广元(3个市辖区),中江,德阳,罗江,绵阳(2个市辖区) 第三组:名山,美姑,金阳,小金,会理,黑水,金川,洪雅,夹江,邛崃,蒲江,彭山,丹棱,眉山,青神,郫县,温江,大邑,崇州,成都(8个市辖区),双流,新津,金堂,广汉 6 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:泸州(3个市辖区),内江(2个市辖区),宣汉,达州,达县,大竹,邻水,渠县,广安,华蓥,隆昌,富顺,泸县,南溪,江安,长宁,高县,珙县,兴文,叙永,古蔺,资阳,仁寿,资中,犍为,荣县,威远,通江,万源,巴中,阆中,仪陇,西充,南部,射洪,大英,乐至 第二组:梓潼,筠连,井研,阿坝,南江,苍溪,旺苍,盐亭,三台,简阳 第三组:红原 A.0.21 贵州省 1 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:望谟 第二组:威宁 2 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 第一组:贵阳(除白云外的 5 个市辖区),凯里,毕节,安顺,都匀,六盘水,黄平,福泉,贵定,麻江,清镇,龙里,平坝,纳雍,织金,水城,普定,六枝,镇宁,惠水,长顺,关岭,紫云,罗甸,兴仁,贞丰,安龙,册亨,金沙,印江,赤水,习水,思南* 第二组:赫章,普安,晴隆,兴义 第三组:盘县 A.0.22 云南省 1 抗震设防烈度不低于9度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: 第一组:寻甸,东川 第二组:澜沧 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:剑川,嵩明,宜良,丽江,鹤庆,永胜,潞西,龙陵,石屏,建水 第二组:耿马,双江,沧源,勐海,西盟,孟连 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:石林,玉溪,大理,永善,巧家,江川,华宁,峨山,通海,洱源,宾川,弥渡,祥云,会泽,南涧 第二组:昆明(除东川外的 4 个市辖区),思茅,保山,马龙,呈贡,澄江,晋宁,易门,漾濞,巍山,云县,腾冲,施甸,瑞丽,梁河,安宁,凤庆*,陇川* 第三组:景洪,永德,镇康,临沧 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组;中甸,泸水,大关,新平* 第二组:沾益,个旧,红河,元江,禄丰,双柏,开远,盈江,永平,昌宁,宁蒗,南华,楚雄,勐腊,华坪,景东* 第三组;曲靖,弥勒,陆良,富民,禄劝,武定,兰坪,云龙,景谷,普洱 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:盐津,绥江,德钦,水富,贡山 第二组:昭通,彝良,鲁甸,福贡,永仁,大姚,元谋,姚安,牟定,墨江,绿春,镇沅,江城,金平 第三组:富源,师宗,泸西,蒙自,元阳,维西,宣威 6 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:威信,镇雄,广南,富宁,西畴,麻栗坡,马关 第二组:丘北,砚山,屏边,河口,文山 第三组:罗平 A.0.23 西藏自治区 1 抗震设防烈度不低于9度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: 第二组:当雄,墨脱 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:申扎 第二组:米林,波密 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:普兰,聂拉木,萨嘎 第二组:拉萨,堆龙德庆,尼木,仁布,尼玛,洛隆,隆子,错那,曲松 第三组:那曲,林芝(八一镇),林周 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:札达,吉隆,拉孜,谢通门,亚东,洛扎,昂仁 第二组:日土,江孜,康马,白朗,扎囊,措美,桑日,加查,边坝,八宿,丁青,类乌齐,乃东,琼结,贡嘎,朗县,达孜,日喀则*,噶尔* 第三组:南木林,班戈,浪卡子,墨竹工卡,曲水,安多,聂荣 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:改则,措勤,仲巴,定结,芒康 第二组:昌都,定日,萨迦,岗巴,巴青,工布江达,索县,比如,嘉黎,察雅,左贡,察隅,江达,贡觉 6 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g; 第一组:革吉 A.0.24 陕西省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:西安(8 个市辖区),渭南,华县,华阴,潼关,大荔 第二组:陇县 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:咸阳(2 个市辖区,杨凌特区),宝鸡(2 个市辖区),高陵,千阳,岐山,凤翔扶风,武功,兴平,周至,眉县,宝鸡县,三原,富平,澄城,蒲城,泾阳,礼泉,长安,户县,蓝田,韩城,合阳 第二组:凤县 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:安康,平利,乾县,洛南 第二组:白水,耀县,淳化,麟游,永寿,商州,铜川,(2 个市辖区)*,柞水* 第三组:太白,留坝,勉县,略阳 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:延安,清涧,神木,佳县,米脂,绥德,安塞,延川,延长,定边,吴旗,志丹,甘泉,富县,商南,旬阳,紫阳,镇巴,白河,岚皋,镇坪,子长* 第二组:府谷,吴堡,洛川,黄陵,旬邑,洋县,西乡,石泉,汉阴,宁陕,汉中,南郑,城固 第三组:宁强,宜川,黄龙,宜君,长武,彬县,佛坪,镇安,丹凤,山阳 A.0.24 陕西省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:西安(8个市辖区),渭南,华县,华阴,潼关,大荔 第二组:陇县 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:咸阳(2个市辖区及杨凌特区),宝鸡(2个市辖区),高陵,千阳,岐山,凤翔,扶风,武功,兴平,周至,眉县,宝鸡县,三原,富平,澄城,蒲城,泾阳,礼泉,长安,户县,蓝田,韩城,合阳 第二组:凤县,略阳 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:安康,平利,乾县,洛南 第二组:白水,耀县,淳化,麟游,永寿,商州,铜川(2个市辖区)*,柞水*,勉县,宁强,南郑,汉中 第三组:太白,留坝 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组: 延安,清涧,神木,佳县,米脂,绥德,安塞,延川,延长,定边,吴旗,志丹,甘泉,富县,商南,旬阳,紫阳,镇巴,白河,岚皋,镇坪,子长* 第二组:府谷,吴堡,洛川,黄陵,旬邑,洋县,西乡,石泉,汉阴,宁陕,城固 第三组:宜川,黄龙,宜君,长武,彬县,佛坪,镇安,丹凤,山阳 A.0.25 甘肃省 1 抗震设防烈度不低于 9 度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: 第一组:古浪 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:天水(2 个市辖区),礼县,西和 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:宕昌,文县,肃北,武都 第二组:兰州(4 个市辖区),成县,舟曲,徽县,康县,武威,永登,天祝,景泰,靖远,陇西,武山,秦安,清水,甘谷,漳县,会宁,静宁,庄浪,张家川,通渭,华亭 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:康乐,嘉峪关,玉门,酒泉,高台,临泽,肃南 第二组:白银(2 个市辖区),永靖,岷县,东乡,和政,广河,临谭,卓尼,迭部,临洮,渭源,皋兰,崇信,榆中,定西,金昌,两当,阿克塞,民乐,永昌 ,兰州(红古区) 第三组:平凉 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:张掖,合作,玛曲,金塔,积石山 第二组:敦煌,安西,山丹,临夏,临夏县,夏河,碌曲,泾川,灵台 第三组:民勤,镇原,环县 6 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第二组:华池,正宁,庆阳,合水,宁县 第三组:西峰 A.0.25 甘肃省 1 抗震设防烈度不低于 9 度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 第一组:古浪 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:天水(2 个市辖区),礼县 第二组:白银市(平川区),西和 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:宕昌,肃北 第二组:兰州(4个市辖区),成县,徽县,康县,武威,永登,天祝,景泰,靖远,陇西,武山,秦安,清水,甘谷,漳县,会宁,静宁,庄浪,张家川,通渭,华亭,陇南,文县 第三组:两当,舟曲 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:康乐,嘉峪关,玉门,酒泉,高台,临泽,肃南 第二组:白银(白银区),永靖,岷县,东乡,和政,广河,临潭,卓尼,迭部,临洮,渭源,皋兰, 崇信,榆中,定西,金昌,阿克塞,民乐,永昌,兰州(红古区) 第三组:平凉 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:张掖,合作,玛曲,金塔,积石山 第二组:敦煌,安西,山丹,临夏,临夏县,夏河,碌曲,泾川,灵台 第三组:民勤,镇原,环县 6 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第二组:华池,正宁,庆阳,合水,宁县 第三组:西峰 A.0.26 青海省 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:玛沁 第二组:玛多,达日 2 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:祁连,玉树 第二组:甘德,门源 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:乌兰,治多,称多,杂多,囊谦 第二组:西宁(4 个市辖区),同仁,共和,德令哈,海晏,湟源,湟中,平安,民和,化隆,贵德,尖扎,循化,格尔木,贵南,同德,河南,曲麻莱,久治,班玛天峻,刚察 第三组:大通,互助,乐都,都兰,兴海 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第二组:泽库 A.0.27 宁夏自治区 1 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第一组:海原 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 第一组:银川(3 个市辖区),石嘴山(3 个市辖区),吴忠,惠农,平罗,贺兰,永宁,青铜峡,泾源,灵武,陶乐,固原 第二组:西吉,中卫,中宁,同心,隆德 3 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第三组:彭阳 4 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第三组:盐池 A.0.28 新疆自治区 1 抗震设防烈度不低于9度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: 第二组:乌恰,塔什库尔干 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第二组:阿图什,喀什,疏附 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第一组:乌鲁木齐(7 个市辖区),乌鲁木齐县,温宿,阿克苏,柯坪,米泉,乌苏,特克斯,库车,巴里坤,青河,富蕴,乌什* 第二组:尼勒克,新源,巩留,精河,奎屯,沙湾,玛纳斯,石河子,独山子 第三组:疏勒,伽师,阿克陶,英吉沙 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: 第一组:库尔勒,新和,轮台,和静,焉耆,博湖,巴楚,昌吉,拜城,阜康*,木垒* 第二组:伊宁,伊宁县,霍城,察布查尔,呼图壁 第三组:岳普湖 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:吐鲁番,和田,和田县,昌吉,吉木萨尔,洛浦,奇台,伊吾,鄯善,托克逊,和硕,尉犁,墨玉,策勒,哈密 第二组:克拉玛依(克拉玛依区),博乐,温泉,阿合奇,阿瓦提,沙雅 第三组:莎车,泽普,叶城,麦盖堤,皮山 6 抗震设防烈度为 6 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.05g: 第一组:于田,哈巴河,塔城,额敏,福海,和布克赛尔,乌尔禾 第二组:阿勒泰,托里,民丰,若羌,布尔津,吉木乃,裕民,白碱滩 第三组:且末 A.0.29 港澳特区和台湾省 1 抗震设防烈度不低于9度,设计基本地震加速度值不小于 0.40g: 第一组:台中 第二组:苗栗,云林,嘉义,花莲 2 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.30g: 第二组:台北,桃园,台南,基隆,宜兰,台东,屏东 3 抗震设防烈度为 8 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.20g: 第二组:高雄,澎湖 4 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.15g: consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 第一组:香港 5 抗震设防烈度为 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g: 第一组:澳门 抗震设计相关规定 抗震设防烈度是建筑物设计时要满足不低于当地地震基本烈度的设计要求。如:当地的地震基本烈度为6度,那么建筑物的抗震设防烈度至少为6.当然,有些建筑要求可能是7度或8度。 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of
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