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3.2仲村小学家长学校教案3.2仲村小学家长学校教案 仲村小学家长授课教案 时间 2014.9 地点 3.2教授课类集中授课 室 型 家长出38 出勤率 100% 主讲人 李延秀 席人数 题目 如何培养孩子的自信心 一、自尊自信的重要性 有一句教育名言是这样说:要让每个孩子都抬讲 起头来走路。“抬起头来”意味着对自己、对未来、 对所要做的事情充满信心。任何一个人~当他昂首课 挺胸、大步前进的时候~在他的心里有诸多的潜台 词——“我能行”、“我的目标一定能达到”、“我内 会干得很好的”、“小小的挫折对我来说不算什 么”……假如每一个学生都有...
3.2仲村家长学校教案 仲村小学家长授课教案 时间 2014.9 地点 3.2教授课类集中授课 室 型 家长出38 出勤率 100% 主讲人 李延秀 席人数 题目 如何培养孩子的自信心 一、自尊自信的重要性 有一句教育名言是这样说:要让每个孩子都抬讲 起头来走路。“抬起头来”意味着对自己、对未来、 对所要做的事情充满信心。任何一个人~当他昂首课 挺胸、大步前进的时候~在他的心里有诸多的潜台 词——“我能行”、“我的目标一定能达到”、“我内 会干得很好的”、“小小的挫折对我来说不算什 么”……假如每一个学生都有这样的心态~肯定能 不断进步~成为全面发展的好学生。 容 二、在家培养孩子自尊~自信的九个建议: ,,,关心他~但勿侵扰他 案例:期末考试结束了~一位学生拿了一张 40分的试卷回家了~等他刚进门~妈妈一眼瞅见孩 子手里德试卷〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃 1(指名现场家长说出答案:有细心引导~有大 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods, 声训斥孩子的~还有打孩子的, 2(讨论交流: 讲 正确的做法:帮助孩子正确审视的卷子出现问 题或者是找出知识的弱点。 课 不当的做法:训斥学生。打骂孩子。 3(师:关心他~但勿侵扰他 内 每当孩子出现这种情况~家长首先要想到的是 关心。但是不能侵扰他。 受到关注是人的基本需要~孩子尤其如此。被容 人关注的孩子~觉得家长重视他~喜欢他~爱他。 相反~不被人关注的孩子~会认为自己无足轻重~ 觉得父母并不真的喜欢他~因而容易失去对自己的 信心。向孩子示我们的关注~并不需要花费太多 的心思和精力。它只需要我们先问一两个问题启动 谈话~随后表明我们的观点,每天抽出一小会儿时 间~和他谈谈他的生活和想法。参加学校活动~确 实需要多花些时间和精力~特别是当这意味着你必 须请假提前离开工作岗位的时候。但是~如果你克 服不便尽力准时到场~会让他觉得他对你非常重要~ 你是认真对待他的学校和学习的。 4(给家长的建议: 基于正当的理由~直截了当问该问的问题~否 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods, 则~就不闻不问。不要试图拐弯抹角地从他那里套到什么信息~因为他准能够猜到你要干些什么~因而对你守口如瓶。 等着他主动告诉你测验的成绩。不要一开口就问他测验成绩如何。 当他从学校回到家里时~不要问他今天都发生了什么。你可以跟他说说你今天都做了些什么~之后问他:“今天你有什么想跟我聊聊吗,” 询问他是否惹了麻烦或者在休息时间里都干了些什么~充分暴露了你的担忧何在。 ,,, 爱真实的他~而不是你期望的他 案例:某个学校开家长会~一个家长十分苦恼的告诉老师:孩子回家做完作业不会整理包~经常丢三落四。做作业需要家长陪伴~否则一会就跑去玩了。你看我们邻居的谁谁~都不用家长操心。 1(统计这种学生有多少, 2(请有经验的家长介绍一些。在家是怎么教育孩子的, 3(师总结: 爱真实的他~而不是你期望的他。爱并接受你真实的孩子~是为人父母者最难做到的事情之一。相反~我们总是忘不了他那些我们视之为缺点的东 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods, 西~并对我们为他编织的未来之梦感到担忧:我们担忧我们的愿望可能会落空。但是~如果你沉湎于一种理想化的未来~现实总会令你失望。如果你将这种失望情绪表现出来~那么~你和他之间的关系本该让他充满自信~现在却只会削弱他的自信 4(给家长的建议 试想一下~你的孩子“改正”了所有让你恼火的缺点:他整理自己的房间或者玩具~进门就脱鞋~饭后主动刷洗碗筷~从不丢三落四。你要明白:如果他变成了你希望他成为的那种人~他独特的个性可能也已经不复存在~他一定会迷失自我。 列出他的优缺点清单~用一个优点抵消一个缺点~尔后往单子上增加比缺点更多的优点。 让他活在当下~而不是活在你对他未来的担忧中。他还有很长的时间让自己成长、成熟~直至成年。 每个孩子都需要别人接受并认可其真实的自我~这不仅仅是因为他一直是个“好孩子”、“乐于助人”或者“非常成功”~符合你认为他应该成为什么样的人的理想。如果他总是按照你设计的模子行事~他将很快失去个性~并很难对其真实的自我感到满意。 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods, ,?,多倾听孩子的看法~少一些主观臆断 案例: 场景一:放学路上~一个低年级和高年级的学生抱成一团打架~低年级的学生家长知道后说:“肯定是高年级的小孩欺负我的孩子。” 场景二:学生在做家庭数学题时出错。家长立刻训斥孩子~你怎么连这简单的题都不会, 这时~孩子哭着说:“我马虎了。” 家长接着说:“我看你不是马虎~就欠打。” 1(家长谈谈你们对这两种案例的看法。 2(家长讨论正确的解决方法。 3(师总结: 多倾听孩子的看法~少一些主观臆断 当孩子遭遇问题时如果你只是听说了很少的一部分事实~就不要先入为主地认为导致挫败的责任在你孩子一方~也不要因为他让你在诸如邻居、或学校面前处境尴尬而责骂他。 如果他因为在你看来微不足道的小事而感到生气~请试着从他的角度看待问题。成年人和孩子看问题的方式不同~所以要避免不假思索地将你的判断强加到他身上。 倾听他对事情的看法~表明你尊重他~希望公 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods, 正而认真地对待他~这有助于他保持自尊。 4(给家长的建议: 让你的孩子跟你说说他因为什么失望~并且不要轻视他的失望。 把他往最好的方面想~而不是往最坏的方面想。 遇到兄弟姐妹争吵时~听每一个人把话说完~然后依次问他们有什么可能的解决方法。 孩子并不总是希望你为他解决问题~他可能只是想大声表达他的意见~让你倾听他的想法。你有什么意见自己知道就可以了~没有必要说出来 ,4,让他学会说不~而不是习惯说是 案例一: 一位家长领着孩子去新华书店买辅导书~但是孩子却看上一套漫画~家长这时候说:“学习重要~看漫画干什么,对你学习一点用都没有~我说的就是对的。” 孩子听了家长的话~小声的说好~然后默默的把书放到书架了~临走又看了一眼。 案例二: 看一段关于家长让孩子上各种辅导班的视频~孩子只能说好 1(看完之后讨论~这种现象和孩子的自信有关 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods, 吗, 2(师小结: 让他学会说不~而不是习惯说是。自尊可以给孩子以力量~让他对朋友~对某个行事怪异或令人害怕的成年人说“不”。那些一直被认为表现不错的孩子以及只有得到他人的认可才感觉被他人接受的孩子~更加难以从潜在的危险中脱身~因为这样做可能让他们遭到他人的取笑、斥责或冷落。 拥有十足的自信是保证孩子安全的一条途径~所以~家长和其他照料者必须把培养自尊作为提升孩子自信心的关键。不过~即使是拥有十足自信的孩子也不可能从习惯性说“是”的孩子一跃而成为断然说“不”的孩子~他们同样需要锻炼和实践。许多家长可能不无理由地认为~他们的孩子脸皮已经很厚~并且任性倔强~因而不需要再去鼓励。不过~他们也绝不需要辱骂和反对。他们所需要的是:允许他们持有不同的见解,学会用合乎逻辑的论点而不是拳头来捍卫自己的权利,知道自己的判断力值得他人尊重。 给家长的建议: 允许你的孩子持有不同的观点~这样~在必要的时候~他才会有信心成为少数派中的一员。 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods, 允许他表达自己的情绪感受。如果他可以在家中表现出愤怒、难过或兴奋的情绪~那么~在遇到潜在的危险情境时~就更容易坦率而果断地做出回应。 告诉他你相信他的判断力。 尽量尊重他结交什么朋友的选择。如果你过于频繁地批评他~他更有可能不理会你对那些特别关心的问题的意见。 总之~要让每个学生都应该相信自己的能力~并且从小就相信自己~在别人肯定你之前~先要肯定自己。要让学生明白如果连自己都不相信自己了~那还有谁会相信你呢,正如居里夫人所说:我们应该有恒心~尤其是要有自信心~必须相信自己是有能力的~而且要不惜代价把这种能力发挥出来。 approved by the project management, material management officer on a device linked to the corresponding. Maintenance maintenance should be registered on the maintenance tab, and sign your name and date. Maintenance cards should with the transformation of construction units with equipment appropriate transfer transfer until the surrender. 7.5 received shipped process of protection requirements 7.5.1 products received shipped Qian, project material management sector should according to its weight, and volume, and shape, and characteristics and handling protection requirements, recognition may led to products damaged or metamorphic of various factors, select appropriate of handling tool and method (including monitoring device), necessary Shi held received shipped topic Conference, do received shipped prepared work, and and transport handling personnel for good low-down. 7.5.2 the overweight, superelevation, overlength product handling, Project Manager Project Management Department of transport/handling programme should be organized, implemented after approval by the Chief Engineer. During the process of handling should be strictly in accordance with protection identification of "gravity", "lift" position for operation. 7.5.3 product upon arrival at the gallery or go directly to the construction site, acceptance of material management in the Organization of the project, and verify that the protection of. 7.6 7.6.1 storage protection requirements, storage should be in accordance with the ZHDB 306051-2003 warehouse management maintenance procedures with the requirements of section 2.3. 7.6.2 for needs of maintenance, in time to meet the technician system maintenance card, and follow the requirements of the maintenance records. 7.6.3 for products with warranty requirements should be identified, and according to the FIFO principle. 7.7 internal transfer and protection requirements of the temporary stored procedure 7.7.1 products out to the installation site or warehouse, should be based on the characteristics of the product requires selecting the appropriate handling and handling tools and methods,
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