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大学生人际交往大学生人际交往 大学生人际交往规划 姓 名:申仲宇 就读专业:财务管理 所在班级:财管121 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven...
大学生人际交往 大学生人际交往规划 姓 名:申仲宇 就读专业:财务管理 所在班级:财管121 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 学校:中原工学院信息商务学院 系别:经济管理系 班级:财管121 学号:201204054130 个人简介 姓名:申仲宇 性别:男 出生年月:1992年11月3号 民族:汉 籍贯:河南省鹤壁市 学校:中原工学院信息商务学院 系别:经济管理系 班级:财管121 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 引言 大千世界,红尘滚滚,于芸芸众生、茫茫人海中,朋友能够彼此遇到,能够走到一起,彼此相互认识,相互了解,相互走近,实在是缘份。在人来人往,聚散分离的人生旅途中,在各自不同的生命轨迹上,在不同经历的心海中,能够彼此相遇、相聚、相逢,可以说是一种幸运,缘份不是时刻都会有的,应该珍惜得来不易的缘。 朋友相处是一种相互认可,相互仰慕,相互欣赏、相互感知的过程。对方的优点、长处、亮点、美感,都会映在你脑海,尽收眼底,哪怕是朋友一点点的可贵,也会成为你向上的能量,成为你终身受益的动力和源泉。朋友的智慧、知识、能力、激情,是吸引你靠近的磁力和力量。同时你的一切也是朋友认识和感知你的过程。 目录 一、概述„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 二、现状调查„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 三、SWOT„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 四、目标确定„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 五、实施„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„14 六、评估反馈„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16 结束语„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 一、人际交往的含义 如果我们拥有良好的社会关系,我们就会更健康、更快乐。反之,如果没有一个良 好的社会关系或者社会关系很糟糕,我们就会感到孤独、寂寞、无助等消极情绪。有研究表明,已婚者、有许多朋友的人或者拥有其他社会支持网络的人,大致也会具有较高的幸福感、良好的身心健康状态,而且还比较长寿,而朋友较少的人主观幸福感也往往较低。建立人际关系是最让人感到快乐和振奋的正向生活事件,而失去人际关系则是最糟糕、最让人难过的事件之一。所谓人际交往是指我们在某一段时间里与某些人互动的信息交流。人际交往是人类 进化过程中为了生存、为了适应群体生活合作的方式而产生的,因此,带有明显的社会性。人际交往的社会性还表现在人类使用在劳动中所发展起来的语言进行交往。除了语言,人们还可以利用面部表情、手势姿态、声调等进行互助交往。但是在现代社会中,网络已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。网络的出现和迅速发展改变了人们传统生活方式和交往方式,打破了旧的交往模式,引发了一种新型的人际交往的方式,即人们在任何地方、任何时候与任何人都可以借助计算机和网络进行面对面的信息交流。当人们采用这种方式交流的时候,他们所采用的方式和工具以及一些特有的网络语言都有很大的不同。 (一)师生关系 老师与学生,是大学校园里两大基本群体。老师是学生人际交往的重要对象,师生 关系是大学生人际关系的重要内容。师生关系内容非常丰富,有授业关系、朋友关系、亲人关系、管理关系等。师生(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 关系如何,直接影响到大学生在学校的学习、成长与心理健康,并在很大程度上决定了学校能不能对学生施加符合社会需求的影响。教师是知识的传授者,是 大学生人格模仿的对象,与教师的交往也是大学生知识需求和获取的重要途径,教师与学生的多层次交往,是学生多方面成长的条件。如果老师与学生只有某种单方面的人际关系内容,那么教师对学生的影响以及学生的发展就会受到影响。良好的师生人际关系,师生之间心理距离小,心理相容程度高,教师对学生充满爱护与关爱,学生对教师尊重与敬仰。然而,由于大学授课的流动性于课堂的扩展,师生之间缺乏直接的沟通与必要的情感交流,师生欣喜地对流与沟通明显不足,因而师生关系虽然是大学生的主要人际关系,却依旧需要进一步加强。 (二)同学关系 同学是大学生人际交往的基本关系,也是大学生人际交往的主要对象。大学校园里 的同学关系总的来说是和谐的、友好的,同学之间的关系有亲情化、家庭化的趋势,即在日常生活、学习中创造一种如同亲属一般和谐稳固的同学关系。大学生与同学之间的交往最普遍,也最微妙、最复杂;一方面,大学生之间年龄相仿,经历相同,兴趣爱好相近,又共同生活在一个集体,学习形同专业,沟通与交往容易另一方面,大学生来自不同地域、不同家庭背景,生活习惯、个性气质差异,再加上相互之间空间距离小,交往密度高而自我空间相对狭小,造成人际交往的期望值较高,一旦得不到满足,容易采取消极退避的态度。大学生同学间比较密切的关系有,班级内的同学关系,(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 宿舍关系以及老乡、社团等 关系。班级同学交往以学习与班级活动为主,而宿舍同学关系以情感交往与生活交往为主,老乡关系情感交流为主,社团关系以兴趣与工作交往为主。 二|、现状调查 1、据我了解,随着科技的进步,现在的我们交流越来越少,太多的时候我们会选择一种聊天工具进行交流沟通,比如腾讯qq,微信„„然而正是这种进步导致了我们的提笔忘字,导致了我们人与人之间的关系冷淡了许多,交流少了许多。也并不是我们不愿意与人交往,更多的时候我们忽略了真实人人之间的那种热情。 当然对于现状还是不能一概而论的,任何东西的产生都有他存在的价值,都有其存在的意义,只是我们是否要让这样的方式来主宰我们生活,适当的学习新鲜度事物对于我们的成长是非常有利的,从中我们可以了解到这世界变化之快,了解到沟通与交流在生活中扮演这怎样重要的角色,无形中我们将慢慢掌握这种技能,将其转化为我们自身的一种修养。 2、对于以上的情况可以说是不可避免,或者说是大家还都乐意接受的,但我更推崇面对面的交流对话,第一点可以锻炼自己是口语,第二可以给人亲近感,让对方更好的了解你想要表达的意思从而加强沟通的效率,使很多事情变得得心应手,这岂不是大家都想要的结果吗, (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 三、SWOT分析 学习风格 你在反省型上得分最高,属于反省型的学习者。 反省型学习者在下列活动中学习效果最佳: , 要求或鼓励进行观察和思考。 , 不要求或允许非直接碰撞的学习方式,比如在一旁倾听、观察。 , 事前有时间准备,比如在行动前思考,在发表观点前综合别人的意见,有 机会事先阅读介绍背景情况的简要资料等等。 , 能够进行艰苦的研究,调查、汇总信息、探索真相。 , 有机会能复习和回顾经过和所学到的东西。 , 要求提交谨慎思考过的分析和。 , 平等地与他人交流,没有事先约定和没有结构化学习经验的束缚。 , 在没有压力及紧张期限的情况下思考,得出结论。 反省型学习者在下列活动中学习效果最差,也许会反对这些活动: , 被迫抛头露面,充当组织者、领导者,或在别人面前角色扮演。 , 卷入一些未经计划而需要马上进行的紧迫情况。在未经提醒的情况下投入 某项工作,要求当即立断和即兴想法。 , 提供的数据不足以支持结论。 , 提供的指导死板沉闷。 , 较大的时间压力或在不同的活动之间奔忙,为了出结果而不得不走捷径或 做表面文章。 职业兴趣 从测评结果来看,你对操作工具、运动、探究真理、艺术表达、帮助和教导他人、经营及事务性工作都不太感兴趣,所以,建议你好好回顾一下自己的生活经历,是不是从小缺乏一些机会来培养自己的兴趣。众所周知,兴趣是可以培养(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 的,当今时代也充满了丰富的刺激。因此,只要你多参与各种活动,从中体会活动带给你的感受,你一定能找到自己的潜在兴趣点。 价值观 相信,通过这样一个再思考过程,你对自己希望在职业领域获得的东西有了一个更清楚的把握。从你的选择看,你最突出的职业价值观是注重关系、崇尚独立。 注重关系:期望工作的内容是能够给予别人帮助,并希望在这样的职位上同事之间关系融洽,大家都有积极的道德观念和社会服务意识 把“注重关系”视为自己重要的职业价值观的你,希望的工作是: 1.能够拥有与同事和谐的关系,并且与上下级也能够融洽相处; 2.具有团队协作性质的,能够以团体共同努力的方式进行工作; 3.能够接触到不同类型、群体、层次的人; 4.是服务他人取向的,能够在工作是给予他人服务; 5.合乎社会道德,或者是能够在道德的原则下行事的。 崇尚独立:你是一个期望在工作中能够独立工作、独立决策,而且能够表现出自己的创新,发挥自己的责任感、自主性的人。而且你能够以自我监督的形式使自己的工作按照自己的计划顺利进行 把“崇尚独立”视为自己重要的职业价值观的你,希望自己的工作: 1.具有不确定性,在这种不确定性中可以充分发挥自己的创造力; 2.具有比较自由的空间,能够尝试使用自己的新想法; 3.具有较多的自由,可以自己安排工作的步骤与进度; 4.工作范畴内的事务自己可以较自由地决策; 5.是项目制,从而拥有充分的工作支配权。 下面几个价值观相对而言不是你最大的工作动力来源,但是了解它们对你更好的认识自己和职业有很大的帮助: 支持满足:期望在职业中,获得管理层的支持,比如获得充分的培训机会,能够在单位的规定范畴内获得应有的待遇 追求成就:希望获得的工作,是能够看到及时的成果展现,并体验到可能的成就体验。即工作的追求是一种自我实现,而并非外在特质利益的满足 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 工作条件:你非常希望获得有充分保障的工作(包括拥有良好的工作条件),比如能够在一个比较安全和舒适的环境中工作,能够获得应有的报酬,能够有自主决断的可能性等。而且还希望工作具有多样性,能够在工作的范围内做不同的事情 赞誉赏识:对职业的追求,是能够使自己获得充分的领导力提升机会,并拥有充分的权威,能够对他人的工作提供指导,并且这个职位是富有社会声望的 再说明一点:每个人都有多种价值观,因为价值观是与个人需要密切相关的。假如你是一个即将毕业的学生,那么你强烈需求可能就是“一个工作”,而不是一个“适合的工作”。但是,人是持续成长,如果你能够早早定位自己内心深处追求的东西,及早有一个方向,你会获得更多的成功与机会。 性格 照顾者型——值得信赖和依靠 你的特点: , 你友善、负责、认真、忠于职守,只要你认为应该做的事,不管有多少麻 烦都要去做,但厌烦去做你认为毫无意义的事情。 , 你务实、实事求是,追求具体和明确的事情,喜欢依据实际情况来考虑问 题。你对细节有过人的记忆力,比如声音的音色或面部表情。你善于单独 思考、收集和考察丰富的外在信息,不喜欢逻辑的思考和理论的应用。你 做决定时总是根据收集到的信息和清晰的评估,充分展现出自己客观的判 断和敏锐的洞察力。 , 你在人际交往中显得很低调,谦逊而少言、善良、有爱心,关心他人并提 供实际的帮助,对朋友忠诚友好,有奉献精神。你是一个内心细腻而敏感 的人,又习惯掩饰,虽然在很多情况下你有很强烈的情绪反应,但却不愿 意表现出来。 , 你的原则性很强,守约重诺。做起事来严谨而有条理,愿意承担责任。 , 生活中的你: , 崇尚“责任至上” , 你的穿衣风格:你的外表显得干净利落,喜欢剪裁合身、倾向于古典风格 的衣服。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, , 你喜欢帮助别人,为别人提供可靠的支持。和合作时,能和别人建立起和 谐友好的关系 , 你做事规范、不急不躁,有条不紊,对于一项特定任务,你会收起闲心, 心无旁骛地全力投入,而在闲暇的时候,你也不会闲着,喜欢享受自己的 兴趣或者帮助别人。 , 优势: , 能将精力很好地集中在所需要关注的点上,热情、努力、认真,负责,是 值得托付事情的人 , 做事情的时候会讲求实际效果,采用现实可行的方法 , 关注细节是你的强项,能够以现实的角度看问题,准确地把握事实 , 很重视集体的传统,并努力地去维护它。尽心、尽职、尽责,对连续的、 固定的、重复的事也不会厌烦 , 你很可能具有出色的组织才能,通情达理,尊重他人能力和角色 , 岗位特质: , 你需要在规范、传统、稳定的环境下工作,可以给他人提供服务或帮助 , 你适合在责任清晰,有一定私人空间、人际关系和谐的氛围中工作 , 你适合的工作要求细致、精确,能够发挥你出色的观察力和对细节的关注 力 , 这份工作能够让你集中精力,关注一件事情或一个人,而不是平行开展多 项工作 , 通过这样的工作,你能够得到同事和上级的认可、欣赏和鼓励 , 你适合按照化的工作流程和规范开展工作,事先没有准备就把你的工 作展示给他人会给你带来较大压力 , 不足和改进: , 过分关注细节和眼前之事,容易忽略事情的全局和发展变化趋势,难以预 见存在的其它可能性,你要学习做长远思考,经常考虑事情发展的可能性 和潜在的变化性,加强对全局和可能性的关注。 , 不停地制订计划并保证完成,以至于经常需要花费过多的时间和投入过多 的精力来完成工作,你的责任心很强烈,容易陷入日常事务的细节之中从 而导致没完没了的事情中,从而过度劳累。当压力很大时,则会过度紧张,(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 甚至产生消极情绪。你可以采取对各种事务确定优先级的方式,先集中精 力于某一目标。 , 不愿意尝试、接受新的和未经考验的观点和想法,难以适应新境况,或者 在不同的工作任务之间来回切换时会有困难。如果你希望自己能灵活变通, 就保持适当开放的心态,保持对未知事物的好奇心,加强探索意识,并提 前对可能的变化做好准备,并提升随机应变的能力。 , 可能会低估自己的能力,对反对意见过于敏感,难于坚决地维护自己的需 要和利益,在紧张的工作环境里感到很受压抑,如果自己得不到充分的重 视和赞赏,可能会感到灰心丧气。你应该尽量客观面对压力,以平静的心 态接受不被重视,更加积极的去投入。 成功秘诀: , 更加关注自己的目标和希望取得的结果,表达自己的感受,学会坚持 , 不要只顾低头拉车,需要抬头看路,能调整节奏,放松自己,适当松弛一 下绷紧的弦 四、目标确定 良好人际关系的建立 在大学生活中,建立良好的人际关系的方法很多,同学们可以主要从以下几个方面去努力。 第一,加强交往,主动交往。人际关系是通过高质量的交往建立起来的,经常交往,有助于逐步加深相互了解,不断提高人际关系水平,即使两个人的关系比较紧张,通过交往,也有可能逐步消除猜疑、误会。很多同学之所以缺乏成功的交往,仅仅是因为他们在人际交往中总是采取消极的、被动的退缩方式,总是期待友谊和爱情从天而降。这些人,只做交往的响应者,不做交往的始动者。根据人际交往的交互性原则,别人是没有理由无缘无故对自己感兴趣的。因此,如果你想与别人建立良好的人际关系,就必须主动交往。 第二,建立良好的第一印象。第一印象在人际交往中具有重要作用。人们会在初次交往的短短几分钟内形成对交往对象的一个总体印象,如果这个第一印象(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 是良好的,那么人际吸引的强度就大;如果第一印象不是很好,则人际吸引的强度就小。而在人际关系的建立与稳定的过程中,最初的印象同样会深刻地影响交往的深度。建议新生朋友从把握好建立良好第一印象的六条途径:?真诚地对别人感兴趣;?微笑;?多提别人的名字;?做一个耐心的听者,鼓励别人谈他自己;?谈符合别人兴趣的话题;?以真诚的方式让别人感到他很重要。 第三、把注意力从你自己身上移开 要建立良好人际关系,第一步是把注意力从自己身上移开。与别人交往时首先想到自己的人,很少能建立良好而持久的人际关系。当你开始把注意力集中到别人身上时,建立良好人际关系的可能性就大大增加。 第四、真诚关心别人 “人们知道你是否关心他们之后,才会在乎你是否了解他们。”这一句总结了良好人际关系和人生成功的关键所在:无论你有什么本领、特长、受教育程度有多高,都不如真心实意的关心更能给人深刻的印象。 第五、认真了解别人 没有什么比得上了解和记住别人的情况更能产生积极效果的了。认真了解别人,是你关心别人的明证。 第六、不要低估任何人的价值 把每个人都当作重要人物看待,这样你就绝对不会低估任何人了。 第七、说话要调动别人的兴趣 要与别人建立关系,最佳方法是把注意力集中在对方的兴趣所在。如果他的兴趣是你所不懂的东西,就利用你们的交流了解一下。如果你也有同样的兴趣你会觉得聊起来格外有意思。 第八、使对方感到自己重要 世界上没别的东西比人更重要。称赞和尊重别人,使他们觉得自己受重视,这并不花钱,但对这个人能起意想不到的作用。另外,这样做对你也有好处,可以帮助你建立起与这个人的良好关系。 第九、善于倾听别人意见 特别善于建立良好人际关系的人,有个共同特点,就是他们能认真倾听别人谈话。你听说过有人不喜欢跟倾听别人意见的人在一块的吗 。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 第十,多为他人着想 每一名同学都要学会站在别人的立场上,设身处地为别人着想,用别人的眼睛来看这个世界,用别人的心来理解这个世界。“己所不欲,勿施于人”,积极地参与他人的思想感情,意识到“我也会有这样的时候”,“我遇到这样的事情会怎么样”,这样才能实现与别人的情感交流。这种积极地参与别人思想、情感的能力可以把自己和他人拉得很近,并能化解很多矛盾和冲突。 第十一,优化人格 人际交往中的心理障碍基本都是个人人格的表现,因此,改造不良人格,培养和优化良好性格是建立和发展良好的人际关系的重要方面。通常,具有良好性格特征的大学生,如热情、开朗等,往往具有相当大的魅力,易于使人产生可亲可爱之感,因而极大地促进了人际关系的发展,使这些大学生成为人际交往的成功者。 第十二,真诚相处,交流思想。 俗话说“浇花浇根,交人交心”。这正是人缘好的关键,只有交心才能使人感到真诚。因此,在交往中切忌虚伪,这是相互信任的基础 五、计划实施 人际关系的维护有如下技巧: 1(互相尊重,求同存异,避免争论。青年大学生知识层次高,年轻气盛,经常喜欢争论。但是争论的结果,往往都是以面红耳赤和不愉快结束的。事实证明,无论谁输了,都会很不舒服,更何况争论往往会演化成直接的人身攻击,对于人际关系是非常有害的。因此,解决观点上的不一致的最好途径是讨论、协商,而不是争论。因成长环境、生活习惯的不同,同学之间存在着很大的个性差异,彼此相处应当互相尊重。因此求同存异,宽容地对待同学是增进同学友谊之道。首先,同学交往要严以律己,注意自己的一言一行,注重内省;其次,(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 要一分为二地看待同学,多从积极方面看待同学;第三,要尊重同学的个性和习惯,不因彼此的个性差异而冷淡同学,挫伤同学。 2(不要直接批评、责怪和抱怨别人。“要比别人聪明,却不要告诉别人你比他聪明”。任何自作聪明的批评都会招致别人的厌烦,而缺乏理解的责怪和抱怨则更是有损于人际关系的发展。同学们要学会用提醒别人的方式,使别人感到自己并不认为他不聪明或无知,决不要伤及别人的自我价值感。 3(严以律己,宽以待人,勇于承认自己的错误。虽然承认自己的错误是一种自我否定,但承认错误会给自己带来巨大的轻松感。明知错了而不承认,会使自己背上沉重的思想包袱,使自己在别人的面前始终不能自如地昂起头。另一方面,承认自己的错误,等于变相地承认别人,会使对方显示出超乎寻常的容忍性,从而维持人际关系的稳定。 4(互相帮助,取长补短。大学同学不同的成长经历、不同的生活背景决定了他们有不同的思想、知识、经验和优势。在同学交往中,一方面要善于取人之长补己之短,不断丰富自己;另一方面更要扬己之长给同学以帮助。当然,帮助同学时要注意分寸,不能刻意炫耀、卖弄、表现自己;帮助同学还必须坚持原则,不能为了友谊或为了情面而不负责任地瞎帮忙。大学生中讲哥们义气,考试协同作弊甚至考试代考等现象还时常发生,结果害了同学也害了自己,严重损害了现代大学生的良好形象。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 5、学会批评。人之间相处绝对不会没有矛盾,有了意见怎么办,大吵大闹翻脸不认人不足取,埋在心里不屑一顾也不足取。批评与自我批评是有力的武器,批评时应当学会原则问题决不妥协,方式上应和风细雨,从团结愿望出发,经过批评与自我批评,达到新的团结。不到不得已时,决不要自作聪明地批评别人。但是,有时善意的批评是对别人行为的很有必要的一种反馈方式。因此,学会批评还是很有必要的。教你几招不会招致别人厌烦的批评方式:?批评从称赞和诚挚感谢人手;?批评前先提到自己的错误;?用暗示的方式提醒他人注意自己的错误;?给别人保留面子。 六、评估反馈 1、人际交往目标评估:我们是90后命运的宠儿,可能你们并不这么认为,但把握好人际交往的黄金时期——大学,我们定当受益匪浅,把目标放长远,不要只看重眼前的利益,努力为将来广大的人脉而打好基础才是王道。 2人际交往路径评估:不同的人交往的路径多种多样,而我更注重眼前的同学以及老师,至于社会上或者那些有才华的大腕并没必要去阿谀奉承,诚实为人,诚信待人。 3人际交往策略评估:选择一种人际交往的方式是必不可少的,取得的结果可能不尽人意,但并不意味着是失败的是不可取的,需要的是我们能坚持这样的信念不断去尝试,我相信经过时间的考验,最终我们都是成功者。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 结束语 计划定好固然好,但更重要的,在于其具体实施并取得成效。这一点时刻都不能被忘记。任何目标,只说不做到头来都只会是一场空。然而,现实是未知多变的。定出的目标计划随时都可能受到各方面因素的影响。这一点,每个人都应该有充分心理准备。当然,包括我自己。因此,在遇到突发因素、不良影响时,要注意保持清醒冷静的头脑,不仅要及时面对、分析所遇问题,更应快速果断的拿出应对,对所发生的事情,能挽救的尽量挽救,不能挽救的要积极采取措施,争取做出最好矫正。相信如此以来,即使将来的作为和目标相比有所偏差,也不至于相距太远。其实,每个人心中都有一座山峰,雕刻着理想、信念、追求、抱负。每个人心中都有一片森林,承载着收获、芬芳、失意、磨砺。但是,无论眼底闪过多少刀光剑影,只要没有付诸行动,那么,一切都只是镜中花,水中月,可望而不可及。一个人,若要获得成功,必须得拿出勇气,付出努力、拼博、奋斗。成功,不相信眼泪;成功,不相信颓废;成功,不相信幻影。成功,只垂青有充分磨砺充分付出的人。未来,掌握在自己手中。未来,只能掌握在自己手中。人生好比是海上的波浪,有时起,有时落,三分天注定,七分靠打拼~爱拼才会赢~ (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area,
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