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测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪 测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪 JCYB-2000A 沪制01100013 使 用 说 明 书 一、用途: JCYB-2000A测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪是一种高稳定多功能的测量仪器,适用于气体的风速风量正压、负压和差压的测量,是各环境监测站、实验室、医药卫生、建筑空调供暖、通风、无尘室测试或标定压力的理想仪器,配上皮托管可直读测量气体流速和风量。 二、特点: ,(中文液晶显示。 ,(压力、风速、风量值直读。 ,(可输入皮脱管系数、空气密度、风口面积...
测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪 测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪 JCYB-2000A 沪制01100013 使 用 说 明 书 一、用途: JCYB-2000A测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪是一种高稳定多功能的测量仪器,适用于气体的风速风量正压、负压和差压的测量,是各环境监测站、实验室、医药卫生、建筑空调供暖、通风、无尘室测试或标定压力的理想仪器,配上皮托管可直读测量气体流速和风量。 二、特点: ,(中文液晶显示。 ,(压力、风速、风量值直读。 ,(可输入皮脱管系数、空气密度、风口面积。 ,(采用美国进口微压力传感器、超低功耗微电脑、高性能仪表放大器。 ,(全触摸按键、数字调零、背光控制。 ,(便携式、多功能、高分辨率、高精度、高稳定性。 ,(具有测量值温度补偿和智能数值稳定功能。 ,(低电池电压指示、电池电量指示,超压力量程指示。 ,(使用三节5号碱性电池可连续工作100小时以上。 注:测量液体的时候应当取压差另外加入密度换算流速或流量 三、技术指标: 1( 工作压力范围: (准确度等级: 1级 / 0.5级 3 a) 0,?3 KPa内各种量程(注:特殊规 4(分辨率: 1Pa(10kpa向上10pa) 格可定做) 5(预热时间: 5~15分钟 b) 风速范围:<60m/s。 6(电源: 使用三节5号碱性电池 3c)风量范围:<50万m/h。 7(重量: ,0.3kg 2( 最大过载能力:?200,FS 8(外形尺寸: 70×150×30(mm) 四、显示屏与键盘 1(显示屏: 压力: 0158Pa 风速: 16.23m/s 3 风量: 58419m/h 按设置???键输入 2(显示内容: a.压力:、风速:、风量: b.皮托管系数: c.空气密度: e.风口面积: f.电池电压低请更换电池 g.压力超出测量范围 if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate 3( 键盘图: (1页) 4(按键: a. 开 关 键:每按一下,打开电源,再按一下,关闭电源。 b. ?位移键:每按一下,数字光标向右移动一位。 c. ?上移键:每按一下,数字向上翻动一位。 d. ?下移键:每按一下,数字向下翻动一位。 e. 测 量 键:设置结束后按测量键,存储并返回到测量状态。 f. 设 置 键:用于皮托管系数、空气密度及面积的设定。 g. 功 能 键:每按一下,打开液晶背光源,再按一下,关闭液晶背光源。 h. 清 零 键:按清零键可自动进入清零状态。(在测量中禁止按此键) 五、使用方法: 1( 开机状态: 按电源开关键,打开电源,仪器进入初始化状态。显示屏上显示的中文内容如上图所示。仪器预热5~15分钟,待显示的数据稳定后便可进行测量。 2( 清零:在风量、风速、压力和温度的测量状态下,按清零键后可清除压力的初始值,使显 示数据为《00000》 3(皮托管系数、空气密度、风口面积设定: 按设置键,当显示屏显示皮托管系数时,按?右移键,每按一下,数字光标向右移动一位。按?上移键,每按一下,数字向上翻动一位。按?下移键 每按一下,数字向下翻动一位(L型皮托管系数0.990,1.010、S型皮托管系数0.810,0.860)。设定后,再按设置键,设定空气密度方法同上;再按设置键,设定风口面积方法同上。 4( 动压测量: 用仪器正压接口 连接皮托管 动压端口 (此时仪表负压端通大气压) 用手拿 稳皮托管并将皮托管尽量垂直于管道壁及管道中间位置,如下图A所示 此时仪表显示值 为动压数据值. 测量前仪器置零 5( 静压(正负压)测量:用仪器正压接口 连接皮托管 静压端口 (此时仪表负压端通大气压) 用手拿稳皮托管并将皮托管尽量垂直于管道壁及管道中间位置,如下图A所示 此时仪表显示值为静压数据值. 测量前仪器置零 (2页) ,(全压 = 动压+静压 ,(皮托管有2个接口 直的过来的接口为动压端口 垂直于管体的为静压端口 ,(测量差压 仪器正、负接嘴分别接高、低压力源,读数即为差压值。(如读数显示负值, 则为正、负方向接反,交换接嘴即可)。 接低压力源(或通大气压) 接高压力源 , , ,(测量风速: 仪器与皮托管按下图连接,用伯努利方程可计算流体中某一点流速V。 通风管道 胶管 皮托管 , , 气流 ( 图A ) V, K 2?P,ρ 式中: V 风速 ( m/s ) K 皮托管系数 ?P 通过皮托管测得的动压 ( Pa ) 3 ρ 流体密度 ( kg/m ) 测量风量: 多点测量风速,求得风速平均值后,即可计算风量Q。 Q,3600×V×F 式中: 3Q 风量 ( m/h ) V 平均风速 (m/s ) 2F 管道截面积 (m) 六、仪器指示简介: 1(按开机键或按测量键: 仪器显示压力、风速、风量的中文提示和数据,如下图所示: a.当风量:?99999时,如下图所示: if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate (3页) 压力: 0158Pa 风速: 16.23m/s 3 风量: 58419m/h 按设置???键输入 a.当风量:>99999时,如下图所示: 压力: 0158Pa 风速: 16.23m/s 3 / 风量: 358978m 按设置???键输入 2(按设置键: 进入皮托管系数设定,显示如下图所示: 皮脱管系数: α=1.000 按设置???键输入 按测量键存储返回 温度: 20.5? 3(按设置键: 进入空气密度设定,显示如下图所示: 空气密度: 3 ρ=1.200kg/m 按设置???键输入 按测量键存储返回 温度: 20.5? 4(再按设置键: 进入风口面积设定,显示如下图所示: (4页) 风口面积: 2 F=1.000m 按设置???键输入 按测量键存储返回 温度: 20.5? 七、注意事项: 1. 仪器工作处须远离振动源、强电磁场。环境温度须稳定。 2. 一般情况下,不得测量强腐蚀性的气体压力和液体压力。 3. 测量压力不得超过允许过载压力范围。 4. 当仪器显示《电池电压低请更换电池》时,必须更换电池。 5. 当仪器显示《压力超出测量范围》时,必须停止使用。 6. 仪器应周期检定。(暂定一年) 八、仪器成套性: 1. JCYB-2000A测风仪,测风速仪,测风压仪,测风量仪 1台 2. 仪器使用说明书 1份 3( 配套连接管一米 九、仪器维修: 仪器损坏,如属制造质量问题,1年内免费修理,仪器销售后均实行终身维修。 (5页) if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate 合 格 证 (本仪器经检验合格) 仪器名称: JCYB-2000A 仪器精度: 一等 出厂日期: 20 年 月 日 检验员: ,章, 产品质保书 (保证雷若产品符合制造商制订的规格标准) 一、本仪器自出厂之日起在正常使用情况下出现故障保修壹年。 二、仪器应在说明书条件下使用,避免放到潮湿地方。 三、检定周期可根据所处环境条件和使用频率程度确定,一般为 1~至2年。最长不得超过2年。 四、用户不得擅自拆装仪器,一旦有故障送至本公司保修。 用户返馈卡 用户单位: 用户地址: 电 话: 联系人: 邮 编: 使用情况: 对仪器提出改进意见: 备 注:
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