
东风本田 思铂睿中轿

2017-09-21 12页 doc 53KB 35阅读




东风本田 思铂睿中轿东风本田 思铂睿中轿 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 基本参数 TYPE-S NAVI 华版 贵版 导航版 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 车型名称: 华版 贵版 导航版 TYPE-S NAVI 厂商指导价23.78万 24.98万 26.58万 25.58万 27.18万 (元): 厂商:...
东风本田 思铂睿中轿
东风本田 思铂睿中轿 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 基本参数 TYPE-S NAVI 华版 贵版 导航版 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 车型名称: 华版 贵版 导航版 TYPE-S NAVI 厂商指导价23.78万 24.98万 26.58万 25.58万 27.18万 (元): 厂商: 东风本田 东风本田 东风本田 东风本田 东风本田 级别: 中型车 中型车 中型车 中型车 中型车 发动机: 2.4L 181马力 L4 2.4L 181马力 L4 2.4L 181马力 L4 2.4L 181马力 L4 2.4L 181马力 L4 变速箱: 5挡自动 5挡自动 5挡自动 5挡自动 5挡自动 长×宽×高(mm): 4730*1840*1450 4730*1840*1450 4730*1840*1450 4730*1850*1450 4730*1850*1450 车身结构: 4门5座三厢车 4门5座三厢车 4门5座三厢车 4门5座三厢车 4门5座三厢车 最高车速212 212 212 212 212 (km/h): 官方0-100加速10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 (s): 实测0-100加速- - - - 10.62 (s): 实测100-0制动- - - - 43.62 (m): 实测油耗(L): - - - - - 工信部综合油耗8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 (L): 整车质保: 三年或10万公里 三年或10万公里 三年或10万公里 三年或10万公里 三年或10万公里 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 车身 华版 贵版 导航版 TYPE-S NAVI 长度(mm): 4730 4730 4730 4730 4730 宽度(mm): 1840 1840 1840 1850 1850 高度(mm): 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 轴距(mm): 2705 2705 2705 2705 2705 前轮距(mm): 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 后轮距(mm): 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 最小离地间隙160 160 160 160 160 (mm): 整备质量(Kg): 1575 1585 1590 1590 1595 车身结构: 三厢车 三厢车 三厢车 三厢车 三厢车 车门数(个): 4 4 4 4 4 座位数(个): 5 5 5 5 5 油箱容积(L): 70 70 70 70 70 行李箱容积(L): - - - - - 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 发动机 华版 贵版 导航版 TYPE-S NAVI 发动机型号: K24Z5 K24Z5 K24Z5 K24Z5 K24Z5 汽缸容积(cc): 2354 2354 2354 2354 2354 排量(L): 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 工作方式: 自然吸气 自然吸气 自然吸气 自然吸气 自然吸气 汽缸排列形式: L L L L L 汽缸数(个): 4 4 4 4 4 每缸气门数4 4 4 4 4 (个): 压缩比: - - - - - 气门结构: DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC 缸径: - - - - - 冲程: - - - - - 最大马力(Ps): 181 181 181 181 181 最大功率(kW): 133 133 133 133 133 最大功率转速6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 (rpm): 最大扭矩(N?m): 225 225 225 225 225 最大扭矩转速4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 (rpm): 发动机特有技- - - - - 术: 燃料形式: 汽油 汽油 汽油 汽油 汽油 燃油标号: 93号 93号 93号 93号 93号 供油方式: 多点电喷 多点电喷 多点电喷 多点电喷 多点电喷 缸盖材料: 铝 铝 铝 铝 铝 缸体材料: 铝 铝 铝 铝 铝 环保: 国IV 国IV 国IV 国IV 国IV 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 变速箱 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵TYPE-S NAVI construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 华版 贵版 导航版 简称: 5挡自动 5挡自动 5挡自动 5挡自动 5挡自动 挡位个数: 5 5 5 5 5 变速箱类型: 自动变速箱(AT) 自动变速箱(AT) 自动变速箱(AT) 自动变速箱(AT) 自动变速箱(AT) 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 底盘转向 华版 贵版 导航版 TYPE-S NAVI 驱动方式: 前置前驱 前置前驱 前置前驱 前置前驱 前置前驱 独立双叉式悬架+横向独立双叉式悬架+横向独立双叉式悬架+横向稳独立双叉式悬架+横向独立双叉式悬架+横向稳前悬挂类型: 稳定杆 稳定杆 定杆 稳定杆 定杆 多连杆悬架带横向稳定多连杆悬架带横向稳定多连杆悬架带横向稳定多连杆悬架带横向稳定后悬挂类型: 多连杆悬架带横向稳定杆 杆 杆 杆 杆 助力类型: 电动助力 电动助力 电动助力 电动助力 电动助力 车体结构: 承载式 承载式 承载式 承载式 承载式 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 豪思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊思铂睿 09款 2.4L 尊贵思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 TYPE-S 车轮制动 华版 贵版 导航版 TYPE-S NAVI 前制动器类型: 通风盘式 通风盘式 通风盘式 通风盘式 通风盘式 后制动器类型: 盘式 盘式 盘式 盘式 盘式 驻车制动类型: 手刹 手刹 手刹 手刹 手刹 前轮胎规格: 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 后轮胎规格: 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 225/50 R17 备胎规格: 全尺寸 全尺寸 全尺寸 全尺寸 全尺寸 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 安全装备 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 驾驶座安全气囊: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 副驾驶安全气囊: 前排侧气囊: ? ? ? ? ? 后排侧气囊: - - - - - 前排头部气囊(气帘): ? ? ? ? ? 后排头部气囊(气帘): ? ? ? ? ? 膝部气囊: - - - - - 胎压监测装置: - - - - - 零胎压继续行驶: - - - - - 安全带未系提示: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 发动机电子防盗: 车内中控锁: ? ? ? ? ? 遥控钥匙: ? ? ? ? ? 无钥匙启动系统: ? ? ? ? ? 操控配置 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 ? ? ? ? ? ABS防抱死: 制动力分配(EBD/CBC等): ? ? ? ? ? 刹车辅助(EBA/BAS/BA? ? ? ? ? 等): 牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC? ? ? ? ? 等): 车身稳定控制? ? ? ? ? (ESP/DSC/VSC等): 自动驻车/上坡辅助: - - - - - 陡坡缓降: - - - - - 可调悬挂: - - - - - 空气悬挂: - - - - - 主动转向系统: - - - - - 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 外部配置 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 电动天窗: ? ? ? ? ? - - - - - 全景天窗: 运动外观套件: - - - - - 铝合金轮毂: ? ? ? ? ? 电动吸合门: - - - - - 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 内部配置 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 真皮方向盘: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 方向盘上下调节: 方向盘前后调节: ? ? ? ? ? 方向盘电动调节: - - - - - 多功能方向盘: ? ? ? ? ? 方向盘换挡: ? ? ? ? ? 定速巡航: ? ? ? ? ? 泊车辅助: ? ? ? ? ? 倒车视频影像: - - ? - ? 行车电脑显示屏: ? ? ? ? ? - - - - - HUD抬头数字显示: 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 座椅配置 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 真皮/仿皮座椅: ? ? ? ? ? 运动座椅: - - - - - construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 座椅高低调节: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 腰部支撑调节: 肩部支撑调节: - - - - - 前排座椅电动调节: ? ? ? ? ? 第二排靠背角度调节: - - - - - 第二排座椅移动: - - - - - 后排座椅电动调节: - - - - - 电动座椅记忆: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 前排座椅加热: 后排座椅加热: - - - - - 座椅通风: - - - - - 座椅按摩: - - - - - 后排座椅整体放倒: - - - - - 后排座椅比例放倒: ? ? ? ? ? 第三排座椅: - - - - - 前座中央扶手: ? ? ? ? ? 后座中央扶手: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 后排杯架: 电动后备箱: - - - - - 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 多媒体配置 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI GPS导航系统: - - ? - ? 定位互动服务: - - - - - 中控台彩色大屏: - - ? - ? - - - - - 人机交互系统: 内置硬盘: - - ? - ? 蓝牙/车载电话: - ? ? ? ? 车载电视: - - - - - 后排液晶屏: - - - - - 外接音源接口? ? ? ? ? (AUX/USB/iPod等): CD支持MP3/WMA: - - - - - 单碟CD: - - - - - - - - - - 虚拟多碟CD: 多碟CD系统: ? ? - ? - 单碟DVD: - - ? - ? 多碟DVD系统: - - - - - construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 2-3喇叭扬声器系统: - - - - - - - - - - 4-5喇叭扬声器系统: 6-7喇叭扬声器系统: - - - - - ?8喇叭扬声器系统: ? ? ? ? ? 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 灯光配置 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 氙气大灯: - ? ? ? ? 日间行车灯: - - - - - - ? ? ? ? 自动头灯: 转向头灯(辅助灯): - - - - - 前雾灯: ? ? ? ? ? 大灯高度可调: ? ? ? ? ? 大灯清洗装置: - ? ? ? ? 车内氛围灯: - - - - - 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 玻璃/后视镜 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 前电动车窗: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 后电动车窗: 车窗防夹手功能: ? ? ? ? ? 防紫外线/隔热玻璃: - - - - - 后视镜电动调节: ? ? ? ? ? 后视镜加热: ? ? ? ? ? 后视镜自动防眩目: ? ? ? ? ? 后视镜电动折叠: ? ? ? ? ? - - - - - 后视镜记忆: 后风挡遮阳帘: - - - - - 后排侧遮阳帘: - - - - - 遮阳板化妆镜: ? ? ? ? ? 后雨刷: - - - - - 感应雨刷: - ? ? ? ? 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 空调/冰箱 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 手动空调: - - - - - ? ? ? ? ? 自动空调: 后排独立空调: - - - - - 后座出风口: ? ? ? ? ? 温度分区控制: ? ? ? ? ? construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 空气调节/花粉过滤: ? ? ? ? ? - - - - - 车载冰箱: 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 思铂睿 09款 2.4L 思铂睿 09款 2.4 思铂睿 09款 2.4 高科技配置 2.4L 豪华版 2.4L 尊贵版 尊贵导航版 TYPE-S TYPE-S NAVI 自动泊车入位: - - - - - 并线辅助: - - - - - 主动刹车/主动安全系统: - - - - - 整体主动转向系统: - - - - - - - - - - 夜视系统: 中控液晶屏分屏显示: - - - - - 自适应巡航: - - - - - 全景摄像头: - - - - - construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and
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