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猪人工受精技术猪人工受精技术 猪子宫内人工授精,又称深度人工授精,是利用特制的输精导管将精子驻留于距子宫颈15,20cm子宫腔内的一种输精技术。德国和西班牙已在实验室研究出IUI授精程序。2001年,法国的一些公司发明了专用输精管,并在人工授精中心实施成功。猪子宫内人工授精技术具有传统人工授精技术几乎所有优点,另外大幅度降低了每次输精精液量和精子浓度,从而减少种公猪引进及饲养费用开支。目前,该技术在欧美养猪大国已着手推广,得到了人工授精站和规模饲养场的认可和欢迎。 1.1猪精液资源开发潜力巨大 理论上讲,母猪每胎产9,12头仔猪,每次...
猪人工受精技术 猪子宫内人工授精,又称深度人工授精,是利用特制的输精导管将精子驻留于距子宫颈15,20cm子宫腔内的一种输精技术。德国和西班牙已在研究出IUI授精程序。2001年,法国的一些公司发明了专用输精管,并在人工授精中心实施成功。猪子宫内人工授精技术具有传统人工授精技术几乎所有优点,另外大幅度降低了每次输精精液量和精子浓度,从而减少种公猪引进及饲养费用开支。目前,该技术在欧美养猪大国已着手推广,得到了人工授精站和规模饲养场的认可和欢迎。 1.1猪精液资源开发潜力巨大 理论上讲,母猪每胎产9,12头仔猪,每次排卵18,25枚,仅需1,10万个精子就能达到授精要求。公猪的采精量在180,500ml,其中健康精子500,1000亿个。所以,猪精液资源的开发利用潜力十分巨大。 1.2传统授精技术精液浪费严重 Mbuin Einasso等人将排卵前12小时,排卵中和排卵后12小时母猪屠宰,测定各种输精方式下精子数的分布情况,结果明无论是开始在生殖道中约1000亿精子的自然交配,还是最低20亿精子的传统人工授精,最终在母猪输卵管的精子分布和数量都无明显差异。到达受精部位的精子仅占检出精子总数的0.23,,3.14,,绝大部分精子均死亡在子宫内,进入输卵管的精子仅占自然交配时精子总数的0.44,。所以,不管是自然交配还是传统的人工授精方式均存在巨大的精子资源浪费。 猪子宫内人工授精技术在解决这一问上有新进展,其精液需要量只需保证每份精液总精子数不少于10亿个精子,即可达到与传统猪人工授精技术相当的效果。与传统的每份精液30,40亿个精子的一次输精剂量相比,大大节约了精子资源,同时能有效地防止了精液倒流现象,减少了精子浪费,对充分发挥特级种猪的遗传潜力开辟了新途径。 、技术内容 2.1准备工作 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 该技术一般由三种产品配套使用,包括子宫内人工输精管、储精袋和长效稀释粉或长效稀释液。 2.1.1 子宫内人工输精管 是在常规输精管的基础上加以改进,包括外导管和一个置于钝形头内的内导管。其独特的形态和工艺设计不仅避免了生殖道损伤,还可在不实施外科手术的条件下达到在子宫内深度输精的目的。 2.1.2储精袋 呈柔性,50,85ml装,两端都有可与人工授精导管相通的连接口。 2.1.3 长效稀释粉或长效稀释液 能增加并保护低浓度精液精子的活力和受精能力,但须使用无致热源物质或质量相当经过消毒处理的34?双蒸水进行稀释。 2.2精液采集与稀释 2.2.1采集并过滤精液; 2.2.2对所采集的精液进行品质检测; 2.2.3测定精液浓度; 2.2.4稀释精液,每50,85ml为一份,每份总精子数应不少于10亿个; 2.2.5建议先将精液按1:1比例稀释,稀释液温度为34?,然后再逐步达到最终稀释比例。 2.3精液分装 用储精袋进行稀释精液分装,并直接置于15?,18?环境保存,以备输精使用。 2.4子宫内人工输精 2.4.1仔细鉴别母猪发情。将公猪赶至走廊进行试情,使其鼻子与母猪能相互接触。在按压发情母猪腰部时,发情母猪一般静止站立不动。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 2.4.2清洗阴户,冲洗并拭干; 2.4.3装好储精袋,进行徒手授精。 2.4.4用少量润滑油涂抹在输精管的海绵体头上,注意不能将润滑油涂在内导管上,否则可能妨碍精液输入。 2.4.5将海绵头安全的卡在母猪子宫颈狭部。在推进过程中,要注意将母猪阴户向操作者方向牵引固定,防止阴唇形成皱折使输精管难以插入。 2.4.6将内导管轻轻推进子宫内,切不可强行插入。 2.4.7将输精管的内导管与插入储精袋的较窄开口处,再将外导管安插入较宽开口处,抬高或稍微施加压力,使精液慢慢输入。 2.4.8在输精操作过程中,可将试情公猪关在走廊内,并保持其与母猪能进行鼻触。 2.4.9输精结束后,将输精管弯折,从连接口上取下储精袋。人工授精完成后尽可能将输精管再保留1分钟左右。 、技术评价 3.1技术创新与优点 IUI具有子宫颈处常规人工授精技术的几乎所有优点,任何促进猪常规人工授精成功实施的细节措施均对改善IUI输精效果有用。另外,IUI还具有许多独特优点: 3.1.1减少母猪情期内输精量。IUI采用特制输精管将精子直接驻留到子宫腔内,减少了子宫颈处常规人工授精精子进入子宫腔过程的精子损失,增加了活精子与卵子结合的机会,保持了最佳受精能力,从而在较低精子浓度下就能达到与传统人工授精相当的受精效果。英国伦敦皇家兽医学院学者们的研究表明分别每次用20亿和30亿精子进行深度授精,其产仔率及出生仔猪数与传统人工授精相当,而用10亿精子低剂量授精时,深度授精获得89%的产仔率,而普通人工授精仅为66%。IMV国际公司项目经理Angela DeMirjyn介绍说一medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 头普通公猪射精量约600,700亿个精子细胞,生产约25头份常规人工授精稀释精液,如果采用IUI技术,相同射精量能生产45,50头份的稀释精液。 3.1.2减少输精时间。Gervais barbot使用猪人工授精鞍配合输精6个月,平均20头母猪仅需要45分钟。P.F. Watson等的称精液输入速度非常快,整个输精时间不足5分钟,深度输精管的插入定位相对普通人工授精要长不足1分钟。Anabel Evans称使用西班牙一公司改良后深度输精管输精时间平均仅2分钟多,或者仅仅是传统输精时间的三分之一。插入该输精管可能要比传统输精管长20秒,但吸收完30ml的一次输精量仅仅需要15,25秒。 3.1.3减少精液回流现象。进行传统子宫颈人工输精时,精液回流是经常发生的事情。Steverink等人统计发现有63.3%的母猪进行传统的子宫颈人工输精时发生精液回流,回流量占输精总量1%,56%。它包括了适时输精、技术员技术水平及对母猪性刺激状况等因素。Anabel Evans等人对比子宫内输精管进行深度输精和常规输精管输精的使用效果,初步显示母猪出现回流的分别是5/37和8/22。另外一个试验对情期内108头母猪两次输精均采用子宫内输精管,共进行了216次深度输精,情期内第一次输精与第二次输精出现精液回流现象的分别占5.5%和4.6%。 3.1.4加快选育进程 如果公猪一次的射精量能满足更多的母猪授精需要,则猪种选育强度就得以加强。IUI技术使等量公猪精液能生产出相当于常规人工授精双倍剂量的稀释精液,使猪场选择使用更好公猪成为可能。因为购买和饲养一定数量普通公猪的资金完全可以购买其一半数量质量更好的公猪,并获得良好的饲养管理。另外,在较窄的“基因池”里可生产出整齐统一的肉猪而获取额外收益。 3.1.5可以帮助鉴定发情。使用IUI可以帮助正确判断母猪是否还处于最佳的发情状态。一般发情期内的母猪有18,24小时其子宫颈处于完全张开状态,是实施授精的最佳时间段。一般在出现静立现象后12小时实施第一次输精,12小时后进行第二次输精。Isabelle Besnard称如果内导管不能导入,则表明母猪还没有或者已经过了发情期,借此可以帮助正确判断母猪的发情而避免误配。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 3.2存在和需要改进的一些问题 3.2.1基因池缩小的问题。减少公猪饲养总量虽然可以增加效益和均匀度,但从遗传学的角度看,缩小“基因池”存在一些危险。较少的公猪可能潜在地增加了近亲繁殖。而且通过限制基因的多样性可能无意地选择了一些阴性特性。曾经就发现在选择瘦肉型猪的过程中使工厂化饲养的母猪寿命特性成为问题。 3.2.2使用的局限性和繁殖性能的不稳定性。虽然超过95%?1的经产母猪能实施子宫内授精,97%以上的经产母猪不表现任何异常。但由于导管难以通过青年母猪的子宫颈,若强行插入可能导致损伤,所以该技术只适合对经产母猪配种,不能用于初产母猪。而且配种人员授精效果的个体差异非常明显,导致繁殖性能不稳定。 3.2.3价格制约因素。价格因素是决定商业化猪场是否采用另一重要因素。IUI输精管的价格是普通人工授精输精管价格的3倍,再加上劳动力等其他花费。初步计算,运用IUI技术每次输精的成本约1.6美元,相对于普通输精的0.2美元的费用是相当高的。 所有母猪不能使用统一规格的精液和授精方式,于是就增加了精液生产、包装和输精时的工作量。虽然精液站完全有能力进行分装,但势必增加额外开支。对于生产者而言,如果没有额外的经济利益,一般是不会改变适应这样既耗资大且增加繁殖稳定风险的IUI技术的。即使繁殖性能稳定,其额外增加的费用也是许多猪场需要考虑的。 、前景展望 4.1可能是未来使用的人工授精技术。DeMirjyn认为较小的基因池确实是危险的,但这每天都在发生,即使常规使用的人工授精进行单一选择有时也会浮现不利特性。因IUI技术可能在猪种改良方面发挥特殊作用,其未来市场空间较大。 4.2需要在技术上持续改进。目前的一些技术问题可能对IUI推广不利。例如IUI较普通人工授精在操作时更需要授精员谨慎,以免损伤母猪的生殖道。技术员应该经过设备供应商的系统,专业公司一般也都提供这样的服务。另外,在被广泛使用前,需要充分了解medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 许多相关基础信息,譬如输入的精子与子宫体相互作用的机理、使用该技术时母猪繁殖力与寿命的关系等,需要花时间进行广泛深入的研究而不是轻易下个结论。 4.3人工授精站和纯种猪繁育场可能是IUI技术的最先受益者。因为特级种猪精液的价格是非常昂贵的,IUI可以使特级种猪遗传改良进程大幅度扩增。对猪人工授精站和纯种猪繁育场而言,很容易接受因特制IUI输精管和劳力方面所增加的费用开支。有特定遗传基因组成的公猪精液,特别是在进行国际间种子资源交流时,IUI将是被广泛看好的技术。 4.4相关技术的发展可能推动IUI技术的应用。例如猪冷冻精液的推广使用、精液分离技术的持续改进等等,都能使IUI越来越被重视。 4.5更深度的输精技术将得以发展。虽然目前IUI只是一个新兴技术,但它可能成为更深度输精技术的基石,譬如子宫角内人工授精技术。当前的IUI法是将精液输入子宫体内约7,8英寸位置,而使用子宫角内人工授精可能将精液输入子宫角内10英寸的位置。使用这种更深度的输精方式将使传统人工授精每次80,90ml的输精量降低到5,10ml,仅含1.5亿个精子。虽然还需走很长的路,但毕竟该技术能使优秀公猪的精液在很短的时间内得到最广泛的利用。目前,某基因公司已经在美国购买了子宫内人工授精和子宫角内人工授精技术的专利。 总而言之,猪子宫内人工授精技术目前尚为一种新兴技术,有待进一步的完善和推广,Levis认为不能特别强调对该技术要小心谨慎,简单推测任何新兴技术的多么好或多么差都是很危险的。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high
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