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纱布用来做尿布纱布用来做尿布 经验分享:纱布用来做尿布 2009-12-24 13:10 发布人:雅虎女性 我说两句(加入讨论) 转发至 婆婆说用棉布尿布,老公说用纸尿裤,姐妹们说什么的都有,自己都没了主见。毕竟是宝宝贴身的东西啊~一个小小的拉尿的问题都成了热点。我推荐您用国外流行的纱布尿布,纯棉制造,精密纺织,纱织密度高,吸水更迅速,耐用耐洗~保证100%纯棉,呵护宝宝柔嫩PP。织造方法可迅速吸收水分,保持宝宝PP干爽,易清洗,容易干。出厂前经过高温和紫外线消毒,质地非常的柔软。 这样冬天白天用纱布尿布透气性好,宝宝不会红屁屁,...
纱布用来做尿布 经验分享:纱布用来做尿布 2009-12-24 13:10 发布人:雅虎女性 我说两句(加入讨论) 转发至 婆婆说用棉布尿布,老公说用纸尿裤,姐妹们说什么的都有,自己都没了主见。毕竟是宝宝贴身的东西啊~一个小小的拉尿的问题都成了热点。我推荐您用国外流行的纱布尿布,纯棉制造,精密纺织,纱织密度高,吸水更迅速,耐用耐洗~保证100%纯棉,呵护宝宝柔嫩PP。织造方法可迅速吸收水分,保持宝宝PP干爽,易清洗,容易干。出厂前经过高温和紫外线消毒,质地非常的柔软。 这样冬天白天用纱布尿布透气性好,宝宝不会红屁屁,晚上用纸尿裤,宝宝睡得香~这些婆婆和老公都满意了,重要的是对宝宝健康好,我也满意(*^__^*)嘻嘻„„ 一、纱布尿布 、什么是纱布尿布, 1 纱布,其实我们每个人都见过,我们去医院甚至我们每个人的家里都会备上一些绷带,类似绷带的形式,由100,纯棉制成有一定孔隙的纺织品就是纱布。尿布,很简单,给宝宝用于承接尿液,防止尿液浸湿宝宝皮肤,弄湿床铺的工具。 两个有一定联系的东西结合起来就是纱布尿布,纱布尿布有2个特点,一个是由100,纯棉制造,一个是有一定的孔隙,具有透气性和高渗透性。 2、为什么要给宝宝选择纱布尿布, 纱布尿布最早起源于日本,后来欧美国家也逐步开始形成一种趋势。那么为什么要给宝宝选择纱布尿布呢,给宝宝用纸尿裤或者传统的尿布不好吗,其实不然~每种产品都有它的优缺点,下面是我们总结的一些小经验: 【纸尿裤】最早起源于欧美国家,内含部分高分子树脂材料,有很强的吸水性,它的优点是能很好的吸附尿液中的水分,宝宝皮肤层对尿液基本没有感觉,而且使用上非常方便,一次性产品,用后直接处理掉就好,免去了洗尿布的烦恼。缺点是由于采用高分子树脂作为吸水剂,当宝宝排尿后会形成一层含水层,而这时纸尿裤的透气性就明显降低,容易造成宝宝裆部局部温度升高,而通过尿液排出体外的废物或细菌会快速繁殖,造成宝宝红屁屁或者产生异味。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 【传统尿布】我们中国人有用尿布的习惯,尤其是老人会先天的排斥纸尿裤,他们认为无论什么材质都比不过纯棉的尿布柔软,还有些家庭为了柔软会选用穿过的内衣裤,经过煮沸消毒后剪成尿布大小,给小宝宝使用,但是殊不知棉质的内衣裤在穿着一段时间后棉纤维会就会突出,从显微镜下观察会发现每一根棉线都有如一个个小“狼牙棒”一般,这个肉眼看不到的小纤维会刺激宝宝娇嫩的皮肤,再加上尿液的刺激,从而造成宝宝红屁屁。当然,每天清洗尿布对新爸爸、新妈妈或者其他家庭成员也是一项负担。 【纱布尿布】纱布尿布纱布尿布最早起源于日本,后来欧美国家也逐步开始形成一种趋势,首先它是由100% 原棉制成,对宝宝皮肤没有任何的刺激,同时遍布尿布上的小孔为宝宝提供的良好的透气性和吸水性,能够在第一时间将宝宝尿液渗透出来,减少尿液对皮肤的刺激。其次,儿科专家建议,让宝宝有一定的尿湿感能够培养宝宝对外界环境的感知性,尽快形成规律排尿的好习惯。还有一点就是纱布尿布本身是绿色环保的,清洗后可以反复使用,为我们的家园地球在可持续的绿色发展方面贡献自己的一份力量。因此,纱布尿布目前在日本、欧美等发达国家的采用率越来越高。当然纱布尿布也有它的缺陷,那就是在清洗上会略显麻烦(如果配合隔尿巾使用,清洗麻烦的缺点会大幅降低)。但是为了宝宝的健康和环境保护,自己辛苦些还是值得的。 3、纱布尿布适合全天使用吗, 从材质上讲,纱布尿布是纯棉制品,宝宝全天使用完全没有问题。但是考虑到晚上宝宝需要深度的睡眠以及妈妈们的辛苦程度,我更建议大家白天给宝宝使用纱布尿布,这样拥有良好的吸水性和透气性,对宝宝的健康有益,不会因为长期使用纸尿裤造成宝宝红屁屁。而晚上可以选择使用纸尿裤,让宝宝的睡眠不会被尿湿感打扰,拥有更多的深度睡眠,宝宝发育好。同时也可以减轻妈妈劳累一天的疲惫,相对有更多的时间用于休息。这样通过白天用纱布尿布,晚上用纸尿裤想结合的方式两全其美,宝宝和妈妈其乐融融。 4、选择医用纱布可以吗, 从材质上讲,医用纱布与婴儿的纱布尿布都是 100%纯棉,但是这并不意味着医用纱布可以代替纱布尿布而给婴儿使用。两者最大的区别就是制作工艺上的区别,医用纱布是用来遮盖和固定伤口,防止病菌感染,同时适当阻隔水分的蒸发从而为伤口提供一个相对水分较高的环境,这样利于伤口部位的愈合。因此在加工工艺上采取的一系列工艺都是为了满足上述要求的。所以医用纱布对于吸水性的要求并不高,同时为了保证一定的阻隔性对棉的脱脂要求要比尿布低,而作为婴儿尿布的纱布尿布,则需要在吸水性上大大高于医用纱布,对于透气性的要求也要高于医用纱布,同时,考虑的新生儿的皮肤比较娇嫩,因此在加工过程用不能使用任何的刺激性材料或加工辅料,以避免使用中可能会带来的刺激。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 另外还有一点就是婴儿使用的纱布尿布的材质也经过了特殊的柔化处理,以加强宝宝的体验。上述优势都是医用纱布所不能比拟的。所以,选择医用纱布并不是一个明智的选择,当然其它如工业纱布、被套来定型的纱布之类的就更不能随便选择了。 二、纱布尿布的选购 1、纱布尿布的种类 【按尿布形状分类】根据尿布的形状大致可以分为普通条状、花生豆状、方块状3种,前2种基本类似,就是将纱布尿布制作成多层条状的形状,通过尿布带或尿布兜固定于宝宝裆部,这2种优点是使用相对方便,确定是必须配合尿布兜等使用且使用过程中容易滑脱。方块状时将尿布做成大正方形的形状,使用前先折叠后可以讲尿布折叠成小尿裤的形式给宝宝穿上或者也折叠成条状使用。比较而言方块状拥有更好的可塑性。 【按纺织方式分类】尿布按纺织方式可以分为平纹、栅格和鸟眼三种,平纹是指尿布没有任何花纹,栅格是指在尿布上有平均分布的小格子,鸟眼类似于纺织中经线和纬线相互交替的纺织方式。需要指出的是三种纺织方式在使用中基本没有区别,仅仅是纺织方式不同而已。决定使用效果的更多的取决于尿布的材质及形状。 2、纱布尿布的品牌 目前在中国大陆地区能够见到的纱布尿布基本分为3类,一类是国外原装产品,品牌有Minicare,一类是国产的,品牌有荷花、丽婴坊等,还有一类是外贸产品,这是因为中国是世界上最大的棉纺织出口国家,中国婴儿尿布的实际生产量几乎占世界上婴儿尿布总产量的92%以上,包括上面说过的Minicare 品牌,也是由中国提供原材料,经国外二次加工后又进口到国内的,外贸产品常见的有贝亲、西松屋、Ankku、Tollyjoy等品牌,还有部分是进口商品牌是其本地的区域品牌。 3、纱布尿布的价格 使用纱布尿布很显然是要比使用纸尿裤节省开支的,但是具体能够节省多少呢,可能很多人没有这个概念,我经过仔细测算,根据使用情况纱布尿布至少可以节省3000~6000元不等,下面是分析的格,供大家参考。 另外,纱布尿布一般的价格应该是,原装进口品牌应该在80元~90元/包,国产尿布应该在30元~35元/包,外贸尿布根据不同品牌应在35元~40元 /包,需要特别注意的是,有部分not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 卖家使用国产的产品假冒国外原包或者外贸产品,以期赚取更多的利润,这就需要广大妈妈门注意分辨啦~ 4、应该为新生儿准备多少块纱布尿布 谈到这个问题就应该从纱布尿布的使用上来讲了,因为纱布尿布的品质不同,大家使用的频率、方法等区别都会影响纱布尿布的用量,但是按照一般情况测算,从宝宝出生开始,一直到宝宝将近2岁不用尿布为止,大概会用到30,50片的样子,我建议各位准妈妈或新妈妈们前期准备20片左右,如果遇到不良卖家一上来就为您准备40、50片的话,那绝对是忽悠您呢,他们是以赚钱为第一目标,而没有考虑您的实际情况,遇到这样的卖家,建议您尽快跟他说拜拜。 5、纱布尿布推荐 讲到推荐难免会有广告之嫌,不过既然是推荐当然是不要避讳了。考虑到性价比,我建议各位妈妈选择外贸产品,即可以保证很好的产品质量,同时又有很高的性价比。很多妈妈生宝宝前后都不方便出门,大家都选择淘宝网购物,我家宝宝当时用的就是一款贝亲黄金版的纱布尿布,价格是36元,包,在这里特别提醒大家,淘宝买宝宝用品一定要避免买到假冒伪劣产品,我是在一家叫popbd的店里买到的,当时搜索整个淘宝网只有他们一家在销售这个产品,想来应该是比较让人放心的啦~另外他家的男掌柜是儿科医生,有什么育儿经验之类或者宝宝有个头痛脑热的的还可以向他家免费咨询啦~ 三、纱布尿布的使用 1、纱布尿布的使用方法 谈到使用其实还是比较简单的,纱布尿布最大的优点就是比较方便,以下是比较常用的使用方法:(1)正方形尿布折叠成小尿裤,用尿布扣固定就行啦~(2)折叠成条状垫在宝宝裆部或者使用尿布兜给宝宝穿上。 2、纱布尿布的清洗方法 纱布尿布拿到后,应该先使用沸水烫一下,之后向水盆中洒上一小勺食盐,待水温降低到30度左右简单用手搓洗一下,这样做的目的是将尿布上的浆液(尿布加工前期为减少瑕疵产品进行了挂浆)去除。使用中的尿布的清洗也应该遵循一定的方法,如果尿布上沾有宝宝便便先用纸巾将便便去除(如果配合隔尿巾此步骤会更加简单),用冷水冲泡沾染便便的尿布,浸泡15分钟,这样能将尿布上沾染的便便去除,之后用沸水冲浸尿布,再之后漂洗not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 一次,取出晾干(或者烘干)即可。需要特别指出的是,尿布一般用够6次或者3天就应该放在阳光下晾晒2小时,以起到紫外线消毒的功效。 3、纱布尿布的消毒方法 其实按照上面的清洗方法,做到每使用6次或3天经阳光晾晒2小时的话完全不用选择其它消毒方式。但是考虑到特殊情况下的因素,我们给出的建议是使用弱性消毒剂,如滴露或威露士按照比例配比后浸泡30分钟即可。还有就是使用专业的紫外线杀菌灯摊开尿布照射30分钟即可。 4、纱布尿布的储存方法 纱布尿布一般都是买来就用的,如果有心急的妈妈提前买下了纱布尿布,那么可能会用到这个方法,其实如同棉织品一样,纱布尿布的储存没有特殊的要求,关键是两点:一是要保持干燥,不要在湿度太大的地方保存纱布尿布,以免造成霉菌污染;二是在使用之前要温水过洗并经阳光照射2小时以上就行。 5、搭配小配件尿布变尿裤 正方形纱布尿布最大的好处就是可以通过折叠包裹并利用尿布可这个小配件将尿布变成贴身的小尿裤,这样能更好的伏贴宝宝的身体,下面是尿布可和使用尿布可折叠的方法,供大家参考。 四、纱布尿布的鉴别 1、国外原装产品小米米(Minicare)和国内荷花,丽婴坊的纱布尿布,这些个没有用过,不敢乱说。但是如果到专门的孕婴店买应该还好的,小米米的最低价格也应该在80元以上,否则有假货的嫌疑。 市场上外贸途径的纱布尿布:首先西松屋的6条装纱布尿布,这个是纯粹的假冒产品,据了解这个产品首先是采用的棉质非原生棉而是再生棉,其次是没有经过脱脂处理,这样尿布的吸水性就比较差了,相对比较硬,所以不建议用这个。 2、贝亲黄金版尿布的鉴别方法 贝亲黄金版尿布是我目前发现的市场上比较好的一款,我最早买的时候整个淘宝只有一家在卖,等我第二次要买就发现很多卖家在卖这个了,我当时选择了另外一家价格相对便宜的卖家,结果收到后发现与第一次购买的产品区别很大,在经过与我第一次购买的网店老板聊的过程中,他讲他家的贝亲黄金版尿布是独家买断供货的,对比我前后两次买到的产品,因为在没办法给大家讲里面东西的细节,所以对产品的包装做个描述,供大家参考: not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 先看下这个假冒的产品 1)假货两侧明显印刷与正面明显风格不一样,贝亲这样的品牌绝对不会弄个中间和两侧明显不一样风格的包装; 2)从印刷质量上看,后一次买到的假货的印刷明显有问题,和很多的假货在印刷上存在的问题一样,就是颜色不正,尤其是正面上边的金色条纹,不是金色,泛着一层红色,看之前买到的那个多亮啊~ 3)下面标注尺寸的地方,我的经验告诉我,要么标公制,要么标英制,没有可能两个都标上的,既然是出口日本的,肯定都是公制而没有欧盟或美国某些州要求的英制。 4)下面尿布的图明显大,而且印刷模糊,想来应该是扫描真货的图案后再补上的。 5)遍布上面的小星星只是简单的画了个五角星,没有任何立体感,而最早那个真品是圆角的小星星,立体感非常强。 6)还有就是颜色整体不够鲜艳、线条生涩不够流畅,这个是贝亲这样的品牌明显不会出现的问题。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project
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