

2018-08-02 49页 doc 289KB 7阅读




把液晶电视连接电脑,看宽带网络电影电视唱KTV看卫星把液晶电视连接电脑,看宽带网络电影电视唱KTV看卫星 shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name proj...
把液晶电视连接电脑,看宽带网络电影电视唱KTV看卫星 shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 把液晶电视连接电脑,看宽带网络电影电视唱KTV看卫星 2008-07-04 20:52 很多文章介绍了电脑连接电视的方法,但不全面,另外,没有给出在电视上远程操作电脑的方法。本文系统全面的给出各种方法的优缺点,并推荐出一种花钱不多、效果清楚、可以远程遥控键盘鼠标的具体方法。若想了解更多,可登陆www.zjhlz.com 一、为什么要把液晶电视连接上电脑, ?更震撼的视觉效果~目前再愿意买21寸小电视的家庭已经很少,但电脑显示器常常只是17寸、19寸。在大屏幕电视上看电影玩游戏的视觉效果远比小电脑显示器更震撼~ ?能在电视上享受无尽的免费网络资源:装数字电视要付月租费,看DVD要买碟片,看卫星节目国家不允许......但互联网上有无数的电影、音乐、网络电视,不仅免费,而且忍受烦心的广告、电视台1天只放几集连续剧的痛苦。 ?减少了再买第2台电脑的巨大投入:因为每台电视都变成了电脑,所以没有必要再花几千元去买第2台电脑。 ?减少了再买DVD投入:电脑既可以下载存储大量电影,也可通过光驱拷贝进海量碟片,电脑管理电影的方便性更是DVD机无法比拟的(DVD机要一张张去找去片换片)。 ?监视书房电脑的使用情况:不必担心孩子躲在书房里到底是在学习还是在玩游戏,父母在卧室的电视里,就可看到书房的电脑画面。 ?更多的好处:实现家庭KTV、浏览数码照片、欣赏音乐、多媒体教学......... 估计大家的新房装修结束后,没有人再会买21村的电视了,因为屏幕太小~但郁闷的是花了上万元买的大屏幕电视,只能看满是广告的垃圾电视节目,最多再用来放放DVD。 电脑上倒是什么都可以做,上网、游戏、网络电影。。。。。,但不爽的是显示器太小,不知道哪里有47寸的卖哦,估计有的话也是天价。 假如只要花少量的钱,就能在客厅、卧室、次卧室等房间的大电视上看免费的网络电影、上网、听音乐、玩游戏,再跟家庭影院接起来的话,那么超大的屏幕视觉效果、震撼的高保真音响,靠,是不是酷呆拉~ 家里的电视、电脑、宽带是现成的,如果花钱不多就实现上面的设想,当然很诱人。问题是怎么做才能实现呢?效果到底怎样,能不能几个房间的电视上都连接电脑,能不能在房间里远程操作书房的电脑键盘,不要专业公司自己是否就可以搞定, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 很可惜,现在的电工对此是一无所知,不用说装饰公司了,即便是电脑网络公司,很多人也搞不定。收集了很多资料 、经过反复学习并多次比较实验后,我把电脑连接电视的各种方法下写下来,供大家参考选择,并推荐一种 安装简单、化钱不多、图象清晰、能够远程控制互动、甚至电脑电视的画面可以各不相同(例如书房的显示器在上网、客厅卧室的电视去看电影)。 从技术角度上说,把电脑连接电视,共存在2个方面的问题: 方面一、远程互动操作 这点常常被很多人疏忽掉,他们往往知道看图象声音要放线,等住进去才发现不能在客 厅卧室里操作电脑。这带来的 不方便是非常明显的,光能看图象有什么用,大冬天的在床上看个电影连续剧,1集完了还要下床再跑书房去调电脑,至于互动性更强的游戏,是想都不用想实现。 方面二、声音、图象的显示 方法有好多种,不同的电视机、不同的清晰度要求对应着不同的方法,下面逐一给大家介绍: 1、电脑接电视机专用音视频线 、,端子线方式方法、 2、,,,,方式 3、笔记本方式, 4、无线方法, 5、用专门的,,,,电脑 6、布,,,线,音频线方法 7、用数字家庭娱乐中心方法(一种专用的图象声音键盘鼠标远程传送设备) 二、介绍下各种连接方法的优点缺点,供大家参考选择 1、电脑接电视机专用音视频线 、,端子线方式方法: 优点:便宜,对电视没有要求 缺点:对电脑有要求,必须有,输出端口。只能看电影,上网的文字看不清的。不可能远程使用使用键盘鼠标 适用:只想在电视上看电脑电影的人,另外换电影要跑书房去操作电脑。 2、,,,,方式: 优点:未来的发展方向,数字高清。 缺点:价格昂贵,一条10米的线就要800元~只能点对点,,台电脑带,台电视;电脑必须带,,,,口;目前连配套的连接面板座(装在墙壁上的)很难找到,不知道有没有卖的,线没有办法穿管预买。 适用:钱多的人。建议在客厅的电视装,,,,电脑使用此,,,,,数字光纤声音。卧室等其他房间就免了吧,总不能每个卧室在放台电脑。 homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. External use elevator installation and removal of security technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-9 ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-14 content security technology to give the low-down the content gas welders must hold special certificates, operating certificate expires is not examined no welding operations; Welding jobs must deal with hot and approval procedures; Welding site clear inflammable, or cover, isolation, and in the welding area is equipped with fire-fighting equipment; Must be non flammable gas or liquid when welding, testing shall be approved by the relevant departments, with the permission of welding; Acetylene cylinders must be installed pressure reducing valve and anti-tempering devices, distance between acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall not be less than 5M, no flat, no exposure, away from inflammable and explosive materials and fire distance shall not be less than 10m, verify that the leak, use soapy water, open flame is strictly prohibited; Oxygen cylinder, oxygen gauge and welding and cutting tools, non-contaminated oils; Gas bottle purchase, transport, storage and use must be strictly enforcing the relevant regulations; Ignition, torch mouth were forbidden from people burning torches shall not be placed on the workpiece or ground. With oxygen and acetylene, must not be put in a metal container to prevent gases burning accident; Is strictly prohibited in the pressure vessel and pipe welding, welding electric device you must first cut off the power supply; 10, welded storage of inflammable, explosive, toxic substances are containers or pipes must be cleaned and all the pores open; 11, end of the job, the cylinder valve should be closed, screwed on safety cover, job locations, confirm the no fire hazard, shall not be left; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Waterproofing construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-15 content security technology to give the low-down the content to enter the construction site wear hard hats, respirators and other safety gas appliances, fastening cuffs, pants, hands directly contact with live long, oily materials of asphalt; Before the work, should check whether the tools used are secure. Scaffolding erection firmly, not swing. Suspended operations, tools should be placed shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 说明:真正看电视的距离一般离电视机有,米左右,在如此远的距离下,,,,,与,,,方式的差别肉眼看起来几乎不大。 3、笔记本方式, 优点:方便,费用少 缺点:放客厅还凑合,放卧室就没地方了,电视挂墙上,我总不能把笔记本挂墙壁上,或者放在卧室的地上吧另外笔记本速度、硬盘大小远不如台式电脑。每个房间每次用读要插线,太麻烦。 适用:忘记布线的人或者难得用电视连电脑的。 ,、无线方法, 优点:便宜,对电视没有要求,不用布线 缺点:对电脑有要求,必须有,输出端口。只能看电影,上网的文字看不清的。受环境影响大,例如,层楼的房子里基本不好用。 ,、用专门的,,,,电脑方法 优点:效果一流,不用布线 缺点:价格奇高(号称的垃圾,,,,除外),一般只在客厅或者专门的视听室放,,,,。 ,、布,,,线,音频线方法 这个是目前用的最多的方法。 优点:性价比高,花钱少效果不错。 缺点:一般高质量的线也只能最多传,,米,,,,接线麻烦;另外音频线直接连到电视上常常会有交流噪音。 ,、用数字家庭娱乐中心方法(一种专用的图象声音键盘鼠标远程传送设备) 优点:高度集成的专业机器,使原本安装负责的接线变特别简单;性价比高,花钱少效果不错,不仅图象好,而且声音也没有交流干扰音,特别是可远程开机、远程操作键盘鼠标;装betwin电脑分身软件后,还能电视电脑画面不同独立工作。 缺点:一般高质量的线也只能最多传,,米。另外没有 ,,,,技术先进。 适用:大多数的人的要求。顺便说明下,每个人天天使用的电脑显示器,一般读是用,,,连的,清晰度应该是大家读满意的。现在换到更大屏幕的电视上,玩游戏、看电影的效果肯定比,,寸的小显示器好。我已经比较过在,米左右的距离下,看,,,,方式和,,,方式的效果,差别不明显,不相信的人 可以自己亲自去比较下就 知道 下面详细给出用方法,的具体实施过程,我把安装的 线路、采用的 设备 、接线的图 贴出来,大家只要看图安装,一般来说,自己应该可以安装实现的。 一、要求: ,、地点:要求连接客厅、主卧室、儿童房三个房间的液晶电视。 shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be ,、功能: ?液晶电视上能够上网、玩游戏、看电影。其中客厅还能连接家庭影院上,像,,,歌厅那样点歌。 ?要求在房间里能远程操作电脑(电视上只显示电脑电影不完美,否则点播下一集冬天再跑书房去,) ?要求在房间里能远程开关电脑 ?扩展功能:将来可以电视画面与电脑不一样,即装电脑分身软件后电视电脑互相独立。 ,、材料成本(未考虑人工、布线费用): 最好,千,以内,实在不行要控制在,千左右。 ,、安装: 不需要电烙铁等专业工具、专业技能,最好只要螺丝刀、剪刀就能装配。 书房安装的位置和装好后的效果 homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. External use elevator installation and removal of security technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-9 ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-14 content security technology to give the low-down the content gas welders must hold special certificates, operating certificate expires is not examined no welding operations; Welding jobs must deal with hot and approval procedures; Welding site clear inflammable, or cover, isolation, and in the welding area is equipped with fire-fighting equipment; Must be non flammable gas or liquid when welding, testing shall be approved by the relevant departments, with the permission of welding; Acetylene cylinders must be installed pressure reducing valve and anti-tempering devices, distance between acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall not be less than 5M, no flat, no exposure, away from inflammable and explosive materials and fire distance shall not be less than 10m, verify that the leak, use soapy water, open flame is strictly prohibited; Oxygen cylinder, oxygen gauge and welding and cutting tools, non-contaminated oils; Gas bottle purchase, transport, storage and use must be strictly enforcing the relevant regulations; Ignition, torch mouth were forbidden from people burning torches shall not be placed on the workpiece or ground. With oxygen and acetylene, must not be put in a metal container to prevent gases burning accident; Is strictly prohibited in the pressure vessel and pipe welding, welding electric device you must first cut off the power supply; 10, welded storage of inflammable, explosive, toxic substances are containers or pipes must be cleaned and all the pores open; 11, end of the job, the cylinder valve should be closed, screwed on safety cover, job locations, confirm the no fire hazard, shall not be left; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Waterproofing construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-15 content security technology to give the low-down the content to enter the construction site wear hard hats, respirators and other safety gas appliances, fastening cuffs, pants, hands directly contact with live long, oily materials of asphalt; Before the work, should check whether the tools used are secure. Scaffolding erection firmly, not swing. Suspended operations, tools should be placed shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 书房挖洞+放线照片 shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 书房主机照片 书房到客厅卧室等房间的放线方法 homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. External use elevator installation and removal of security technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-9 ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-14 content security technology to give the low-down the content gas welders must hold special certificates, operating certificate expires is not examined no welding operations; Welding jobs must deal with hot and approval procedures; Welding site clear inflammable, or cover, isolation, and in the welding area is equipped with fire-fighting equipment; Must be non flammable gas or liquid when welding, testing shall be approved by the relevant departments, with the permission of welding; Acetylene cylinders must be installed pressure reducing valve and anti-tempering devices, distance between acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall not be less than 5M, no flat, no exposure, away from inflammable and explosive materials and fire distance shall not be less than 10m, verify that the leak, use soapy water, open flame is strictly prohibited; Oxygen cylinder, oxygen gauge and welding and cutting tools, non-contaminated oils; Gas bottle purchase, transport, storage and use must be strictly enforcing the relevant regulations; Ignition, torch mouth were forbidden from people burning torches shall not be placed on the workpiece or ground. With oxygen and acetylene, must not be put in a metal container to prevent gases burning accident; Is strictly prohibited in the pressure vessel and pipe welding, welding electric device you must first cut off the power supply; 10, welded storage of inflammable, explosive, toxic substances are containers or pipes must be cleaned and all the pores open; 11, end of the job, the cylinder valve should be closed, screwed on safety cover, job locations, confirm the no fire hazard, shall not be left; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Waterproofing construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-15 content security technology to give the low-down the content to enter the construction site wear hard hats, respirators and other safety gas appliances, fastening cuffs, pants, hands directly contact with live long, oily materials of asphalt; Before the work, should check whether the tools used are secure. Scaffolding erection firmly, not swing. Suspended operations, tools should be placed shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 客厅卧室次卧各房间的插座安装示意 shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 最后再介绍 只带1个房间的方法,非常简单和便宜,几十元足够,见图 用usb转网线插座面板, 就可以轻松实现电视上隔墙灵活使用无线键盘鼠标控制电脑的问题,并且花钱极 少~又美观~ 连接示意图: homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. External use elevator installation and removal of security technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-9 ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-14 content security technology to give the low-down the content gas welders must hold special certificates, operating certificate expires is not examined no welding operations; Welding jobs must deal with hot and approval procedures; Welding site clear inflammable, or cover, isolation, and in the welding area is equipped with fire-fighting equipment; Must be non flammable gas or liquid when welding, testing shall be approved by the relevant departments, with the permission of welding; Acetylene cylinders must be installed pressure reducing valve and anti-tempering devices, distance between acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall not be less than 5M, no flat, no exposure, away from inflammable and explosive materials and fire distance shall not be less than 10m, verify that the leak, use soapy water, open flame is strictly prohibited; Oxygen cylinder, oxygen gauge and welding and cutting tools, non-contaminated oils; Gas bottle purchase, transport, storage and use must be strictly enforcing the relevant regulations; Ignition, torch mouth were forbidden from people burning torches shall not be placed on the workpiece or ground. With oxygen and acetylene, must not be put in a metal container to prevent gases burning accident; Is strictly prohibited in the pressure vessel and pipe welding, welding electric device you must first cut off the power supply; 10, welded storage of inflammable, explosive, toxic substances are containers or pipes must be cleaned and all the pores open; 11, end of the job, the cylinder valve should be closed, screwed on safety cover, job locations, confirm the no fire hazard, shall not be left; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Waterproofing construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-15 content security technology to give the low-down the content to enter the construction site wear hard hats, respirators and other safety gas appliances, fastening cuffs, pants, hands directly contact with live long, oily materials of asphalt; Before the work, should check whether the tools used are secure. Scaffolding erection firmly, not swing. Suspended operations, tools should be placed shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be 说明: 在书房的电脑旁边墙上装 1个usb转网线插座面板 在卧室的电视旁边墙上装 1个usb转网线插座面板 两者之间放1条超5类网络线,网络线压水晶头后直接插入usb转网线插座面板 上的RJ45插座 注意:网线用超5类网络线,建议不要超过10米。 USB插座正面图 指示灯----书房电脑开机后,此指示灯会亮 轻触开关---用于远程开关电脑 USB插座---插无线键盘鼠标的接收器 shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be USB插座反面图 RJ45插座-----把超5类网线压好水晶头插进去 homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. External use elevator installation and removal of security technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-9 ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-14 content security technology to give the low-down the content gas welders must hold special certificates, operating certificate expires is not examined no welding operations; Welding jobs must deal with hot and approval procedures; Welding site clear inflammable, or cover, isolation, and in the welding area is equipped with fire-fighting equipment; Must be non flammable gas or liquid when welding, testing shall be approved by the relevant departments, with the permission of welding; Acetylene cylinders must be installed pressure reducing valve and anti-tempering devices, distance between acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall not be less than 5M, no flat, no exposure, away from inflammable and explosive materials and fire distance shall not be less than 10m, verify that the leak, use soapy water, open flame is strictly prohibited; Oxygen cylinder, oxygen gauge and welding and cutting tools, non-contaminated oils; Gas bottle purchase, transport, storage and use must be strictly enforcing the relevant regulations; Ignition, torch mouth were forbidden from people burning torches shall not be placed on the workpiece or ground. With oxygen and acetylene, must not be put in a metal container to prevent gases burning accident; Is strictly prohibited in the pressure vessel and pipe welding, welding electric device you must first cut off the power supply; 10, welded storage of inflammable, explosive, toxic substances are containers or pipes must be cleaned and all the pores open; 11, end of the job, the cylinder valve should be closed, screwed on safety cover, job locations, confirm the no fire hazard, shall not be left; 12, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 13, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Waterproofing construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-15 content security technology to give the low-down the content to enter the construction site wear hard hats, respirators and other safety gas appliances, fastening cuffs, pants, hands directly contact with live long, oily materials of asphalt; Before the work, should check whether the tools used are secure. Scaffolding erection firmly, not swing. Suspended operations, tools should be placed shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site ... Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may be
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