

2017-11-28 16页 doc 132KB 19阅读




天猫产品库达尔文考试天猫产品库达尔文考试 美容护肤类目下,男士使用的产品,只要产品名称中带有“男士”,就必须放男士护理类目 下 , A.正确 , B.错误 2.[判断题 - 5分]:品名必须与外包装完全一致,名称需要书写正确,不得错一个字,可 以包含品牌、容量、促销、店铺信息 , A.正确 , B.错误 1.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护肤类目条形码的提交规范说法错误的是, , A.条形码即是EAN商品条形码,国内生产的商品的条形码一般为69码 , B.须和实物外包装上的条形码信息完全一致,将应用于无线条码搜索 , C...
天猫产品库达尔文考试 美容护肤类目下,男士使用的产品,只要产品名称中带有“男士”,就必须放男士类目 下 , A.正确 , B.错误 2.[判断题 - 5分]:品名必须与外包装完全一致,名称需要书写正确,不得错一个字,可 以包含品牌、容量、促销、店铺信息 , A.正确 , B.错误 1.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护肤类目条形码的提交说法错误的是, , A.条形码即是EAN商品条形码,国内生产的商品的条形码一般为69码 , B.须和实物外包装上的条形码信息完全一致,将应用于无线条码搜索 , C.不同容量必须有不同的条形码,否则只能提交一个容量规格 , D.须是印刷在外包装上的,不得使用不干胶粘贴的条形码 , E.产品属性/参数图中有一张条形码特写图,须提供清晰的实物包装特写图,须包含部分产品 信息,不得只截取条形码部分 , F.可以提供电子版的、非实物包装拍摄的条形码特写图 2.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护类目产品容量填写规范,说法错误的是, , A.化妆品容量必须与实物/外包装完全一致,包括容量单位 , B.片装的面膜、眼膜,若发布单片的容量规格,就填写单片的容量;若是盒装的,产品包装 图上写的:5片*25g,则填写:5片*25g , C.若产品实物/包装有明确容量单位的,需要写出明确的容量值,精确到g或者ml单位 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card , D.若产品包装图无明确容量单位的,可以写容量单位“片” , E.有赠品的产品,赠品和主产品是同个产品,容量相加,否则只申请主产品容量,赠品容量 不计算在内 3.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于产品属性/参数图(产品资质图)的来源说法错误的是, , A.产品外包装图,产品外观图,纸质说明书图可作为产品属性/参数图的来源 , B.品牌/厂家盖章证明材料可作为产品属性/参数图的来源 , C.品牌官网或第三方专业网站截图可作为产品属性/参数图的来源 , D.以上三大类图片,都可以可作为产品属性/参数图的来源 , E.产品属性/参数图只能来自产品实物外观或包装或说明书 4.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护肤类目产品的品名填写规范,说法错误的是, , A.若有系列名,品名中须包含系列名(不要“系列”),如:相宜本草红石榴系列焕颜精华乳, 品牌是相宜本草,产品名应该是红石榴焕颜精华乳 , B.若系列名和产品名重复,不用重复填写,如: 膜法世家?1908 金沙系列金沙水养嫩白眼胶, 品牌是膜法世家?1908,产品名应该是是金沙水养嫩白眼胶 , C.若产品中既包含了子品牌系列名称,又包含了产品系列名,则应只保留子品牌系列。如, 百雀羚的气韵草本水嫩倍现盈透保湿喷雾,其中“气韵草本”为子品牌系列 , D.润唇膏、护手霜等有不同的香型、口味,按照不同的产品来提交,格式为:***润唇膏(草 莓) , E.润唇膏、护手霜等若有2种或2种以上香型、口味的,每种香型和口味间用&符号连接, 如倍润润唇膏(黑糖&蓝莓) planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card , F.洗发护发、沐浴露类产品,有不同的功效,比如有去屑型、柔润型,则按照不同产品提交, 格式为:**洗发液(去屑型) , G.防晒霜或带有防晒功能的产品,产品名称必须带上防晒指数SPF,且字母要大写,格式为: **防晒乳SPF24/PA++ , H.品名不能带除了“()”“/”以外的特殊符号,比如-,<>,? 等都不可以添加,空格也不可 以有;符号必须是英文半角的 5.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护肤类目产品图片的提交规范说法错误的是, , A.是用于全方位、多角度的展示产品 , B.最少2张,最多5张 , C.必须是白底、无水印、无文字说明、清晰产品实物外观图不可包含展示任何营销、店铺LOGO 等内容信息 , D.规格500X500以上,大小不能超过500K 6.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于产品审核,说法错误的是, , A.产品审核一般为3个工作日左右 , B.在天猫商家中心—我的产品库—我发布的产品,商家可以查看自己提交的产品的审核状态 , C.在天猫商家中心——我的产品库——天猫产品库,商家可以查看授权类目和品牌下,所有 商家提交的产品信息 , D.当天猫产品库的产品信息的状态为小二确认,且操作处出现“发布商品”文字链接时,说明 该产品信息已通过审核,所有商家都可对相应红叉叉宝贝进行编辑挂靠,或在这个产品的基础上发布商品 信息 , E.若我的产品库——我发布的产品中,产品信息为“审核不通过”状态,“查看原因”处,可查审 核不通过的原因,请商家根据提示,重新发布产品 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card , F.若我的产品库—我发布的产品中,产品信息为“审核通过”状态,则会出现“发布商品”的入口, 只有发布这个产品的商家,可对相应红叉叉宝贝进行编辑挂靠,或在这个产品的基础上发布商品信息 , G.商家提交的产品还没有审核通过,发现重要属性不对,可以进行修改;发现关键属性不对, 请删除不正确的产品,重新发布准确的产品信息 7.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于宝贝ID及产品ID说法正确的是, , A.在天猫商家中心—我的产品库,点击相关产品的“查看详情”文字链接,进入产品详情页面, 浏览器地址栏中有一串信息“spu_id=*******”,*******即为该产品的产品ID , B.进入您的店铺,进入相关宝贝的详情页面,浏览器地址栏中有一串信息 “ID=*******”,*******一般即为该产品的ID , C.产品ID即是宝贝ID 8.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护肤类目产品正面图片的提交规范说法错误的是, , A.用于搜索导购,须为该容量规格的产品正面图片,产品图片需要实拍,不得用产品包装图 代替 , B.须是白底,正面,无边框,无任何促销信息,无任何除了品牌logo以外的文字 , C.不得添加任何商家搭配出售的赠品(除了在同一个包装盒内的赠品) , D.可将品牌LOGO放置于主图左上角,LOGO大小须在固定比例以内,宽在图片大小的十分 之四以内,高在图片大小的十分之二以内 , E.可在产品正面图放置品牌标语、口号 , F.新旧包装更替,一律采用最新包装图(还有老商品库存的商家可以在宝贝描述中说明情况) 9.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于发布产品,说法错误的是, , A.只有授信商家可以发布产品 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card , B.登录天猫商家中心—我的产品库,点击右上角的“发布新产品”,进行发布新产品的操作。 , C.商家发布一个产品信息后,还未审核前(小二还未审核通过或者拒绝前),其他商家不能 发布这个产品信息。 , D.商家发布产品之后,需要经过小二审核 , E.最早发布产品信息,且通过审核的商家,能获得这个产品信息的冠名权(流量奖励) , F.滥发产品的商家,将会被处罚,限制发布产品 10.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护肤类目重要属性提交规范说法错误的是, , A.须严格根据产品实物/外包装/说明书,来选择化妆品功效 , B.可以勾选重复的功效,也可以选择其他功效 , C.祛斑、防晒等九大类特殊功效化妆品,须有特殊化妆品批准文号才可以选择相应功效词 , D.没有特殊功效,特殊用途化妆品批准文号就选择“无”,有的,填写范例如,国妆特进字 J20125818 , E.外包装没有展示适合肤质,就选择所有肤质 11.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于产品纠错、举报,说法错误的是, , A.通过审核的产品,若关键属性不正确,如品名,容量等,商家可提交举报 , B.通过审核的产品,若重要属性不正确,如功效、特性等,商家可提交纠错 , C.若产品关键属性举报,被审核成功,该产品会被屏蔽。原来挂靠该产品的商品,会重新出 现红叉叉的标示,商家需要重新提交一个正确的产品,待通过审核之后,更换挂靠产品 , D.若产品规格信息举报,被审核成功,该规格会被屏蔽,商家需要重新提交一个正确的规格 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card , E.纠错、举报理由,请务必填写完整,并尽量提供该正确属性对应的外观/外包装/说明书/官网 等截图 , F.纠错、举报,不需要审核 , G.产品没有变化,只换了外包装,可对图片纠错,将新包装的图片提交上来。老包装商品还 有库存的商家,请在宝贝描述中说明情况 12.[单选题 - 5分]:下列关于美容护肤类目产品属性/参数图(产品资质图)的提交规范 说法正确的是, , A.是用来证明商家提交的产品信息是否真实,图片需要清晰展示所有产品信息,包括品牌、 品名、规格、条形码、重要属性等 , B.产品属性/参数图共计4张,若产品信息分散在很多地方,超过4张,可以将这些图片拼在 一起,形成4张图提交 , C.有一两个属性,没有在产品资质图中提供信息出处凭证,也可以 , 1.[多选题 - 5分]:下列关于天猫新商品管理体系,商家需要做的事情,说法正确的是, , A.对在售商品(红叉叉宝贝)进行重新编辑,挂靠产品库中通过审核的产品 , B.新发商品(宝贝)走新发布; 要在产品的基础之上去发布商品 , C.对产品信息进行纠错、举报 , D.所有在售的宝贝都无效了,需要重新发布宝贝 2.[多选题 - 10分]:下列关于天猫新商品管理体系对商家的好处,说法正确的是, , A.信息规范、确定,提升消费者对商家的专业印象 , B.产品信息应用于导购和搜索,流量更精准、市场更规范 , C.产品库共建,在产品的基础上发布商品,提高商家商品管理效率 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card , D.积极参与新商品体系建设的商家,能获得冠名权等额外的流量奖励 , E.为商家更好进行库存管理、货品结构管理、销售预测、渠道管理等奠定重要基础 , 3.[多选题 - 10分]:下列关于天猫新商品管理体系,说法正确的是, , A.天猫新商品管理体系,是将商品信息一分为二,分为产品信息和营销信息 , B.某一款商品的品牌,品名,容量等,这些属性信息都是出厂时候就确定下来的,叫做产品 信息 , C.产品信息是公用的、的信息。一个商家发布了一个产品信息,通过审核,其他商家都 可以使用这个产品信息 , D.某一款商品的销售商家,价格,库存,商家服务等信息叫做营销信息 , E.商品信息就是现在消费者看到的宝贝信息 4.[多选题 - 5分]:下列关于商品编辑挂靠,说法正确的是, , A.对红叉叉商品/宝贝进行重新编辑,挂靠产品之后,不影响宝贝的销量和评价 , B.如果不对红叉叉商品/宝贝进行编辑,挂靠产品,宝贝将无法展示给消费者 , C.商品重新编辑,挂靠产品后,可以随意更换产品 , D.编辑挂靠红叉叉商品/宝贝时,没有可以挂靠的产品或者规格,商家需要新发布一个产品或 者新增一个规格 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card
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