

2017-09-19 13页 doc 38KB 13阅读




同比和环比的区别同比和环比的区别 什么是同比,什么是环比,同比和环比的区别 与历史同时期比较,例如2005年7月份与2004年7月份相比,叫同比。 与上一统计段比较,例如2005年7月份与2005年6月份相比较,叫环比。 环比增长率,(本期数,上期数)/上期数*100, 反映本期比上期增长了多少 同比增长率,(本期数,同期数)/同期数*100, 指和去年同期相比较的增长率。 同比发展速度,一般指是指本期发展水平与上年同期发展水平对比,而达到的相对发展速度。 环比发展速度,一般指是指报告期水平与前一时期水平之比,表明现象逐期的发展速度。 同...
同比和环比的区别 什么是同比,什么是环比,同比和环比的区别 与历史同时期比较,例如2005年7月份与2004年7月份相比,叫同比。 与上一统计段比较,例如2005年7月份与2005年6月份相比较,叫环比。 环比增长率,(本期数,上期数)/上期数*100, 反映本期比上期增长了多少 同比增长率,(本期数,同期数)/同期数*100, 指和去年同期相比较的增长率。 同比发展速度,一般指是指本期发展水平与上年同期发展水平对比,而达到的相对发展速度。 环比发展速度,一般指是指报告期水平与前一时期水平之比,表明现象逐期的发展速度。 同比增长是指与上一个期间的比较,比如今年的1月和去年的1月增长多少,本月1日与上月1日增长多少,等等 环比则是本期与上期比较,如:2月比1月增长多少,2日比1日增长多少等等 何谓同比增长,何谓环比增长,同比和环比的区别 一、市场价格分析计算 (一)本期环比增长(下降)率计算公式 根据批发市场价格分析需要,环比分为日环比、周环比、月环比和年环比。 本期价格 本期环比增长(下降)率(%) = (—————— — 1 )× 100% 上期价格 说明:(1)如果计算值为正值(+),则称增长率;如果计算值为负值(-),则称下降率。 (2)如果本期指本日、本周、本月和本年,则上期相应指上日、上周、上月和上年。 (二)本期同比增长(下降)率计算公式 本期价格 本期同比增长(下降)率(%) = (—————— —1) × 100% 上年同期价格 说明:(1)如果计算值为正值(+),则称增长率;如果计算值为负值(-),则称下降率。 (2)如果本期指本日、本周和本月,则上年同期相应指上年同日、上年同周和上年同月。 二、“菜篮子”批发市场价格市场分析一般术语(仅适用蔬菜价格分析,供参考) 1、持平------------------- 环比增长率在0% 至 2% 之间;环比下降率在-2% 至 0% 之间。 2、略涨(略降)----------- 环比增长率在2% 至 4% 之间;环比下降率在-4% 至 -2% 之间。 rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 3、小幅上涨(小幅下降)--- 环比增长率在4% 至 6% 之间;环比下降率在-6% 至 -4% 之间。 4、上涨(下降)------------环比增长率在6% 至 10% 之间;环比下降率在-10% 至 -6% 之间。 5、较大幅上涨(较大幅下降)环比增长率在10% 至 20% 之间;环比下降率在-20% 至 -10% 之间。 6、大幅上涨(大幅下降)--- 环比增长率在20% 至 30% 之间;环比下降率在-30% 至 -20% 之间。 7、陡升(骤降)----------- 环比增长率大于30%;环比下降率大于-30%。 说明:正值(+)称为涨,负值(-)称为降。 三、市价趋势 1、市况坚挺:价格高于前期交易价格,并且报告员认为价格还未达到最高水平,有继续上涨趋势。 2、市价显著上涨:价格显著高于前面交易日的价格。 3、市价上涨:大部分销售价格高于前期交易价格。 4:市价略涨:表明价格上涨不明显,比用“上涨”时缺乏普遍性。即使价格范围可能不上涨,但在价格范围内的高价位上,销售量较大,形成明显的价格“大概”要上涨的态势。如果价格区域较高、大部分价格不是不合适就是不变,那麽也使用这条术语。 5、市价不定:就价格或趋于上涨或趋于下降而论,很少用这个术语。 6、市价稳定:价格与前期相比保持不变。 7、市价基本稳定:这是个最常用、最适当的术语,因为很少出现连续2天或更多天市价保持完全不变。 8:市价呆滞:价格与前期相比基本不变,交易不活跃,价格说明销售很少。这个术语只在批发市场交易不活跃、需求很弱时使用。 9、市价勉强稳定:表示由于需求减少、弄不清供应、未来供应量可能较大等原因,大部分卖主信心下降。价格维持在前一天的水平,但普遍存在疲软的趋势。 10、市价略降:表示价格下降,但不到使用“下降”一词时明显和普遍。尽管价格区域可能不下降,但在区域内较低的价位上销量较大,形成明显的价格“大概”要下降的态势。 11、市价下降:表示大部分销售价格比前期下降。 12:市价大幅度下降:表示价格比前期显著下降。 13、市价疲软:表示下降的趋势。价格在一定程度上比前期下降,而且在接下来的交易日中可能继续下降。 14、市价低迷:这个术语只在最不寻常的情况下使用。它描述的是以下状况:市场上的易腐商品供应过剩,如果不以特别低的价格出售就卖不出去,有时几乎按任何报价出售。 四、交易效率 交易效率反映销售速度。在装运点趋势报告中,用以下术语表示交易效率。 1、交易非常活跃:需求比平均水平旺得多,有效供给迅速售出。 2、交易活跃:市场上有效供给正容易地售出。 3、交易还算活跃:有效供给售出速度比一般情况下略快。 4、交易中等:有效供给以适当的速度售出。 5、交易尚慢:有效供给正在售出。 6、交易缓慢:有效供给不容易售出。 rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 7、交易非常缓慢:有效供给没有售出,大量供给卖不出去。 8、交易呆滞:销售断断续续的,买主或卖主很少。 五、供给与需求 (一)供给。是指在当前市场价格上的有效产品量,为当时的贸易提供的特定商品的现有的数量,包括当期的产量和上期末的库存。 1、市场活动:指销售活动正在进行的地方。 2、活跃:现有的供应完全使市场供求平衡。 3、适中:现有的供应在合理的价格上使市场达到供求平衡。 4、缓慢:现有的供应不易使市场供求达到平衡。 5、不活跃:销售断断续续地,没有几个买主或卖主。 6、大规模:供应的数量比所报告的市场平均值高。 7、中等:供应的数量是所报告的市场平均值。 8、小规模:供应的数量比所报告的市场平均值低。 (二)需求。拥有某种东西的愿望,特指有支付能力的需要。 1、非常好:供给被迅速地消化吸收。 2、好:由于对部分买主有可靠的信心,市场总的来讲条件是好的,交易要比平常更加活跃。 3、适中:买主购买兴趣和交易处于一般水平。 4、弱:需求低于一般水平。 5、非常弱:几乎没有买主对交易有兴趣。 CPI即消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index),英文缩写为CPI,是反映与居民生活有关的产品及劳务价格统计出来的物价变动指标,通常作为观察通货膨胀水平的重要指标。 PPI 又称作生产者物价指数:生产者物价指数主要的目的在衡量各种商品在不同的生产阶段的价格变化情形。 一般而言,商品的生产分为三个阶段:一、 完成阶段:商品至此不再做任何加工手续;二、 中间阶段:商品尚需作进一步的加工;三、 原始阶段:商品尚未做任何的加工。 PPI是衡量工业企业产品出厂价格变动趋势和变动程度的指数,是反映某一时期生产领域价格变动情况的重要经济指标,也是制定有关经济政策和国民经济核算的重要依据。 根据价格传导规律,PPI对CPI有一定的 影响。PPI反映生产环节价格水平,CPI反映消费环节的价格水平。整体价格水平的波动一般首先出现在生产领域,然后通过产业链向下游产业扩散,最后波及消费品。产业链可以分为两条:一是以工业品为原材料的生产,存在原材料?生产资料?生活资料的传导。另一条是以农产品为原料的生产,存在农业生产资料?农产品?食品的传导。在中国,就以上两个传导路径来看,目前第二条,即农产品向食品的传导较为充分,,2006年以来粮价上涨是拉动CPI上涨的主要因素。但第一条,即工业品向CPI的传导基本是失效的。 由于CPI不仅包括消费品价格,还包括服务价格,CPI与PPI在统计口径上并非严格的对应关系,因此CPI与PPI的变化出现不一致的情况是可能的。CPI与PPI持续处于背离状rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 态,这不符合价格传导规律。价格传导出现断裂的主要原因在于工业品市场处于买方市场以及政府对公共产品价格的人为控制。 在不同市场条件下,工业品价格向最终消费价格传导有两种可能情形:一是在卖方市场条件下,成本上涨引起的工业品价格(如电力、水、煤炭等能源、原材料价格)上涨最终会顺利传导到消费品价格上;二是在买方市场条件下,由于供大于求,工业品价格很难传递到消费品价格上,企业需要通过压缩利润对上涨的成本予以消化,其结果表现为中下游产品价格稳定,甚至可能继续走低,企业盈利减少。对于部分难以消化成本上涨的企业,可能会面临破产。可以顺利完成传导的工业品价格(主要是电力、煤炭、水等能源原材料价格)目前主要属于政府调价范围。在上游产品价格(PPI)持续走高的情况下,企业无法顺利把上游成本转嫁出去,使最终消费品价格(CPI)提高,最终会导致企业利润的减少。 CPI和PPI严重倒挂说明什么问题? 相对于PPI,CPI是一个滞后指标。但PPI 对CPI有一定的传导作用,这种传导作用来自两个方面:一是生活资料出厂价格变化直接影响CPI 的变化;二是生资料出厂价格的变化,直接引起生消费品的企业生成本的变化,间接影响CPI 变化。例如石油价格涨价,会导致石化品涨价,石化品涨价导致化纤价格提高,进而导致纺织品和服装成本上升,从而推高消费品价格。因此在多数情况下CPI和PPI走势方向是相同的。 由于PPI 影响CPI 主要通过影响下企业的采购成本来实现,要受到种种环境因素制约,加上国家策对部分关键价格的策调控,这种影响具有一定的不确定性。另外,由于PPI 和CPI 的调查内容明显不同,也会导致PPI 和CPI 的不一致。比如因为消费结构的原因,食品价格在我国CPI构成中权重很大,而在PPI构成中食品权重相对较小,而能源、原材料占很大比重,这种内容差异也会导致CPI和PPI出现走势差异乃至背离。 国内PPI和CPI“剪刀差”(倒挂)现象从08年5月份开始。5月PPI同比上涨8.2%,CPI上涨7.7%,PPI在本轮物价上涨中首次反超CPI0.5个百分点,6月则反超1.7个百分点,7月反超3.7个百分点,而8月这个“剪刀差”扩大至5.2个百分点。CPI和PPI倒挂显示制造企业毛利率进一步压缩,企业利润下滑趋势短期内难见拐点,未来业绩不容乐观。 CPI是什么意思, CPI指消费者物价指数(ConsumerPriceIndex),英文缩写为CPI,反映居民购买并用于消费的商品和服务项目价格水平的变动趋势和变动幅度的指数。其调查内容既有城乡居民日常生活需要的各类消费品,也包括与人民生活密切相关的多种服务项目,具体分为食品、烟酒及用品、衣着、家庭设备用品及服务、医疗保健及个人用品、交通和通信、娱乐教育文化用品及服务、居住等八大类。根据按抽样调查原理选中的近12万户城乡居民家庭(其中,城市近5万户,农村近7万户)的消费支出资料,选定了251个基本分类、约700个规格品种的商品和服务项目,作为我国居民消费价格调查的“商品篮子”,其中不包括投资品和资产项目。在现场采集基础价格资料后,采用国际上通行的方法计算居民消费价格指数。 从2001年起,我国采用国际通用做法,逐月编制并公布以2000年价格水平为基期的居民消费价格定基指数,作为反映我国通货膨胀(或紧缩)程度的主要指标。经国务院批准,国家统计局城调总队负责全国居民消费价格指数的编制及相关工作,并组织、指导和管理各省区市的消费价格调查统计工作。 我国编制价格指数的商品和服务项目,根据全国城乡近11万户居民家庭消费支出构成资料和有关规定rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 确定,目前共包括食品、烟酒及用品、衣着、家庭设备用品及服务、医疗保健及个人用品、交通和通讯、娱乐教育文化用品及服务、居住八大类,251个基本分类,约700个代表品种。居民消费价格指数就是在对全国,,,个样本市县近,万个采价点进行价格调查的基础上,根据国际规范的和公式算出来的。 PPI是什么意思, PPI是英文 Producer Price Index 的缩写,意为生产者价格指数或工业品出厂价格指数,简称PPI。 PPI是衡量工业企业产品出厂价格变动趋势和变动程度的指数,是反映某一时期生产领域价格变动情况的重要经济指标,也是制定有关经济政策和国民经济核算的重要依据。目前,我国PPI的调查产品有4000多种(含规格品9500多种),覆盖全部39个工业行业大类,涉及调查种类186个。 rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities
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