

2017-10-13 15页 doc 46KB 30阅读




注意力集中游戏注意力集中游戏 一 舒尔特方格法 舒尔特训练法,是世界上最专业最普及最简略的训练法,普遍利用于飞翔员航天员的训练,也是广大学生的有效训练法,此法保持一段时间就会觉得有很显明的提高。该心理训练系统适用于 1 — 12 年级学生及成年人,在家可自制 “舒尔特方格”几十张,由家长主持,每日坚持对学生进行 5 分钟训练,可有效地改善学生注意力分散的症状,明显改善和提高学生的注意力水平,从根本上做到上课注意听讲,高效率、高质量完成作业,提高学习效率,自然而然地降低考试错误率,顺理成章地达到提高考试成绩的目的。 舒尔特方格是在一张方...
注意力集中游戏 一 舒尔特方格法 舒尔特训练法,是世界上最专业最普及最简略的训练法,普遍利用于飞翔员航天员的训练,也是广大学生的有效训练法,此法保持一段时间就会觉得有很显明的提高。该心理训练系统适用于 1 — 12 年级学生及成年人,在家可自制 “舒尔特方格”几十张,由家长主持,每日坚持对学生进行 5 分钟训练,可有效地改善学生注意力分散的症状,明显改善和提高学生的注意力水平,从根本上做到上课注意听讲,高效率、高质量完成作业,提高学习效率,自然而然地降低考试错误率,顺理成章地达到提高考试成绩的目的。 舒尔特方格是在一张方形卡片上画上 1CM × 1CM 的 25 个方格(注意:方格必定是要这个尺寸的),格子内任意填写上阿拉伯数字 1 ― 25 的共 25 个数字。训练时,请求被测者用手指按 1 ― 25 的次序依次指出其地位,同时诵读出声。舒尔特方格不仅可用来测量儿童注意力的稳固性,而且用这套图表保持天天练习一遍,那么孩子注意力水平就能得到大幅度提高。应用这种方式的时侯,家长可以自制几套卡片,绘制表格,任意填上数字。从,开端,边念边指出相应的数字,直到,,为止。同时诵读出声,施测者一旁记载所用时光。数完 25 个数字所用光阴越短,注意力水平越高。以 12 ―― 14 岁年龄组为例,能到达 16 :以上为优良,学习成就应是名列前茅, 26 :属于中等水平,班级排名会在中游或偏下, 36 :则问题较大,测验会呈现不合格现象。 18 岁及以上成年人最好可到达 8 :的程度, 20 :为中等程度。 练习的时间越长,看表所需的时间会越短。随着练习的深入,眼球的末梢视觉能力提高,不仅初学者可以有效地拓展视幅,加快阅读节奏,锻炼眼睛快速认读;而且对于进入提高阶段之后,同时拓展纵横视幅,达到一目十行、一目一页非常有效。 每表按字符顺序,迅速找全所有的字符,平均1个字符用1秒钟成绩为优良,即9格用9秒、16格用16秒、25格用25秒。 练习开始,达到不标准是非常正常的,切莫急躁。应该从9格开始练起。感觉熟练或比较轻松达到要求之后,再逐渐增加难度,千万不要因急于求成而使学习热情受挫。 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 视野较宽、注意力参数较高的读者,可以从25格开始练习。如果有兴趣继续提高练习的难度,还可以自己制作36格、49格、64格、81格的表。 为了避免反复用相同的表产生记忆,你可以自己动手制作不同难度、不同排序的舒尔特表,规格大致为边长20厘米的正方形,1套制作10张表。也可选用汉字,但一定要选择自己熟悉的文字。 家庭操作注意: ?眼睛距表30,35厘米,视点自然放在表的中心; ?在所有字符全部清晰入目的前提下,按顺序(1,9,A,I,汉字应先熟悉原文顺序)找全所有字符,注意不要顾此失彼,因找一个字符而对其他字符视而不见; ?每看完一个表,眼睛稍做休息,或闭目,或做眼保健操,不要过分疲劳; ?练习初期不考虑记忆因素。每天看10个表。 附例表: ,, , ,, ,, ,, , ,, ,, , ,, ,, , ,, ,, , ,, ,, , ,, ,, , , ,, , ,, 二 辨音法 这种方法取材广泛,简单易行,它既能训练孩子的注意力集中性,还personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 有助于消除疲劳,增强孩子听力。 方法1:打开收音机,听广播,然后放低音量,然后再放低音量,把音量慢慢调到尽可能低,低到刚好听清为止。微弱的声音迫使自己尽力集中注意力,使自己的注意力集中性得到训练。这个训练的时间最好不要超过15分钟,否则易导致疲劳。 也可以用钟声来做练习。这种训练最好在睡觉之前做。要求训练者用正确放松的坐姿或仰卧的睡姿,平心静气地倾听闹钟的嘀哒声。开始听时,会感到闹钟声即轻且远。经过一段时间训练后,就会觉得钟声变响了,变近了,如果练到能感觉到钟声是从周围墙壁和门窗上反弹回来的时候,这就表明训练者的注意力已经集中到非常惊人的地步了。当孩子经过一段时间的训练有所提高后,可以要求他边听音边做一些默读训练或两位数的乘、除心算以提高难度。 坚持这种训练,可以增强闹中取静的能力,使注意力集中的强度大大提高,可以不怕外界干扰而能集中注意力去学习。 方法2:家长读一篇孩子没听过的文章,要求孩子边听边找出指定,听到了以拍手表示。如:边听边找出所有的“的”字,听到一个拍一下手,读完全文后再统计。训练一段时间后,可增加难度,如找成语,找数量词,找表示颜色的词等等。开始训练时,家长朗读的速度可稍慢,以后速度逐渐加快。 三 拼图 让孩子玩拼图,从数量少的拼图起,逐渐增加拼图的块数。拼图要选儿童熟悉的、喜欢的形象,比如小动物、卡通形象等,让他完成后有惊喜、亲切的情感收获。如果儿童入门困难,可以让他对照着完整图形进行拼搭,指点他注意图块拼接处的特点。 拼图游戏需要高度集中注意力,喜欢拼图的孩子,有时能达到十分入迷的程度,可在相当长的一段时间里持续研究、拼搭。注意,拼图的难度要逐渐加大,要让孩子有成功感,才能保持他对拼图的热情。 四 小帮手 孩子对父母的日常用品很关注,利用这个特点可设计一些游戏。比如,出门前,让他帮忙找你的手袋。手袋要一直放在规定的地方,待儿童熟悉后,悄personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 悄挪动位置,但不要藏匿,让他稍加寻找就可以看见。儿童找到后,要感谢他,并引导他说出手袋应该放在何处。同样的游戏,可转换成找拖鞋、找衣服等。 寻找物件的游戏目标明确,容易集中起注意力,同时的收获是,孩子耳濡目染养成井井有条的习惯,有益于形成理性思维和良好的注意力。 五 找不同 一幅图片上,有长耳朵动物,比如兔子等,有短耳朵动物,比如熊猫等,长耳朵和短耳朵动物各两三种。让儿童找出长耳朵动物,再找出短耳朵动物。这个游戏也可以改成找长尾巴动物和短尾巴动物、找有烟囱的屋子和没有烟囱的屋子„„也可借助专门的找不同的书或游戏软件。 六 一模一样 和孩子面对面,你一边报“眼睛”、“鼻子”、“嘴巴”、“耳朵”、“手”、“脚”„„一边触摸自己五官四肢的相关部位,让孩子跟着做,比一比谁正确、速度快。开始时一个部位、一个部位地报,随着熟练程度的加强,你可以连续报三个部位,如“眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴”,让儿童连续触摸,报的速度也可逐渐加快。 这个游戏在高度兴奋中凝聚起注意力。游戏开始不强调左和右,比如,你触摸左耳朵,孩子可以因面对面而模仿着触摸自己的右耳朵。熟练后可增加难度强调左右。 七 发现美丽 利用大自然的天然色彩,让孩子寻找。比如,找出万绿丛中的一点红、一点黄。当儿童能力增强时,让他在斑斓色彩中寻找某一种色彩的植物或事物。在广袤的背景中寻觅,对孩子的注意力是一种“考验”。 八 抗干扰游戏 本来一个人要保持注意力高度集中就不容易,如果旁边再有人进行干扰,会觉得更难以集中注意。游戏时让孩子独立进行成一项活动,(如:画画,读儿歌,拍球,数数,走直线等),家长人为设置干扰,训练注意力的高度集中。例如:让孩子把乒乓球放在球拍上,绕桌子行走一圈,要求乒乓球不能掉下来。家长在旁边进行捣乱,但不能碰到他的身体。一会儿拍手跺脚,一会大喊大叫,还一边说“掉了~掉了~”孩子必须抗住干扰,不得不保持镇定和注意力集中,personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 完成游戏。类似的这种游戏,对提高注意力非常有效。 九 多米诺骨牌 大约有七成“难以集中注意力”的孩子,通过这个骨牌堆放的游戏,其耐到长足的进步。多米诺骨牌训练其实是考验孩子能将单一的动作坚持多久的一个训练—将来,我们不能指望孩子所面临的所有学习科目都是多变、有趣、富有挑战性的,遇到重复训练会不会使孩子犯“老毛病”,骨牌训练无论对心神的专一、心神集中的持续时间,都是一个极好的练习。而把几百块骨牌瞬间推倒的快感,也能促使孩子对训练的“单调”产生耐受性—是的,只要最终有快乐和成就感,孩子就可以逾越集中注意力所产生的单调感。 十 韵律操 对特别好动的孩子而言,学会较复杂的韵律操可以带来成就感,也可以解决其心神浮躁的问题。每个难以集中注意力的孩子,我们都要分析他是好静型、还是好动型。文静的孩子才忍受得了堆放多米诺骨牌的挑战,对于好动的孩子,让他三天之内学会一套韵律操,会使他的注意力和接受能力成倍上升。 十一 玩扑克游戏。可锻炼注意力高度集中和快速反应能力。 取三张不同的牌(去掉花牌),随意排列于桌上,如从左到右依次是梅花2,黑桃3,方块5、选取一张要记住的牌,如梅花2,让孩子盯住这张牌,然后把三张牌倒扣在桌上,由家长随意更换三张牌的位置,然后,让他报出梅花2在哪儿。如猜对了,就胜,两人轮换做游戏。随着能力的提高,家长可以增加难度,如增加牌的数量,变换牌的位置的次数和提高变换牌位置的速度。 十二 反口令 家长说一个口令,孩子按照发口令做动作。例如说:向前一步走,那就做向后一步退。可以家长和孩子轮流发布口令。 十三 圈字游戏 家长随意写下有很多很多的数的数表,然后让孩子把表中指定的数字全部打圈。 例如:圈出所有的7: 359156936982452365023665253622602369500 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 907472002582058205820581242563514252123...... 也可以让孩子从指定的一篇文章中圈出指定的汉字,如:圈出所有的“的”字。 十四 追踪思考 在桌上摆三四件小物品,如瓶子、纸盒、钢笔、书等,对每件物品进行追踪思考各两分钟,即在两分钟内思考某件物品的一系列有关内容.例如思考瓶子时,想到各种各样的瓶子,想到各种瓶子的用途,想到瓶子的制造,造玻璃的矿石来源等.这时,控制自己不想别的物品.两分钟后,立即把注意力转移到第二件物品上.开始时,较难做到两分钟后的迅速转移,但如果每天练习10多分钟,两周后情况就大有好转了. 十五 大脑抽屉 训练要求设想出自己的三个.比如学习某学科知识的计划,旅游计划,制作航模计划.对每个计划分别思考2—3分钟.在思考一个计划时排除其它干扰,特别是排除另两个计划的干扰.这个训练比上一个难,开始训练时可以先对每个计划思考一分钟,逐渐增加时间,但不要超过3分钟. 十六 画面回忆 盯住一张画,然后闭上眼睛,回忆画面的内容,尽理做到完整.例如画中的人物、衣着、桌椅及各种摆设.回忆后睁开眼睛再看一下原画,如不完整,再重新回忆一遍.这个训练既可培养注意力集中,也可提高注意更广范围的能力. 也可以回忆一组无规律的数字或汉字来进行训练。 十七 白日做梦 让孩子全身放松,在他读一本书,一本杂志或一张报纸中选择任意一句话追溯思考,将文字表达的画面进行联想,在头脑中形成动态联想的画面。这种集中注意力的练习实际上随时随地都可以做. 十八 随意书写 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 准备一张白纸,用7分钟时间,写完1—300这一系列数字.测验前先练习一下,感到书写流利很有把握后就开始.注意掌握时间,越接近结束速度会越慢,稍放慢就会写不完.一般写199时每个数不到一秒钟,后面的三位数字书写每个要超过一秒钟,另外换行书写也需花时间.要求在四百二十秒钟内准确写完300个数字. 测验要求: (1) 能看出所写的字,不至于过分潦草. (2) 写错了不许改,也不许做标记,接着写下去. (3) 到规定时间,如写不完必须停笔. 结果评定,家长将测验情况记录,留与以后的测验作比较. personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional
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