

2017-08-30 7页 doc 24KB 70阅读




描写天气的成语成语 解释 云淡风轻 〖解释〗微风轻拂,浮云淡薄。形容天气晴好。亦作“风轻云淡”。 万里无云 〖解释〗湛湛蓝天,没有一丝云彩。形容天气晴朗。 秋高气和 〖解释〗形容秋空高朗、天气晴和。 风轻云净 〖解释〗微风轻拂,浮云淡薄。形容天气晴好。同“风轻云淡”。 碧空万里 〖解释〗万里:指面积大,距离长。形容天气晴朗。 〖解释〗碧空:浅蓝色的天空。蓝色的天空明净得像洗过一样。碧空如洗 形容天气晴朗。 冰雪严寒 〖解释〗严寒:极度寒冷。冰天雪地,天气寒冷。 知地知天 地:地形:天:天气。了解地形,了解气候。 云迷雾锁 形容天气...
成语 解释 云淡风轻 〖解释〗微风轻拂,浮云淡薄。形容天气晴好。亦作“风轻云淡”。 万里无云 〖解释〗湛湛蓝天,没有一丝云彩。形容天气晴朗。 秋高气和 〖解释〗形容秋空高朗、天气晴和。 风轻云净 〖解释〗微风轻拂,浮云淡薄。形容天气晴好。同“风轻云淡”。 碧空万里 〖解释〗万里:指面积大,距离长。形容天气晴朗。 〖解释〗碧空:浅蓝色的天空。蓝色的天空明净得像洗过一样。碧空如洗 形容天气晴朗。 冰雪严寒 〖解释〗严寒:极度寒冷。冰天雪地,天气寒冷。 知地知天 地:地形:天:天气。了解地形,了解气候。 云迷雾锁 形容天气昏暗,气氛阴森。 雨僝云僽 谓不好的天气把人折磨。 铄石流金 高温熔化金石。形容天气酷热。 折胶堕指 极言天气寒冷。 日丽风清 阳光明丽,清风送爽。形容天气晴和。 日丽风和 和风习习,阳光灿烂。形容晴朗暖和的天气。 飘风苦雨 形容天气恶劣。 焦沙烂石 将沙烧焦,石烧烂。形容天气非常酷热。 焦金烁石 使金石熔化枯焦。形容天气酷热。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 和风丽日 谓天气温暖而晴朗。 寒风侵肌 形容天气寒冷 微风轻拂,浮云淡薄。形容天气晴好。亦作“风轻云净”、“云风轻云淡 淡风轻”。 惨雨酸风 犹言凄风苦雨。指令人伤感的天气。亦以喻不安定的局势。 窖:收藏东西的地洞。到处是冰和雪。形容天气寒冷,也指严寒雪窖冰天 地区。 雪虐风饕 虐:暴虐;饕:贪残。又是刮风,又是下雪。形容天气非常寒冷。 五黄六月 指阴历五、六月间天气最炎热的时候。 天寒地冻 形容天气极为寒冷。 十冬腊月 指阴历十月、十一、十二月天气寒冷的季节。 秋高气爽 形容秋季晴空万里,天气清爽。 原指人们珍视晚晴天气,后多用以比喻社会上尊重德高望重的老人间重晚晴 前辈。 凄风:寒冷的风;苦雨:久下成灾的雨。形容天气恶劣。后用来凄风苦雨 比喻境遇悲惨凄凉。 虹:彩虹;销:同“消”,消失;霁:本指雨止,也引申为天气虹销雨霁 放睛。彩虹消失,雨后天睛。 范围极为广阔的千山万水都处于皎洁的月光照射之下。形容月光皓月千里 皎洁,天气暗和。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 风和日丽 和风习习,阳光灿烂。形容晴朗暖和的天气。 春暖花开 本指春天气候宜人,景物优美。现也比喻大好时机。 流金铄石 形容天气酷热,好象金石都快要熔化 苦雨凄风 形容天气恶劣。比喻情景凄苦悲凉 焦金流石 金属烧焦,石头熔化。形容天气干旱酷热 风雨交加 大风暴雨一齐袭来。形容天气十分恶劣 滴水成冰 水滴下去就结成冰。形容天气十分寒冷 薄暮冥冥 薄暮:傍晚;冥冥:天昏地暗。傍晚时天气昏暗 欣欣向荣 川流不息 接踵摩肩 车水马龙 高楼林立 大厦摩天 举袖为云 挥汗如雨 接踵而至 络绎不绝 门庭若市 热闹非凡 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded “咳,咳,兔小弟,龙大哥来接班了。”瞧,来了。 “龙大哥,时间还没到呢,咋就这么急急火火。” 龙大哥扯扯衣服,一脸神气:“怎么样,咱盛装打扮,不错吧,” “嗯,好看。不过龙年还早呢,这么漂亮的衣服应该在新年穿吧。” “好,兔小弟,过几天我再来。嘻嘻。”龙大哥傻笑着,他那眼神中满满都是迫不及待。 新年的钟声将要敲响。家家灯火通明,龙大哥探头一看,似乎人间才是星空。 “老大哥,再见了。”兔小弟摆摆手走远了。 “再见,兔小弟。”龙大哥大喊着,眼睛笑开了花。 龙年真的到了。 我一天天掰着指头倒计时,3天、2天、1天、0天。 新年新气象。家家都在吃团圆饭,家家都会传出欢声笑语。人腾腾的饺子出锅了,饱餐一顿,吃的是幸福、是团圆。家家门前挂起红灯笼,贴上红对联,家家都有福,家家满是财。烟火在空中绽放,红的、绿的、黄的、紫色的、五颜六色的,有直穿云霄的,有绽放笑脸的,让你眼花缭乱。 “快来,看春晚啦。”一家人围在桌前,嗑着瓜子,谈着闲话,不停的发短信,一条条祝福从四海涌来。大家通宵一宿,只为等待新年的第一刻钟。每年春晚都是一样精彩,总会给守岁的人带来欢笑。美丽的舞蹈,发笑后又令人深思的小品,还有激起大家好奇心的魔术this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 表演,惊心动魄的杂技。最让我感动的是一年中的回忆,这时我才感觉到祖国真的长大了,祖国真的崛起了,高兴的心理增添了自豪。 “倒数啦。“10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1,人们激动得跳起来,而且全世界的中国人大喊倒数着,越来越激动,越来越高兴,当钟声敲响时大家欢呼起来,举起杯来,击起掌来,心狂跳着,一起庆祝新的开始。 “拜年啦。”赶紧穿好新衣服,去长辈家送上祝福。大家谈论着,笑着,把糖一把一把往我口袋里塞。长辈总是会给红包的,我高兴的接在手中,心里盘算着如何处置呢。 一年又一年,时间似流水一般过去,鞭炮的响声串联着春节的节奏,我高声喊道: “龙大哥,一定要加油哦~” “大家都要加油哦,大家都要幸福哟。”龙大哥喊道。 义门四年级学生:冯娜 万人空巷 水泄不通 人声鼎沸 人欢马叫 人山人海 比肩继踵 项背相望 沸沸扬扬 盛况空前 座无虚席 济济一堂 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 在寒假里,有许多趣事。其中最有趣的是去姥姥家和两个调皮的妹妹捏泥塑。 我们首先从鸭笼里找来了一个铜罐子,想用它盛装泥巴。没想到里面居然装满了又臭又硬的硬泥块。我捂着鼻子,跑到鸭笼子前把泥土倒了,又拾了二块砖头并在一起当台子。 接着我们又找来一个袋子,把土装上,不一会儿土也装满了。就差水了,我拿着瓶子,到卫生间灌满了水,走出卫生间,溜出大门,跑到麦垛下。看两位妹妹已经等候多时了,我就连忙把水“咕咚咕咚”地倒进了罐子。 泥巴搅拌好了,我们都在专心的捏着。我捏了一个对我来说很简单的葫芦,妹妹王珂捏了一朵桃花,也不知道那朵花儿包含了她多少滴的汗水。连最小的妹妹郝丹宁,也让一堆又丑又难看的泥巴摇身变成了一个7可爱的小苹果。 这件事给我带来了许多快乐,我会把它刻在心间。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 早起是教书和收破烂的; 晚睡是教书和按摩院的; 担惊受怕是教书和犯案的; 没饭点儿是教书和要饭的; 男人不着家是教书和花天酒地的; 女人不顾娃是教书和搞婚外恋的; 随叫随到是教书和发快件儿的; 加班不补休是教书和摆地摊儿的; 24小时接客是教书和天上人间的; 周末节日不休是教书和淘宝开店的; 不能说错话是教书和当播音员的; 不能出丝毫差错是教书和发射宇宙飞船的; 打不能还手是教书和做拳击陪练的; 骂不能还口是教书和开挨骂网店的; 以考试为生是教书和上了高三的; 活到老学到老是教书和搞科学实验的; this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 接受五花八门检查是教书和当上准妈妈的; 别人睡着你站着是 教书和看守八宝山的; 入了行就很难退出是教书和黑社会的; 入了行就发誓再也不让下辈沾是教书和贩白面儿的„„ this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded
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